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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. AT THE HOSPITAL Abby wheeled Kathy out to Luke and Luke smiled and said how is everything Abby smiled everything is going great. I will let Kathy tell you the rest. Luke looked at her and said Ok Sweetheart what's going on? Kathy said Take me home and I will show you. Luke said ok He picked her up and carried her to The General Lee. Kathy though Man I'm going to miss this. LATER THAT NIGHT The family was all talking when there was a knock on the door Jesse answered it and he yell it's Lois and Clark and Lithle Kathleen. Reba walked over and said you are jest in time Aunt Kathy was about to tell us something. SO THE ALL WALKED IN TO THE lIVING ROOM. Kathy smiled at everyone and she grabed her cane and she slowly stood up. everyone was quite. Then she started to walk to the man hat she loved. She walked right into his Arms. and everyone cheered.
  2. Jesse saw that Adam was getting upset and Jesse said Let met Take Jacob so you two can talk. and he gave a single and Sarah took Leventa's Hand and said come on Lets go swiming. MEANWHILE ON THE spencer plane Clark and Lois and Baby Kathleen where on their way to Chicago. Baby Kathleen was asleep. NEABWHILE AT COUNTY Abby was helping Kathy with her excicus. and Abby said Kathy you know we both know you can walk. how come your not telling Luke and your kids? Kathy looked at her and said I want it to be a surprise. I don't want to tell them I want to show them. Abby said Ok but tell them soon I know Luke will be thrilled. Kathy said Ok I will. I will show them tonight. I have the cane you gave me in my room at the house.
  3. Jesse and Adam and Adam asked what is mom like? Jesse starts to laugh. and said well for one thing she's in love with Dad. and she is sturban. and never I mean never make her made. She has a bad temper. I rember I got her really mad once and Dad said Jesse just go and Dad had to calm her down. Adam said Jesse what did you do? Jesse said well I was 16 I just got my lisence and My girlfriend at the time Rachael Who mom didn't like. wanted to go parting at Hazzard Pond with some friends. Mom told me no. I couldn't go til my chores where done. Well being a teenaged boy I diobeyed mom and went anywhy But she was waiting for me when I got home and she didn't look happy. Adam said wow. But she loves her kids and she will do anything to protect us. so what she tells you about your Uncle JR is true stay away from him.jESSE SAID.
  4. Clark said who are they and Reba told them. and Clark said Wow, Aunt Kathy Must be shocked.Ya Ok Reba Tel Aunt Kathy and Uncle Luke we will be there. Ok Bye. and then he told Lois what was going on and that Kathy would send the Spencer Jet to get them. and Lois said Cool. BACK IN CHICAGO. Reba said That Lois and Clark are on their way and Kyle called the pilot and sent him to get Lois and Clark. Luke looked at everyone and said I hate to break this up But Kath has an appomint and she can't miss it. Sarah and Kaitlyn said We will watch Leventa and Jacab. Kathy looked at the girls and said Thanks. and Luke Carried her to the General Lee. Adam asked Jesse what's the story with the car? Jesse said General is part of the family. and he told Adam the story of the Genera Lee. and Adam said cool. I love racing. Jesse said Cool then you are more Duke then you think. and then everyone laughed.
  5. Luke laughed and said Thats right your mother did say that and she does have a lot of Spunk. And your mother is making really fast progress in her theropy. She is an amizing women. That's why I fell in love with her. Then Luke Kissed Kathy. Jesse said Adam you will get use to that. They do that all the time. Adam said I think it's great. They are great roll modles on what a marage is really like. So what do you think of becoming grandparents. Kathy and Luke Just Smiled and said We Love it. Kyle said Well we have a wedding to plan. Kaitlyn walked over to Luke and said I have no family and I would like it if you would give me away. Kathy smiled. and Luke said I would love to. and Adam asked Jesse to be his best man and Kaitlyn asked to Sarah to be her Maide of Honor. Reba Stacy and Courtney as Brides Maids.
  6. Kyle said Ya you can get married righthere on the Spencer Grounds. And Luke said Ya and it will be fun to plan a wedding that ain't mine. Kathy Just looked at him and gave him a dirty look. Luke just laughed.
