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    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Weekend plans   
    On the way to the dirt track last night I was wearing my 01 hat and Northeast Ohio Dukes shirt when "What was I thinking?" came on the radio so I got to hear "hood sliding like Bo Duke.".......and one of the races had an orange 01 car. It didn't do well but still, it was a great night to live like a Duke boy. 
  2. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Danica Crashes!   
    That was a horrendous crash....khee khee....it would have kilt ten ordinary men. 
  3. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in Weekend plans   
    I'm heading out to the dirt track tonight and kayaking tomorrow. This is the first Memorial Day weekend in 22 years that I haven't had to work overtime. 
  4. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in Tom Sarmento in the Netherlands   
    Thanks Roth. This is pretty cool!
  5. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in Have you ever seen a General Lee?   
    I miss the 1980's when every decent sized  town had at least one person driving around in a General Lee. 
  6. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The International Thread   
    Yes, it is on every channel we have. I got an initial invitation but I was supposed to fill out a questionnaire for their final approval and they said I would then get an official royal invitation. They wanted to know who I would be wearing. I had to ask my wife what that meant. She explained it means who designed the clothes I would be wearing. I responded Willie Robertson. I'm assuming my official invitation got lost in the international mail. 
  7. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in What are you listening to???   
    I'd be named Waylon Ocean.
    (whale in ocean)
  8. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Cooter Quotes!   
    Here's a classic from "Road Pirates".
    After Cooter saw Boss and Rosco fall into wet cement, he took off his hat and looked to Heaven and said...
    "Thank you Sir for a perfect day."
  9. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Cooter Quotes!   
    Speaking of loving Cooter, I saw Wynonna Judd once when asked the classic question of which Duke boy she liked the most who and she responded that she was partial to Cooter. Hey, who can blame her, there's just something about a greasy hat that attracts redneck women.
  10. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Sorry If I'm repeating Myself   
    I remember the scene but not the episode. Since I remember the scene do I at least get a root beer? 
  11. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Rollman in Living in the past   
    Some folks say you shouldn't live in the past but I'm starting to think it's a lot better than living in the present. I've had it with the present. I've seen politically correct insanity taking over everything. The latest is the Boy Scouts dropping half their name and just calling themselves Scouts to please the politically correct police. It truly has risen (or lowered) to the level of insanity. I just found an 80s country music station and it's now all I listen to in my vehicle. I'm now watching more Dukes, Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, Beverley Hillbillies etc than ever before. I'm way happier because of it. So to the folks who say you shouldn't live in the past, I say...why would you want to live in a world where "Boy Scouts" is practically considered profanity? Why would ANYONE want to live in that kind of world?...I'm not going to stop the world from going down the sewer tubes of political correctness but I am going to do whatever I can to walk in the opposite direction. 
  12. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Living in the past   
    Some folks say you shouldn't live in the past but I'm starting to think it's a lot better than living in the present. I've had it with the present. I've seen politically correct insanity taking over everything. The latest is the Boy Scouts dropping half their name and just calling themselves Scouts to please the politically correct police. It truly has risen (or lowered) to the level of insanity. I just found an 80s country music station and it's now all I listen to in my vehicle. I'm now watching more Dukes, Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, Beverley Hillbillies etc than ever before. I'm way happier because of it. So to the folks who say you shouldn't live in the past, I say...why would you want to live in a world where "Boy Scouts" is practically considered profanity? Why would ANYONE want to live in that kind of world?...I'm not going to stop the world from going down the sewer tubes of political correctness but I am going to do whatever I can to walk in the opposite direction. 
  13. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The last 24 hours   
    Thanks Hobie. That's the plan. It's time to watch some Dukes. I think I'll watch "Follow that Still" tonight and think of you. 
  14. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Nascar Driver Dies   
    I didn't really follow NASCAR back then so I hadn't heard of him but thanks for posting this. 
  15. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Denver Pyle In Superman   
    Thanks for posting this Tania. I turned 58 today and Denver was 59 when Dukes started so I'm on my way to being just like my hero Uncle Jesse. 
  16. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Bo’s Extravaganza April 7th & 8th 2018   
    I appreciate you figuring that out Hoss. I've been crunching those numbers for a few days and had calculated five mph but that was with a 2 mph margain of error. I know you're better at math so I'm taking your word for it. I'm not sure which is making me more nervous, having to jump that far or go that fast. I'm thinking I should make the jump before I turn 58 next month while I'm still much younger. Another thing I thought of. What happens if I get way up in the air (say 4 inches into the jump) and have to go to the bathroom? Or what if I get hungry? It's not like there's a fast food drive through around that high in the air. Which reminds me, we calculated distance and speed but not height. Could you crunch some more numbers and see how high I'll be? 
  17. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Bo’s Extravaganza April 7th & 8th 2018   
    I'm starting to have second thoughts about jumping my dirt bike on my 58th birthday. I did some calculations and the toy is 4 inches long and I'm going to need 3 inches on each side of it. I took several hours to add all the numbers up and it came to a grand total of 10 inches. I'm not too worried about my dirt bike even though it's getting old....turning 20 this year. But I am worried about making a jump that long. I mean, what happens if I get 5 inches into the jump and get scared. There's no coming back at that point. The pressure I'm stating to feel is probably what Evil Knieval felt before he jumped the Snake River Canyon. 
  18. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Bo’s Extravaganza April 7th & 8th 2018   
    Thanks Hoss. I just thought it would be good to put this here since there are fewer and fewer Dukes gatherings lately. I wish this thing wasn't a thousand miles away because I'd love to go if it was closer. I see the property is 58 acres which is a coincidence since Bo is turning 58. As I said I'll turn 58 just 7 days after that. I wonder if I should start an extravaganza when I jump my dirt bike over that General Lee toy. How much do you think I should charge for admission? 
  19. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Love this video   
    I'm pretty low tech so I don't ever post videos and don't even know how so I don't know the rules. Hoss answers all the tech stuff if MM isn't around. 
  20. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in John's birthday   
    It's a big day in Hazzard County. John Schneider turns 58 today and Bo Duke is jumping the General Lee in Louisiana. We love them both and wish them luck!
  21. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Congratulations HossC   
    Hey, this brings back some good memories. Since joining here Hoss at times carried the HazzardNet on his shoulders and should have been named fan of the month 100 times. So the least I can do is award him the honor for April 2018. Congratulations Hoss. 
  22. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
  23. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    We dodged that snow here in NW Pennsylvania. Everybody hates those Monday races but I guess they have no choice. 
  24. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    I usually pick too many Pirates so I know how you feel about loyalty. I picked 4 this time and even Andrew McCutchen who isn't even a Pirate anymore. 
  25. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Question about Bo   
    They never said how much older Luke was than Bo but I guess that Luke was 4-7 years older. The reason I say that is on "Happy Birthday General Lee" when they first got the General Lee (it was black) Luke said to Bo "You were just out of high school and I was just out of the Marines". I know from experience that in that era a stint in the Marines was a minimum of 4 years....of course it was possible to do more or less because of the VietNam War....which Luke served in. Since the show started in 1979 and there were few or no American troops there in 1975 it is possible that Luke could have been in longer than 4 years and that's why I said 4-7. Daisy was somewhere in between them in age although I can't remember which episode said that.
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