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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. A teir started to run down Kathy's cheek and she said Luke I love you and yes I will Marrie you. Luke took Kathy in his arms and he kissed her.
  2. Kyle saw Luke and Kathy coming towards him and he saw everyone eles coming out of the house to greet him. and Uncle Jesse said well come on in. and they went into the house. and they went to sit down in the livingroom. and then Kyle looked at everyone and said I come here just to say some things to get them off my chest. First I want to appolise to Luke and My daughter for all of the thing that I put them threw in Chicago. and I hope they can forgive me and I won't interfer in their lives again. (looking at the Dukes) I want to appolice to you fokes to cause if it wasn't for me Zack wouldn't have come to Hazzard. and try and shoot Luke. (Kathy interupted him) Dad hi did shoot Luke and he wasn't aiming for Luke he was aming for me and Luke pushed me out of the way it should have been me not Luke. (looking at Luke)Sorry Baby I can't.. Then Kathy ran out the door. and Luke followed her. OUTSIDE.. Kathy was by her Red Fire Bird. and she was getting ready to get in it . When Luke walked up to her and said Sweetheart what are you doing? Luke, I'm going back to Chicago where I belong. Luke took Kathy in his arms and said Kath No you belong with me. Marrie Me? Kathy looked at him and said What ? Kathleen Spencer Marrie me. Luke Said.
  3. Luke said as you where telling me everything started to come back to me and it feels strange. but good. Kathy Just Smiled. and then they got up and headed back to the House. as they where headed back to the house they saw a limo and Kathy Knew it was her father. Kathy was going to turn back around but Luke stopped her and said Kath he's your father and you should hear what he has to say at least Kathy looked at him and said. Ok Luke I will hear what he has to say but that does't I will forgive him. Luke Smile's and said ok.
  4. 2 DAYS LATER.. Kathy and Luke was by the pond on the Duke Farm and ther where getting closer every day. Luke looked at her and said Kath I remember you but i don't remember how we met or how long we known each other.Kathy Just smiles and said Well we have known each other for 6 weeks and we ment in Chicago while you and Bo where an the nascar sercut. we met when Bo sprained his ancle real bad at the track and my sister Tina and I where there. I went down to the pit area and check on his foot. Luke smiles and said ya he stepped in a pop hole cause he was too buzy watchin a pretty girl go by.and then he laughed. Kathy laughted too.
  5. I know she does and beleive me I won't interfer in their lives again. I have learned my lession. and I know Luke Loves her too. but my heart is heavy. I Will never forgive myself. Then Kyle got up and he walked out of the hospital. Rebecca and Tina headed for Luke's room. Luke didn't remember them so Kathy tells him who they are. and Luke Smiles and he said Glad to met you again. and they all laugh. 3 Days Later.. Bo picked Luke and Kathy up from the hospital. and when he walked out of the hospital he smiled and said I remember the General. and they all got in and they headed for the farm. AT THE FARM.. Bo stopped the General Lee and they got out of the General and as they where getting out they saw the state police come to the drive and stop and got out of the car and one of the officer said Kathleen Spencer and Luke Duke we would like to ask you some questions about who is responble for the shooting. Luke looked at him and said I will try and help but I have parshel memory loss. So they all went into the house . INSIDE THE HOUSE.. So the man that the sheriff has in custdy said that there was someone eles involed in the shooting. I can't tell you that officer maybe Kath can. Luke said The officer looked at Kathy. and Said Miss Spencer. Kathy said I don;t know of anyone other then the man who did the shooting. tHE OFFICER said well he said you would know. I told you I don't Know will you please excuse me My Boyfriend just got out of the Hospital and he needs to rest. Kathy got up and helped Luke to the livingroom Uncle Jesse taked to the Police and said You will have to excuse Kathy she has been worried about Luke the past week.we all where. and the Officers Understood and they left.
  6. IN THE WAITING ROOM.. The Doctor that Kyle had come to hazzard stopped in the waiting room and told him what was going and and Kyle said thank you. and then the doctor said anytime, and then he walked out the door.Kyle sat down in the chair and he sigh and then Rebecca walked up to him and said Oh No Mr.. you aren't relaxing. you have some serouis appoling to do. and you better hope that the Dukes and Kathleen will forgive you. Tina looked them and said The Dukes might forgive Dad But Kat won't She almost lost Luke and she isn't going to take that lightly. Dad she relly loves Luke
  7. The Doctors came in and they said well Luke Does have some memory loss he might get it back in time or he might not. But every thing eles has checked out. we will keep him here about 3 days so we can watch him. Uncle Jesse looked at both the doctors and said Thanks for all you have done. and then both the doctors walked out the door. Kathy Said well it looks like my father is off the hook but I won't never let him off the hook for what he had done to Us. Luke looked at her and he said Kath I can't remember what he had done so Let it go. Kathy shook her head No and she said Sorry My Love but I can't I could have lost you and I will never forgive him for that.
