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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. IN HIS ROOM.. Luke picked up a picture of him and Bo. and he said No you ain't dead if I can come back so will you. Luke sat down at the desk and wrote to his Captin and told him every thing. and then he folded it up and got it ready to send.
  2. Adam put the cell phone back in his sock. and they waited MEANWHILE AT THE RANGER HEADQUARTERS Luke was telling Bo and Walker What Bobby had told him. and walker gota sewrch warrent fromthe Judge and they headed for Southfork
  3. Adam said Our Dad's. Adam dieled his father thren he stopped and said No He dieled Bobby's cell number. and Bobby answered it and Adam said Dad shhh Don't say my name. Bobby said Ok and he walked out of the house. Adam said I'm here at southfork and so is Reba we are locked in the tack. Bobby said I will get you out Ijust have to wait till JR LEAVES. I'm going to call Luke and Bo and then he hung up. and then Bobby called Luke and told him everything and Luke said we are on our way.
  4. Kathy said Ok I will and she left and she called Jason aon her cell and told him everything and he said he will be right there and Kathy said Ok
  5. Adam said Reba you said it Chris and he reached an his Shirt and there was a cell phone. Reba looked at him and said Chris gave this to me in the hospital and told me to hid it on me somewhere. and I did.
  6. IN Hazzard Luke was looking around and said where is Bo? Uncle Jesse said Luke, Bo was draffed 2 years ago and he is MIA. Luke looked at them and said Why didn't you tell Me I could have stayed there and looked for him. Uncle Jesse went to touch him But Luke pushed him away and he got up and went to his and Bo's room.
  7. Kathy says the baby is fine. but if we don't get your feaver it cause you to lose the baby.want me to cal Jason?
  8. Adam looked at her and said I will Try but we need to do it soon.cause who knows What JR Has planned. and then he thought and said Reba we could be just the bait. To get our Dad's here. and we know they will come full force.
  9. 3 Days Later.. Luke was released form the Marines he was still a little wabbly on his feet But the cane that a doctor gave him help. and he was on his way home. The bus stopped in Hazzard. Now Uncle Jesse or Daisy didn't know he was comeing home they didn't even know he was alive. Luke walked off the bus and he looked around and he smiled and said man it's great to be home. Over at the garage. Cooter saw Luke and he droped what he was doing and ran over and gave Luke a hug. Cooter said we though you were dead. Luke smiled and said so did I Cooter So did I. Cooter just looked at him. and said Let me Call Uncle Jesse. Luke said No. can you give me a ride I want to surprise them. Man I can't wait to see Bo's face. Cooter had a look on his face that Luke didn't understand. Cooter said ok buddy lets go. Cooter grabbed Luke's bag and they went accresed the street they got in the truck and headed for the farm. AT THE FARM..... Daisy was worried about Uncle Jesse he hasn't talked much sence they got those letters saying that the boys where MIA. Then she saw Cooter's truck. Daisy smiled Cooter was always coming over and checking on them and asked if they needed anything. Daisy walked over to the truck Cooter stopped the Truck and Cooter got out and he had a huge smile on his face. Daisy was wondering why and then she saw the passanger side door open of his truck So looked over and she saw Luke she ran over to him and gave him a big Hug and she yelled UNCLE JESSE UNCLE JESSE. Uncle Jesse came out of the house and he saw Luke right away and he ran to Luke and said My Boyand he hugged him and said are you real or am I dreaming? Luke looked at them both and said I'm real. a little un easy on my feet but I'm real. Uncle Jesse looked at him and said well lets go in the house So you can sit down. Luke just smiled. Cooter grabbed his Bags.
  10. Luke and his men where in bad shape they haven t eaten in a week . and Luke was real weak and he didn't know how long he could hold on. and then he heard gun shots and then everything went black. 3 DAYS LATER.. Luke woke up and he was in a hospital in a base camp. and he saw his Captain and His Captain said welcome back Sergeunt Duke. and congradulations you are going home. Luke looked at him and said really His Captain said Really. and then he saw Mike and Peter. and Mike said well Sarg we made it and Luke said ya we did.I can't belive I going home.
