OK guys....be ready for May 11 !! The DOHH!! ( Dukes Of Hazzard Holiday!) NOW......We need to come up with a plan of celebration, what to do, how to go about it, etc.
Just because they don't say anything, doesn't mean a LOT of things you support, doesn't come with a Leftist idealogy under it! It shows how certain groups own EVERY thing and they're ALL connected! ( Juat look at the commercials they're putting out now!)
Has anybody ever heard that saying after April Fool's day, when someone plays a trick on you and then says, " April Fools!", then the person tricked says, " April fools done passed...you're the biggest fool that will ever last!" I just remembered this from childhood!
I always thought the name " Heep" was a funny sounding name! Burton Glliam ( I 'm not sure how to spell his last name) played several times in the series and never seemed to be type cast! Heep.....his Irish counterpart would be called, " Heep O' Trouble! ( How's that one Hoss? ) Kind of like , What's Irish and sits on the back porch all night long?...........Patio Furniture!!
Convicts At Large is my fav.! ( " Maude, Al, if those hamburgers are burned, I won't be responsible." He called Barney Al through the whole thing....they probably had to de-program him to call him Barney again...LOL!!
I'm with you on that cousin! I feel your pain! Hey, if you want to pm me, I'll give you some pointers on whatever problems you're having. Hey, I know money, finances, etc. is a personal thing....so I'm just saying.....my shoulder and my ear are here.....