  7. I know She was always kind to me also and so was Jock. Leventa was ao excited the she was going to be the flower girl at her brother's wedding. then Adam said hay Sis How would you like to be the flower girl at my wedding too,? Leventa jumper up and down and said really. Kaiitlyn smiled. then Adam said That's if Kaitlyn says yes. and everyone congradulated them. And then Adam said we are getting married next week. Kaitlyn looked at him and said I can't plan a wedding in a week? Kathy smiled and said you may not be able to plan a wedding in a week but with our help
  8. Robet and Sheri walked in and Robert said Don't we have a wedding to plan? Jesse looked at him and smiled. Sarah said Ya Jesse and I have talked about it all ready. and we want to get married. In Hazzard on the Farm. the same plce where Mom and dad got married. and it will be this time Next year. and I want Leventa as the flower and Jacob as the ring berror. and that's al we got to. Luke looked at them and said that's quite a bit. Sheri was going to say something but Robert stopped her.
  9. Jesse and Adam where getting along great. Leventa was sitting on Adam's lap. Kathy said Baby will you get Jacob and bring me my camra. So Luke did. and He handed Jacob to Jesse. and he took the picture for Kathy. Then Kathy had Sarah and Kaitlyn get in the picture. and Luke took it. Bo said Kathy Luke get in the Picture. and they did and Bo took the picture. Bo said what a good-looking family.
  10. Oh and Kathleen you also have voting rights In the Ewing company. My mother left you her's. Then Kathy smiled and said that's why JR is after me. Bobby said Ya it is Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Bobby Kissed Kathy on The check and said Hope you get well soon so so can kick Jrs ass. Kathy said Thanks Bobby. Bobby Left. Adam said Dad I ill come to Dallas and we can get together. right Know I want to stay here and Ge to know this side of the family. Bobby sai Ok. The Dukes are good people they will welcome you. Luke said we all ready have. Bobby walked out the door.
  11. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE They all walk into the house. Kathy got all the amily together together and interduced them to her son Adam. Kyle walked over to him and welcomed him. and Leventa ran to him and sai hay big brother. and Adam saw everyone and sai wow. I went from only being me. to having a huge family. Kathy said now son Ihave to warn you. your Uncle Jr Ewing is an Evil man he's the one who took you from me anh he told me you where dead. he's very dangers son. he will tel you what you want to hear just so he can draw you in. So please becare ful.Adam smiled and sai ok mom. So where ou and dad ever married. Kathy said no. after they told me you dies i left Dallas. But to tell you the truth Iwas plannig on leaving anyway i couldn't stand JR interfering into my life.but 4 years later. i met the love of my life. anh he even tried to break us up. he came close once. but it didn't happen. Then Reba started to tell him her experence with JR Ewing.
  12. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE Luke's cell phone rings and he answered it and said Yes Thomas what do you need. well who is it. Is It Mr Ewing. Ok we will be there in 15 minutes. ya Bye. Luke closed his phone and put it in his pocked. and he told Kathy and Kathy said Ok lets go. and they left. Jese went with them along with Bobby. 15 MINUTES LATER AT THE HOTEL Luke wheeled Kathy in. and they went to the Desk. and Thomas pointed them to Adam. and they went into the palor Luke walked over to him and said Excuse me I'm Luke Duke. and this is my wife Kathy Duke. Adam stood up and shook his hand and said I'm Adam Cornwell or should I say Ewing. (LOOKING AT KATHY) I'm your son. Kathy had teirs in her eyes and she said come here and she huged him and she said this is your father Bobby. and Bobby smiled. and Kathy said this is your step=father My husband Luke and this handsome young Man(looking at Jesse) Is your brother Jess Duke and his fencia Sarah. you also have a sister Leventa she's 5 and a brother Jacob Duke he's 4 weeks old. Bobby said you also have a brother Christopher he's 23 years old. he's in Dallaswith his mother. Luke said why don't you come back to the house and me the rest of the family. Adam said Cool and he interduced then to Katlain. and Then they all went back to the house.
