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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. IN JESSE'S ROOM Kathy walked in with Sarah and Jesse saw them and he smiled and said hay mom. and then he looked at Sarah and said Hay Sweetheart. Sarah smiled and she walked over to him. and she sat down in the chair next to his bed. Jesse took her hand. and he looked at his mother and said thanks mom. Kathy smiled as she walked out the door.
  2. Kathy walks in the room and said Reba you have a very high feaver. So I admitted you to the hospital and we will take some test to she what is causing it.
  3. Luke and his Men checked the village and the village was surcure. Luke reported to his captin on the Radio that the Village was fine. and his Captin said to Stay there a few days and Make sure. Luke put the radio down and told his men. then they settled down. Luke looked at his Men and said I will take the first watch. you get some sleep if you can. and Luke grabbed his gun and walked away.
  4. It sounds Like a good Story.

  5. IN THE VILLAGE Luke spota a litle girl and he tries o get her to move but she won't Then he notices what she is standing on and the little girl is crying ad Luke said Don't worry and he called Phillip and he came a running and Luke said I need you to watch my back and when I say run you better run like hell. and Phillip said ok and Luke calmed the little girl down and he said I'm going to pick ypu up and the little girl said Ok. and Luke looked at Phillip said get ready. and Luke YELLED RUN....he picked up the little girl and ran and then there was an expolosion and Luke and the little girl fell to the ground. Luke looked at the little girl and said Ok and she smiled and said ok. Luke saw Phillip and he said ok now lets get out of here.
  6. Kathy told Sarah thet she might never get her memory back but she might get all of some of it back. and Sarah just smiled and Kathy said you will get flashes of memory. Sarah said ok. and then she had a flash of her in a white dress and a handsome young man waiting for her. and she smiled and told Kathy about her flash and Kathy smiled and said that was a flash of your wedding would you like to met your handsome husband as you but it. Sarah said sure and they walked to Jesse's room.
  7. bACK AT THE FARM.. Daisy and Jesse get out of the truck and looked around. Daisy saw a teir fall down his cheek and then he looked at Daisy and said we will not tell Luke that Bo has been draffed. cause if his mind is worring about Bo it could get him killed. and Daisy agreed. They will not tell Luke about Bo. MEANWHILE IN THE VILLAGE Luke had this strange feeling that something wasn't right. Luke looked at Phillip and said it's too quite. Luke said keep your eyes open.
  8. Kathy was with Adam In the hospital. and he looked at her and said Mom I'm fine go home. Kathy gave him a look and said No, I wasn't there when you were growing up. I want to be here now. Adam said Mom that wasn't your falt. JR took me away from you. Just then Pam and Chris walked in. Kathy smiled. And Chris ran to his brother. and Chris said How are you feeling? Adam said It only hurts when I laugh. and Chris smiles. Pam looked at Kathy and said How is he really? Kathy said he out of the woods, He just has to rest. Pam smiled and said that;s good. Oh I want to warn you Jr had something to do with this and he isn't finished yet. and Now that luke and Bo is on their way there he might act now so be careful I will stay here in Hazzard at the hotel with Chris and Kathy looked and her and said no you won't you will stay at the farm with Us and I won't take no for and answer. Pam smiled and said Ok
  9. Then Abby came back with a gurney and someone to help her ger Reba on it. and they took reba to another room and Kathy said Call Doug. and Abby said Ok and she left.
  10. The General Left and Luke was starting to get his men together which he picked Phillip Carson, Mike Hoover,David Carter, and Brain Johnson. He got them all together and told them what the mission was. Brain said what is so impotant abou this village and Luke said it is located near water. and Then he said ok. and they started to get their things together.
  11. Meanwhile iIN NAM.. General Roberts come in and he said Sergeant Duke I have a mission for you I want you to Take 4 or 5 men of your chosing and go check out a local village and see if there are any Japs Solders there. I want them flushed out. Luke said Yes Sir I will get right on it sir.
  12. I don't know James Duke came up with that.James Duke is Doing The Bo Part and I'm doing the Luke Part.

