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Posts posted by HossC

  1. I haven't featured Rhuebottom's far a while (mainly because it hasn't changed), so here it is in 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. As you can see, they now sell "Farm Fresh Vegetables and Produce". No prizes for guessing what happens to the guy painting the building next door when the State Police car arrives. The fresh produce meets the same fate when Rosco hits it a couple of episodes later in 'The Great Santa Claus Chase'.


    A new business briefly appears in 'Good Neighbors, Duke'. The 'Yellow Pine Lumber Co.' occupies the alley between buildings 12 and 13.


    In the same episode, 'Fanny's Fabrics' makes way for a hardware store in building #12 (next to the 'Yellow Pine Lumber Co.'). The hardware store becomes a regular fixture in Hazzard Square for many more episodes.


    Also in 'Good Neighbors, Duke', when Bo and Luke go to visit the 'Cedar City Gazette' they enter the same Tri-State Press building used in 'Return of the Ridge Raiders'. Then it was said to be in 'the state capital'. Even though they go into building #15, the interior shots are filmed inside building #2 (its first appearance in this thread). You can just see on this screengrab that it has 'Cedar City Gazette' on the window, even though we don't see it from the outside. Through the open door you can see the side of building #30, and if you look really closely in the top left corner you can just make out the words 'Cedar City' on building #31 (which was the impound yard in several episodes of season 2).


  2. Well done Roger (and his wife), and bonus points to MaryAnne for getting the name of the movie.

    Q. In 'Jude Emery' who quotes a line from the Sir Walter Scott poem 'Marmion' when they say "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."?:

    A) Uncle Jesse

    B) Jude Emery

    C) 'Snake' Harmon

    D) Boss Hogg

    E) Rosco

    F) Cooter

    (I have to confess, I knew the quote but had to look up where it was from ;))

  3. A couple here from 'Baa, Baa White Sheep', both involving the General on the way back from Finchburg.

    When they drive up the bank to avoid Abe Lincoln's Caddy, the General slides down into a tree and hits it quite hard. I'm sure this was unintentional. Sorry the screengrab is dark - I've lightened it a bit, but it was in shadow.


    Shortly after this they jump the State Police car. For the jump Daisy has very obviously been replaced by a none-too-convincing dummy. The dummy seems to have lots of hair, but no face. I've inset a picture of how Daisy actually looked in that episode.


  4. Another easily identifiable building that I haven't posted yet is the Court House. Here it is in 'The Late J.D. Hogg'. I think I incorrectly said that the court house was building #32 in my original post. Building #32 is actually the County Building, the Court House is building #33. Another sound stage is visible on the left.


    Also from 'The Late J.D. Hogg' is the 'Hazzard County Orphanage'. It's not the same building that was used in other episodes. In fact it's Boss's house. We only see it close up and the house only became Boss's house a couple of episodes back (and we didn't get a good look then), so I guess they thought we wouldn't notice. I've inset the sign from the front.


    Another mystery building appears in 'Uncle Boss'. Bo and Daisy are definitely on the roof of one of the buildings in Hazzard Square just before this, but there are no 3-storey buildings with a fire escape like this in Hazzard Square. My guess would be that it was filmed in the set just north of New York Street and Midwest Street. I can't seem to find a name for the street, but there are many taller buildings there. It gets used in later seasons too.


    I still don't know where this building is!. It was the State Courthouse in 'Duke of Duke', and CDoherty pointed out that it was the hospital in 'Welcome Back, Bo and Luke'. Here it's playing the part of 'State Capitol' in 'Uncle Boss'. Anyone else got a guess?.


  5. As the mailbox proves, in 'The Hazzardville Horror' Boss has taken up residence in building #20. The only part of the house we get to see in this episode is the front door, but if you look back to post #25 you can see the whole house.


    It's not surprising that Boss was moving all his valuables out of his house - the haunted house was actually just 2 houses away. It was redressed to look derelict, and all the shots of the people arriving at the house were filmed in a studio. If you look back to the last picture of post #13 in this thread you can see how the house looked in 'Arrest Jesse Duke'.


    I haven't posted a picture of the church yet, so here it is in a shot from 'And in This Corner, Luke Duke'. On the left is the bunting around the boxing ring that was on the County Building side of the gazebo.


