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  • Biography
    My name is Andrew. Uhh...thats basically enough details....
  • Location
    F-Town, NC
  • Interests
    Model Railroading, Train Watching, and hanging with my friends
  • Occupation
    Future Locomotive Engineer or Car Stunt Driver

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  1. Besides CMT my favorites are ABC Family, WB, ABC, and Disney.
  2. Ive seen it twice. Pretty interesting. I like it.
  3. Cool. I need to check that out sometime.
  4. Im guessing all these problems are from the DVD Player. Not the DVDs. Oh and by the way, my Season 1 is double sided. Wierd how some have double sides and some dont....
  5. Its just plain Southern Pride! But funny how John, Tom, and MYSELF are from the North. Wierd huh?
  6. In the Driver's Seat, Good Ol Boys, Hillbilly Shoes, Bad Boys, and lots more! Too many to list.
  7. I've gotten over 300 ft. The lightest vehicle is Daisy's Jeep of course. One time It bounced just right and flew to the end of the world! The game froze on me then. I WAS REALLY MAD! If yall want to set any records in that game, you need to use Daisy's Jeep. I wish the General Lee would go faster! But I also wish the game had more levels, instead of jumpin to see how far you go.
  8. Nice Job Spotting That. I would have NEVER noticed!
  9. Hey yall. I went to Gatlinburg, TN to see Cooters Dukes Of Hazzard museum. IT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I got to sit in a ORIGINAL General Lee for only $5. I also saw Rosco's Patrol Car and Cooter's Tow Truck. I highly recommend everyone here on Hazzardnet to visit. If anyone here has been there what are your oppinions?
  10. I have also noticed myself that some dixie horns are to fast and some are to slow. What's yalls oppinions on that?
  11. Herbie nor the Bandit did better than the General Lee. The General Lee was, still is, and will always be, THE BEST!
  12. Why would he sell HIS General Lee?!
  13. Rosco! The funniest sheriff of all time! Although you wouldn't like him every once in a while. He was still the best sheriff! Cyck, Cyck, I Love It, I Love It!
  14. Where did you get and hear Tom, John, and Cathy's Version? I heard they made a version, but I have yet to hear it. If there's a link to it, can you post it please.
  15. I Always Wondered Why They Stopped Playing It. I looked forward to that every weekend morning. That REALLY Upset Me :'(
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