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  1. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Right Skipper. 
    Who has a cousin named Tyrone? 
  2. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse and the boys are standing around celebrating the race and Jesse excitedly asks "Hey! I just got an idea! Bill and Ernie, any chance you can come over to the farm for some crawdad bisque?!" 
    Luke breaks in before they could answer. "Um, Uncle Jesse there ain't nothing better than your bisque but I think Bill has to get going right away." 
    Bill responded right away. "As a matter of fact, the indoor car show I was supposed to be at got canceled because the pipes burst and flooded the place so I don't have anywhere to be!" 
    It was Daisy's turn "Uncle Jesse, we were all planning on heading over to the Boar's Nest." 
    "Great!" Jesse snapped back. "That will give me plenty of time. Crawdad bisque ain't like making instant oatmeal you know. It takes time....so take all the time you want drinking that cheap watered down beer. While you're doing that I'm gonna cook!" And off he went. 
  3. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Garrett Duke watches from afar as Bo, Luke, Bill, and Ernie gather around while the newspaper photographer take pictures of them in celebration of the race. He forces a smile before he withdrawals back to his car, eyeing the damage, and calculating all that will need to make it perfect once again.  
    "That could be you up there," a voice breaks the silence and forces Garrett to quickly turn around to find Cooter standing behind him, his hand shoved into his grease stained pants pockets, "if it wasn't for Hogg and Coltrane."
    Garrett only shrugs as he steals a glance over at Bo, Luke, Bill, and Ernie who are now shaking hands for the photographer. Looking back at Cooter, he dryly states, "But it's not."
    "Thanks to Rosco and Boss," Cooter reinforces what he had said earlier. 
    "It don't matter now," Garrett pauses once again as Boss and Rosco quickly drive past them and out of the race track, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. For a moment, Garrett allows his anger to settle within him before he abruptly turns to his car in an attempt to sidetrack his anger of what had happened. "I guess what matters now, is getting him back up and running again."
    "Sure thing. I got my tow truck ready. We can tow it to the garage and get it started. Ernie said he can join us once  he's finished with his obligations over there," Cooter says motioning back towards them as the photographer seems to be putting his camera away and Bill and Ernie turn and face Bo and Luke as they start to talk. "He'll be back to normal within an hour. If that." Cooter pats Garrett on the back. "Perhaps one of these days you and the boys will have to race it out to see who's better. For now, let's get him doctored back to shape."
    Garrett quietly nods before Cooter jogs off to get his tow truck to return a few minutes later and Garrett helps him hook it up.
    "You ready?" Cooter questions, motioning Garrett to the cab of the truck. 
    Garrett nods, before looking back at Bill and Ernie. Looking at Cooter, he says, "Let's go." With that they both climb in and drive off to the garage in town.
  4. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Pretty Woman 
  5. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Garrett Duke in Boar’s Nest at Cooter’s   
    I agree with Roger. This is beyond awesome. Thank you for sharing these with us. 
  6. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Boar’s Nest at Cooter’s   
    Yes!! These pics are excellent! I'd love to have a place like this around here.
  7. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    yeehaaww is the rebel YELL
  8. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    AUNT clara coltrane
  9. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Skipper got it right. High Octane.
    What song did Roy Orbison sing?
  10. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    High Octane.
  11. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Roger got it right. Diamonds.
  12. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Hazzard Square   
    That's fantastic!!  
  13. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    Daisy.....definitely the woman of the year and maybe even EVERY year!
  14. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Hazzard Square   
    Sweet! What a great place to hang out....but where is that cute Daisy waitress? 
  15. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    yeehaaww is the rebel YELL
  16. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Skipper got all 3 of mine right. 
    Here's a new one: Which episode has Boss and Rosco dressed in camo with guns and binoculars looking for a moonshine still?
  17. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    "Well now, a tie, I'll be John Henry. I sure didn't figure on that folks. But then again, it was a long shot. An' this is Hazzard, where long odds is even." The Balladeer cheerfully says. Bo and Luke go in stands to celebrate with Daisy, Jesse and Garrett. Bill and Ernie come over, and by now, all the other drivers have converged around the Dukes and Bill congratulating them. Boss Hogg comes over now, and offers free soda pop and hotdogs for everyone to eat and drink to celebrate this momentus occasion in Hazzard County history.
  18. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Hobie & Roger got it right. It was pie. Roger's questions:
    1. Nancy
    2. Nelson/Davenport
    3. Alabama 
  19. Sad
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    I'm not sure about these because this is on my list of episodes I don't like.
  20. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Boar’s Nest at Cooter’s   
    In the last couple years, I’ve been replicating the interior of the Boar’s Nest at Cooter’s in Pigeon Forge.  The bar area is done and the rest will be completed in the near future. I’ve put pictures up here:
  21. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Square   
    Souds good- I need some kick-back time at the ol' watering hole:  Untitled by Mark, on Flickr
  22. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Hazzard Square   
    Well you just keep coming back to town and we'll cruise around! ( AND hit the Boar's Nest for a few cold ones!  ) 
  23. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Square   
    Ive missed being here!
  24. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    THAT'S just a little bit more THAN THE law will allow.
  25. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    THAT'S just a little bit more THAN THE law will allow.
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