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Posts posted by RogerDuke

  1. I'm trying to remember what the opening voice was like on "One Armed Bandits" I know they used more than one person in the 7 years, the question is, how many? If you two keep this thread going long enough, I'm going to end up being so curious, I'll have to pop in all of the first episodes from all 7 seasons...unless of course, Laura or General Grant beat me to it. I'm gone.

  2. Hey there Christine, welcome to Hazzard County. We hope you stay awhile. This Las Vegas place you're talking about...is that on the other side of Chickasaw County? I think those old Ridge Raiders used to have a still in that neck of the woods back in '38...or was it '39? Anyway, if you love the Dukes, you'll love it here. I'm gone.

  3. Well Laura, I don't mean to confuse you (but this is Hazzard County after all).

    You must have watched "The Runaway" if you learned that the Dukes live on Mill Pond Road.

    If you watch "Treasure of Hazzard" you'll find out that they live on Mill Road.

    If you watch "Sound of Music Hazzard Style" you'll find out that they live on Old Mill Road.

    In reality, a lot of rural roads have more than one name. It's hard to say what's the official name of the road the Dukes live on. Obviously there used to be a mill or two on it (or still is). The first time Mill Pond is mentioned is early in the series (season 1-episode 6)

    So, what do you think? If you were making a map of Hazzard County, what would you call it? I'll tell you what I'm doing after I hear your response. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer so don't worry about getting it wrong. Well, I guess you could get it wrong if you said Hogg Highway or something like that!!!

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong but according to my calculations:

    DoubleX has 12 in a row right.

    DaisyMae has 6 in a row right.

    B.L. has 6 in a row right.

    Which of these were on the show?

    Jason Silver or Jason Steele

    Bill's Gas or Gary's Gas

    Cooter's cabin in Benedict Canyon or Boss's still on Pine Ridge

  5. Nice job Bo'sCrush. Big Dan Hogg was a tough one. Yours is Jamie Lee Hogg.

    Here's one that I bet nobody will get. Waylon said that Sheriff Big Ed Little might be mad if I burned the grits when he got home. What's my first name? (I'm assuming she's Big Ed's wife)

  6. Right B.L. and DoubleX, it's Bugs Bunny.

    Hey B.L., to answer your question about extra credit, I made a joke about saying those 4 names 3 times real fast. If you go back to the Della Dawn question, you'll see what I was talking about.

    From "Coltrane vs Duke" what story did Rosco want Boss to read to him over and over?

    A) Humpty Dumpty

    B) War and Peace

    C) Hansel and Gretel

    D) Gone with the Wind

    E) Jack and the Beanstalk

  7. Actually Cooter really does live on his farm on Jessup Road but I made up the part about him being 5 miles north of town. In "Mason Dixon's Girls" they don't say the exact location of the farm or even which direction from town Jessup Road is. That's part of the fun of map-making...you get to use your imagination and make it whatever you want it to be, within limits of course.

    Hazzardnet might have fanfic but I got mapfic....hey I just made that up just now! I'm gone.

  8. I don't need any details about other counties except the name of counties and cities outside of Hazzard County and what direction they're in (if stated) as well as the Boss and Sheriff of those places if mentioned.

    Despite what the lists states "Homes-not individuals" I DO want the names of residents and any other info they might give.

    Example: Cooter Davenport has a farm on Jessup Road 5 miles north of town.

    I guess you should figure that if you're not sure about something, write it down anyway and I'll sort it out.

    Thanks a million Laura. You should make a map too. Even if you only had the main characters on it, it would still be fun. If you need some basic info to get started I could post it here. Maybe other people would want to do this too.

  9. After further thought, I have to do more thinking.

    I'm not really sure. It seems like they always did have a voice there and it was never Waylon but there was at least two different guys. We sure need rescued here. Either that or we'll have to get out the DVDs and figure it out for ourselves. I'm gone.

  10. I noticed that when the Dukes left I stopped watching as many music videos on CMT also. This wasn't an intentional boycott of CMT or anything. I'm not even sure why I did it. I guess I just got out of the habit of having CMT on my mind whenever the TV got turned on.

  11. Sure Laura, I'd appreciate that. Remember you don't have to write everything that was on. Don't worry about the businesses that are shown in Capitol City because I don't need them. Also, if they're driving through the streets of Hazzard, I don't need you to write down those businesses either. Checking a previous post and looking at the catagories I listed will give you an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish...I suspect you've already done that. Remember, closed caption can help with spelling but it has been known to be inaccurate at times. Fortunately, this is the only episode I need help with. Thanks again Laura.

  12. Sorry Laura, I should have worded that better. I knew that bwgath's avatar is not the record setting jump. I was simply using the record jump as an example of a single jump that was used in multiple episodes (due to the cost and time and risk of jumps) I said that because there was a potential that bwgath's avatar jump may have been in more than one episode than the one I just viewed from early in season 4.

    Whenever these posts get confusing just remember Waylon's quote, "living in Hazzard might be complicated, but it sure is fun."

  13. Wow Laura, after being a fan since 1979, I thought I've analyzed everything there is to analyze on the Dukes...but you hit me with a new one. I agree, that is not Waylon but now I'm wondering what the story is behind the voice. I'm trying to think if the same guy did it all 7 years. I hope someone can give us some info about this...breaker 1, breaker 1, we might be crazy (and this time we're also dumb) anybody home on the Hazzardnet?...hopefully someone can shed some light on this. Tim Duke might know this one. He's good with those toughies. I'm gone.

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