  8. Bo was about to saw something when a Doctor came in the room. Kathy renided him. It was Dr William Randall . Kathy looked at him and said what are you doing here? He looked at Kathy and said well doctor your father called me. to take a look at this young man. So the doctor looked at Luke and as the doctor was looking at Luke he was starting to come around and he opened his eyes. and he looked around he looked at Kathy and Bo and he said where am I and who are you? Bo said you don't remember us? Luke shook his head no. and the doctor told them to leave while he checks Luke out. So Kathy and Bo Left. IN THE WAITING ROOM... Kathy and Bo walked in the waiting room. and Kathy gave her father the strangest look. and then she walked over to him and said I hope you are Happy now. Luke is out of my life now. and then she ran outside. Uncle Jesse looked at Bo and said what does she mean Well Luke woke up but he didn't remember who we where. Tina went outside to talk to Kathy. she saw Kathy in the General Lee. she walked up to the General and said sis. You can't give up on Luke he will remember you he just has to. you two have once in a lifetime love. I wish I can find a love like yours and Luke's. Kathy turns on the General's Radio and their song comes on the radio and it's Softly By Lonestar. and as she listen to it she started to cry. IN THE HOSPITAL-IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Luke was listen to the radio Uncle Jesse Bo and Daisy was with him. and he was listen to Softly and out no where he said Kath. and he looks at Bo and said Where's Kath? Bo Smiled and said I will go get her. and he went out the door. OUTSIDE.. Bo ran to the General and said Kathy you need to come in Luke said your name and he wants to see you.. Kathy got out of the General and ran in the hospital and past the waiting room. Kyle was woundering what was going on. IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Kathy walkes in with Bo right be hind her. Luke looks at her and smiles and he said come here sweetheart Kathy smiled as she walked over to him he took her hand and said I love you. and he kissed her. and Kathy Said oh Baby I love you too.
  9. The Doctor leaves. Kathy looks at Luke and said come on Baby do it again.(no responce) Kathy put her head down on the bed. Bo Walked into the room and he saw Kathy. He walked over to her and said Kathy he will be fine. Kathy looked up and said I know he will Bo. I just love him so much I don't know what I would do without him.Kathy Said.
  10. and said Oh Baby I'am so sorry that you are here. and the only thing you did was dare to Love me.and she started to cry. Then Kathy felt Luke's hand come over hers. She looked up and said Ya come on Baby come back to me.(Luke didn't open his eyes, But he did squeese her hand) Kathy whiped the teirs from her eyes. and she smiled When the doctor walked in and Kathy told him that Luke had moved his hand and placed it on hers. The doctor smiled and said Well lets check him out. The Doctor checked him and he said Miss Spencer I'm Sorry but nothing has changed. Maybe it was his nerves that caused his hand to move. Kathy said No and don't do that tone with me I'm a doctor I know what goes on when a person is in coma.
  11. Kathy and Daisy got out of the General Lee And Kathy said I can't stay out here I have to be with Luke. and Then Tey went into the hospital/ Daisy stopped in the waiting room and Kathy hurd her father tell the Duke and her mother what he had done. BUT she didn't stop she headed right for Luke's Room. INSIDE LUKE'S ROOM.. Kathy walked in and she said down down in the chair next to hisbed and she took his hand
  12. Daisy and Tina went outside they saw Kathy she was in the General Lee and she was cring. Daisy climed into the General Lee and said Kathy, Luke is a fighter he will come threw this. Oh I hope so Daisy sence it 's my father's falt that he;s here in the firsy place.Kathy Said. What do you mean? Tina said. He told Zack to get rid of Luke.Kathy Said No Dad is alot of thing but he ain't a killer.Tina Said. Dad told me himself.Kathy Said. Tina turned around and went back in the hospital. BACK IN THE HOSPITAL.. Tina walked up to her father and said how could you. I hope I never fall in love if it's your going to act like this. and Kat is right you better start praying that Luke makes it or you won't have any daughters. Rebecca looked at Tina and said TINA he's your father have respect. Mom he does't deserve my respect and he knows why . Why don't you tell Luke's family what you have done .Tina Said.
