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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Sarah Smiled as she watched Luke go in the room. Her mother walked over to her and said See Sarah your mother knows what she is talking about.
  2. Kathy Cell phone rang and she looked at it and it was Bobby and she said hello, and Bobby said I have secruled an emerencey board meeting for tomorrow morning and you need to be here. and then he hung up and she looked at Luke and said Luke Bobby is up to something and she told him what just happened.
  3. I forgot I will have to look

  4. Luke said Bo yes it is normal, you should have seen what your Aunt did and said to me. and he laughed. Then he looked at his little nephew and said I can't tell you for sure, But I think it does.
  5. ok then his name is jock

  6. Kathy just smiles. and Luke walked over to her and said you ok? Kathy smiled and said I'm fine. MEANWHILE IN DALLAS.. Bobby was tring to think of a way to get Kathleen to give him her stocks. Maybe if he puts a wedge in Luke and Kathy's marrage. that will get her to come to him.
  7. How about they name it afterMiss Elly's Husband. Jason's greatgrand father Jock. I think his name is

  8. Brittney cleaned off the baby and handed him to Reba. and she smiled and said he is a healthy baby Boy. Jason came threw the door. and Reba smiled at him and Kathy. Little Bo and Brittney walked out of the room. Kathy looked at everyone and said it'a a boy and Mother and Son are fine.
  9. Kathy said Neather can I. and I have been threw it 5 times myself. and have deliver I don't now how many babies. OUTSIDE.. Luke said Yes Bo But don't worrie cause Kath and Brittney arre with her and they know what they are doing. you need to find Jason.
  10. I will have to read it to see what is going on.

  11. Kathy said Ok nOW Reba on your next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can. Reba just looked at her.
  12. Kathy said There isn't time to get you to the hospital caome on and her and Brittney took her to Luke and Kathy's bedroom.
  13. Hi, I'm also from tomtown

  14. Ya that sounds good. go for it.

  15. Kathy calmed down when she heard Reba and she said Reba it's all right sometimes babies come early. but lucky for you . you have two doctor right here.
  16. Adam smiles and said Ya , I take after my mom. and he hugged Kathy. Kathy said excuse me and she took out her cell and she called Bobby. IN DALLAS.. Bobby was talking to his people about getting that store at any leinths. when his Cell rings he looked at the number. and he smiled and said Hi Kathleen. Kathy said Don't give me that Bobby, you are running the buness Like your brother. As long as the Ewings make a buck no matter who gets hurt in the prosses. Bobby tried to tell her different But Kathy wouldn't hear of it. and she said I want you to leave Chris'd girlfriend's family alone. or I will start using my power. in Ewing Oil and you won't like it. By Booy and she hung up.
  17. Luke said well Kath and I have 5 childen and 6 grandchildren. We have been married for almost 28 years. it will be 28years. Luke got quite and said Next week. and he smiled.Cause Brittney is 27, Jesse is 25,Leventa is 16, Jacob will be 11. and Adam is 29. and all of them are here. Kath is in her glory, right now. Kathy was talking to Brittney and She was telling her about the hospital she works at in Dallas. Kathy smiled and said I use to work there. Brittney said I know. they asked me if I knew you. and I said Yes she's my mother. and Dr. Johnson said I should have known you look just like your mother. Kathy said oh watch out for Brain he's a charmer. Brittney smiles and said I know and they both laugh. Oh I saw Bobby, He asked me about you. and I told him that you and dad are very much in love. Oh him and Pam are divorced again. Kathy smiles and said Hows Chris? Brittney said Oh, he'd doing good he comes over and hangs out with Josh. He's getting Married to a girl named Marsha and Bobby doesn't approve. Kathy said Why? Because, here family owns a smill store that the Ewings want to buy and her family won't sell So the So Ewing Oil is tring to force her family to sell. I hate the Ewing. Brittney said. Adam walked over and said Well I love you to sis. Brittney said Adam Sorry I forgot, I really don't conciter you as a Ewing. a Duke is what you are. Adam said I feel Like A Duke. But we all have to face it I'm a Ewing by blood. Luke walked over and said Adam you are as much my son as Jesse and Jake are.Jesse said Ya bro. and Jake said Ya. Levinta walked over and gave Adam a hug. And Adam said what a family I have.
  18. Luke said Ya he called me yesterday and heis working at the daily planet and they bought a house in the city not to far from the planet. and the twins are growing like weeds. can you beleive it they will be 11 this year. and so will Jack man where has the time gone.
  19. Luke took the picture and then Bo said Hay Luke Lets get a picture of your clan together and then Mine. Luke said Sure But My clan is missing One Levi. Just then Levi came in the house and Luke said ready for a family picture. Levi smiled and said Let me get out of My wet baithing suit and fix My hair. Luke said Bo you go first. and they all walked out the door. and Bo clan got together and Luke TRook the picture. and then Levi came out and Luke's clan got together for a picture. and Bo took It. and Luke said Uncle Jesse would have loved this. Look how big the Duke family has grown. Bo said Ya. and we ain't even counting Daisy, Coy, Vance and Judd's familys. Luke smiles and said you are right.
  20. Hi Jimmy, Thanks for Adding me as a friend. Hope you have a great day.

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