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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I will keep you posted as much as possible. As I said, once I get started on it, I don't stop. The next race is th is Sunday...two central time and is a track Gordon and Johnson have won at before, so hopefully they will have a comback from last week. on my club is more news or talk as well about NASCAR...I also posted a trivia section to it last night. ;) Let me know if you chose a driver to follow...

    God bless!

  2. Hey long time no see! Thought you were ignoring me...or worse, forgot about me! HA HA. Hope all is well with you - it was greating hearing from you!

  3. They are going way over board with Danica...I don't think it is that big of deal. I mean so far, she hasn't proved anything. Yes she is a big name, but she still has to prove herself in the sport. Fontana is this week, hopefully it will do better for the ratings int eh SPrint cup race...

  4. I know exactly what you mean and I agree with you a hundred percent. DW and Hammond are my favorites by all means and for the most part they do alright, but not by doing that. Dale Jr and Kyle Busch seems to be DW's favorites. The other announcers on the other stations seems to pick favorites too and to follow them. Hopefully DW will be more partial to everyone. I guess it would be hard to be in ehis position and have to to stay neutral, but if he is in the spot like so to speak like he is, he needs to be. He has to understand that there are 43 drivers out t here and each driver has th eir fan base. By picking drivers out as favorites, you are going to upset fans.

  5. *Listens into conversation and watches events through jail window before watching them driving/riding by the alley where I sit on my motorcycle to shake head in disbelief while lighting cigarette.* Well if he wants to leave me outta this, then hopefully he can find his way outta of it on his own. *Whispers under breath to self before inhaling smoke from cigarette and blowing it out* At least I'm on the top of someone's list...I feel special! *With the excitement out of site, drives motorcycle away from the jail*
  6. Sounds like a good line up of houses to see! Hopefully I'll remember and be able to watch it! Thanks Daisy Mae for posting it and letting everyone know.
  7. Thank-you for your posts or your novel as you called. Enjoyed your view on the race! :)

  8. People on Gordon's fanforum for his fan club really dislike him especially after DW accusing Gordon of bumpdrafting in the corners and then what he supposedly said when Gordon crashed on the last lap. I like DW and the announcers on FOX the best, but they were on a roll on Sunday I thought. Prerace show, DW stated that with Gordon's wife expecting again, it is sure to slow him down with two kids. And how he may have to leave to come back again when they are older. Why? When Ella was born, he won six races and would have won the championship if it weren't for the new point system. Sorry...don't mean to vent about it, but why does it seem like he wants to see the negative about Gordon on Sunday for? On Gordon's site they think he is always so negative about Gordon, but I always thought he was the one that was the most positive. NOt on Sunday though. . .

  9. Everywhere I go I hear people complaining of DW and the announcers since Sunday. LOL. I thought of you when he called Jr Junebug. But yeah he should be more careful with who he goes for. He makes it obvious that he likes Jr.

  10. Elliot's wife beat Carl's wich is ironic since Carl's wife is due any day and Elliot's isn't or wasn't due until next week. A baby boy they named Wyatt. Mom and baby are well I heard.

    I loved the Kyle Busch commercial - it was great seeing him in it. You should do it! I would love to see what you have him wearing and driving! HA HA HA HA. I wonder how much they paid Kyle to do that!

  11. Stupid track! DW kept saying he didn't think it was the track that broke his car, but if it wasn't that, then it was a BIG coincidence and all that. I bet JJ was upset and rightfully so, but what else could they have done...isn't like they knew about it and kept it there. Hopefully they will have it fixed before the July race. (OK not stupid track, I like it, but still frustrating! HA HA) I saw Edwards finished in the top ten and thought of you. Hopefully it is a good sign for him too. But I agree, this track or race don't mean a whole lot when it comes to the big picture of the season.

  12. As I said, was happy with Jamie winning, but was hoping for JR. He surprised me coming up like that...thought the announcers had made a mistake or something when they said he was in second! That was crazy good. Maybe the beard is a good luck thing for him...thanks! Now he'll never shave it! HA HA. Wasn't big fan of McGraw's beard and mustache. I liked him driving up in a race car. I am a big fan of Tim's so I enjoyed it.Though couldn't get past the beard...it just wasn't him. It was graying and all that as well! Oh well maybe it is to keep his face warm.