    Just to prove that the disappearance of 'Victors Bail Bonds' was temporary, here it is in 'The Late J.D. Hogg'. Because the guy runs across the road in front of the General it was hard to show both windows at once, but Victors is now in buildings 5 and 6.


  6. Welcome to HNet. I've had a look around the internet, and it seems movie banners as large as yours are rare. Prices range hugely depending on desirability/rarity. Some of the smaller ones go for under $50, but there's a seller on ebay who's asking nearly $15k for an original 1977 Star Wars lobby banner. I'd guess you're looking at somewhere between the two. I used to work in the sign business, and a banner that big wouldn't have been cheap. I'd also recommend getting a tube to roll the banner around whilst it's in storage. This will prevent the creasing visible in your photos. A sign store or carpet store will probably be throwing large tubes away.

  7. Here's the last four pictures from 'Enos Strate to the Top'. I've included the first one because it gives a better view of 'Seth M. Berley & Co.' and because the the word 'Hazzard' is missing from the theater sign.


    I nearly posted the next two pictures in the Mistakes (Bloopers)/Things I've Noticed About The Show thread. In the first one the bad guys are about to pull up in their white truck outside 'Victors Bail Bonds' which has moved from building #6 to building #5. They check out a car parked outside the Barber Shop, then drive off in the car parked by the bank.


    In the second picture, taken very soon after the first, the bad guys have driven around the back of the County Building and Court House and then back into the square. During this time their truck and the first car they looked at have vanished, and 'Victors Bail Bonds' has reverted to 'Rick's Pool Room and Lounge'. The gray car looks suspiciously like the one used in 'Southern Comfurts'. Also note that the word 'Hazzard has reappeared on the theater.


    The last picture from this episode isn't from Hazzard Square. The Dukes give Enos a lift to the airport and I'm just curious to know which airport it was. I was hoping it might be Van Nuys as it's just off Roscoe Blvd. The other most likely contender is Bob Hope Airport. If it's any help, the plane is a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 belonging to Hughes Airwest shortly before their merger with Republic Airlines. Maybe someone knows where they used to fly from. The General appears to have its headlights visible here - something you don't see very often.


  8. More pictures from 'Enos Strate to the Top' today. This first picture is the corner of Hazzard Square where the impound yard was in season 1 (and the reason I assumed the pictures of the impound yard from 'Carnival of Thrills' must be taken somewhere else). The words 'Hazzard County' just seem to have been added to the back of the building on the left. On the right of the picture you can see the original single storey building #25 which served as 'Billy Jo Bob's Used Cars' in 'Southern Comfurts' (if you look at the picture a few posts back you can also see the side of the building on the left).


    The next picture must have been taken from the same place as the one above, somewhere around Cooter's. On the left you can see the 'City Drug' store (building #26), which can be seen close up in pictures I've already posted. I've included it here to show its position relative to the court house on the right.


    In this picture Luke (with Bo just behind) is running past the 'Hazzard Police' sign. Unlike the previous picture of this sign where it was illuminated, this one is completely smooth with no neon tubes to light up.


    In this episode building #16 has acquired a sign saying 'Warehouse'. Other than that I think it's the same as before. I've just noticed that in this frame it looks like Luke has three arms. I can assure you that the third one belongs to a guy in a brown shirt walking behind him.


  9. I've done some of this "try to ID a building from old pictures" thing before (though in my case they were actual NYC buildings) so I know how difficult it can be.

    I like a challenge. I recently identified a stretch of road used for filming in this thread with no buildings to go by.

    In 'Enos Strate to the Top' the footage of the General heading for Atlanta is re-used from 'Daisy's Song' in season 1. It was filmed on Freedom Parkway, Atlanta. If you look on Google Maps (Street View is only available on the eastbound side) you can still recognize many of the buildings, although several new tall buildings have also joined the skyline. Did they use the same piece of road in the 2005 movie?. I've never been able to sit through it a second time.


    Sadly, unlike in 'Daisy's Song', the real Atlanta wasn't used in this episode. The Atlanta National Bank was actually the corner of New York Street on the backlot. If you look at the map above from 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt' it is the other side of the road from the Youth Center (the point marked 'A') just at the end of the crosswalk. I'll probably add a different angle of New York Street in the future which will show it more clearly.


