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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett Duke

    Nascar Race

    John did a great job singing "The National Anthem" - it was great to see him again! Richard Petty was the honory starter on Sunday since it marks the fifteenth anniversay since he stopped racing...Jeff Gordon got to be the grand marshel -to say Gentlemen Start your Engines" since it marks his fifteenth anniversary since he started his racing career. Gordon's first race was Petty's last race. Anyway, Richard Petty's ball cap fell off while he was waving the green flag and all the cars drove by him - the wind blew it off onto the track. It was great to see him again as well! Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  2. Ernie Brown is the actor that played LB Davenport...also played Dobro Dulin as well. His son was Rudy from the orphanage - the kid that was squirting flies in The General. I will always like ol' Cooter...who couldn't? I was disappointed when he wasn't on the show. Though I didn't care much for BB Davenport, I liked LB Davenport and was disappointed to see him go - even though I was happy to see Cooter come back. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  3. Which is better? This is a very hard question because I like them both and in my opinion, you can't have one without the other. If you know what I mean. Though if I had to really chose which one I like best, I'd have to go with Bo. He was always my favorite out of the two...or the show. Luke comes closely behind him in my favorite list though. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  4. Garrett Duke


    Being a big Billy Ray fan, I use to watch the show when I can. I don't have cable and Sunday's are usually busy, so it wasn't too often. But I did enjoy it while it was on and was sad to see it finish when it did. It was a good family show with morals...they need more shows like that and Dukes on TV in today's world. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  5. Though I often visit fanfiction.net to look over DOH and Numb3rs fan-fic, I have never sent anything into there to be posted nor am I registered. I have my stories posted on MaryAnn's submitted fan-fic page (dukesofhazzardfanfic.com) under my other pen name of Kristy Duke. So far I have three or four stories posted there including one that I am currently writing. I take it you post your stories at fanfiction.net? I will have to keep an eye out for one of your's to read. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  6. If I remember right, I could be wrong, but I think it was edited out here in America as well. I never saw that part until I got the episode on DVD - as I said, if I remember right. The first few episodes they seemed to have edited some important scenes as in the first episode - "One Armed Bandits" they edited the part out of Jill going to the farm to ask for money and the encounter with her and Bo. So it cuts back in with Waylon saying "All that romance does lead to something" or something like that, but watching it on TV, it doesn't make sense. Not until you watch it on DVD to see the whole thing. LOL. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  7. Being a fan-fic writer, I agree with you on both accounts. Some are interesting to work with while others can be annoying and puzzling on how to work with the inconsitancies. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  8. Any of those may be true, but if you look back through the seven seasons of the Dukes, there is a lot of inconsistencies. It could just be another inconsistancy that they placed throughout the series and didn't catch as they didn't catch the others or didn't care. Just a thought. . . Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  9. Jessi - I am sorry to hear about your mom passing and the situation that she had put you through. That is a hard position to be in and it would cause for some painful and hard feelings towards her for doing what she had done. It'd also be hard to know how to feel as you have worded. Once again - I am sorry of all that you are now facing. I hope that things will soon get better for you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))) Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  10. I've never heard that song...but I can see John writing and singing a song about Jesse. I have to agree with all that has been said about Uncle Jesse - it pretty much describes how I feel about him. He was a great and honorable man who had a great outlook on life with his priorities set right. What good morals - he stands to be a great role model to everyone - I know he is to me. It will be ten years this Christmas since Denver passed away. Y'all believe it? I sure can't. Denver, Sorrell, and Tom are the three main DOH characters that I have yet to meet. Denver and Sorrell I will never have a chance to meet - the two characters that stood to be the wisest and the ones in charge - on both sides. I would have loved to meet them both, but especially Denver Pyle. I've always liked him and his character - and all that he stood for as well. Then again, who wouldn't like Uncle Jesse? Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  11. I have to agree with Johnny Paycheck - I enjoyed his performance and all that had taken place between him and Boss. I also enjoyed Toby Keith on the reunion movie - then again, he is one of my favorite Country Music artist. It was great to see him on the reunion. I also enjoyed the Oak Ridge Boys - the two times they were on. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  12. That is a hard question because there is so many that I like. Though I would say if I had to pick a few I would say: Luchenbach, Texas, Mamma's Don't let your sons be Cowboys, Just Good Ol' Boys (DOH theme), and Rose in Paradise. As I said, just to name a few. I can never get enough of Waylon. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  13. I checked my local Kohls yesterday and couldn't find them. I was kind of in a hurry to meet a friend so maybe I missed them. . .hopefully . Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  14. I don't have cable TV, so I am sure I am not as effected by this decision as most are, but I do get to catch an episode here and there on TV when I am at my parents' house. It is sad and frustrating to see CMT take the Dukes off of their list of programs so that everyone will have a chance to watch them. I'm sure not everyone has the DVD sets that are now out there so it is nice that they were able to watch the Dukes. And I agree, there is something nice watching the Dukes on TV and knowing others are out there watching it as well. With all that said, I also have to say that I think CMT had done a great job putting the Dukes on their schedule and giving them good and positive attention. Not only that, they are giving us all a last chance to watch the Dukes of Hazzard and to say good-bye to the show we all love. I know when it once had been on TNN (Back when it was TNN) they had given little to no warning of taking the Dukes off of their programming. One day it was on, the next it wasn't. So in my opinion, I think we should be more grateful than sad. Grateful at the opportunity to be able to watch the show on TV over the past few years and have the opportunity to watch it one last time before it is taken off TV. It is sad to see it leaving, but at least we had the chance to watch it on TV. Not only that, we now also have the opportunity to purchase all seven seasons on DVD and watch an episode whenever we want to. Well, there's my two cents worth on the subject... Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  15. I finally got to watch my DVD I got at Dukefest last night and John had said in the beginning that the DVD (Coolier and Co. Hot Pursuit) would be out in stores on September 18th. It was a home video he had said and through the acting and the quality, you could tell that it was. But I really enjoyed the theme of the movie and the car scenes. He had a lot of awesome cars in the show. There was comedy in the show, a lot of references to the Dukes , and it was a family show. Plus it had John Schneider in it! His daughter had played his daughter, his wife was his wife, and his mom was his mother in law in the show. It was great seeing them all. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  16. Flipping through the channels tonight, I was happily surprised to find John Schneider on "Diagnosis Murder" on the ION channel. I caught it right in the middle - though I guess that is better than catching the last ten minutes or not catching it at all. It was a good episode other than the fact that John played a real bad guy in it and at the end was shoved over the balcony! It was good to see him . . .even as a bad guy. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  17. You could be right...it has been a while since I have last seen that episode. Garrett Duke
  18. I got the poster today when I stopped by the nearest Walmart when I had went there to pick up some other stuff. I find it really amazing that after all these years they are still making new merchandise for the show and to see just how many of us DOH fans there is. Very awesome to see such a show as the Dukes to remain so strong after all these years - just what the world needs at a time like it is now. A TV show that has good morale to it, a family show that attracts those of all ages; a comedy with some drama in it with a lot of cool car chases. As Rosco would say, "I love it, I love it." Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  19. I've read that as well from the book and from other places, but it only equels to another oddity in their plot line or history. In one episode, Jesse says Daisy was six years old when she came to the farm while Bo and Luke had both been babies when he took them in. So if we go by their supposed age, it would be impossible for their parents to die at the same time - that would put Bo and Luke at the same age and Daisy six years older than them both. In "Brotherly Love" didn't they say Luke's parents die in that hospital fire that had supposedly killed Jud? I've noticed several incidents where the show counterdicts something said or shown in another episode such as that. But that was the one that bothered me the most. I always thought they should have made an episode to describe and show how they all had came to come live with Jesse. I think the actors thought the samething if I remember correctly. Oh well, I gess that is where writing fan-fic and imaginations comes in handy. Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  20. I've got Toby Keith's first Greatest Hits CD in - what a great CD, which is to be expected from Toby. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  21. Right now I am listening to Keith Urban's "Golden Road" CD. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  22. Correct me if I am wrong, but if it is the kid I am thinking of. . .it is also the son of Ernie Brown. He is the guy that plays Dobro Doulin as well as LB Davenport. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  23. There are several scenes that comes to mind, but the one that really sticks out is at the end of the second half of "Carnival of Thrills" when Cooter, Luke, Daisy, and Jesse show up to save Bo. Not only do they stop Bo from making a deadly jump, but Bo and Luke make up, as well as everyone. It made it even better when Luke jumped in the passenger seat to help Bo make the jump after all that they went through. It just don't seem natural to see Bo and Luke fighting or being in disagreement with one another when they always seems to get along with one another and help eachother out. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  24. I just want to say that I had attended my fourth Dukefest this year and had a blast - as I have every year. Though this one was a little more special than the years in the past. (They all were special) Not only did I get to hang out with an online friend, but after five hours of standing in line I finally got to meet the one and only Bo Duke - John Schneider himself. What a great guy! Not only that, but had also got an autographed picture of Catherine Bach and got to have a ride in The General! The stunts were great and it was amazing to see all those Duke fans out there! (Glad to know I'm not the only one out there LOL) I also got to visit Cooter's Garage in Nashville. I have visted his one in Gatlinburg, TNN the first Dukefest I had attended (Then it was at Bristol). Was glad to see his new one. Sorry the report is soooo late. It is hard for me to believe that it was a month ago already. (But hey, better late than never, huh?) Now am really hoping to get to go next year . . . Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  25. Thank-you Daney for the link. It is interesting to go through and look at her products that she has made and is selling. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
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