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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Clark looked at Reba and said Ya our Aunt Kathy is one tough cookie. Kathy looked at him and said I don't feel so tough. Bo walked over to her and said come on Kat,, Being in this family as long as you have you know you have to be tough and Luke is tough he will make it threw. Kathy looked at Bo and said I don't know Bo you didn't hear him after he got shot it was like he was giving up. and I don't know if I can go on without him. Adam looked at his mother and said Mom dad is going to make it he is going to see Jake grow up to become a man and he will see his future grandchildren. I mean you guys only have little Kathleen right now. Kathy smiled and said I know. and she gave her son a hug.
  2. Clark said My wife is there and she is pregnet again and and all you bring is me and the Twins. I don't think so. Jor-el said they have served their purpos. Clark said No and he picked up the twing and headed back to Hazzard.
  3. Hi all i have started a Tom Wopat group here. and anyone can Join.You can talk about tom Or you can add your favrote picture of him. all are welcome. come on in the water is fine.
  4. Just then Clark came threw the doors and he saw his Aunt and Kathy saw him and she went to him Clark looked at Adam and said what happened and Adam told him. Clark said I should have been here, He should have called me. Kathy looked at him and whisparted to him and said Clark he knew that someone else needed you more then him. Clark said I was in the Phillipaines stopping a valcone to erupted but what good are my powers if I can't help my family when they are in danger. I should have been here. Kathy hugged Clark and said you are here now. 2 hours later Jesse,Sarah,Bo, Tracy,Daisy Enos, Judd, Coy and Vance all came in. and Kathy was glad to see everyone of them. and she filled them in Luke was still in sergery.
  5. IN THE CAVES... The twins where scared and then they saw a beautiful women dressed in white. They though she was an Angle She walked over to them and she sat down next to them and said. Hi My Name is Laura, I'm your Grandmother. The Twins Looked at their father. She looked and she said don't worry your Daddy is allright. Laura said come with me. Clark saw what was happening and he said No. and he forsed himself out of the light. and he ran to his kids. and he said Jor-el was this a trap to get my kids. We it isn't going to work. He picked up the twind and was about to take off when Jor-el spoke Kal-el you need to stay here. and Clark said something is going to happen.that is why you called us here. No Jor-el we are going back.
  6. AT THE HOSPITAL Peter saw them come in and He saw Kathy and said the OR is all ready and they took him. KathyJust fell down on the floor and she started to cry. Abby Walked over to her and Lifted her up and she looked at Carol and said Call Bo Or Clark Or anyone in the family that you can get a hold of Kathy needs them here now. and Carol ran to the Phone and she called Bo In Texas and he said Ok he was on his way he will be therein a few hours. and he will call the rest of the family along the way. Just then Adam walked in and he saw his mother breaking down and he went to her. and he held her. and then she looked at Adam and said Jacob. Adam said he's ok Mom Levi and Kaitlynn is with him.
  7. Luke said Sweetheart we both know that this is too bad even for Peter to fix. Kathy said No I don't (hearing an Ambulance in the distance) Josh and Adam showed up and Adam saw his father on the ground and he ran to him. Luke said Adam Take care of your mother. Adam said Why Dad when you can do that your self. The Parmedics came and they loaded Luke in the Ambulance and Kathy went with them. Josh looked at Adam and said Adam Go to the Hospital I will take him in. Adam looked at him and Got in his mother's firebird and headed for the hospital With Reba right behind him.
  8. Kathy got up and said Reba and Reba looked at her. and when Kathy got his attion she him Alan real hard and he went down and he didn't get back up. Kathy then but her attion towards Luke and she noticed he wasn't getting up and she ran to him and she turned him over and she saw blood and she saw he was shot in the chest and she said Baby hang on and Kathy looked at Reba and said go call an ambulance. and Kathy checked Luke. Luke looked at her and said Seetheart, I have always loved you and I always will. Kathy looked at him and said No Luke you are not saying good-bye. I not going to let you go. Stay with me baby I need you.
  9. Luk e saw where Allan was staying and he stopped the General Lee and he walked out. and Allen saw him and he walked out.and he had a gun on Luke and Luke raised his hands and Allan said Well Sargent Duke Nice to see you again. Luke said I'm here Benton take it out on me and leave my family alone. Allan smiled and he was about to fire the gun when HE sAW kATHY'S FIREbird come to a stop. Luke said Adam. Kathy came running running down and Allan smiled and said well look who stopped in to see us Sargent your heart. and he lifted his Gun towards Kathy and he fired and Luke said No and he pushed Kathy out of the way and they both fell to the ground
  10. MEANWHILE IN SMALLVILLE IN THE CAVES The twins where calmer now. but their dad was still in the light. and that voice said that he was fine and they beleived him. Clark could see his kids and he knew they where scard, But there was nothing he could do to make them feel better.
  11. Luke left and Adam went in the house and Kathy just came out of the Nursery from feeding Jacob she looked around and she didn't see Luke and she looked at Adam and said where is your father. and Adam told her. and she went to get her Jacket But Adam stopped her and said I promised DaD i WOULD protect you. Kathy smiles and said watch over your brother and sister I will not let Luke face HIM ALONE Kathy walked out the door. Adam yELLED mom.
