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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Do I dare show my lack of knowledge again?! LOL Yellow Pine Construction Company Corncob Creek Rainbow Mine
  2. B.B. I am the Hazzardite who makes a mean chitlin chow mein. Who am I?
  3. "Im sorry Jaime." He ated to appear so weak in front of his girl, but things were getting to him and Bo...well that was the straw that brokethe camel's back so to speak.
  4. Luk nodded sighing. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Jaime. She seemed to be all he had anymore. "If it'll make ya feel better."
  5. "Jaime...I...I'm fine...just...just... " he didnt know how to describe his feelings and didnt try.
  6. Luke blinked a little. "No..." This wasnt right he was the parent. He was supposed to be comforting his daughter not the other way around...."Go inside Jaime....I'm ok..."
  7. These are tough! I'm not doing so well with my guesses! I'll try again though though I really don't have a clue for this one. Hogg's Auto Wrecking Hogg's Emporium (I always thought it was the Hazzard Emporium) Marybelle's Cake Shop
  8. Luke barely heard her. He nodded slightly plodding on as quickly as he could. Unfortunately crutches werent made for high speed chases and it slipped on him, causing him to stumple. Fortunately he landed on his good leg, but he didnt bother getting up. He just rolled over, his face in his hands.
  9. Luke didn't hear her. He was so tired...and now upset on top of tired...and stressed about the whole Troy thing. Tears were running down his cheeks but he didn't know if they were of anger....of worry for Jesse and Troy...of shame that he knew Bo was right...or what...all he knew was that it was too much.
  10. Nope, sorry that is not correct.
  11. "Bo!" Luke yelled over the phone but it did no good. Bo was gone. Angrily he threw the phone down and crutched himself outside fed up. That was what he got for trying to help people...trying to protect them.
  12. Luke sighed long and hard. He wasn't in the mood to get a guilt complex from Bo...he was far too tired and worried.
  13. "Cuz Jesse's in the hospital right now," he said softly hating to admit he had kept something from Bo.
  14. "Oh..." he said softly not sure why he was at the hospital and not wanting to volunteer information.
  15. That'd be Charlie. I'm the one that, according to Rosco, even the dipsticks call a dipstick. Who am I?
  16. Luke had just put down the phone and was waiting for a call back from the lawyer when the phone rang. He picked it up sitting down on the chair he's had Jaime bring to him earlier. "Duke farm this is Luke."
  17. A small smile appeared on his lips as Troy felt the kiss, but he slept on.
  18. Troy's thumb returned to his mouth as Bo tucked him in, his arm wrapped round his bear.
  19. Jesse nodded with a sigh closing his eyes more tired than he had let on.
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