    The Palace movie theater is also in New York Street. The projecting part of the sign can clearly be seen near the point marked 'B' on the 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt' map. The City Morgue picture from that episode is taken underneath it. In fact the bad guys in 'Enos Strate to the Top' are parked where the City Morgue was. The Palace is showing the 1980 movie 'The Hollywood Knights' starring Tony Danza and Michelle Pfeiffer.


    Finally for this post we're back in Hazzard Square. This is the inside of the post office (building #11) which is the actual interior of that building. Enos still has to take his ticket so he can be served.


  10. Season 3 sees the Dukes head for Cedar City Fairgrounds in 'Carnival of Thrills'. I'm pretty sure this was filmed just north of New York Street, with the backs of buildings 1, 2 and 3 being visible under the sign. The tip of the church seems to be visible a little way above the '01' on the General's door.


    Most of the action in this episode takes place in or around the Hazzard Fair Grounds ('Fair Grounds' was 2 words on the poster). In real life this was filmed at Saugus Speedway on Soledad Canyon Road in Santa Clarita, CA. From what I can find online, this is now used for swap meets. It was also seen in 'Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough' and 'Hazzard Connection'. Here's a more recent picture, or you can explore it yourself on Google Maps.


    I'll finish this post with another mystery building. There's not a lot of background to go on here. When Rosco impounds the General it gets taken back to the Hazzard Impound Yard. Initially I assumed this was back in the corner near 'O'Connor Paint Supply' (where it had been in season 1), but I have a shot from 'Enos Strate to the Top' to post in the next day or so that shows this area has been changed. It could really be any corrugated building with a sign stuck on it.


    Here's another angle with what looks like a trailer behind Boss and Rosco (I love the look on Boss's face).


  11. I wonder if the folks at the wedding liked Hoss's hat.

    Bet you'd never seen a 01 hat with a General Lee fascinator before :).

    Incidentally, Kate Middleton's first name is short for Catherine, not Katrina - I know how conmen named Roger get caught out by small details like that ;).

    Weirdly, now she's married, she will known as Princess William or the Duchess of Cambridge - reminds me of when Ronald Reagan called William's mother Princess David.

    Back to the quiz; Roger and waikiki were right (so it was fun to agree).

    It's been a while since we had a picture question, so:

    Q. Which guest actress from Dukes is this (character name is fine)?. It was her acting debut about 14 years before she appeared in Dukes. I'll post some clues if no one gets it.


  12. I think I've found the road you're looking for. It's called either Pico Canyon Road or Potrero Canyon Road depending on which map you look at. It's only about a mile south of the location I posted last night. Here's a screengrab from 'Big Brothers, Duke':


    And here's a picture from Google Maps:


    They seem to go up and down the same bit of road a few times in 'Comrade Duke' because the hill with the pylons on (which would be behind you if you looked in the direction of the photos above) appears several times. I'm not sure if the aerial shots were filmed here, but most of the ground shots were. Here's a link to the location on Google Maps.

    While watching the chase at the end of 'Comrade Duke' I spotted that the front tire on the patrol car was definitely punctured after the doors were ripped off, but miraculously fully pumped up when the car came to rest. The orange section in the blue part of the lightbar seems to have disappeared too.


  13. Here's the last couple of pictures from 'Southern Comfurts', and the last from season 2. The first is building #20, which becomes Boss's house later on, but is just a background house here.


    Opposite Boss's house is this house. I don't remember it being used for anything, but if you know differently, let me know. I've also been trying to identify the car with the white roof on the far left. It looks like something from the late 50s.


    There's also a scene in the Burt Reynolds movie "Hooper" that I'm pretty sure was filmed on this lot at the gazebo.

    (Unsurprisingly) MaryAnne is right. It's only a short scene with dialog and no stunts. The first picture shows buildings 9 to 12 as the camera moves down to the gazebo. They were changed quite a bit before Dukes started filming here a year or two later.


    The second shot shows that the 'Moss Hotel' sign was on top of building #2 back in 1978. It's visible in quite a few episodes of Dukes, even though no one ever stays there. The building behind Max (John Marley) would become Boss's bank.


