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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. It wasn't huh? What else is it you woulda thought? Or do I want to know? LOL
  2. That would be nice if they could catch up with Red Bull. Unless it's your team winning, it gets tiring watching the other teams winning all the time; especially the same teams. I guess I will stop complaining as we start eleven days earlier than you. It just seems forever away. Though I wish we could just skip through February and get to March. January and February are always my longest, coldest, and hardest months. LOL. Plus still...no baseball. Unless you are pitchers and catchers who meet up mid February. As for no delays...that's kind of nice. In NASCAR, they sit around and talk about anything and everything before they finally cancel anyways. Or like Tony Stewart said once, "They talk to anyone with legs" LOL. Ol' Smoke never was shy of telling it how he sees it. I just hope Chase Elliott will have a better season than he did last year. He had surgery on his shoulder after the season ended and is going through PT, so hopefully he will be healed and ready to go by February 18th. He says he will be. Better than last year where he broke his leg and had to be out the first six races of the season...then later got benched a race for fighting or something like that. Right now, I'll just take a win...as he didn't even have that last season.
  3. Garrett Duke was in mid repair of his car, when he heard Cooter's CB on the counter begin to squawk. At first he ignored it, assuming it wouldn't pertain to him until he heard something about the Boar's Nest. Knowing everyone was there, he slowly stands up, wiping his grease stained hands upon his faded denim jeans. Listening to Rosco's comment about framing Bill, makes anger rush rapidly within Garrett. Looking at his car, he now feels helpless and stranded until he thinks of his neighbor. Glancing around the dark garage, he spots Cooter's phone and he rushes over there and dial's the only phone number he knows in Hazzard. After three rings, the familiar voice shouts out, "Yo! You got Roy. What can I do for ya?" Garrett eyes the sheriff's station through the open door and moves deeper into the shadows as he sees Rosco quickly tip toeing to his car. Hearing Roy breathe impatiently on the other end, brings him back to where he was. "Yo Roy," Garrett states with a smirk, "you answer you phone like that to everyone? What if I were the law?" "I'd hang up on you," he quickly responds, "but you are the only friend I got, so I did a process of elimination." Garrett grunts. "I doubt I'm your only friend," Garrett resorts, "I saw Nile and Ramon over there a few nights ago at your party." "OK fine," Roy pouts, "I was trying to be nice. You are the only friend I got who calls when they need help and words gone around that you've been in knee deep in trouble with the law lately. I'm sure that wreck at the race took a deep blow to your ego. It was only time before you come calling begging for my help." Garrett rolls his eyes as he lights a cigarette as Rosco drives away, his tires squealing. "I don't beg," he dryly states, "I just know I can trust you." "And you can," Roy states and Garrett envisions him sitting on his holey and well-worn brown ugly couch, with his boots up on his wooden coffee table, with a huge smirk on his face. "What can I do for you? You in jail? Need more bail money? I'm your man. Lucky for you, I got paid yesterday." Garrett rolls his eyes. "It's not like that. I just need a ride," he finally states, "I'm at Cooter's Garage with my car and I need a lift to the Boar's Nest." "Ah you heard that too," Roy states on the other end, "Say no more. I'm on my way." With that, Garrett hangs up and smashes his cigarette out before walking to the end of the garage to wait for Roy. A couple of long moments pass before Roy's rusted out yellow Chevy truck pulls in. Garrett quickly climbs in, looks at Roy, and states, "Thanks for the ride. Let's go."
  4. Dang it...I didn't even think of watching it. That would have been a great idea. Glad you were able to enjoy, Boss.
  5. Dannnnnggggg you're lucky . . . I wish NASCAR would get the hint. They probably would start earlier if it wasn't for the dang football season and not wanting to compete. Back in the Richard Petty day they raced pretty much year round. Which is why no one will be able to reach his win record. Must mean I was born in the wrong year... LOL
  6. Let's move on from my admission...LOL. I kinda liked it better before I had "came out" as a Hobie put it. HA. Anyway...for some REAL NASCAR news. Y'all mark your calendars! On February 4th (next Sunday) is the NASCAR Busch Light Clash in Las Angeles at the Coliseum! There will be a heat race next Saturday to signify who will be in and where they start, it looks like. It may not be a points race...but it's a race! Right now...I'd take anything! HA 2024 Busch Light Clash format unveiled | NASCAR 2024 NASCAR Cup Series Schedule, Race Results | Dates, Times
  7. I only said that, because I said I picked Jeff Gordon out of a top sexiest man magazine and that his looks is what first got me. I didn't want everyone thinking Garrett was attracted to Gordon's looks. Otherwise y'all would still be in the dark. HA.
  8. Thank you so much Hobie. You guys are the best!
  9. Um...have you seen Bo Duke? LOL. Actually I watched it as a kid and enjoyed it. Had a hard time understanding why it wasn't on TV anymore. Then when it came back on TV, I was a big CHiPs fan at the time and seen each episode several times, so I abandoned Ponch and Jon and went to Bo and Luke. I remember being appreciative of hearing of their friendship off the screen as well as on. Erik Estrada (Ponch) and Larry Wilcox (Jon) didn't get along in real life and was kinda disappointed when I heard that. LOL. And then that led to NASCAR and Jeff Gordon. HA. I'm not a normal girl. LOL I was more into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles than I ever was in Barbie and am a huge sports fan.
  10. Roger, you totally made my day....my year. I didn't even realize it was my anniversary. I am so blessed to get to know you and others on this great platform. As much as I love the Dukes, it's all of y'all that brings me back and keeps me coming back. I love you and everyone on here. Thank you so much. Time does fly when you are having fun. Sadly that also makes me older. HA. Thank you so much, Roger, for this post. <3
  11. Thank you, Roger, for your time and service for our country. You are amazing. Uncle Jesse would be very proud of you.
