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Posts posted by HossC

  1. All this talk of Star Wars reminded me of a sketch from a British TV show called Dead Ringers. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Sir Alec Guinness style) goes to buy a second hand car:

    A couple of notes: Aldershot is a real town about 40 miles outside London. The Ford Galaxy is a European MPV, not to be confused with the Ford Galaxie.

  2. A couple more pictures from 'Enos's Last Chance'. First is a close-up of the church sign. Boss and Rosco were hiding behind it. This was one of my first re-creations in the Signs of Hazzard thread.


    Another mystery building now. During the montage of people listening to Enos's radio broadcast we see the 'Cottonwood Boarding House'. I don't recognize it as being any of the regular buldings in Hazzard Square, unless it's a new angle. Maybe CDoherty will recognize it or tell me another episode it was in.


    The next few episodes don't make much use of the square, and when they do I didn't spot any changes (except the brief re-appearance of 'J.D. Hogg's Furniture Mart' and the 'Hazzard County Gazette'). Aircraft featured in both 'High Flyin' Dukes' and 'Cooter's Girl'. After watching these two episodes I'm convinced that I correctly identified the airstrip location in this thread. The same airstrip also featured in 'Comrade Duke' and maybe a couple of other episodes. Now it's just a plowed field.

    In 'Dead and Alive' Bo and Luke end up locked in Sheriff Little's jail. In this episode French Street once again stands in for Chickasaw. Here we see Sheriff Little running across the road outside building #30. If you look over the back of his patrol car you can see the 'Hazzard Picture Palace' in the background.


    In the previous picture Sheriff Little is trying to stop Bo and Luke getting The General out of the impound yard. Chickasaw Impound Yard looks suspiciously like the Hazzard Impound Yard from 'The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style' (see this post). Not surprising when they are both building #25.


  3. This coming Tuesday (June 14th) sees a special event at Watkins Glen. 2008 F1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton is swapping cars with two-time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart. They are both sponsored by Mobil 1, who are organizing the event. You can read more about it on their website. There's some performance difference between the two cars, a can be heard in


    A similar swap was done at Indianapolis in 2003. Jeff Gordon swapped cars with Juan Pablo Montoya (who drove F1 at the time). You can see a video about that event

    . This time around both drivers will be using current, race-prepared cars and using the full 3.4 mile circuit.

    I can't find any broadcast details for the event, but I'm sure something will appear in YouTube if it isn't on TV.

  4. Another masterpiece LD. I also took a look at your Top Gear projects. The cushion is a very simple idea, but works very effectively. Oliver came out well too. Sad to hear you've lost BBC America - did you have any other favorite shows there?.

  5. We're definitely back in Hazzard Square for 'Enos's Last Chance'. Initially I couldn't work out where Scanlon was sitting in this shot.


    Luckily all became clear from further back. He was sat outside O'Connor Paint Supply, although I don't remember that bench being there before. For the first time in this episode I noticed a car come from behind O'Connor Paint Supply, suggesting that this corner had been opened up as it is today. The car on fire belongs to poor old Enos.


    'WHOGG' has moved from its previous location in French Street to building #2 next to the bank, formerly the 'Hazzard County Gazette'. We get a good overhead shot later in this episode, but I thought I'd post the close-up. Due to the rooftop look-outs we get several other high up views of the square, but I don't think they show anything new.


    The interior of WHOGG was filmed inside building #2 - the square is visible through the window.


  6. Some more background stores from Capitol City now. In this one there's 'Dixie's Steak House' and Horizon - I can't make out what Horizon sells, it was hard enough getting a still shot of it.


    On the other side of the road the stores have completely changed since we were here last time, although no names are readable.


    Capitol City has also lost its library, it's now City Hall. The building on the right (formerly the Youth Center) is now the 'Mid-Town Athletic Club'.


    It's interesting to note that Luke called Sheriff Floyd of Hatchapee County after he gets knocked out. A later conversation suggests that Capitol City is in his jurisdiction, yet it was Sheriff Little of Chickasaw County chasing the Dukes to Capitol City Hospital in 'The Boar's Nest Bears'. Does this mean that the hospital is in a different county to Capitol City itself?.

    Back in Hazzard Square the hotel has had a minor makeover, and now has a projecting sign on the left hand side. Uncle Jesse's pickup is so dirty in this episode it looks beige instead of white!.


  7. Correct me if I'm wrong (i haven't seen that episode in a while) but I'm almost certain Lou Anne Moffet says Capitol City Hospital,not Chickasaw.

    I don't need to correct you, it looks like you're right CD. That is Capitol City Hospital. I skipped through the episode looking for pictures, and missed the vital piece of dialog that named it. I assumed it was Chickasaw due to the opposing basketball team and the fact that Sheriff Little was chasing them. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. What can I say: "I ain't perfect ... just ...", no I've got to leave Bo's quote there!.

