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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Mean while.at Reba's house Kathy looked at Reba and said what ever you are going to do. better be doing it soon cause Michael could leave town and you will never find him. If you I can call My father who is a Judge anh he can get this divorce rolling if that's what you want.
  2. Judd smiles and said Hello Reba. Ya I'm that same boxer. and yes I;m still boxing. you know you look just like your father. Luke smiles and said Ya and she acts like him too. and she also has he Duke temper.Judd Just smiles and said Oh watch out. they all laugh. and they went in the house. Kathy had Leventa and she handed her to her Uncle Judd. Judd looked at her and said thank got she looks like her mother. and then Jesse walked in and he looked at His Uncle And he said Uncle Judd. Judd looked at Jesse and said No way this can't be JesseHow old are you know 12. No Uncle Judd I'm 13. Jesse said. wow.Judd said.
  3. Jesse spotted his parents and his mother didn't look so good. and Everyone else noticed it too. Reba looked at Kathy and said Aunt Kathy are you ok. Kathy looked at Luke. Luke said we didn't want to tell everyone like this but I guess this family could use some good news.We are pregnet again.
  4. Luke looked at everyone and said why are we all standing around. lets start doing something. meanwhile at the farm Clark, Lois, Jesse and Leventa came home. Jesse said MOM DAD. Clark notices the note and he said Jesse here is a note from your parents. and he handed it to Jesse. and Jesse said they are over to Reba's house come on and Then Lois said We can't Leventa is a sleep. and she saw the disaponted look on Jesse's face ok you boys go I will stay her with Leventa. Clark kissed her. and they left.
  5. Well Reba, Judd is my brother. So that makes him your Uncle. and if you want to come and meet him then follow me to the farm. ok Uncle Luke I will follow you to the farm.and Luke got in the General Lee. and Reba got in her car and headed for the Farm.
  6. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM. Kathy was feeding the animals when she saw a car pull up and a dark haired man got out of the driver's side and she smiled when she saw him. and she ran to him and said Hay Judd. and Judd said where's my new Neace Kathy smiled and said she's sleeping and Jesse is over Jessicca's hanging out with Ross and Luke is working at Cooter's. She went to Her firebird and she said Pretty Lady to Lost Sheep come back. AT THE GARAGE. Luke heard Kathy. and he walked over to the General Lee and he picked up the CB and said You got Lost Sheep here. What ya need Pretty Lady? Well Lost Seep there is someone here that you haven't seen in a while. and then she handed the Cb to Judd. Judd said Hi Bro. Luke smiles and said Judd. and he said Let me but the General back together and I'm on my way home. Judd said OK
  7. Reba runs to Kathy and Kathy huggs her. and She said Reba come lets go for a walk and get awat from all these men. Reba smiles and said Ok Aunt Kathy. Luke looked at her and smiled. and the women went out the door. Ok Reba what do you want to do? Kathy said. what I want to do I can't. Reba Said. What is it? Kathy asked. I want to beat the crap out of Michael and her. Her for naming her son after my Uncles.Reba said. Kathy smiles and said I know how you feel and I did beat the crap out of the other woman. and then she told Reba about luke and Lou-Ann. and she had a shocked look on her face.and she told her what she did to Lou-Ann. and Reba said Wow Aunt Kathy. But there is a difference between Uncle Luke and Michael He didn't sleep with her. but I understand what you are saying. I;m going to get even with her and him.tHANLS AUNT Kathy. Kathy smiled and then they both went back in the house.
  8. Luke said Hi Reba. We were just planning my surprise For Kath,It's our 20th Anv. Next week.
  9. Kathy got a little dizzy. Luke saw this and said Sweetheart are you all right. Kathy looked at Lois. Lois said hay Clark AND Jesse lets take Leventa to the Park in town. Clark gave lois a look Leventa got all excited when she heard Park. and Clark said Ok. Jesse said Ok and the three of left. and They Hurd Jesse's car start up. Luke said ok sweetheart what's going on? Kathy took a deep breath and said Luke, we are Pregnet. there was a long pause. Then Luke smiled and said a Baby. and he kissed her. Kathy said are you happy? Luke smiled and said oh Sweetheart. I'm very happy. now we have to tell Jesse and Leventa. Kath, let's go over to Reba's and support her. and she said let's go. and they left a note for Jesse.and they got in the General Lee . and they headed for Reba's house.
  10. Meanwhile in town Luke was talking to Cooter. When Lou-Ann came over and she smiled at Luke and Luke Just looked away. and Cooter said Here Lou-ann and he handed her the Keys to her car . and as she walked by Luke shejust got her Body a little to close . and Luke Just steprd back. and he just shook his head No. Lou-Ann got in her car and left. Cooter said Lou-Ann is still after you Luke. Luke said I know but I Love Kath, She's My life. Cooter just smiles. Oh Cooter speaking About Kath our 20th anv is comming up here soon and I'm Planning ona big Surprise for Kathy. and I was wounder if you and Sheri(cooter's Wife) would watch Jesse and Leventa. Just then Sheri walked over and Cooter smiled and said ask her yourself So Luke asked Sheri and she said Sure. and Luke said Thanks.