  13. I was hoping Jr would have won it...the Daytona race that is. Yeah one more lap probably would have gave him the lead. Second ain't too bad though and am happy for him. Hopefully this is a sign of a great season for him. I thought he was different than last year. More upbeat and positive. Even at the start of last season it seemed like he was down if I remember right. I don't know, maybe it is just me. But I agree with DW that a lot has to do with the driver's attitude as well - it is contagious. Once the main guy hangs his head low...if you know what I am saying.

    I was OK with the red flags as long as they restarted it and didn't end it due to the dang hole. THat is up until the very end and then the race seemed to take forever. LOL. Sure that had to do with something with how Gordon ended and all. HA HA. Don't like Kyle Busch at all, but his commercial was funny to see him in pink with kittens on it and all!

  14. Jr's acciden't was very harsh. Glad he is ok...he said it would cost him $650.000 for it. YIKES! I think they are going overboard with Danica...she's good, but has she proved she can be in a stock car? I mean they were saying that her merchandise stand was more popular than Johnsons and Earnhardts that was next to hers. How can that be? Still don't understand. Oh well. . .I heard Chrissy was in it but didn't hear what happened to her.

    Sorry to hear about that yucky white stuff. I feel for you and understand completely how you feel! I hope your weathermen are lying to you about it on Friday. Glad to ehar you had a good weekend and got to spend some time with your nephew!

  15. *Leaves the court house to find che outside and slowly approaches him* Hey bro.
  16. As I said, I remember what happened and don't need no refresher course on anything. Just had to come by once i overheard you talking of thinking i was too scared to face you...because I ain't. I proved my point. *Lighting another cigarette, turns and walks up the stairs* (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Perhaps a little of both. I remember the basic details of the fight...sadly.)
  17. *Eyes the two prisoners with emotionless gray eyes* Glad you two are so proud of yourselves. Maybe it is your own egos that are making you underestimate me and who I really am. Because as far as I am concerned, I haven't been defeated or killed and we all know I'm still in town. Y'all can go ahead and think what you want to think of me, at the end, I know who I am and what I am capable of. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: I write these posts in character. Other words, it's my muse doing the talking, not me and don't want to create any hard feelings with anyone. If so, tell me to back off and I will.)
  18. *Steps back out of reach of the prisoners and shakes head* First of all, my mind hasn't blocked out nothing from the past. In fact, I have a pretty good memory for things like that. It helps me to better prepare myself for the next encounter. So I say, bring it on. Secondly, Duke or no Duke, no one has ever accused me of not having common sense either. I'm alive today, ain't I? So I at least have enough sense to stay alive and out of too much trouble...at least nothing I can't handle. As for my future plans, trust me, you'd be the last one I'd tell. Sorry to be the one to disappoint ya there. *Takes a step to the stairs and turns around* Just thought I'd give the two jail birds a little visit, see how comfy you are and to see if things has changed since the last time I was here.
  19. *Walks down the stairs after hearing what was said, half lit cigarette in mouth* Well Brian after my whole stint in that cell, I'd a thought you'd know me better than that. Apparently not. I ain't afraid of you...perhaps I should be, but I ain't. As for what I am up to...what gave you the idea that I was up to anything to begin with?
  20. Tell your brother in law congratulations! That is something that happens once in a lifetime and should be celebrated. There will be a race next week to watch, but something like that is something to be proud of and to celebrate as I said. My dad is in the process of working towards becoming a deacon in the Catholic church - it takes a lot of work. Way to go to him. :)

  21. *Shakes head* How could anyone forget about such an important thing as the Daytona 500...the superbowl of NASCAR?! LOL sorry had to give you a hard time. Sorry your kids were giving you a hard time. Well you missed out on a good long race. The entire race lasted six hours because a big chunk of the track fell out due to the heavy amount of rain they had last Friday there. Red flagged it once for an hour and forty minutes and then thirty laps later red flagged it for a half hour. Glad they finished the race and fixed it -would have been disappointed if they called the race on the second one due to the hole. Though have to say was disappointed with the ending...Gordon crashed on the last lap to finish 26th. :( My other driver broke an axel - perhaps due to the hole - and had to go to the garage early due to it and finished 35. Oh well it shows stuff like that can happen at anytime to anyone. We are onto California next Sunday. . .

