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Everything posted by HossC

  1. I like mine with a kiss (or bacon ).
  2. Welcome to HNet. The original Duke Farm was dismantled last year because it was unsafe. The contractor sold off various parts of it. You can read some more about the dismantling in this thread.
  3. I don't like relying on words like "the" for the links, or playing out of turn, but I've just heard the sad news that songwriter Hal David has passed away at the age of 91, and I wanted to post one of his songs. Unsurprisingly, I picked one where he wrote the words and Burt Bacharach wrote the music. Enjoy : The Look Of Love - Dusty Springfield RIP Harold Lane "Hal" David (May 25, 1921 – September 1, 2012).
  4. After seeing Garrett's recent question about fan fic writing and reading the replies it struck me that my feelings about my fan art aren't much different. Just like the fan fic authors, I also feel the need to revisit old projects now and then with a view to improving them. Sometimes I spot the equivalent of a typo, other times there are whole sections that need to be "rewritten" and parts that need fleshing out with more detail. A few months ago my General Lee artwork got a makeover, and now it's time for the Double Zero. To be honest, I always thought the color of my original was too bright. I also knew that the rear view needed some work. When I took a second look I was surprised at just how inaccurate my first version had turned out. In the end I replaced well over half of the elements and did some sort of modification (color/shape etc.) to most of the others. The "GT" badge on the front fender is one of only a few components of the original that survived untouched! I've tried to make this one a more accurate representation of the one that appeared on-screen. The revised color and shape are obvious changes, but I've made some others too: Aerial added on front fender Passenger door mirror removed White lettering on tires removed Chrome trim around wheel arches removed Rear bumper guards removed Rear side marker replaced with correct, body-colored surround Now that I've updated my 1968 Mustang artwork, I'm sure my next update won't be much of a surprise to y'all .
  5. Congratulations JPB - not a bad way to celebrate your birthday .
  6. HossC

    Signs of Hazzard

    There seemed to some disappointment that Hazzard didn't have a fancier welcome sign, so I thought I'd fix that. Also, amongst the current speculation about the possible censorship of the General's flag I felt we needed a positive image to remind us why we're here!
  7. I always thought that 'Life of Brian' was rated 18 because it was about the life of a HazzardNet moderator . I suppose I should add "Down with this sort of thing" and "Careful now".
  8. Curt Hart just shared a link over on the Facebook page to Ben Jones's opinion on the matter: DUKES OF HAZZARD’S “COOTER†BLASTS “P.C. IDIOCY†AT WARNER BROS. TV It includes the email address of Warner's licensing department so you can give them your opinion. Has it not occurred to Warner Bros that removing the flag WILL offend a large number of fans? It seems odd to me that we now live in a world where the POSSIBILITY of offending a small number of people outweighs ACTUALLY offending a much bigger number. I guess I'll have to stop buying any DVDs, CDs and merchandise produced or licensed by WB in case they accidentally offend me!
  9. beginning
  10. Don't do that to me, Roger!. I thought that I must've left Witzell's out of the Hazzard Square thread when you said it was a tire company (unless it got mentioned when Coy, Vance and Cooter were looking for the Mean Green Machine). Luckily, I found that it appeared in one of season 7's much-loved model stunt sequences. Maybe I should do a post in the Hazzard Square thread with the businesses that appear in those model sequences, just for completeness. I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your latest question. I've got about halfway through season 7 looking for pictures of patrol cars, and I don't think I've seen him yet. It's been ages since I've seen the later episodes.
  11. family
  12. I'm skipping back to a previous location today, so I'll keep it short! If I'd re-watched the episodes in order I'd have spotted this sooner. I've had a couple of pictures from 'Find Loretta Lynn' hanging around for a while that I hadn't been able to identify. The scene is after the kidnapping when Squirt goes off to make a phone call. The car drives past an open area ... ... and pulls up in front of Delaney's garage. It wasn't until I re-watched 'Officer Daisy Duke' (the previous episode) that I tied it all together. In this picture you can see the bad guys in front of Delaney's, but in the background you can also see the Hazzard County Stockyard barn where Loretta Lynn's RV was hidden. In fact, as various vehicles drive by, you get several looks at the end of the white buildings that you can see in post #231. That, of course, means we're back at Golden Oaks Ranch. Click the link above and scroll down to post #232 to see the aerial view. Delaney's is the building just below halfway down on the left side. This last picture is another from 'Find Loretta Lynn', and must have been taken from somewhere near the phone booth. The wooden fence that's just visible between the trees is still there today. Behind that, but not visible in this picture, is the covered bridge. As the camera follows the General from right to left we end up looking in the same direction as the first picture in this post. That view has changed over the years, and is now blocked by trees. The back of Delaney's would have faced the Boar's Nest, so, by the magic of different camera angles, Loretta Lynn was kidnapped from the Boar's Nest and hidden in a barn right next to it. Then, one of her kidnappers drove to a phone booth right opposite the Boar's Nest to make a phone call!
  13. villain
  14. gain
  15. Happy birthday, Darrell :).

