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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "How can I not worry about it?" asked Luke, his shoulders shaking. "How can I not think about you...you're the only family I got.." Luke never whimpered but the fear in his stomach caused him to now, homesickness already setting in, at just the thought of leaving.
  2. "You think this isn't hard on me?!" said Luke in frustration. "I ain't got time to wait around for him to come to his senses Jesse! I'm going to Nam! We both know that there's a chance I ain't gonna get back here...all I wanted was to know he supported me...that's all I wanted to leave with..."
  3. "He's never gonna forgive me...." murmured Luke against his uncle. "Never."
  4. "I gotta go Jesse...just...just let me go," pleaded Luke unconsciously dropping the Uncle in his anxiety.
  5. Luke climbed down the ladder much quicker than he had climbed up, and walked quickly to the house. He quickly started filling the new sea bag he'd been issued. Leaving was hard enough. Leaving knowing he didn't have Bo behind him supporting him was even harder. There was no sense prolonging it by staying where it was obvious he was no longer wanted...at least not by Bo.
  6. treasure of hazzard ancient choctaw indian caves homer willis
  7. "So that's it then huh?" Luke nodded a little unable to keep the sniff from coming. "Whatever...that's all I get..." He nodded crossing the barn, warm tears threatening his eyes.
  8. Luke swallowed hard. Bo wasn't making this easy. "I din't want them decidin' my life Bo..."
  9. Luke swallowed hard. "I didn't mean to hurt you Bo," he began quietly, on the verge of tears himself. "It...it just seemed like the best thing to do."
  10. Luke sighed running a hand through his curls. He knew that that was a possibility. Still to hear Bo say it. "Ain't like I want to do this...I ain't gotta choice Bo...if I don't join now, they'll make me later."
  11. "That you understand..." said Luke softly.
  12. "Bo...." began Luke. He knew this was going to hurt the family, but he never relized how much Bo would be affected. "Bo...please at least say somethin..."
  13. Luke swallowed making his way up the ladder the rest of teh way sitting down next to his cousin. "Ain't what I wanna do Bo....'swhat I gotta do."
  14. Dang that Milo Beaudry! Where're Bo an' Luke when you need 'em? Ok...it wasn't Milo...it was my wisdom teeth...not only did it take all my wisdom from me (not that I have much to spare) but it left me in so much pain that I couldn't bring myself to answer Duke or Dupe for a few days. Back now...and if I get duped, I blame it all on the medication I'm on....cuz believe me...it's strong! I'm going to say: cripple creek widowmaker bend cooter's cousin earl the undertaker
  15. Luke swallowed hearing the quiet sobs. Slowly he climbed the ladder to the loft, the rungs creaking softly. "Bo?"
  16. Luke nodded pulling away from him and walking to the barn, his head down tears in his eyes he refused to let fall.
  17. Daisy swallowed having seen her cousin transform from boy to man in front of her. "I'll miss you Luke," she offered softly. "I'll miss you too..I'll miss y'all..." he murmured. "I...I best go talk to Bo...I...I might be a while..." he added knowingly.
  18. Luke watched him go swallowing hard. He knew that his family would be shocked at his news that he had joined the Marines. He didn't expect Bo to leave as soon as the words had left his mouth. Sighing he looked at the faces of Daisy and his Uncle. "Will someone say somethin?" he pleaded.
  19. Feeling Bo's hand wrap around his thumb caused Luke to swallow. It seemed only yesterday.... ***flashback****
  20. Luke nodded. "S'why I hoped...us being blood brothers...would help..." he offered tracing the scar on Bo's upturned palm.
  21. "Didn't make my leavin' any easier though...did it?" He asked it as a question but it was stated like a fact. They both knew the answer.
  22. Luke reached out his hand, the one with the scar across its pal, and placed it over Bo's. "I had to go..." he began uneasily, knowing it was still a hard memory for them both.
  23. Luke shook his head not taking his blue eyes off of his cousin. It wasn't any fun...in fact it was as far from fun as fun could be...
  24. Well, I thought I'd give my two cents also.. well more like a quarter cuz I have a bit to say on this. Personally, I agree with Garrett in that I think Nip/Tuck itself is the worst show on tv. I hate it. The only times I ever watched it was the ones John has been in so far, and that is strictly out of support for John, not the show. As far as him doing it...I admit, I was disappointed that John had to do it to avoid being typecasted any further. It's unfortunate. At the same time, this is going to open doors for other opportunities for him. He has bills to pay, kids to put through college and food to keep on the table just like the rest of us... and he is an "actor." It's his job and though all of us on here don't understand why Hollywood producers aren't knocking down his door, the fact is that Hollywood is very competitive and out there, morals don't pay the bills. I think as John has said "the end will justify the means" in this case. Maybe once he proves to them that he is more than just a "good ol' boy" more jobs will come his way and he can afford to be a little choosier. I guess to close my quarter's worth, I'll end with something I told John that he appreciated- we all have to do things we don't wanna do sometimes outta necessity... especially when we have families to provide for. I'm not about to judge him based on his decisions...he's an actor...let him act.
  25. Luke looked at him slowly, trying to read the unspoken words behnd the face he knew so well.
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