  13. Adam was Happy and he told Kaitlyn what he just found out. and Kailyn said Come and Get me I want to go and be with you. Adam said I love you. I will be there in 5 minutes. MEANWHILE IN CHICAGO Kathy said we need to tell Jesse and Leventa. and Luke said you are right and he called for Jesse Sarah and Leventa. and they came in the maine house and Kyle was with them also. and Kathy said Jesse Leventa you have an older brother. The baby that I thought was dead. well he's alive and he'sout there somewhere. and Bobby is his father. He's 27 years old. I would like to find him. Jesse said Cool an older brother. Leventa said Mom couldn't you have a girl Now I got 3 brothers. everyone laughed. 4 HOURS LATER The plane landed. and Kaitlyn rented a car and Adam went to the Spencer hotel and asked the mad at the desk if he knew a Kathleen Spencer. Thomas said Ya I do But her Named is Dr Kathleen Duke. and her husband Luke runs this hotel. cause her her father is retired. And her son Jesse helps out also. Adam said can you please call Mr Duke and ask him and his wife to come to the hotel there is someone tha would like to see them. Thomas said I sure can and then he gave Adam the keys to his room.
  14. Luke stopped the General Lee and he got out fast Bo got out. Luke ran to the hotel. Thomas saw him amd said Hay Boss. Luke walked over to him and said what room is J.R Ewing in. Thomas looked at him cause he never seen Luke like this before. and he looked on the computer and said Mr. Ewing is in Room 232. Luke said Thanks Tom. and he was headed towards the elivator. But Bo cough up with him and stopped him and said Luke I know you are angery but there is another way. to handle JR and Bobby. Just then they saw J.R AND Bobby with billy right behind them. They walked over to Luke and Bo. Jr laughed and said I have expected to see you alot sooner. Luke walked over to him and said Stay from my son. J,r laughed. and said we both know he should be Bobby's son. Luke looked at him and said Kath told me she was pregnet with Bobby's Son and she misscarried with him when she was 8 months pregnet because of you. and Jr smilled and said No she didn't misscarrie. but She was told he died. I took the baby and gave him to someone and raised they raised him. Bobby turned on JR AND Said you took my son just to get back at Kathy. Where is he Jr.. MEANWHILE IN VIRGINIA A 27 year old man named Adam was just coming home from work he was a police officer. and he was still singal. His mother was there waiting for him and she was mad at JR cause he hasn't sent her any money. and she was going to tell Adam everything. Adam walked over to her and said Hay Mom She said Adam come here I need to tell you some thing. He sat down and she said I.m not your mother. Some one took you from your mother and gave you to me to raise. Adam looked at her and said How come my mother never came to find me. She said cause she was told that you had died. Adam wasn;t inpressed. he said who is she and where is she, Adam said she told adam all she wanted to know. and he went and he packed. MEANWHILE IN CHICAGO Luke and Bobby went back to the Spencer House and they told Kathy what JR had done and she was mad.
  15. Bo heard Kathy yelling to Luke and he knew by the way she was Yelling something was going on. So he said Tracy I better go. then he got up and left. OUTSIDE He met Luke outside. and he saw Luke getting in the General Lee. and he go in the pasanger side before Luke drove off. Bo Looked at Luke and said Where are we going? Luke looked at him and said to the Hotel and beat some sence into JR Ewing. BACK AT THE HOUSE Tracy walked over to Kathy and said Kathy is everything all right.? Kathy started to cry and said No J.R Ewing is messing with my family again. Kyle heard this and he was made he though can that man leave my daughter a lone. and he went and made some calls and he made some other calls to make sure Luke was protected in case he did something stupid. Jesse ran in the house and said Mom is everything all right I Heard you yell at dad. Kathy looked at him and said Jesse how come you didn't tell us that you have talked to Bobby and J.R Ewing? Jesse looked at Sarah and he said Sarah I told you I would handle this that my parents has enough on their plates. then he got mad and walked out. Sarah went to go after him But Ross said I will go Talk to him. Sarah started to cry. Kathy remembered the first time her and Luke had an disagreement and he walked out. she though her heart was breaking. but hen he came back. Kathy said Sarah Jesse is just like his father he will go and blow off some steam and then he will be back pluse Ross is with him he will talk him down. Just Like I Know Bo will Talk Luke down.
