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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Kathy said Ok we will check the baby. Kathy said excuse me and she left. and then Abby came in and she was taking blood from Reba.
  2. Luke helped Bo out of the Truck and Jesse and Daisy came Running out of the house. Cooter got Bo's Wheel Chair out of the truck and Luke helped Bo in the Chair. Uncle Jesse went to Bo and Hugged him and said welcome home Son and Daisy hugged him.
  3. Luke pulled the truck in the yeard and Uncle Jesse and Daisy came running out. Luke said Bo Wake up we are Home. Bo woke up and he looked around.
  4. The Twins Looked at their father and one of them said Daddy why would our grandpa do that. Clark and said Your grandfather is General Lane and Jonathn Kent and that is it. The Twins where confused. Lois looked at Clark and said Baby maybe you should explain to them about Jor-el and maybe they will Understan after all they are 10 years old and they do have some of your gifts. Clark looked at her and smiled and said Ok I will but not here. MEAN WHLE IN JESSE'S ROOM.. Jesse looked at his beautiful wife and said do you remember anything? Sarah looked at him and said I remember our wedding. Jesse said That is a start. Sarah said and I remember I love you. Jesse smiled and said now that is even better. Sarah Just smiled.
  5. At the hospital.. Luke had called Kathy and told him that they found Adam and Reba and she said She was on her way. Brittney watched Jake.and Levi. and she called the Spencer plane and she headed for Capital City with the GEneral Lee. She got on the Plane and took Off. 2 HOURS lATER IN DALLAS AT THE HOSPITAL. Kathy walked in and she Saw Bobby and Luke she a had Pam and Chris with her. Kathy ran to Luke and said How is our son. Luke Looked at her and said Our Son is fine he is resting Now And Reba is fine also. Kathy said Good. Chris walked over to his father and said Dad why did Uncle JR. Take Adam and Reba. Bobby looked at him and said Son I don't Know. I think it Might have to do with the stock your grandmother left Kathy. It gives her the controling intrest in Ewing Oil. Chris Said Wow Know wonder Uncle JR is after Kathy
  6. Kathy looked Worried and she said has she Had Problems before this?
  7. I have to read the story first

  8. AT THE FARM.. Uncle jesse and Daisy was getting the house ready. Luke had called from the Cb and said that they where on their way. Uncle Jesse was so Happy that he has both his boys home not. Not relising that Bo and Luke have a battle inside of them that they are still fighting.
  9. Cooter smiled and said Hay Bo. Cooter Took Bo's Things and but them in the Back of Uncle Jesse's Truck.Luke helps Bo inthe Truck and Cooter Buts his Chair in the back. Cooter looks at Luke and said you drive. Luke smiled and said Sure.
  10. Luke looked at him and said Me to. The Plane landed.. Luke helped Bo off the plane Bo was in a wheel chair. Cooter was waiting at the gate to take them home.
  11. Luke said I know that Bo, But I was in charge I was suppose to protect him and make sure he got out alive. He was one of my best friends I lost my other buddy to a land mind 8 weeks before that happened. You Know Bo I have never told anyone these stories.
  12. Luke said Bo you don't Understand when they came in they wanted the man in the highest rank and that was me. But Phillip stood up and said it was him.It should have been me.
  13. Luke looked at Bo and said that must have been the day that they killed Phillip. I blam myself for him getting killed.
  14. Luke had a surprise look on his face. We were in the same prision camp. and Luke got quite.
  15. Luke looked at Bo and said Bo if you ever want to talk about what happened in the prison. Remember I;m here and Remeber I was in a war Prision also. So I know what you are going threw.
  16. Luke said Hay cousin it Me Luke Remember. Bo just looked at him
  17. Luke could see that Bo was having the nightmares and he knew what he was having them about because he has them he wakes up at night in a cold sweat. Uncle Jesse had come in the room and asked if he was all right. He wasn't ready to tell anyone about what had happened in that Prision.
  18. Adam said Thanks. Reba sit down. and she did. Just then the door opened and it was Bobby and Ray. and they helped them out and Bobby said Adam Bo and Luke will be waiting for you at the end of the drive and I will help you get to them Adam looked at him and said Thanks Dad. Down at the end of the driveway Bo and Luke were waiting and Luke saw Adam and Reba and Reba didn't look so well. bO AND lUKEGo the kids and but them in the truck and took them both to the hospital
  19. Luke looked at him and said Let me help. and he helped Bo. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD Uncle Jesse and Daisy was getting ready for Bo to come home. and they where planning a big party because Both his boys had made it home.
  20. Luke looked at him and said I missed you to Cousin, Now lets get out of here What to say? To Hazzard.
  21. Luke was in Nam and he walked in his Captain's Office. and he stood at attion. Captain Rollings walked over to Luke and Hugged him and said you look great. Now Luke I want to warn You your cousindoesn't look the same. Luke looked at him and said who does. The captain just smiles and said ok Follow me.and he followe Him to where Bo was. When Luke saw Bo he wanted to cry. But he didn't he just walked over to him.and said ready to go home soldier
  22. BACK IN HAZZARD Luke was tring to keep buzt buy building a motor for a race car. When he saw Mz Tistale come with the Mail. He walked over and she gave him a letter.and it was fom his captin he opened it up and it had a plane ticket with it. Luke read the letter. Dear Sargaunt Duke I have some good news for you we found your cousin Bo, We are sending him Home But he is still to week to make the trip alone. So we need you to come and get him. Here is a plane ticket. Captin Rollings Luke put the letter in his pocket and he ran in the house and told Uncle Jesse that Bo was coming home and he had to go get him
  23. Adam said Thanks, But remember I got my mother in me.
  24. 2 DAYS lATER Luke was walking a little better. He was out side when Mz Tisdale came with the Mail. She smiled When she gave LukeThe Mail and she said Good To Have you home Luke. Luke smiled and said It's good to be home. and he walked away . there was a letter from his captain and he opened it up. Dear Sargaunt Duke Sorry to hear about your cousin Bo. We will keep an Eye out for him. I will let you Know if we find anything. Meanwhile Enjoy being home.and that's an order. Captin Rollings
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