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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Thanks.If you are talking about the picture where he is waring Leather. Then Ya.

  2. Meanwhile in Hazzard. Luke was with Adam. His Cell Phone RINGS. Luke looked at the caller and It was Bobby and He said Excuse Me and he left the room. and he answered it and said Luke Here. Bobby said Luke, Bo works for the Texas Rangers right? Luke said Ya he does his PARTner is a Ranger Cordell Walker. Bobby said gOOD CAUSE WE MIGHT NEED THEIR HELP cause Jr Is planning something Big and it has to do with Adam and we need to find out before he does it. Luke said Me and Bo are on our way. and Bobby said Ok and then he hung up. And he went in the room and he told Adam what was going on. and then he called kATHY and told her and then she put Bo on the Phone and he told Bo and BO SAID oK cousin when do we leave. and Luke said as soon as we can. And BO SAID ok Cousin.
  3. Then Kathy remembered Little Luke. She called Abby and said Aske Jesse where Little Luke is and she said Ok I will. Sarah Said Little Luke and then she started to have flashes of her holding a baby. and she said He's my son and then she started to get panicy and Kathy smiles and said Tha tis why I asked Abby to ask Jesse where he is? Jesse is Not only your Husband But he is My son. Sarah looked at her and smiled. Abbt came in and said we have a problem he Jesse said he was in the car with then in the car seat when the twoster hit. Kathy said Go out in the waiting room and tell my Nephew Clark. So Abby Left. OUT IN THE HALL.. Clark saw Abby coming. and She told him what was going on. and he said I'm on it. and he left. Meanwhile on the Mill road. in a fliped cars. a 2 YEAR old boy was making his way out of the ditch. and he looked around and he started to cry and yell. MOMMY DADDY. ON THE WAY CLARK HEARS a baby cry and he runs towards him and he stops and he sees that it was Little Luke and Little Luke renises him and runs to him and said Uncle CLARK. Clark picks him up and checks him out and picks up his cell and calls his Aunt Kathy and said Aunt Kathy I found Him He was Half a mile from the farm he is fine. there is no blood and he's not complaing that anything hurts. So I'm going to take him to see his Papa. and when lITTLE LUKE hurd that he was going to see his Papa he said My Papa and Kathy heard that and she smiled and said ok Take him to see his Papa I will tell Jesse and Sarah. and Clark said Ok.
  4. Luke smiled and then he looked at Kathy and said are you all right? Kathy smiled and said I'm just fine. Kathy picked up the phone and called the Farm. and she heard Duke Farm Leventa Speaking. Kathy smiled and said Levi this is mom i JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW THA TDAD IS AWAKE. Kathy heard a YEEEE HAW. she moved the phone away from her ear. and luke smiled and said that's my girl.
  5. Pam stopped and said I never wanted any harm to come to Adam. And Him and Chris has become close and he decerves to see his brother and I will make sure of that. JR SMILED. Bobby walked over to him and said we are not threw Brother.
  6. They waled thre the hospital doors and Kathy saw them and she ran to Sarah and said Oh Jesse is so worried about you Sarah. Sarah looked at her and said Do I Know You. Kathy looked at Clark and said she has no memoey and Kathy said Sarah what do you remember. Sarah looked at her and said Nothing I only lknow my Name and I'm Married to someone named Jesse is Because Clark told me. Kathy looked at her and said come on we will take a look at you and Sarah followed her to an exzam room
  7. Luke smiled and said You are you both never listen to me. Reba just smiles
  8. Luke looked at her and said ya it was. and then he looked at Kathy and said Hay Beautiful. Kathy smiled and said Hello Handsome. Reba Just smiled.
  9. Clark was looking for Sarah when he sees her walking on the road he runs up to her and said Sarah are you all right Jesse is real worried about you. Sarah looked at him and said Who are Who? Clark looked at her and said I'm Clark Kent. Your Husband Jesse cousin. Sarah looked at him and said Husband? Clark said come on I will take you to the hospital. and She went.