  11. Mike Saw one of the japs coming towards them and Mike said Luke get up and Luke looked up and he saw a jap coming and he stood up and the Jap walked over to him and said what is your name? Luke said Privite Luke Duke 3425-54 and the Jap aske him another question and Luke gave the same answer and he hit Luke so hard it knocked him out. and then they took the men back to their cell. Mike and Peter carried Luke.
  12. 2 HOURS LATER.. The guards came and they pulled them all out in the yard. and Luke saw Phillip tied to a poll with a bunch of Jab's solders ready to fire on him. the cornal said this is what happens if you don't coroprate with us. and the fsolders picked up therir guns and fired. and Killed Phillip and Luke Yelled NOOOOO. and he fel to the ground. Bo renised his voice
  13. Luke was worried about Phillip Why did he do that? Mike walked over to Luke and said All will be fine. Luke walked to the only window in the cell and he saw the guards taking another man. Not relising it was Bo. Luke said there is something we can do we need to get out of here.
  14. IN PRISON CAMP Luke and his me haven't eaten in days and It rained the night before and now their dirt floor is now mud. Agauard came in and he wanted the man in charge.Luke was about to Step up But Phillip beat him to it. and Phillip said Sargaunt pHILLIP. AND THET TOOK HIM AWAY
  15. 1 MONTH LATER.. IN HAZZARD.. Uncle Jesse and Daisy was doing the farm chores when Mz Tisdale came up and handed then two letter one from the Marines and then other from the Airforce. Uncle Jesse knew what those letters ment and he couldn't open them. So Daisy opened the one from the Marines and she read it and it Said Mr Duke we are sorry to inform you that Luke is MIA.AND The other letter said the same about Bo. Uncle Jesse said I will never see my boys again. Daist said Uncle Jesse we have to have faith that Bo and Luke are fine and they will come home Safely
  16. Reba checks On Adam. IN HAZZARD Kathy is just getting the news that Adam is gone and she is having a fit. Scott tried to calm her down and it wasn't working and Brattney said I wish day as here and Josh said thats it call your dad and put him on the spaker phone and Brittney did and they told Luke everthing and he talked to Kathy and said sweetheart we will get him and Reba back and Bo Walker and I know where to look.
  17. Luke and his Men were put in a cell together . The cell had a dirt floor and nothing to sleep on or to sit on. Phillip said they are going to kill Us and Luke said I don't want to hear that kind of Talk we will get out of here Some how.
  18. AS THey where talking his men brought in Adam.and Layed him down on the bed and they all walked out.
  19. Meanwhile in the village the fighting was getting Out of Hand and Luke and his men were captured and they were taken to the prision camp.
  20. jr laughed and said you won't be leaving her any time soon and neather will Adam.
  21. Luke Grabbed the pilote and Philip took his other arm and Luke looked at his men and said cover Us and they did and they ran and they got out of the plane just in time cause it expoted. and they all fell to the ground. But they were all ok. Luke and Phillip got the piloit to the helocopter and the Helocopter took off with him. and Luke and His Men went and finished the mission.
  22. The Helocopter came and Luke and His Men jumped out and They saw the plan crash and Luke his Men were started to get fired on and Luke Looked at Philip and said Some How we need to get to the piolt befor the japs do. and Phillip said ok Sarg and Phillip went into action. Luke saw him and He fired and Phillip went strite threw the Japs and Luke though he is crazy. But then Luke followed. The finily made it to the plane and they found the Piolit.
  23. In Hazzard Kathy went to Adam and said Itaking Chris and Pam to the house. Adam said Mom I will be fine and she kissed adam and then she left. AFTER SHE left 2 men in white coats and coloformed Adam and took him out of the hospital. IN dALLAS JR started to laugh and said don't worry Reba you won't be alone very long Adam will be joining you.
  24. Luke and his men were back at the base camp when his captain comes up to him and said Duke we have a report that there is weopens being stored at that village you cleared out 8 weeks ago I want you and your men go check it out. And Luke said Yes sir. and then he told his men. and they got ready caust the helocopter was going to drop them off. in an hour.
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