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Status Updates posted by RogerDuke

  1. I'm not going to make it to Canton. Our roads are horrible and won't be any better in the morning. It's the heavy, wet, slippery, greasy kind of snow.....the worst kind.

  2. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  3. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  4. Sorry about you Chicago Bears losing. Oh well, go Cubs!! It'll be here before you know it.

  5. Your last message here is over a week old but the cold hasn't let up down there has it? Tonight is the first night up here that we're getting below zero without the wind chill factor. Hopefully it will be the coldest night of the winter. Keep warm buddy.

  6. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  7. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  8. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  9. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  10. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  11. Congratulations on 1000 posts Hoss. I just went back and reviewed all of them. I only understood 3 of them. The other 997 made absolutely no sense at all.

    (LOL) (sorry buddy, I couldn't resist)

    (By the way, that mushroom joke on "word association" was very clever)

  12. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  13. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  14. Hey, check out your number of posts. 2468 who do we appreciate?.....MaryyyyAnnnneee!

    Okay, don't post anymore. If you do I'll have to think of something that rhymes with nine.....and that would take time.

  15. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  16. Hi BL I hope you're having a great New Year. It's hard to believe January's half over already.

  17. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  18. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  19. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  20. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  21. I hear there were some water problems over there. Were you affected?

  22. Belated Happy Birthday!

  23. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  24. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

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