We had fun. My grandson is 20 and hanging out with him was pretty cool. I used to have him every weekend but we've drifted apart a bit so it was especially nice. We went to one south of Geneva Ohio called The Great Lakes Medieval Faire. It's really awesome but is the only one I've ever been to so I don't know how it would stack up against others. I'm sure some are better and some worse. They didn't do the jousting on horses because they were at a different place thus weekend.
I took my grandson to a medieval festival today. We go every year but it was canceled last year because of covid. Speaking of which, today is the one year anniversary of my first covid symptom, leading to 2 weeks of sickness. Hey Hoss, you folks dealing with the Delta variant?
Sorry to hear that Hoss. England got the first goal so I bet you had your hopes up for awhile there. Were you much of a football player in your younger years?
I bet I put a smile on your face by not saying soccer.
I'm watching the home run derby right now.
Our daughter and her family went home to Virginia today.
I get along great with my mechanic and also consider him to be a friend. We talk about politics a lot and have the exact same views on just about everything so I always like to turn the conversation in that direction if he has time. He's like a lot of older redneck mechanics....he is a bit limited when it comes to some of the higher high tech computers but besides that, can fix just about anything.