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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. luke walked into Adam's room and Adam saw him and said Hay Dad where is mom? Luke said she is at Ewing oil. at the board meeting. Adam looked confused. and said I thought she didn't want anything to do with Ewing Oil. Luke said well Bobby talked her into going to the meeting. He said without her there is no Ewing oil. So we talked it over and I told her to go. Adam said Dad I don't know if I would have been so easy to let her go. I seen the way Bobby looks at mom. Luke smiles and said I know I seen the way he looks at your mom also. But I know your mother loves me and so does Bobby.
  2. Luke started to feel dizy and he said Wooo. and he sat down. Sarah looked at him. and Luke said I feel like I'm dizzy. Sarah said come on take may hand I;m taking you to the hospital. Luke took her and and they left. AT THE HOSPITAL Sarah walked in with Luke and Paul walked over and said Spencer what are you doing here you have the day off. Sarah smiled and said Paul take a look at Luke he was just in an accident I found him walking in the middle of the road and all he remembers is that his Name is Luke. Paul said ok I will look him over.. 10 MINUTES LATER... Paul came out and said you are right he has lost his memory. I have told the police and they have it on fiel in case someone is looking for him. Sarah smiled and said he can stay with me. Paul smiled and said Ok Spencer take him home. So Sarah took Luke back to her house .Where he rested.
  3. Meanwhile at the bucannion house.. No one has come to resuse Lou-Ann and her Husband Tommy and Scott. Scott is hurt real bad he has a beam on him and Tommy can't get it off him and scott couldn't feel his legs anymore and Scott looked at his dad and said Tell Leventa I Love her and I was going to ask her to marrie me after graduation. Tommy smiled and said Son you and tell her yourself. Scott said dad be real. No one is coming and I don't know if I can fight any longer. Tommy looed at him and said think of Leventa Scoot she Loves you focas on her and you will make it. MEANWHILE IN THE HOSPITAL Clark know someone needed help and he excused himself and he told his Aunt Kathy and she said Go not knowing it was Scott and his parents.
  4. Luke helped Bo into the house and then he took him to their roomthat they shared sence they where Kids. And Luke said welcome home cousin. and remember if you want to talk about anything I;m here.
  5. Kathy smile and she walked out the door.. AT EWING OIL The board was having a fit cause JR was going to jail and Bobby was tring to calm them down and David said Bobby how can you be so calm when it was your son Adam he kidnapped. Bobby said cause I know Adam is fine and he is resting. Just then Kathy walked in the Boaed room Bobby smiled Kathy said Sorry I.m Late and she sat down. Bobby said you all know my son's Adam's mother and she owns 52% of Ewing Stock. and Bobby smiles. and said my mother's stock witch she left to Kathy
  6. Luke smiled and said I know you would have done the same for me. Bo we maybe cousins by blood but we are brothers by our hearts.
  7. AT SARAH'S HOUSE( Alantia Georgia). Sarah was tending to Luke's wonds and Sarah said I'm Dr Sarah Spencer. Luke looked at her and said I'm Luke. and he tried to remember the rest but he couldn't and Sarah asked him all of the Questions Like the date where he lived and his family and he couldn't remember anything. So Sarah said you have lost your memory Luke. But I will take care of you, Luke smiles MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD Uncle Jesse was getting worried that they couldn't find Luke anywhere and they needed to tell Bo something.
  8. Luke was walking in the road When a car came up behind him and the car stopped Awomen got out of the car. She had long black hair. Blue eyes, and about 5 7. She walked over to Luke and said can I help you Luke looked at her with a confused Look on his face. and he said How did I get here. Sarah looked at him and said come Get in I will take you to my house I,m a doctor. So he go in the car and they left. MEANWHILE AT THE GENERAL LEE.. The race was over and Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Cooter where at the accident scean and Bo was taken to the hospital. and Uncle Jesse and the State police was looking for Luke and they couldn't find him.
