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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. *glances over to wear Bo was, having a lot on his mind, not really paying attention to his line*
  2. Luke got out slowly after him, taking his bag with him, and heading inside.
  3. Luke blinked his eyes open and sat up looking out thewindow with a happy sigh, never having been so homesick, though he would never admit it.
  4. Behave yerself...if you can..*pulls on his hair*
  5. Luke chuckled. " I never saw him run so fast..." *flashback*
  6. Are you kiddin?! I live with three men...there's LOTS of things I heard...and seen
  7. *looks at Bo reproachfully* You two scare me half to death...it's a wonder my hair ain't as white as Uncle Jesse's!
  8. Luke nodded looking at the picture. "I was sure glad to be home..."
  9. *hangs on as Bo goes to make the jump, a bit out of sorts from this morning and now getting chased by Enos*
  10. Quit arguin with him and just lose him Bo...since when are we ever in the right when it comes to the law in Hazzard... he's gonna do whtever Boss says...so LOSE him! We ain't got the money for the mortgage much less bail *knowing all too well how much they didn't have considering what he had to do for Bo's gift which was still in his pocket*
  11. "Since when has that ever stopped them before?" *says lowly*
  12. *hangs on too used to the familiar chases to be much worried by it*
  13. L: *sits back too; though normally he enjoyed the ride as much as Bo, today his thoughts were on his cousin, and the pleasure of the ride was diminished greatly*
  14. Darn it all... stupid computer *bangs fist into monitor* WORK! WORK I TELL YOU!!!
  15. I had a great time...well up until Roger asked Rosco to cuff and stuff me fortrying to take the General Lee...some guys just don't know how to have any fun... The story behind Flash is that James was a dog lover even back then and he wanted his character Rosco to have a dog. The producers said no, not in the budget, etc. So James said fine, went and rescued a dog of his own out of a shelter, and she became part of the show. Jiames was really her owner but he ended up letting her live with her trainer all the time. James said she lived to be 14...so that's what in dog years? 98? A ripe old age... there's nothing sweeter than hearing James say velvet ears in person...
  16. Don't encourage him....you ain't heard him sing....
  17. L: *gets in beside him quietly bothered by Bo's responses and how he wasn't being real with him*
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