  10. Pam looked at Chris and said go ahead Chris got to your brother. and Chris ran upstairs and started to pack. and Pam looked at Bobby and said Bobby, I know you will always love Kathy and I also Know she will not go after you cause she is so in love with Luke. and I also Know you Love Adam a little more then you do Chris cause. he is your biolagle son and Chris is addopted. Bobby looked at her and said Pam I love you. Pam smiled and said I know you do Bobby. right now i need to get Chris to his brother. and she went upstairs.
  11. Doug came in and said we have someone here that needs help. Kathy looked and it was Jesse her son. Kathy ran to him and she looked at him and he said Mom Sarah. I can;t find Sarah. call Clark if anyone can find her he can. and Kathy said Ok son I will call him. and she said Clark come back to the hospital Jesse needs you. 3 MINUTES LATER Clark walks in and Kathy tells him and he said ok I'm on it.
  12. Bobby looked at him and said Ya only because you took her from Bo she is a Duke. Jr smiled and said and Adam is a Ewing. But he says he's a Duke. he decerved everthing he got and well get in the furture. Bobby got real mad and said Jr he is my son. he could have died. what gives you the right? JR looked at Bobby and said so she won you over again I wonder what her Husband thinks about That? Bobby punched Jr. MEANWHILE PAM AND CHRIS WALKED THREW THE DOOR..... JR started to laugh and said have you told Pam that you are still in Love with Kathleen Spencer oh sorry Duke. Chris looked at his father and Said Dad. Ray grabbed Bobby and said Bobby calm down this won't get you anywhere. Bobby looked at him and said you are right.
  13. Hi, Ya my day is good so far. and thanks. Hope u are having a good Day.

  14. MEANWHILE IN DALLAS Bobby walked into the Ewing house and he yelled JR ARE YOU HERE. JRcame down the stairs like nothing had happened. Bobby went to him and grabbed by the neck and said how could you.
  15. Kathy was at the hospital.and she into action. and got the hspital ready for the people theat was going to be coming in.
  16. Luke was at the Hospital.and he was talking to Adam
  17. Kathy was holding Luke's hand when she felt him squeeze it.Kathy looked at him and said ya, Come on Baby come back. we all need you.
  18. Kathy smiles and said Me too. and she went in to see Luke. IN LUKE'S ROOM... Kathy walked in and she saw he was still asleep and she walked over to him and sat down and took his hand and said See I told you weren't going anywhere. And she kissed him.
  19. Kathy looked at Reba and said Clark has a 6th sence about thesr things. And then she turn on the radio and the radio said that hAZZARD cOUNTY, Chickasaw County, Alanta, Capital City was all hit real hard by the twisters. and there are 4 deaths to count. Kathy looked at Luke and said I need to get to the Hazzard Hospital they will need me there. Clark looked at His Uncle Luke and said I will take her watch over my family and Luke said Ok. and Kathy kissed Luke. and He and Clark left,. OUTSIDE Clark looked at his Aunt and he picked her up and said Hang on . and he did Super Speed to the Hazzard Hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL Clark put her down and then he heard people calling for help he told Kathy and Kathy said Go Clark and he left and Kathy went into the Hospital.
  20. Luke said Sweetheart why don't you and Kaitlynn go home you both need some rest. Adam said Ya Mom Go I will be fine. (LOOKING AT KAITLYNN)Kait go with mom you need your rest think of the baby. Kaitlynn smiled and said all right I will go. and she Kissed him. Luke said I will stay with him. Kathy kissed Luke and said I love you. Luke smiled and said I love you. and then the girls left.
  21. Clark Smiles and said Aunt Kathy takes care of her family. Just then Peter comes out with a smile on his face and he said Kat he made it threw sergery. and He is in recovery right now . there was no damage to his heart. the bullet just missed hitting it, But we got the bullet out. and he should be fine.
  22. Just then Clark came running in the house and said I don't kNOW wHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BUT SOMEthing is going to happen and Kathy turned on the Radio and there was two twisters headed towards Hazzard and Kathy said Everyone to the cellar. and she took the Cb and Radio. And Luke Got the Kids and Everyone got in the celler Just as the twisters got there
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