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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Ya she is his baby girl

  2. Luke took the phone and he looked at Leventa and said Levi look at me everthing will be all right. Leventa looked at her father and she smiled. and Luke smiled back. and he looked at Zack and said I can't call Kath with my hands tied. Zack looked at Mark and said Un tie him but watch him Oh and Luke remember I have your daughter. Luke his hands wher free and he nodded and Levi pushed Zack out of the way and went for Scott and Luke went after Zack OUSIDE BO AND ray heard the comation and they ran in the house. Levi untied Scott and he kissed her and then he helped with the fight.
  3. Yup But Luke won't let anything happen to Leventa.

  4. ya your father was a good man and I mis him alot. Bo does too.
  5. Hi Ya they are good posts

  6. No you ain't going anywhere. (looking at Luke) Now I want you to call Kathleen and tell her to come back to the farm. Luke looked at him and said you got to be kidding I ain't doing that. Then Zack grabbed Leventa and she screamed and held the gun to her head. and said you will Luke or Leventa here won't see her 16th birthday. Luke said Let her go. Zack just laughed and said Duke you are in no possion to give orders. Handing him the phone. Call Kathleen. Luke looked at him and he took the Phone and called Kathy's cell Phone.
  7. Ya I can Understand running a farm can get buzy. It's a wonder I have time to eat sometimes. But Kath helps me alot on this farm.
  8. Zack smiles and said don't worry I won't you are Just Bait. and Just then Luke came threw the door and Zack smiles and said It's about time you came and then in walked some of his men and they pushed Luke In. and They died him Up. and Zack said I know Kathleen will do anything for your safe return. and he starts to Laugh.
  9. Allen was entering Hazzard and he knew he would get back at Luke Duke he lost everything because of him.he was threwn out of the Marines because of him and then threwn back in Jail because of him and he lost his wife and Daughter because She left him when he was in Prison.
  10. Zack walked over to Scott and said I Love Kathleen and there is no other for me. Leventa looked out the window and she saw her father and her Uncle and then she looked at Zack and said But My mom Has always loved My Dad and there is nothing you can do to break them up and I'm glad you are not My father.
  11. Luke smiles and said I was teaching Jesse to drive ridge runner style at 9. hE SAT ON MY lAP in the General and I told he when to turn. then he started to do it on his bike and Kathy about had a fit. So I promised her I wouldn t teach Jake so early.
  12. Ya I know he said that to my face when we got Jesse back. after he kidnapped him. He told Jesse That he was his father not me. he had him so confused. It wasn't funny. and then Kathy was upset she was pregnet with Leventa at the time. IN THE FARM HOUSE.... Leventa said You are Zack. My dad said you blam him for you and mom breaking up but mom said you where broke you 2 years before she met my Dad.Why Don't you leave us alone.
  13. Ya my wife's Zack he blams me for thaken Kath away from him. but she broke it off with him years before we even met. He's crazy.He had kidnnaped Jesse when he was 9 years old. and he had tried some manytimes to break Kathy and I up . Between him and Jr Ewing it's a wonder we are still together.
  14. Jake comes over to his Dad and said Dad when are you going to teach me to drive ridgerunner style? Luke looked at Kathy and then back at jake and said when you are 15. cause that's when I tough your brother Jesse. and Jake was all excited cause he had 3 more years to go.and he ran outside. Kathy walked over to him and said thanks Baby. Luke just smiled cause he knew he was teaching Jesse to drive ridgerunner style when he was 9 years old and Boy did Kathy have a fit. He remebers that like it was yesterday.
  15. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM.. Leventa though the man looked formiler to her. the man talked and said I owe your parents your father took Kathleen away from me. all of you kids should have been mine. then he walked up to Leventa and touched her cheek and said you so much look like your mother. Scott said don't touch her. The man Just smiled. MEANWHILE IN THE GENERAL LEE... Luke was quite. and then Bo said Luke there is the farm. and Luke said Bo stopp the General Lee here we will walk from here and sneak in the house. Bo stopped the General Lee. and the three of them got out and headed to the farm house.
  16. Luke said good-bye to Reba. and he closed his phone.
  17. IN HAZZARD... EARLY THE NEXT MORNING...... Everone was a sleep. well all except Kathy. She couldn't Sleep. So she got up quitly. and went to the kitchen. and she started to make some coffee. She walked out to the porch with her cup of coffee. and she sat on the porch swing. and she Just though about her life she knew something was going to happen. Then she heard someone come out. and then a voice say can I join you . Kathy looked up and said you anytime. Luke smiled and he sat down next to her.
  18. in dallas JR put down the phne and he smiles. and he went and pored himself some brandy.and he wnt to his office at home and he shut the door and he called Allen Bendson. The phone rings Allen here. Allen said Hay Allen this is Jr Ewing We spoke a month ago and I had a job for you. Jr said. Allen smiled and said Ya i remember you and Yes I will take the job I owe Sargent Duke. of wht he did to me in the Marines He ruined my carreer and I want to pay him back.
  19. I know Bo was telling me about that. well Bo was a little wild when he was Little Bo's age. and he did date alot of girls back then.
  20. That's good. I know Luke is in good hands with Ray and your father. and I know together they will get Scott and Leventa back to us safely.
  21. I have met him when I was at southfork. when Bobby and I was dating.and he seemed Like a nice Guy.
  22. Luke said Thanks and Tell Little Bo Hi from his Uncle Luke and that I would Like to see him again.
  23. Jake looked at his father and said why? Luke looked at him and said I was afraid I was going to lose your mother. cause I had almost lost her when Jesse was born and I didn't want to go threw that again. I love YoU Jake, I love Levi also. and then jake went into his father's arms
  24. I know Reba, and When your Uncle gets that mad I start to get worried. cause I know he doesn't think when he's that angery. and your father doesn't help matters.
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