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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Looks at Alex and then Brian* Well don't look to me for your plans. Once I get done wasting my time here, I'm taking my bike for a nice long ride. In other words, I don't have any plans of gettin' in your way if that's what you're wondering.
  2. *Nods in appreciation at Daney* I appreciate you relocating my bike. With any luck I'll be outta here by morning. *Eyes her for a long moment at the last part of the sentence and sighs heavily* Thanks for letting me know, Daney.
  3. *Nods silently* I'll admit I have my share in things here. I ain't innocent by no means. I just didn't attack anyone or put anyone else at gun point. That's all I meant by that. As for surrender, I'd have better time of gettin' in your car if you hadn't put the gun on me to begin with. I was dumb not to see that coming. *Shakes head while breathing in deeply*
  4. *Looks at Brian harshly* That was all Chet. I had nothing to do with what he did to Alex or what he done to you. So if you're upset at someone for it, be upset at him for it, cause trust me, I had nothing to do with it. That is between you and him. Last I knew, kidnapping was a crime whether you had plans for me or not. Not that seems to bother you any.
  5. Mr. Mom - LoneStar
  6. *Nods silently at the Coltrane that occupies the bed besides him as his thoughts momentarily flash back to the events that had led him where he is now* We may not be the best of friends here, but I ain't the kind to wish ill towards anyone else. No matter what. *Goes silent. Wishes for a smoke.* And after my years of living in your town, I kinda came to the conclusion that you were hard to get rid of, which I spose it's for the better thinkin' of what coulda been. And as for Chet *goes silent, am reminded of the hurt look upon Chet's face when he had seen him talking to Brian on the street* I don't know. Then again, if you hadn't the gun pointed at me to begin with...*Let's statement linger unfinished and looks away from Brian and back at the ceiling.* (Author's note: I will most likely not be able to be online tonight, if so, will only be on for a few moments or so. Will be on tomorrow night if all goes well. Don't have too much fun without me. )
  7. My predictions for Las Vegas? I'd like to say that Gordon will come out a winner with Edwards close behind for you along with Jamie Mac. It should be a good race and I do predict that Gordon will have a better race or the best race of the year (he is due a good race...I feel like at least ;) ) Any words on Edwards' baby yet? Haven't heard anything yet. I am sure the Busch brothers will do good, they seem to do well on their home track.Hopefully it will hold a lot of excitement for all of our drivers!

  8. As I said, I will definately tell you if I decide to go...and it would be awesome to get to meet up with you and see you face to face! I'd be sooo excited about the race and to get to see you as well...Though I understand where you are coming from. I am sorry to hear about your job, but am glad to see that you are looking positively at it. You are right, things happen for a reason. God does have better things for you...especially since you weren't all that happy with it. It may be for the better. I just hope and wish you the best of luck that you will be able to find another and better job closer to home! you'll have to keep me posted on it.

  9. I don't know why tracks have to be so expensive. They complain about how the seats aren't selling like htey use to. Fontana didn't seem too full and there weas an article on NASCAR.com that said that they are considering to cut the track down to only one race a season isntead of two. I didn't read the article, just the headline though. Well maybe they should look into just how expensive their tickets are and take into account that most people can't afford them prices.