  13. Kyle said I got this doctor from chicago coming toHazzard to look at Luke.Uncle Jesse said Thanks. and then Kathy came out and shesaid he didn't respond. and then she went out the door. and Uncle Jesse went into see Luke and Kyle went to talk to Kathy. she was standing by the General Lee. he walked up to Kathy and said Kathleen i have to tell you something. and i Hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me. Kathleen but I told Zack to get rid of Luke but I didn't know he was going to shoot him. Kathy looked at her father and said Dad he wasn't aiming at Luke he was aiming at me he was tring to kill me. and what gives you the right to have but into my life. My Love of my life is in there fighting for his life all because of You Dad I thought you where better I don't want to even look at you right now and you better hope and pray Luke makes it cause if he doesn't I will never forgive you. Kathy Just turned and got in the General Lee and sat there and she started to cry. Kyle went back into the hospital and he walked up to Daisy and Tina and said you better go and Talk to Kathleen she is upset.
  14. 1 hOUR lATER The doctor came back back in the Waiting room and he said Mr. Duke Your Nephew just went into acoma.We are moving him to a room now But we will keep watch over him. and when we get him settled in. You may go in and talk to him we found when a patent goes into acoma they can still hear. So maybe you can talk him back.The doctor said. Kathy Was about to fall but Bo saw her and he cought her.and he helped her to a chair. and said Kathy you ok? Kathy smiled and said ya Bo I.m Fine. Then the doctor came back in and said you may Go in but one at a time. Uncle Jesse looked at Kathy and said you go that way he will know that you are all right. Kathy gave him a hug. and then she got up and followed the doctor. Kyle got up and went outside and he made some phone calls. IN LUKE'S ROOM....... Kathy walked in.and she walked to him and she sat down in a chair next to his bed. she took his hand and said Baby I'm here and I'm fine. Please come back to me.
  15. Uncle Jesse Looked at the Doctor.and said Thanks Doc. and then the doctor walked out. Kathy smiled and said at least he made it threw seregery. and then they hurd the nurse run to thye doctor she told him something and he ran towards a room Bo noticed that it was Luke's room.and he went and told Uncle Jesse. and Kathy Said No Now Girl we don't know what's going on.Uncle Jesse Said.
  16. The Doctor came into Kathy's room and he said you are free to go home if you like. and Kathy got up and she went to the bathroom and 5 minutes later she came out of the bathroom and she said I be released from the hospital but I ain't leaving. So they all went to the waiting room. The Doctor gave Kathy some Pain pills. and he said Take as needed. and Kathy Said thanks. 1 hour later .. Kyle walked back into the hospital and he was surprised that they let Kathy out of the hospital. Rebecca said where did you go? I had an arren to do don't worry about it dear.Kyle said. 3 HOURS LATER.. The doctor came out of the OR and he walked to the waiting room and he said We got the bullatt out. and now it's all up to him. he's in recovery now. he made it threw sergery.
  17. Enos walked into Kathy's room and he said Excuse Me and he walked Over to Kathy and said we have cought the guy that had shot You and Luke. we cought him as he was tring to get rid of the Gun. he's in Jail now. Thank you Enos. Kathy Said. Is there anything eles that I can do ? Enos said. Ya, you can pray for Luke. Kathy Said. I will do that. and Let Me know how he's doing? Enos Said as he walked out the door. Kyle looked at Kathy and said I will be right Back. and he Left. Kyle went to the Jail and he went to talk to Zack. he walked into the Jail and Zack Seen him and he started to laugh and said you better get me out of here or your Beautiful Daughter will know who really had the idea of getting Luke out of the Way. Kyle said No Zack you are not going to Black Mail me I will Tell Kathleen and I will Pray that she will forgive me and that Luke will make it. as for you I will make sure you will never bother my Daughter again. Kyle said. You can't do that? Zack Said. Kyle looked at Zack and said you forget who I'am. BACK AT THE HOSPITAL..
  18. They walk into Kathy's room and Uncle Jesse and Rebecca noticed that she was cring. Uncle Jesse walked up to her and said What's the matter girl? Kathy looked at him and said It's all my fault. That Luke is in there fighting for his life those bullets where ment for me. But he pushed me out of the way. Now Kathy, I don't want to hear talk like that, It ain't your falt that Luke was shot it's the person who shot him fault and he was protecting you Kathy Luke loves you and that what Luke does for the people he Loves. Kyle ws listening to all of this and then he relised that Luke really does Love Kathleen he loves her enought to give his life up for hers. but he didn't want to think of that right now he would make up for all of the things that he had don't to them. he will start by getting the best doctors for Luke.