  12. I have started a catherine Bach group if anyone wants to join

  13. Luke looked at her and said I don't want you to go. But if you want to I won't stop you. MEANWHILE IN A SHACK NOT TO FAR FROM THE DUKE FARM... Alan was making his plan. he plans on taking Kathy who is Luke's heart. but when to grab her they will be on gaurd now.he will have to think on it somemore ouside at the duke farm.. Luke was getting in the General Lee when Adam came out of the house and said Dad let me go with you. and Luke said No Adam I need someone here to watch out for your mother cause if I know Alan he will go after her first cause he knows she is my heart. Adam said ok Dad but you know how sturban mom can be. Luke smiles and said you ain't telling me nothing I don't all ready know after all I have been married to her for almost30 years. he got in the general and took off.
  14. Ya Jon told me that Clark couldn't stand you cause you where bossy and pushy. Luke Said. Lois laugh and said Ya and I still am. I think that is what he loves about me. MEANWHILE IN SMALLVILLE IN THE CAVES....... Clark and the Twins where going to the fortas. and they were tracported and the twins looked around and said cool. clark smiles and he walked to the crystles and he heard Jor-el's voice Hello son What do you want? Clark said I want you to finish your knowalage and I want you to pass it on to my granchildren. Jor-el said. and then there was a flash of light and it covered clark and the twins where scared and they started to cry. and They heard Jor-el said it ok your dad is fine. BACK IN HAZZARD....... Kathy said I hope Clark is ok. I know what Martha told me about Jor-el and it isn't good.
  15. Luke said Yes we will watch your daughter I think She hit it off with Levinta cause she sitting with Levi and Scott Remember if you need me call me and Ray and Bobby said they will and they left. Luke walked in the waiting room and told the rest of the family what was going on and He ask Leventa and Scott if they would Take Jake and Ray's Duaghter back to the farm. and lEVI hUGGED her dad and said Dad I'M so glad that my brother made it. sARAH SAID dAD i WILL go with them cause little Luke is so tired Luke smiled when he saw his grandson and said Ok. Brittney went with them and she took little Kathy with her. Luke said I will tell Kaitlynn.and they all left. and Luke went back to Adam's room. IN ADAM'S ROOM Luke told them what the family was doing. and Kaitlynn said ok Kathy needs to hang out with Jake. you know Kathy told me she said you know mom it's weired having a Uncle the same age as you. and We both laughed. Luke said Jake was a mircal.
  16. Luke said to get back at Kath, You see Ms. Elly Had left Kathy all of her Ewing stock. Ray looked and said So that means and Bobby said Yes Kathleen has the controlling intrestest in Ewing oil. Luke looked surprised. Ray looked at Luke and said you didn;t know it was that much did you? Luke said No we didn't know.No wonder JR wants those shares. Bobby looked at Luke and said no matter what don't let Kathy give the stocks to JR. Keep them for Little Kathy and the new baby coming. Luke looked at him and said ok.
  17. Kathy smiled and said I know what you mean. Martha told me all about that. and when you stayed with them.
  18. Luke said you are welcome and Yes it is personal.
  19. Luke looked at them and said I will be right back and he ran out the door and he cough up to Bobby and said Bobby. Bobby stopped and looked at him and said Luke Take care of Our Son Adam. I will take car of Jr. He needs at Least one his fathers around. Luke looked at him and said if you need me. Bobby said I will call you. Bobby held out his hand and Luke shook it.
  20. Luke looked at her and said I won't let that happen.and then Luke walked out the door.
  21. Kaitlynn said he doesn't want to see you. and they went into the room. IN ADAM'S ROOM Kathy smiled when she saw him. and she went to him and hugged him. and said Adam. Adam smiled and said Mom, I'm ok. Kathy said I know. Dad I know who shot me and it wasn't an accident it was Jr Ewing(Bobby was at the door listening) Luke said Adam are you Sure it was Jr? He usally hires someone to do his dirty work. Adam said Dad I saw him he looked at me and said this is for your mother and he shot me.
  22. Luke looked at her and said It's me he's after cause him and I were in the marines together and I put him in the brig because he killed his buddy.and when he came he last time he sware he would come back and get even with me.
  23. I will leave that up to Adam and Laitlynn But what Kaitlynn has told me she doesn't want her children around the Ewings. and neather does Adam. IN ADAM'S ROOM Kaitlynn Kissed Adam Adam said Now Sweetheart what have you said about Bobby and Mom. and she told him what was going on. and Adam smiled and said Baby I agree with you our children will not know they are Ewings.intill they get older. Kaitlynn kissed him. and then she said I'm going to tell mom you are awake. Adam said Ok Oh I don't want to see Bobby Just Mom and Dad. Kaitlynn smiled and said Ok and she walked out of the room. Kaitlynn walked over to Kathy and Luke and said Mom Dad Adam wants to see you and they folled her to his room.
  24. clark walked over to his wife and said yes the baby could be. then Clark had a ring sound in his ears and he fell to his knees and so did the twins. and Lois said Aunt Kathy and Kathy came a running and then the ring stopped. Clark got up and said I think Jor-el is calling me I better go cause everytime I disobayed him something terrable happened. Lois said Take the twins cause they had the same effet as you. and Ckark said Ok and he picked up the twins and he did super speed out the door. Luke looked worried and Lois said I Know Uncle Luke everytime Jor-el gets involves Clark becomes Kal-el.I remember the first time I met him and she had a grin on her face.
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