  16. The section of Main street south of the intersection also got used for filming. On the right you can see the post office, while on the left you can just see the white house (mentioned above) where the guy with the binoculars and walkie-talkie watched the race from in 'Luke's Love Story'. Here's the aforementioned guy in the aforementioned house as seen from Center Street. The staircase that's visible in the picture on the left is now on the south side of the house (it's just off the left of the picture above). When you know the layout of Piru, the guy looks in some strange directions as he follows the action! The Piru United Methodist Church on Center Street features very briefly during the race in 'Luke's Love Story'. As promised, here's the road bridge across the creek. This shot is another one from 'Luke's Love Story', but it's also where the Dukes drop off Dewey Stovall at the end of 'Route 7-11'. As you can see from the "now" picture, the bridge is still there, but has been bypassed with a new bridge. Probably due to the abandonment of the railroad, there wasn't a station building in Piru when Dukes was filmed. The scene in 'Luke's Love Story' where the cars slalom through the trees was filmed at the row of trees between Market Street and the current site of the station. The scenes where Enos's car flips, and the remaining three cars jump the hay bales were both filmed between Market street and the railroad, pretty much where the station is now. I didn't take any screengrabs of these scenes because it's impossible to get "now" pictures from anything like the right angles. About six miles north of Piru is Lake Piru which also featured as a filming location in later seasons. I may post some pictures of that area in the future.
  17. This shot from 'Officer Daisy Duke' was taken just west of the garage on Center Street. At the far end of the street you can just see the road bridge which I'll cover below. Nearer the camera are the barriers where the Fillmore to Saugus railroad crossed the road. I found this site that says the line served local orange groves and farms, but became disused after the Santa Clara River trestle was washed out during a flood in 1976. Piru is now at the eastern end of the track owned by the Fillmore & Western Railway Co., but I don't think they currently run trains on this section. The track itself only extends about 100 yards north of the aerial view in the previous post. Moving west on Center Street we get to the intersection with Main Street. This store (handily labeled "Store" on the aerial view) was seen from several angles in 'Officer Daisy Duke'. The sign at the front proclaimed "Groceries, Cold Beer, Ammo" - what more could you want? The "now" picture suggests that the store has be closed for some time. This is what the same intersection looks like when you approach it heading south on Main Steet. I'll come to the white house on the right of the "now" picture in the next post. Here's a close-up of the building on the corner opposite the general store. It's now an ice cream parlor, although when Dukes was filmed it was a bank. I like the way that the props department went to the trouble of making a "Bank of Hazzard" sign for one side of the building, but did nothing to obscure the "Bank of America" sign on the other!
  18. Today I've decided to cover the town of Piru. I've mentioned it before, but only with a passing reference. My decision was based on three things: I've recently re-watched the episodes where it featured; Wekke's pictures of Piru on cglfc.com are no longer available; Google has hugely improved its coverage of the area with Street View. When I originally looked at Piru, Street View could only offer some blurry images of Main Street. It now covers the whole town (the images are dated April 2012). NB. I've taken my street names from Google Maps; a couple of the streets have different names on Bing Maps. Piru is a small town about 10 miles west of the Indian Dunes landing strip that I covered in post #224. It featured in several episodes in season 1 and 2. I'll start with a aerial view that covers most of the filming locations. The majority of the buildings are still recognizable, even if some of them have changed color. The same can't be said for the trees and telegraph poles, both of which have changed considerably. With this in mind I thought it would be a good idea to do the "then and now" pictures again. Sadly, I have to work with Street View for the now pictures (unlike Wekke who actually visited the locations), so I couldn't always get the angle I wanted. Piru must have been very accommodating to the film crew because about half of the town is used for the race in 'Luke's Love Story'. Explore it for yourself on Google Maps. The first picture is of Enos waiting outside the garage in 'Route 7-11'. This is another side of garage as it appeared through the General's windshield in 'Luke's Love Story'. The race actually passes under the porch where Enos was parked in the previous picture. Y'all might remember that "No spectators were allowed. That way they couldn't signal the drivers on what might be coming up". The group of spectators to the left of the orange truck appear on-screen before Waylon finishes that line! If you spin around 180 degrees from the previous shot you get this view. The picture on the left shows Boss's Cadillac just before he reaches the stopped gambling truck in 'Route 7-11'.
  19. I'll try to give a definitive answer, but please excuse me if I leave anything out. The original telephone operator was played by Lindsay Bloom. Her character's name seems to vary from one episode to another. In 'The Meeting' she is called "Maybelle" in the dialog, but credited as "Myrtle". In 'Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough' she is revealed to be Boss's "cousin Maybelle", which is confirmed in 'Mason Dixon's Girls'. In both episodes she is credited "Myrtle Tillingham". The only time I can find her refered to as "Myrtle" in the dialog is when Jesse answers the phone in 'The Runaway'. By 'The Late J.D. Hogg' in season 3 her name still sounds like "Maybelle" but the spelling has become "Mabel" and she is named as "Mabel Tillingham" in the credits. They did seem to be fond of the name; you're right about the "Mobile Madame" of 'Daisy's Song' being "Ms. Mabel", and Emery Potter married a girl called "Mabel Wooster". The telephone operator in season 5 was "Gussie Peabody", played by Annie O'Donnell.
  20. I suppose I could have posted this in the Rosco's Patrol Car thread since it's a Plymouth Fury driven by Enos, but there's no lightbar or police decals, so I'm posting it here. This is Enos's race car from 'Luke's Love Story'. It meets its fate when Turk, who everyone thinks is Cooter, barges him off the road.
  21. HossC

    First Job

    I think everything's gonna sound dull compared to Roger's first job . My first regular paid job was delivering a weekly newspaper. When I was 16 I got a Saturday job in a local store selling TVs, VCRs, CDs and other abbreviations. Back then it was common for the stereos to come with a record player, but CD players were still an optional extra!
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