  16. Sarah smiled and said Jesse is real upset about this. I'm afraid he wil do something stupid. Luke got up. Kathy looked a him and said where are you going? I;m going to bead some sence into JR Ewing. Kath we went threw this with him before. and that time it almost broke us up. cause I beleive him instead of you. and I won't let him tear this family apart like that again. and then he left Kathy yelled LUKE LUKE
  17. So how did Leventa's Day go? Luke smiled and said it went very well Leventa interduced us and then Me and Bo went and told her class about the GeneraL Lee. Then we went outside and Leventa interduced the General. You should have seen he Kath she tried so hear to show her class how to get in the General but she was too small. Then Bo seen her frustration and he picked her up and put her in the General and then he said That's how Leventa gets in the General but this is how the rest of us get in. and then he showed the class how to get in the General. Kathy laughed. Kathy was still worried about Jesse. IN THE GUEST HOUSE Sarah saw that Jesse was still bothered by what J.R Ewing told him. So she decided to go talk to his parents. in the main house Luke herd Sarah come in and he said Sarah we are here. and Sarah walked out on the porch. and she looked at them and saidi need to talk about Jesse he told me that he talked to a Jr Ewing and he told Jesse that you wasn'y his father his brotheer Bobby was and that Kathy was seeing Bobby right up until he was born. Luke was mad. Kathy calmed him down and she said Sarah sit Sarah sat down Jr was right on one account I did date his Brother Bobby but that was about 4 years before I had met Luke. and no I never cheeted on Luke. Luke is Jesse's father. and Luke is and always will be the love of my life and my only love
  18. No my parents are going threw a lot right now. Exprelly mom she is doing so well in her phycail theropy. She doesn't need to worry. LATER THAT NIGHT Kathy and Luke where on the back porch watching the sunset. Kathy said it isn't the same. Luke said What do you mean sweetheart? The sunset it isn't the smae as it is in Hazzard on the farm. Kathy said Luke took her in his arms and said sweetheart you are just home sick is all. Kathy smiled and said you are probly right. Jesse seemed that he ws upset about something. I know. maybe him and Sarah had a little tiff. Luke said Kathy said No I think it's something else.
  19. Leventa you have the floor. Thank you mrs Tomson. I would Like you all to Me My Uncle Bo Duke He Use to be a Race car Diver But Now he's a Texas Ranger. This Is My Daddy Luke Duke He use to be a race car Drive and a smoke Jumper. Don't Ask me what a smoke Jumper is Cause I don't Know. Now My Daddy runs the Spencer Hotels for My Grandpa Spencer. and they Both Own the General Lee and I also brough him But he's outside. Daddy and Uncle Bo will tell you the story how and Why The General Lee came to be. and Then if it is all right with Mrs Tomsom we can go outside and see The General Lee. Leventa sat Down and Let Luke and Bo take over. and they told the Kids how the General came into the Duke Family and all the races he had won. Mean while at the Spencer House. Jesse came into the guest house and he slamed the door and sat down and Sarah said Jesse what's going on? and he told her what Jr had said. Sarah said Baby I think You should talk to your parents about his. and then they can handle Mr Ewing.