    As luck would have it, we're back in Capitol City for 'Twin Trouble'. The jewelers is down the same section of New York Street as the Fine Arts Theater, but on the other side of the road and about four doors down from the 'B' on the map. It's roughly opposite 'Bijou' from a couple of posts back.


    The getaway car is parked outside the Capitol City Hotel next door.


    The getaway car then appears heading in the opposite direction, and goes past the Fine Arts Theater. That yellow Mustang on the right looks familiar.


    The car then rounds the corner by the Bank of Capitol City. I've inset a present day map (the arrow indicates the direction we're looking) to show how this cul-de-sac in New York Street has now been blocked off with a building across the street.


  8. Another episode, another hospital. There do seem to be a lot of different ones used around this part of the run. This one is the Chickasaw Hospital that Daisy has to visit to get a copy of Rod's birth certificate in 'The Boar's Nest Bears'. This also looks like a real building (though again probably not a hospital), but I haven't had any luck working out where it is.


    'Targets: Daisy and Lulu' starts off at the Capitol City Airport. I have some pictures if anyone's interested, but apart from a public road in the background of one shot, and several small planes in another, there isn't much to give away its location. The rest of the pictures in this post are from later in that episode.

    This is the house to the left of Boss's house (building #19). Due to the surrounding trees and camera angles we rarely get a good look at it. This is the best I've seen so far.


    'J.D. Hogg's Furniture Mart' only made it a few episodes into season 6 before being replaced by the 'Hazzard Square Emporium'. That's Boss and Rosco in the dresses!.


    The alley between the hardware store and the hotel seems to have been opened up a little (it's less dark). In the background you can see 'Hazzard Feed and Seed'.


  9. Hi Susan. There's two types of messages you can post: public messages and private messages.

    Roger welcomed you with a public message which appears on your profile page and anyone can read it. To reply to this type of message simply click on his name. This will take you to his profile page and you can add a 'Visitor Message' in the text box and hit 'Post Message'.

    Private messages, as the name suggests, are between you and another member. The easiest way to do this is to click on the member's name at the top of a post and select 'Send a private messge to <member's name>'. If you happen to be on their profile page you can also click on 'Send Message' just below the member's name and pick the option there. Private messages are sent in virtually the same way as public ones, so you should be ok there. I'll send you a private massage so you can see how they work.

    If you have any trouble posting messages just reply to this thread and one of us will give you a hand.


  10. I could've sworn I saw Rosco drive past a big sign that said "Castaic" on it. LOL. I think it was a 2nd season episode, but I don't recall.

    I'll keep an eye out for that one, but I don't remember it.

    Now that Mufn has confirmed the amusement park location as 'Magic Mountain' I thought I'd include a few more shots that I got from 'Lulu's Gone Away'. They're slightly out of sequence because I wanted to keep the Luke ones together. First is a picture of the bad guys entering the park. The next two shots are of one of the bad guys and Bo around the 'Jet Stream' ride. It opened in 1972 (a year after the park) and still seems to be there today, although the addition of other rides around it make it harder to spot in aerial views. The last picture is Boss with his sleeves rolled up, ready to attack!.


    In Luke's chase he goes past the carousel, through the hanging spongy tubes, over a wobbly bridge, avoids the 'Wizard's Castle' and ends up in a pit full of small plastic balls (not shown).


    Back nearer to the square, this picture is from 'Brotherly Love'. Tex Tompkins is using a payphone near his 'park bench for an office'. This shot was taken near New York Street, in a street called Embassy Courtyard, looking towards the building at 'E' from over by the trees .


    This is the hospital Luke is taken to after the car crash. It probably wasn't a real hospital, but it does look like it was filmed on location (not a set or backlot). There are fields off to the right and a road to the left. Behind it is a Shell gas station. I was suprised to see the Shell signs because hardly any brand names appear in the show.


  11. Believe it or not, it was a bad paper model of General Lee that I found online that started me on the General Lee artwork I posted in the Fan Art thread. I wanted to make a better one, but never did get around to turning it into a model. This one looks much better than the other one I've seen. The designer of this one, João Carlos, seems to have been busy making lots of models according to his website. It also looks like he uses some kind of 3D modeling software for his designs (which I don't have :().

    I'm not sure what thickness of card stock paper would be best for it, so if somebody tries this and nails it down, please let us know.

    I've just printed it out, and I used 100gsm paper. I know this won't mean much to those of you in the US, but I looked at the way you guys grade paper weight and didn't understand a word of it. If it helps, it's about 25% heavier than normal photocopier paper. I figured that anything thicker may make the more detailed parts harder to complete. I haven't started cutting it out yet, so I'll have to let you know if I was right :). I'm also going to need to find some axles - I'm thinking about using drinking straws at the moment - I'll let you know what I end up using.

