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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. old Rhubarb pie
  2. well....that USED to be so....now college is another form of welfare. The Feds will pay for your room, board etc. if you're in school. I know people I went to school with that weren't even trying to graduate! They had hundreds of credits but no degree. That happens when you switch majors 3/4 0f the way through.
  3. Right now, I'm watching When You Wish Upon A Hogg!!
  4. OK...as I promised....I'm watching, " The Haunting of JD Hogg" S7. E 13
  5. I'll let you guys know what episodes I'm watching as soon as Jeopardy is over! ( I just knew you guys were dying to know what I was going to watch! )
  6. Heat
  7. Nothing beats the Lone Ranger, though it's now politically incorrect!
  8. Def. Ms. Tri-Counties....Carnival of Thrills is probably my least fav.....got to be the goofiest one in the series!
  9. OK...What I'm doing now is watching Scooby Doo and waiting to see Jeopardy at 5pm central. Then the news...THEN another Jeopardy and THEN TDOH!! I should be very relaxed by then.....Natural Ice you know!
  10. Rifleman was a favorite of mine way back in the day! I'm 59....so I remember the ancient stuff!! LOL!
  11. This one is another one almost too close to call but if I had to give a preference, I'd say, DukeScam Scam
  12. Definitely New Deputy! One of the very few females on the series, that was prettier than Catherine!
  13. Most definitely Mz. Tisdale! The Dr Jekyll one, is one of my least favorite!
  14. Lewis Hamilton .....any kin to Denny??
  15. The same people doing this are the ones who will ultimately destroy civilization!.....But HEY! WAIT!! This is DOHD.....so let's save this for another time and get a DOH topic going......I've got S 7 Disc 5, and I'll be watching it soon. ( I've also got AB's in the frig...so.......!!! HAPPY DOHD EVERYBODY!! ( voice of Waylon: The people of Hazzard are so special, they have a speciall holiday, not annually but every week!! ( can you hear his voice.............The people of Hazzard ARE special! I could've told 'em that!)
  16. Right on Ma'am !! ....of course I did score on the lower end of the test.....LOL.....HEY! but I DID qualify!!
  17. Boss was getting his ZZZZ's when the Duke Boys paid him a visit on Christmas Eve.
  18. My uncle used to make it AND run it!! When asked about it ( I was little) , my mother said " Oh lord yes honey! We were always so scared he was going to get caught! He died when I was 7 and my cousin ( his son) was 6. We have the same birthday, one yr. apart! His name was Bill ( Uncle Bill) his son's name is Ray and he used to be a Tennessee highway patrolman! LOL! ....Funny how that worked out! ( Uncle Bill would've lost his mind! Ha! Ha!)
  19. fireplace
  20. I met one of my middle school teachers at Walmart after I'd grown up, got married etc. She said I hated school worse than any kid she ever knew!
  21. The XXX on the moonshine jugs was one X for each time the shine had passed through the still, to purify it.
  22. If I HAD to pick....MAYBE Under cover by a little!
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