  10. Yeah, I guess we were. *Nods again at Alex in appreciation* Well, thank-you.
  11. *Takes a deep breath and looks at Alex* Speaking for myself, I am in no need of a cure. Thank-you for your concern though. Though seriously, thank you for helping me out the way you did. If not for you...*lets it hang* *Looking at Brian* Well Brian, for the first time I guess I'd have to agree with you. Despite our differences *nods at him* glad to see you're going to be alright after all this.
  12. *Sends them both a dirty look* Y'all think you're so funny, don't you? I apologize for forgetting to laugh. *Sarcastic voice*
  13. You mean you're already taken? Damn it! *Decides to play along with the doctor as a way to sidetrack own self against emotions and thoughts.* Ah well. Just my luck...
  14. *Sends a dirty look at Brian before looking away and back up at the ceiling above, chosing to ignore him. Looking at the doctor and watching her work on him while ignoring the woozy feeling.* Well I suppose you're right, Doc, I do have my ways with 'em.
  15. *finds self smiling at the doctor at her comment* Ah it's bound to impress the girls. If not, nothing else will.
  16. *Garrett breathes in deeply with the injection, ignoring the pain. Though awake and conscience, eyes remain closed while focusing thoughts elsewhere while listening into the doctor's words. Already beginning to feel woozy, open eyes.* Guess it'll be just another scar to testify to all I lived through to survive in life. *Goes silent to look over at Kristy who watches silently from the side.*
  17. Mr. Whoever You are - Tim McGraw
  18. Eh maybe for a couple of minutes, not for long.

  19. *Forces a deep breath out of frustration, focusing on the pain within.* Guess I ain't got no date for tonight anyway. So, you're the doctor. *Forces a small smile at the doctor before eyeing Brian momentarily once more as the events flood through me. Looking back up at the ceiling, I close my eyes in attempt to block everything out.* (Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, Pendragon. I hope you get feeling better real quick!)
  20. You'll think of Me - Keith Urban
  21. *Eyes doctor for a long moment* Well now that it ain't secret, perhaps now's the perfect time to make my escape. *Attempts to sit up, ignores the pain to look at the blood stained bandage upon bare chest before lying back down* Though I think I'll wait until the room ain't so crowded to do so. *Eyes the door and back at the doctor* I appreciate you trying to help, doctor, I do. It's just. . .*Goes silent to let my sentence hangs* If you are gonna touch it or anything around it, I suggest you do something for the pain.
  22. Thank-you for your "novel" I enjoyed reading it....Oooo you missed the race. Which means you also missed Gordon's 20th spot finish as well. Lucky you I guess. Can't recall where Edwards finished out at, as I said earlier, I was too worried about Gordon and Johnson. Gordon dropped a cylinder which made them think they had engine probles. Guess at one time he was down to two. So as he said, he is lucky to be able to finish it in 20th...

    Anyway, if I do go to a race, I'll let you know. Though first I'd have to find someone to go with. HA HA. I am not all that adventurous and wouldn't do it on my own. I hate driving not alone somewhere I don't know. I don't do interestate and all that fancy stuff either. But if I do get go, you will be the first or one of the first people I let know. Perhaps I'll be able to convince my parents to go...LOL. But yeah, I bet it will be addicting and a great experience!

  23. The tracks you mentioned would be awesome too to go see. Michigan is Gordon's favorite track so would like to go there too, he is good there too. Don't know about Texas, he's only won once there. Charolette sounds great too with the shops to go see, would love to see Gordon's and Johnson as well as the rest of Hendrick shops. Daytona 500 I think would be great with all the hype that goes with it.

  24. Lucky you...you get to go to Bristol! I love Bristol for several reasons. Though I have never been to a race, I've been to Bristol for Dukefest (twice, but only got to go inside the staduim or seating once) and ChicagoLand to ride in Jr's #8 car in Richard Petty's Driving Experience. So they would be my two favorite tracks I'd say. Plus ChicagoLand is the nearest track to me (Though way too expensive to go. Cheapest seats are like $108...don't know about you, but if I'm gonna pay that price, I want to see it first hand. HA HA. Plus Bristol is fast, lot of action, and Gordon does great there.

  25. I don't understand what is on with DW and Hammond. I don't remember them ever being this way. I always thought of them being the best at being positive about everyone. I know people at Gordon's fan forum are upset and dislike them greatly (Then again, they all (for the most part) seem to think Gordon should get rid of Letart and get a new crew cheif too...)They should be a lot more impartial than they are, it is just frustrating to see them negative about your driver or rooting against them and all. Hopefully they will get better. . .(there's always hope)

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