  19. well do it Uncle Jesse Said. The Doctor looked at him and said Ok Mr Duke.You all can go and see Kathy if you like her room is 101 just down the hall and go left second door on the right. and the doctor left and he went to get the OR ready. Uncle Jesse looked at everyone and said lets not menten how Luke is unless she asked. and they all agreed and they headed for Kathy's room.
  20. AT THE HOSPITAL... Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Bo,Tina,Rebecca, and Kyle was waiting in the waiting room to see how Kathy and Luke where doing. A doctor came into the waiting room and said Family of Kathy Spencer and Luke Duke. and everyone stood up. Well Kathy got shot in the shoulder and we got the bullett out and she is doing fine. Now for Luke he was shot in the chest and the bullet is loged right next to his heart and we need to have seregery to get the bullet out but it's very tricky. and we need to do it soon. tHE DOCTOR SAID.
  21. Bo saw Kathy and Luke didn't get back up and he ran over to them too. when they got over to them they saw that they both have been shot. Bo looked at Uncle Jesse and said call an ambulance Kathy and Luke has been shot. Kathy started to come around and and Bo told her not to move. Bo seen that Kathy's shoulder was bleeding and he then knew that she was shot in the shoulder. Kyle said Luke has been shot in the chest. Kathy sat up and she saw Luke for the first time and she said Luke Baby can you here me. no responce. come on baby let me see those baby blues. (still no respons)Then they hurd the ambulance coming and then the parmedics loaded Kathy and Luke into the ambulance. and then they headed for the hospital.
  22. Back in Hazzard... 2 hours Later.. Luke and Kathy where taken a walk. when Luke spotted a Black Limo coming down the road towards the farm. So they started to walk back to the farm. The limo stopped by the General Lee. and then the back door opened. and Kyle Spencer got out. Kathy just walked over to her father and said what do you want? Kathleen I know I deserve that coment.kyle Said. ON THE HILL OVER LOOKING THE FARM.. Zack saw what was going on and he took out the gun he had bought. and he pointed right at Kathy and he fired. DOWN ON THE FRAM.. They hurd a gun fire and everyone went down. and Uncle Jesse went to get his riffal and he started to fire it. and then Zack decided to leave. everyone got up except Luke and Kathy. Kyle noticed them and he said No and he ran to them .
  23. AT THE HAZZARD HOTEL... Zack was mad. he had to get Kathy away from Luke. The Phone rang. He picked it up. and said Hello. Kyle said Zack this has gone to far. drop it now. Oh No Mr Spencer You can't order me around like one of your hired flunkies. I will get Kathleen back. and if I can't get her back then no one can have her. Zack Said as he started to laugh. and then he put the phone Down. IN CHICAGO. Kyle put the phone down and he thought what have I done. and then he went to his room andstarted to pack.
  24. BACK AT THE FARM.. IN THE HOUSE.. They where all in the Livingroom. When Uncle Jesse Said. Now are you going to tell me what Happened? and then Bo andLuke started to tell what had Happened. Rebecca just had a look on her face. Kathy looked at her mother and said Mom are you ok? No I'm not ok Luke could have been sercouly hurt in this. and it's all Kyles Fault. Luke looked at Rebecca and said Mrs. Spencer, Don't blam him he was just protecting Kath, Kath had told me about her track record with men before me. and I kinda understand where he's coming from. Luke Said. Ya ok But that doesn't give him the right to hurt you. he hasn't even met you for goodness sake.Rebecca Said.
  25. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy,Bo and Cooter was waiting when the Doctor walked up to them and he said Luke is fine But he will have a real Bad Headack for a few Days. I gave him some Tyonal for the Pain. you can take him home. Thanks Doc. Bo Said. Kathy Saw Luke walking down the hallway she ran to him and said Baby, what Made you go after Zack and his friends Like that? Kath, I knew we had to face off when I met him in Chicago.but I backed down because where he knew a lot of people but here in Hazzard I have the Advantage, and Plus if I didn't stand up to him he would never leave us a lone. and I did it cause I Love you. Luke Said as he kissed Kathy. Bo and Cooter Walked up to them and Bo Said Lets get you home. Daisy Must Have told Uncle Jesse by now. and as they where walking out the door they saw Uncle Jesse,Rebecca and Tina walk threw the doors. and Uncle Jesse looked at Luke and said Boy are you are right? Luke Looked at Uncle Jesse and said Ya Uncle Jesse I'm fine.
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