  11. Meanwhile at the farm Kathy was tring to calm Luke down, He want and go and talk some sence into michael. Kathy said Luke, Rember back when Jesse was a baby. All of a sudden Luke got quite. Clark and Lois looked at them. Uncle Luke what's going on? Well let's just say I almost did what Michael did. If it wasn't for Bo and Jonathan. for knocking some sence in me. Uncle Luke you cheated on Aunt Kathy. I had always thought your marrage was always soldid. Clark said. It had nothing to do with our marrage. It was me and only me.I had a week moment and Lou-Ann saw that and she took advantage of it. and when Bo and Jonathan walked in to the Boars Nest She was giving me a lap dance.Clark and Lois Just looked at each other. and they hauled me out of there. and Boy they gave me a huge talking too. and I came home and I told Kathy. Oh she was Mad but she wasn't made at me. And she said Watch Jesse and she went out the door got in the General and took off.Luke said. Ya I showed up at the Boars Nest Daisy was Working. I spotted Lou-ann and She was laughing But she wasn't laughing very long . I walked over to her and I didn't say a word. I just holled off and Punched her and she fell to floor. and She didn't get back up and I said Stay away from my husband. and I turned around and Left Daisy Just smiled . I got in the General Lee and came back home. Kathy said. Wow mom stand by your man.Jesse said. and everyone laughed.
  12. Kathy looked at them and said your kids are safe. Then she heard Leventa cry and she said Excuse me. and she left. Kathy went upstairs. and then she came downstairs with Leventa in her arms.
  13. BACK AT THE DUKE FARM Luke was talking to Jesse and Clark. and Clark said Uncle Luke I really want to go and be a reporter for the newspaper. But I have the Kent Farm. My heart Just isn't into taking care of it like it was when dad was alive.I wish it was. Luke looked at Clark and said I know your father would want what you want. Do what you feel is best. Clark said Thanks Uncle Luke. and he helped Jesse and Luke with the fence. Clark said Hay Jesse How are you and Sarah doing? Jesse smiled and said We are great. I haven't told mom yet but Sarah and I are going to move in the guest house at Grandpa's. I all ready talked to Grandpa and he said it was all right. I think he's excited to have us there. BACK AT THE HOUSE Kathy was cooking Lunch. and she got dizzy. Lois saw her. and she said Aunt Kathy are you are right. Kathy looked at her and said nothing 8 months can help. Lois said your pregnet. Kathy said SHHH I haven't told Luke yet. I don't know how he will react. Just then Reba walked in.
  14. Kathy saw Clark and Lois and she hugged them both and said your Uncle is in back 40 fixing fences. Clark asked is anyone helping him. Kathy smiled and said Ya Jesse is out there. you know he will be off to Collage here in a couple of weeks. I'm going to miss that Boy. He said He's going to go to collage in Chicago.and he will be staying with my father Sence mom died he's been lonely.Clark said That's great I'm going to go and see if they need any help. and then he left. Lois came in and she started to help Kathy Put Leventa saw her and said Lois. Lois looked at her and said this isn't Leventa and she hugged her. Kathy said Yup. she will be 7 next month.
  15. Kathy smiled and said Leventa is fine she is up in her room a sleep. I think the feaver hass passed and Little Rebecca is safe.
  16. Meanwhile bexk at the FARM. Kathy was reading the diary. Kathleen was in the house and she was cleaning it when she started to get Pains she called Brian. and he came a running and he helped her to their room. and he went to get George and his wife. to help Kathleen cause the Doctor is a long ways away.
  17. Luke hears someone downstairs and he said Kathy someone is here. So they both went down stairs. and they saw Mike and Jessica and Mike asked Hows my neace? Luke smiled and said she is fine she;s sleeping right now. Little Rebbeca walked to her Uncle Luke and and said Un Lu up. Luke smiled and picked up his neace. and he looked at her and said How's Uncle's Little girl?
  18. 2 DAYS LATER Leventa came home. and Kathy was watching her sleep in her crib Luke came to her and But his arms around her and said she's fine Kath. I know Luke, I just want to watch her for a while.
  19. Kathy went back to the farm and she started to read the Diary. The Spencer where finily in their home. Kathleen was 9 months pregnet Shewas Due any day now
  20. Hi all I don't know if you know this but Catherine Back Is on Myspace.com The address to her page is www.myspace.com/catherinebach
  21. Cause Jesse is 17 and Leventa is 4.I will have to talk to Luke.and then Kathy delivered a new baby.
  22. Kathy Showed up at the hospital and walked in to Jesica's room. Dusty smiles and said I hear youwould like to have another baby. Kathy smiles and said Ya I do But I don't know how I'm going to tell Luke and How he's going to take it.
  23. kathy looked at them and said I beter get to the hospital I'm her doctor and then Kathy and Luke got to the General and they headed for the hospital with michael right behind them.
  24. Luke said Reba they can't let her come between then Look and me and Kath. we had the same problem. Kathy walked up to him and said Ya Lou-Ann Henderson. I pushed that woman in the pond So many time it Ain't funny. Jesse got up and said Oh So Mom you where a fighter? Kathy Smiled and said No. But if anyone came between your father and I. I sure was. Mom isn't Lou-Ann married to Thomas Johnson Now? Luke laughts and said Yup.She still comes on to me. When I'm working at the Garage. Kathy gives him a look and said so she is? Luke smiles and said don't worry Sweethear she know better to mess with me or she will have to deal with you.
  25. Meanwhile back at the old Spencer house Kathy was looking threw the house and she saw that all of the antick fournature was still in the house. Kathy walkedinto the bedroom and saw a wooded cradle and she smiled and said Luke look.and he smiled. Kathy found some pictures and she said Luke look and Luke said Wow Sweetheart. This must be your great Great Grandmother Kathleen and you look just like her. Kathy said but why did they leave everything here? I don'y know sweedheart. I guess You have to read Kathleen's Journal some more and maybr the answer is in there.
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