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Everything posted by Dixie_Nachelle01

  1. i had almost forgotten until i heard it on the radio. they made a mistake though and said he was going to be 53! i know that he is only 47 though. Happy Birthday to the greatest Bo Duke that there will ever be! =D
  2. they used to play them at 7 and 8am on saturday morning too. i used to watch it while i ate breakfast before i did my morning chores. i was sad when they stopped playing it=(
  3. i do! i have the whole song on CD too!
  4. why would he think that? he is loved just as much as john. he was needed just as much as bo. i'm sure the number of I Love Bo and I Love Luke shirts are not that far apart. I hope we can let him know he is loved very much.
  5. haha! it said I was Bo Duke.
  6. haha!!!! i didn't know that. i wish they didn't have commercials.
  7. I just heard that today is his birthday. For those of you who don't know, he was on The Dukes twice. I think it said he was 60 or somethin' like that.
  8. has anyone noticed that they skip alot of some episodes and they speed up the chases? i was watching a few nights ago when i first noticed that they were doing this. i have also noticed that alot of the time i will tune in to CMT and the Dukes won't be on. i don't think they will pull it off the air though. they will lose lots of viewers.
  9. i found the videos, but they won't play because i have a mac.=(
  10. i painted my bike like the general. does that count?lol
  11. did they really do that? not to say i don't believe ya or anything, but i want to read/hear that for myself. did you read it in an interview or something?
  12. haha! sounds like somethin' my dad would say!lol! i would really like to know where they got them cause i wanna see more.
  13. I watched those! They are HILLARIOUS (sorry if i spelled that wrong). Watch them Hazzardites, they're awesome. I was laughing the whole time. I wonder where that person got them and if they know where some more are? If anyone else knows where there are more Dukes bloopers, let me know and I'm sure some other people want to know too.
  14. That is soooooooooooo not cool! i live about an hour or two from Cinncinatti and i heard about it on the news. why should they be punished for someone elses wrong doing a hundred years ago?They didn't use the flag to promote racism on the show, it was just to show the pride of the south. Besides, it made the car look good=D anyways, I think this is outrages and will try to find out more of the story (if any) behind this.
  15. I saw the scene on YouTube with John and Tom. It was in Italian though and I couldn't understand it. From what I could see, it looked REALLY good.
  16. Up here in north central Ohio, we got about 16 inches. I haven't gone to school since last Monday! We used up all our snow days and some schools went over by 5 or 6 days. They are makeing up days on Saturdays! I would hate that. It is supposed to be around 45-50 degrees next weekend though. There goes all our snow=(
  17. Does anyone know where, if there is someplace, I could download that episode or something? I REALLY want to see it REALLY bad!lol!
  18. i loved Smallville, 'till they killed John=(haha. i still watch sometimes but i don't really have a favorite. i really would like to see the one with Tom though.
  19. And I got part of an answer here. Yes they did weigh the General's trunk down for the jumps. I'm pretty sure they used concrete. I don't know how much though. I'd think about 500 or more pounds to keep it from tumbling. I hope I helped.
  20. Howdy fellow Dukes Fans, My name is Karis Nachelle(yes that is my real name) and I am going to be 14 in March. I first got hooked on the Dukes when they started playing it on CMT. My dad was a HUGE fan when he was my age. I fell in love with John Schneider the first time I saw him on TV and thought it was cool when I found out that his daughter has the same name as me. Hopefully I can get my dad to take me to DukeFest this year so I can finally meet him. My all time goal is to own my very own General Lee. I own my very own General Lee bike now( I'm takeing baby steps.haha.). Well, I love Hazzardnet and plan to stick around for awhile.
  21. I would probablly be Bo's daughter and I would run around Hazzard on my bike painted like the General Lee and drive my go-cart around in the field behind the Duke Farm. I would be in about as much trouble as Bo and Luke were all the time(I am in real life too=D).I would go by Nachelle.
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