  22. Exhaustion seems to melt over Kristy's numb body as she stares blankly down at the paper work that clutters across her old desk while her mind continues to be lost back at home. Back at home where her eighteen month old son is the sickest he has ever been, her four year old daughter seemingly coming down with the same thing, her younger brother has been left behind to babysit and on top of it all, the bills continue to fall upon them. Bills that they are unable to pay or know how to. Deep down, she knows it isn't much different than what it probably is for everyone else in town, but she still can't shake the heavy burden that seems to be on top of her. Even though there is two other adults in the house that helps out as much as they can. Taking a deep breath, she stands up from her old chair just in time to hear her boss' door open and close and as she looks up she finds Lulu Hogg slowly stepping away from the door. Putting a smile on, Kristy moves to her open door way and says, "It's nice seeing you here, Miss Lulu." At hearing her name, Lulu Hogg slowly turns around and a warm and welcoming smile spreads across her face as she moves towards her husband's secretary. "Well if it isn't Kristy Duke," Lulu speaks, "you are looking as lovely as ever. Tell me, how's those darlin' kids of yours? I haven't seen them around in awhile." Kristy shrugs. "Well at the moment they aren't too darlin' you ask me. They are both sick with ear infections and what seems to be a bad cold," she states as she watches over Lulu's shoulder as Rosco enters the room. Looking back at Lulu, she continues, "but according to Applebee, with his medicine, they should be back to their normal self in a few days." "Poor things," Lulu states, "you let me know if you need anything from me. I'd be glad to watch them for you while mean ol' Hogg has you working." "Thanks for the offer," Kristy states while noticing Rosco staring angrily at her, "but they're with Garrett right now and there is always LB to help out too." "Kristy Duke," Rosco barks from his desk, "if you wanting to keep this here job, I suggest you get to work before Hogg comes out and sees you standing there like that. You know he frowns upon -" "Rosco Pervis Coltrane!" Lulu snaps turning around and Rosco seems to sink further into his chair as his sister raises her voice at him, "Will you leave the poor woman alone already! My husband is pretty damn lucky she's here at work at all with her kids sick and all! Give her a break already!" "I. . .I was only trying to warn her," Rosco states quietly as he grabs some paper out of a basket and acts to be working on them. "Don't give him no bother," Lulu turns back to Kristy, "he only acts scary. Well honey, I have some work to do if I am ever going to get it done. You let me know if I can be of any help, you hear?" "Sure do. Thanks Lulu," Kristy waves at Lulu as Lulu turns and begins to walk towards the door leading to the hallway. Kristy eyes the aging sheriff momentarily who attempts to ignore her before she slips back down into her chair to stare back down at the paper work. Picking up her favorite pen her dad had given her before they had left Knoxville, she slowly begins to fill out the paper work while she forces her thoughts away from home and onto the work she is being paid to do. (Cue Daney)
  23. Ok I can go on and on about the race...tell me if you want me to, but I'll shut up before boring you to death. Jr was funny he was lose and said "This is fun, but I don't know how productive this is" HA HA. Then during the red flag he was playing baseball trivia with his crew and then he told an announcer that they should just put a cone over the hole and have the drivers race around it. HA HA. OK as I said, I'll shut up now. I hope you are enjoying that yucky white stuff! :D

  24. Well Daytona 500-you missed the six hour long race! Six hours...they had to red flag it twice. Once for an hour and forty-one minutes and a second time for over a half hour due to a large chunk of the track falling out! Never seen that before, now I have. It was a great race...up until the end. Gordon got into Kahne with a few laps to go and then on the last lap he wrecked and finished 26! Johnson finished 35 due to a broken axle that took him to the garage early. Jr finished second though which is good for him and Jamie McMurray won it. I like him...but not as much as Gordon. Wait...I don't think there is another driver out there that I like as much as I do Gordon. Johnson is a close second in my books with Jr third.

  25. You forgot about the Daytona 500? How could anyone forget about Daytona 500?! *sighs dramatically* Well at least you remembered sometime through it. The candy sounds yummy though don't know if I'd be able to eat it with Gordon on it or Johnson for that matter. Jimmy Johnson...that's the football announcer! Jimmie Johnson is the race car driver and my second favorite! Sorry had to give you a hard time about that!

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