  13. Thanks James Duke and I are writting it together

  14. Uncle Jesse came back from town and he had a smile on his face He had Gotten a Letter from Luke. and He was fine he walked over to Daisy and Bo and Read them the Letter Dear Family, Sorry I haven't written, But Things have been Buzy here. I Just want You all to Know That I'm fine.Oh Bo I hope you are taking Good care of My Horse Tramp Rember he Loves Apples. Daisy Keep Bo In Line for Me. Uncle Jesse, I miss You, I wish I was home. Well Gotta go love You all Luke. Then Uncle Jesse folded up the letter and put it away.
  15. Kathy checked her and she did feel hot ans she called Abby in and she told abby to get a roomfor Reba cause she was addmitting her
  16. Luke finily got the letter done and he got it ready to mail. and then he started to write a letter to Uncle Jesse It Had been a while sence he wrote to them. So he got another peace of Paper and he started to write.
  17. Luke was in the tent looking at a blank peace of paper he didn't know what to tell Jeff's family. The Staff Sergeant has told the wrong person to write to Jeff's family. Luke got upset and just pushed the pen and Paper off the table. Just then Robert Johnson walked in and he said Sergeant, I know Spencer was your friend he was mine too. and I know it will be hard writing to his family but if you don't do it someone else will and it will be someone who didn't know Jeff Like we knew him. Luke looked at Robert and said Thank you Johnson. and Luke picked up the pen and Paper off the ground and started to write.
  18. IN NAM BACK AT BASE CAMP... Luke was talking to his comander. and he told him what had happened. and the Comander said Duke I know it's hard I have lost some good friends in this war also. I want you to right a note to privite Spencer's Family. and Luke said yes sir. and he walked out. Luke was thinking that thank God he doesn't have to worry about Bo he is safe in Hazzard. Luke walked back to the tent
  19. Kathy looked at Leventa and said Levi I know your birthday is Saturday. Levinta interupted her mother and said Mom its ok. We can postpon my party till every is here
  20. Ya I remember when Tracy was pregnet she was always asleep. Just then Tracy walks in and she smiled and said Excuse me Mrs Luke Duke I seem to remember the same about you too. LUKE started to laugh. and so did Bo. Just then stacy walked in with her Husband Davis and their 3 year old daughter Casey. and Casey Ran to her great Uncle Luke. And Stacy said Casey becarful of UNCLE Luke. Luke Just smiles
  21. Luke looked at her and said she has been threw a lot and Kathy said Ya she has.
  22. Luke was firing on the emany. and he lost track of Jeff. all of a sudden there was an expoltion and Luke saw Jeff go flying in the air Luke ran to where his friend had Landed and he couldn't beleive what he saw. He kept a strate face for Jeff. Jeff had stepped on a mine and the expolsion blew his legs right off. Luke looked at him and said Jeff you will be fine Just stay with me. Jeff looked at Luke and said Sorry sarge But I guess I won't be meeting your cousin after all.and I know we would have had fun together, I would have treaded her righ. Luke tried to keep it together. and he looked at Jeff and said No Jeff you will meet Daisy. Jeff Jeff. Jeff died right there.
  23. MEANWHILE IN NAM. Luke was reading the lateest letter from Uncle Jesse.and he smiled and he wished he was home. He had taken out the picture that Uncle Jesse had sent him and his Buddy Jeff took the picture from his hand and said Wow Sargent Your cousin Daisy is Hot. Luke smiles and said Jeff when we go Home I will be glad to interduce you to Daisy. Jeff smiles. Luke Started to Write to Uncle Jesse when he hurd gun fire and he got up and grabbed his Gun and everthing he need and he left.
  24. Kathy walked in to the room with Sarah and said Little Luke is Fine he is on his ay to the farm. to be with his papa Luke. and Sarah looked at her and said So we named our son after your husband. kathy smiled and said Yes he is also Jesse's father. Sarah smiled and said we sound like a close family and Kathy said Yes we are. Abby came in and Kathy told her to tell Jesse about Little Luke. and then she left.
  25. IN HAZZARD. Luke walked threw the doors of the house and Kathy was right there and she looked at him and said Baby becareful in Dallas cause you will be in JR's terrotery. and he knows alot of people. Bo looks at KATHY and said I have lived in Dallas for 16 years now. Iwill watch over Luke. Kathy smiles and said thanks Bo and she gave them a hug and then she kissed Luke and handed him his suitcase. and him and Bo left.
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