  9. A big lead. Then the General's tire blew and Bo lost controle of the General and the General rolled 2 times and then it stopped in a ditch. Luke was threw out of the General and he had hit his head on a rock. He came to and he got up and walked away from the accident.
  10. Luke Just smiled as he pulled in to the Boars Nest. He got out and Bo drove him to the starting ine and then Luke go in the passangerside. and all the drivers and their cars where ready. and Rosco started the race
  11. Luke said Bo I said you can drive in the race, Just let me drive to the race.
  12. Uncle Jesse walked over to Luke and said Luke Hows the General. Luke looked at his Uncle and said he tuned up and ready to go. 2 DAYS LATER.. Bo and Luke are still fussing. Luke got in the General Lee and they headed for the Boars Nest cause that is where the race is going to start. Uncle Jesse and Daisy right behind them.
  13. Uncle Jesse walked over to Bo and touched him on the shoulder and Bo Stopped and Uncle Jesse said Bo you need to stop. I know you are tring to get on Luke's nearvies and so Does Luke and Bo Look at him it isn't working.No get to your chores
  14. Luke smiled cause he knew Bo was tring to get him going, Luke tried to bay no attion to him and kept on with his work. Meanwhile Uncle Jesse comes out and said Bo. Stop that.
  15. Luke Stopped what he was doing and said Boooo.
  16. Luke smiled and said Bo,you gatta be kidding. and then he laughed. Bo went and did his chores and Luke went back to work working on the General.
  17. Luke just gave Bo one of his looks. and he looked at Bo and said Sorry cousin. for all the arguing.Bo just smiled and then Luke said Well I guess I will go get the General ready for the Race.after all the race is in two days and then he left. and started to work on the General.
  18. Uncle Jesse looked at the Boys and said Now Boy what is the problem here. and Luke said I'm just so tired of Bo, First he instes that he should drive the General Lee in the Race. and then in town He desides to flirt with a girl instead of helping me with the supplies.. Uncle Jesse opened up the raceing contract that they singed and he read it and said Boys. it says here that there is one driver and a passanger. and then he handed the paper to Luke and Luke read it and he said Bo he's right. Bo Just smiled.
  19. Clark said cause he isn't the man like My Dad Jonathan Kent or General Lane. I will tell them about their birth grandfather
  20. Luke said I wasn't going to let you stay in that awful prison camp. I wasn't going to beleive you were dead.
  21. Kathy walked in and she said Hi Lucy, Lucy smiled and said Hi. and Then Kathy looked over to Reba and said Reba I putting you on Bed rest till this Baby is Born and that means you can't travle. So you and Jason and the kids can stay at the farm. til this Little Boy is born.
  22. Kathy said you are fine and so is Adam. he is with Kaitlynn and his kids right now. Jr and Bill are going to Jail for Kidnapping you and Adam.and I have to go to a Board meeting at Ewing Oil where I own controling intrested in Ewing Oil. cause of the Stock that Ms Ellie Left me. So I better go.before I'm later for the metting
  23. Uncle Jesse said We have missed you Bo and we never gave up hope. exprelly Luke. When he came home and found out you were MIA he wrote a letter to his Captain.
  24. Kathy walked in and she saw Reba and she told Reba what had Happened.
  25. Luke walked into the room and he started to talk to Bo and said Bo Stacy needs you and it's really inportant Tracy was cring on the Phone. and Bo said Ok I will call them and then he left and called Tracy. Tracy was in the hospital with Stacy when her cell phone rang and she looked at it and it was Bo and she picked it up and said Baby you need to get home Stay was beat up. Bo said WHAT? ANDTracy said ya George (her husband) did it and she lost the baby because of it. Bo was furouse and he said Ok call Walker and have that Bastard in Jail I don't want him around Stacy. Adam walked in and he saw his Uncle was mad and he knew it had to do with George and Stacy. He never liked George. Bo got off the Phone and he told Adam and Adam got Mad and said Uncle Bo I'm going with you.
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