  20. MEANWHILE AT THE SPENCER HOTEL JR. Ewing and Bobby Ewing showed up. and they saw Jesse running the hotel. and Jr and Bobby walked over to him and Bobby Said Hello Son. Jesse looked at him kinda funny and said Excuse me But you ain't my father my father is Luke Duke. JR walked over to Jesse and said That is what your mother wans everyone to think. Ask your mother about Bobby Ewing and she will tell you she dated him and even lived with him. and even after your parents got married she was still seeing Bobby right up intill you where born. Jesse looked at both men and said No it ain't true Luke Duke is my father and he ran out the door. Jr watched him leave and he started to laugh. MEANWHILE AT THE SCHOOL Leventa walked in with her dad and her Uncle and said Mrs Tomson I have a show and tell today. Mrs Tomson looked up and she smiled when she saw Luke and Bo. and She said Ok Leventa.(Clapping her hands.)Children please be seated Leventa has Show and tell.(Looking at Leventa)
  21. In The Drive way Jesse stopped the General Lee and him and Sarah got out. and Leventa came out of the house all excited and she looked at her brother and said I'm ready. Jesse looked at her and said I ready to go to school and Take the General Lee with me . Jesse said Shoot I forgot to ask Dad Sorry Leve. Leventa got all upset and she started to cry Kathy and Luke walked over and Kathy said Leventa what's wronge. But before Leventa had a chance to amswer. Jesse said it's me I forgot to ask Dad something and Now She's upset with me. Luke said Well son ask me now. Jesse said Leventa has been tellinh her class about Hazzard and about the General Lee and She wanted to bring the General to school and I forgot to ask you. Luke smiled and he picked up Leventa and put her in the General and said Lets go and then he Yelled come on Bo. and then Bo Leventa and Bo headed for school in the General Lee.
  22. Luke puts his arm around Charlie and said Charlie Jesse is right Rosco is a good man when he was giving your dad a heard time when we where younger he was just following orders.If you want to drive the General Next time Just ask ok. Charlie just smiles. Jesse looked behind them and he saw his mother coming and he looked at his father and said Dad I think you are in trouble. Luke turns around and said Son I think you are right. and he grabs the keys out of the General and gets out of the General Lee and Walks over to Kathy. Kathy looked at him and said Luke that was a crazy stunt I could have lost you. Luke smiled and said Never and he kissed her. Sheri looked at Sarah and said is it always this excting in this family. Sarah smiled and said No mom not always only when they all get together then you never know whats going to Happen. Luke threw Jesse the Keys and said Take the General and park him please. Jesse caught the keys and said Sure Dad. Sarah ran to him and Go in the General and they Drove the General back up the drive way. Bill looked at Bo and Luke and said I can't beleive you still have that car. Bo said The General is a part of the family. and they all walked back up. LATER THAT DAY... Jesse and Sarah where taking a walk. Sarah said Now that my dad is ok with us getting married we should deside on the day. Jesse looked at her and smiled and said sure. I have always wanted an August wedding. Sarah said. Jesse said August it is. Sarah looked at him and saw that something was brothering him and said Baby what's wronge? Jesse looked at her and said My mother, I could tel she was in a lot of pain today but she hid it cause she didn't want to spoil our fun. and I can tell that Dad Knew also. Dad and mom are so connected that they know when the other is hurting with out the other one saying a word. When we though mom was dead dad lost it. I didn't know what to do. Sarah said Jesse your parents have that spicail love that not many people find. They make each other whole. Jesse said YOu are right, Then he took her in his arms and said Like you do me. Sarah smiled and kissed him.
  23. Luke Jumps On the Back of the General and he makes his way to the roof and and he forces Charlie over and he crawles threw the window and he stops the General. and he Just looks at Charlie and then Bo Runs to the General. and David blocks it with his jeep
  24. David looked at his Uncle and said Uncle Bill I would like to tell you about this spicail girl i Call her Annie and she is all Indain and I love her with all my heart. Bill looked at his nephew and said I can see That David and I'm Happy that you have found her and I know she will make you happy and then they hurfd the Geneal Lee. And Luke said I'm going to kill me some boys. and they all ran out to where the General was and Jesse was in the passanger seat tring to stop Charlie.
  25. AFTER THE CONCERT Everyone was gone. and the artest and the Dukes where talking and they had their picture taken with the artest. and Kathy said Thank you to all of them. and then they went back to the house. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE.. Luke hurd Jacob crying and Kyle came carrien him down. and Kyle smiled and said I brought him down before he woke the others, I think he wants his mother, Kathy smiled and Kyle walked over to her and he handed her Jacob. Sheri walked over and said Oh Kathy he's so Handsome. Kathy looked at her and said Ya he looks alot like Jesse. when Jesse was a baby, Luke looked at Bill and said Bill we need to talk. and then Bo said Luke I'm coming with you and David said so am I. and the four of them went to the parlor to talk.
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