    Perhaps I should clean out the clothes dryer and try one in lint... Khee! A General Lee in lint... A General Lint! LOL.

    I'm looking forward to the pictures of that one Mufn.

    Back to the General Lee paper model, I thought it'd be a fun party game kinda thing, too. Print 'em out, cut out the pieces, and give everybody a set. Then, give everybody a 5 minute time limit to put theirs together. I bet you'd have some crazy results.

    It's going to take a good while to cut it all out. I think your pre-party time would be better spent perfecting the punch ;). Given just 5 minutes, I may have one wheel done.

  12. Arbuckle

    Roscoe is the real first name of silent movie star "Fatty" Arbuckle. There's a very good series on the BBC over here at the moment about the birth of Hollywood, and last week's episode had a large part about him.

  13. I'm going to give it to Roger and BL, even though they're not quite right. You both had the right building but the wrong name. Until I started the Hazzard Square thread I too thought that the large building facing the square was the court house. It's actually the 'County Building', the court house is on the other side of the police station and faces Cooter's. Here's the sign outside. As you can see, the 'Hazzard Water & Power Co.' is hanging off the bottom. These hanging signs are sometimes omitted. (New question below)


    Q. In 'Dead and Alive' Artie Bender is known as 'The Pitchfork Picasso', but who is called 'The Rembrandt of Hazzard County' in 'Money to Burn'?.

  14. We're on to season 6 now, and in the first few episodes very little has changed. Away from the square, 'Lulu's Gone Away' finishes at the 'Tri-County Amusement Park'. Here's the entrance just before the bad guys smash through the gate.


    I'm guessing the fight scenes were filmed at 'Six Flags Magic Mountain Amusement Park' near Santa Clarita. If I'm right, that would make this the 'Colossus' roller coaster (when it opened in 1978 it was the fastest, largest dual-tracked wooden coaster). I haven't been able to confirm that this was the location, but the park was used in several TV shows and movies. I think Luke's fight took place in Children's World, which became Bugs Bunny World a couple of years later due to a Warner Bros. tie-in (another reason for me to think this was the location). If anyone can confirm or refute these claims, please let me know.


    Hazzard Square has had more than its fair share of attorneys-at-law in the first five seasons, but a new one appears when the Dukes need to consult one in 'A Baby for the Dukes'. Gary Butler's office is through the doorway between 'J.D. Hogg's Furniture Mart' and the post office.


    The last picture here is from 'Too Many Roscos'. It's just another shot of the house at the end of the street where Boss lives. The trees have grown a lot since we first saw it.


  15. After driving through New York Street, Bo and Luke arrive in another backlot that is used for the rest of Capitol City. I can't find a name for it, but it's quite close to the New York Street set (as indicated below). From what I've read online, this set was used for Gremlins and Spiderman amongst others. I'll post pictures if I get around to checking this out, or if anyone else has these movies, feel free to post pictures. I think the fire escape scene in 'Uncle Boss' may have been filmed here too (see the third picture in post #34).


    This shot of the General arriving is taken looking towards the point marked 'i'. The background buildings include a hotel and apartments.


    Bo and Luke finally make it to the 'Big Brothers' building. The basement steps that Andy Slocum is watching their arrival from must have been somewhere else, because I can't see them here. It's roughly at the place marked 'ii'.


    As Andy drives off in the General, he passes a couple more businesses at point 'iii'. They include 'Chuck's Bar' and a bail bonds office. It appears to be a one-way street (see sign just above the General), yet the patrol car is already facing in the wrong direction when he sets off to give chase.


  16. Looked similar to me too so I went and looked, but I don't think it's the same building.

    Thanks for looking that one out MaryAnne. I'm determined to solve as many of these mysteries as I can but, like Laramie Street, they may no longer exist.

    We've seen this building from 'Welcome Back, Bo and Luke' twice before, once as the State Courthouse in 'Duke of Duke' and once as the State Capitol in 'Uncle Boss'. This time around it's Central City General Hospital (as pointed out by CDoherty), though I still don't know where it is. The design of the windows is similar to the 'Big Brothers' building which is in the next post. It's not the same building, but I suspect it may be another backlot.


    Back in post #61 Roger asked about the 'Hazzard Bajou Theater'. I think this may be the building he was thinking of. The 'Bijou' (French for jewel) sign appears briefly at the start of 'Big Brothers, Duke'. Being Capitol City, we're back in New York Street again. This shot is taken through the building at 'F'.


    The reason Roger may have thought 'Bijou' was a theater is that there is a theater only a couple of doors down (it may appear as a theater in other episodes, but I'm working through them in order). We've seen the theater before in 'The New Dukes', but the 'Fine Arts' lettering and red curtain are slightly different here.


    Just next to the theater is the 'Capitol City Savings & Loan' (previously seen in background in 'Dukes Strike it Rich'), and there's a florist next to that. The Bank of Capitol City would be just off the left of this picture.


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