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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. TDOH was Xtra fun and a place most people would want to live! I'm about to go live there in a few minutes myself!
  2. aisatsu!  Konbenwa!

  3. Do you remember mr. VENABLE and his daughter?
  4. Well he needs to remember how bad my Dolphins are....EVERY year!
  5. It IS amazing isn't it? I don't have the talent or patience for stuff like that, so I'm always impressed when I see things like this!
  6. Hey, where's Garrett been. I hope he's ok!
  7. I remember that! I was in Jr. high then! Hey do you remember Flookie Bufford? He was a really big deal here locally when I was a kid. I went to school with his nephew Mark. He was a big racing name around here in the early '70's..... OBITUARY: James Calvin "Flookie" Buford - Williamson Source
  8. SONNY made a good Enos character!
  9. Hey Garrett!! Where ya been Bud? We've been missin' ya!! :) 

  10. It's good to see you Youseff! We're a tight family around here and welcome you as a new member! Let us know if you have any questions about anything!
  11. Edmund Fitzgerald ( Gordon Lightfoot...remember? It was a real ship though!)
  12. If Boss and Rosco ever went straight....nobody in Hazzard would KNOW them!
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