  12. Garrett Duke is my created fan-fic character and who I normally go by on here. I just didn't want to imply he likes Gordon based on his looks as it had started for me, Garrett's author.
  13. I do believe I mentioned it to you before, but I can't remember if it was a PM or on a thread, either. It is sad to see friends on here leave; I have several. It is sad. I am honored to have known you, Roger, and had have the opportunity to be friends on here with you for those years.
  14. I was going to say please don't kick me out...LOL. I'm still the same I was before I admitted to it. I wouldn't have admitted to it...but thought it'd come off wrong if I didn't admit to it. LOL...and Garrett would never forgive me. HA.
  15. You all crack me up. Jeff Gordon is 52 years old and started racing go karts when he was five...so I guess it's possible he's been winning for 45 years. Though he's been retired (I'm still depressed about that...) for some time. So I do believe Miz Tisdale has him beat on that front. But has she won 98 NASCAR series races? Four championships? (It'd be six or seven if they didn't change the racing format and implemented the Chase play off system...you better not get me started on that. We could be here all night...LOL. Ironically, Jeff Gordon won all his championships under the original point system and Jimmie Johnson has won all his under the new Chase system...) Though, I am sure Jeff Gordon would like Miz Tisdale just fine. Especially her driving ability and to do wheelies. I don't even know who Lacy Chabert is. Though I do know she isn't NASCAR, so I do believe that post is under the wrong thread. It's always disappointing when y'all try to distract my thread here. I mean...it's the one thing I know and understand and y'all are trying to confuse me on that, too! LOL. I always wondered how many people knew I was a girl...LOL. And I don't know many girls that like NASCAR, except for one who I text every so often. Though she accused Jimmie Johnson of cheating last week when I told her I was excited he got accepted into the Hall of Fame (she was excited about Donnie Allison making it in)....so I'm still trying to decide on whether or not to forgive her on that. LOL. No one accuses JJ of cheating...he got there fair and square. OK...I am a bit biased on that. Tho it does upset me when people accuse him of cheating. 26 loooonnnnngggg days until the Daytona 500!!!!
  16. Thank you Hobie and Roger. You both just made my entire day...or off season! I will be honest with you all, before Dukes came back on air in 1996 (well I think it was 1997 when I started to get into it) I couldn't get the whole deal with NASCAR. I thought I'd rather watch my dog chase it's tail and it'd be more entertaining and fun to watch. But the Dukes and General Lee turned it around. By then Richard Petty was retired and I picked Jeff Gordon as my driver by the only way proper way to pick out a favorite driver... He was in a top fifty most sexiest men magazine. Or something like that. I will preface it and say that Garrett Duke would highly disagree with my logic in all of that and admit that Garrett Duke is my fictional DOH character. And that I myself is actually a female...LOL (Garrett made me admit to all that...he is too ashamed of it. HA!) Gordon was in the magazine (I still have the picture somewhere), he drove a Chevy, and won championships (as a Cubs fan, that was important. At least to have someone I follow who wins! HA I'll always love my Cubs. Win or lose...) But with all that said, I like Gordon for his style, his personality, and his talent. Even if I still believe him and Jimmie Johnson are good looking. (I got to liking Jimmie Johnson because Gordon lured him into the spot and owns the majority of his car...) And the rest is history. Now I am hooked and there is no going back. Even if Gordon and Johnson are retired (Well Johnson is semi retired. He will be racing a handful of races this year for his team he owns with Richard Petty). I miss Gordon and Johnson, but will be going for Chase Elliott (who was slated to take over for Gordon when he retired, which is how I picked him. HA). Oh and Pepsi sponsored Gordon. I love my Pepsi. Well...Diet Pepsi now. LOL
  17. I appreciate that, Roger. I am glad to have a place to come and talk about something that I love/enjoy and will be appreciated and understood.
  18. Thank you Skipper. That means a lot to me. Hopefully more stuff will be coming out here soon.
  19. Garrett and Cooter arrive at the garage after a long awkward ride of silence and slowly get out of the truck where they both help to unload Garrett's car. As they begin to look over the damage of the car, the CB in the cab crackles and Cooter is quick to go over to the truck, throw the door open. "Crazy Cooter speaking," Garrett hears him say before he begins to run a hand over the damages on the car. Regret and anger ride rapidly within him. Regret that he had signed up for the race and did this to his beloved car and anger at who had cut his brake line. "I won't let this happen to you again," he mutters to his car as he pats it on the hood just as Cooter closes the door to his truck and Garrett watches him run back over to him. "Hey Garrett," Cooter offers a smile, "everyone's meeting at the Boar's Nest. The boys. Bill and Ernie. For a post race drink and then heading over to the farm for some of Uncle Jesse's crawdad bisque." Cooter pauses with a crazy smile. "You wanna come? I'll give you a ride." Garrett eyes him coldly for a moment and then eyes his car. Looking back up, he slowly shakes his head at the mechanic. "I appreciate the invite, but I'm going to pass. Tell them I said hey," Garrett forces a smile at the mechanic. "Ya sure?" Cooter offers a second time and Garrett gives him a nod. "Well...ok then. Feel free to what you find here if you want to work on your car," he states and Garrett gives him an appreciative nod. "I'll see you around." With that, Cooter happily jumps into the cab of his truck and makes his way around Garrett's wrecked car and back onto the street where he sees Rosco stepping out of the sheriff's station and he gives him a curtious wave before driving off towards the Boar's Nest.
  20. Thank you Roger. That's one thing I love to talk about. Sadly no one wants to hear about it. LOL
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