  14. The area where Daisy picks up Natasha in the bi-plane looks like it may be an old airfield. I found this site that details a runway at Indian Dunes. It doesn't mention Dukes, but does say the runway was "used for filming of The Black Sheep Squadron TV series [1976-78]" and "also used by many other films & TV shows & rented from Newhall Land.â€

    Not sure if this is the place, and the runway no longer exists, but you can check it out for yourself on Google Maps.

  15. You are correct Roger.

    Apparently there's a wedding going on in London tomorrow, so I thought I'd ask a question about an episode with a wedding. During the night here the BBC News channel shows half hour sections of ABC News, and I'd swear last night they used The Dambusters March for their wedding coverage music. I'm still trying to see the link between a royal wedding and the bombing of German dams in the Ruhr valley during WWII :-?.

    Q. In 'Mrs. Roscoe P. Coltrane' where did Sue Ann say she'd come from?:

    A) Handlyville

    B) Center City

    C) Coreyville

    D) Capitol City

    E) Spring Pines

  16. This was my second attempt at doing rings. I like how it came out, but the rings bug me.

    You sound like me when I'm posting my Fan Art. There's always some detail about my pictures that bugs me, or I feel I didn't get quite right. Let me assure you, I think the rings look great.

    This is my third attempt at a nebula. They're a lot of fun to make. There's no end to what they can look like and what colors they can be ^^ Even if they're not realistic colors, it's still fun to do.

    I can see why you'd have fun doing nebulae. I wouldn't know where to start, but can relate to the way you feel doing them. I'm not sure what a realistic color would be - apparently the universe is beige overall, but a bit of color here and there doesn't go amiss :).

  17. This picture is slightly out of sequence because I wanted to keep all the 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt' pictures together. It's the freight depot (building #17) where Bo and Luke mistakenly pick up the crate containing marijuana in 'Mason Dixon's Girls'. I think the shelter from the bus station is still there just above the car roof, but I can't see the clock anymore. Also worth noting in this picture is that 'McDermott's Furniture Mart' has become 'Seth M. Berley & Co.' (you can see part of the sign to the left of the hay bales). It's visible in the background a few times, but I couldn't get a clear shot in season 2.


    Moving on to 'Southern Comfurts', during the search for the missing gray car containing the money, Uncle Jesse and Holly say they are going to look in Pine Springs. This was actually filmed in a car park next to Hazzard Square. The tower in the center is part of building #15 (most recently 'Tri-State Press'). The back of building #16 is shown on the left, and it's clear that it has no depth as you can see right through it. The area between Uncle Jesse and the tower is where the semi was parked in 'Route 7-11'.


    A second picture of the car park indicates it was probably used to store vehicles being used for filming as there is a line of what look like 1920s or 1930s cars in the background. Just to the left of the cab of Jesse's pickup what looks like the shell of a General Lee. A new building has been constructed on this site since filming.


    Bo and Luke head to Center City to look for the gray car. Here is the elusive gray car at 'Billy Jo Bob's Used Cars' which is actually building #25. We don't really get to see the building in this episode, except for the sign which I've inset. This part of Warner's backlot is known as 'French Street'. The dark blue car on the left is a 1960s Sunbeam Alpine.


  18. I've finally given in to the voice in my head that was telling me I should have done the 'DIXIE' decals properly, instead of copying the one that's at Cooter's. I've also done a version as it appeared in 'The Runaway'. In the pictures I had the wheels looked more copper colored, so I have adjusted them accordingly. The word 'DIXIE' was also in a copper color, rather than the black that was used later on the hood. All it needs now is a yellow bow :).


  19. These pictures are from 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt'. They were not filmed in Hazzard Square (Midwest Street on Warner's backlot), but on New York Street, the next set over. I'll start with a map to show where this is relative to Hazzard Square. At the bottom left is the Hazzard County Building and Courthouse, with the bank roughly in the center at the bottom.


    As Bo and Luke arrive in Capitol City they pass a bakery (where the guy in blue is walking). I can't read the name, but I think the arced text says 'Italian Bakery'. This picture also shows how the street lights are mounted on square bases to allow them to moved around easily.


    This is the entrance to the Youth Center. It is right next to the bakery (the two girls in the previous picture were walking past the right end of the building). I marked its location 'A' on the map above.


    Finally from this episode is the exterior of the City Morgue. This was harder to track down due to the buildings opposite changing over the years. It's marked 'B' on the map. I've inset the sign from the wall which is just off the right of the picture.


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