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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke leans against the wall relieved as Bo reaches the window. Raising an eyebrow questioningly at Uncle Jesse when Bo opens the window but only recieves a shake of the white head that it's ok the weather is warm. Listening to Bo's ragged breathing Luke becomes worried that it was too much exertion. Waiting Luke watches to see if Bo's breathing will right itself within a few minutes now that he's not moving. Going over Luke puts a gently hand on Bo's shoulder not saying anything as they both look out the window. Uncle Jesse tells them "I'm gonna go check on them girls they's just disappeared" Luke nods without turning from Bo and the window "Ok we'll be fine"
  2. Yup we'd love to hear what you the reader's think we're a little prejudice we think it's great but what do ya'll think.
  3. Welcome to the group Bush Tucker Man hope you enjoy your time here. B.L.
  4. Is there some kind of list with all the shows listed? I couldn't find it to find how Dukes ranked with other shows. B.L.
  5. I had posted a similar type voting site several months ago to make Dukes #1. I saw it go from 7 votes to almost 200 i believe it was in a little over a week so let's get it up there this time!!!!!!! B.L.
  6. Luke gives Uncle Jesse a sad hurt look as Bo jerks away. He was only trying to help Bo and was afraid he'd hurt himself but apparently Bo didn't want any help from even him. Uncle Jesse pats Luke's shoulder consolingly. They both get back to their own feet silently watching as Bo struggles to his own both still fighting the urge to help steady him. Luke again jams his hands deep into his pockets knowing any assisstance even if it was done as a reflex would be unwelcomed by Bo at this point.
  7. Luke gives Uncle Jesse a sad hurt look as Bo jerks away. He was only trying to help Bo and was afraid he'd hurt himself but apparently Bo didn't want any help from even him. Uncle Jesse pats Luke's shoulder consolingly.
  8. Luke lurches forward from Uncle Jesse's grasp as Bo stumbles but can't move fast enough to get there before he falls. Uncle Jesse a half step behind Luke as they both kneel on the floor next to Bo. Uncle Jesse worriedly tries to assess to see if there is any damage. "Bo you alright? I knew ya weren't as ready for this as ya and Luke tried to say ya were." Luke grabs Bo's arm as he reaches the floor "Bo you ok,I knew this was gonna happen I could feel it the first time ya stumbled."
  9. Luke watches nervously biting his lower lip as Bo takes another step,sucking in a deep breath almost sounding like a strangled gasp of someone unable to catch their breath as Bo wobbled. Jamming his hands deep into his pockets resisting the urge to help Bo but it's getting harder to stop himself as he bounces nervously on the balls of his feet. Uncle Jesse puts a restraining hand on Luke's arm wanting to help Bo just as bad but knowing it's important to Bo that they don't unless he asks them to.
  10. Uncle Jesse puts his hands in his pockets of his overalls to resist the urge to hang onto Bo's elbow for stability as he take a tentative step. Luke doesn't want to seem over anxious so asks lightly "So where ya goin speedy?"
  11. Luke laughs knowing exactly how Bo feels about the hospital gown he'd be the same, as he and Uncle Jesse help steady Bo on his feet but not wanting to hover too much but afraid to let Bo do too much. *Winking* "I think if ya real nice and behave ya might persuade B.L. to go home and get ya some pj pants and maybe even some real clothes for when ya get outta here." Uncle Jesse scolds the two lightly "Alright you two quit clownin around and let's get you settled Bo before ya fall over."
  12. Luke raises a questioning eyebrow wearing a smirk "You gonna stand there all day with that hospital gown flying open or ya gonna take a stroll across the room before the girls come back? Maybe sit in the sunshine a for a bit." Uncle Jesse wonders himself where they might have gotten off too but answers in what he hopes is a somewhat cheerful tone "They's probably just went for a walk maybe somethin to eat.
  13. "I know it's gonna be hard to forget...but you will and so will Luke and Uncle Jesse and me. It'll probably take a long time but we'll all get back to normal trust me if anybody can say that and be positive it's me." Again thoughts of her father's illness and subsiquent death enter B.L.'s mind. She can truly be confident telling Daisy all will be normal again because even though her father is gone things did return to some semblemce of normal only without him in the picture. "Well I suppose that's the best we can hope for right now,just don't overdo right off the start." Uncle Jesse still isn't fully convinced because of Bo's bad color still but the fact he isn't gasping for breath eases the worry some. Luke lets out the breath he didn't realize he was holding "That's the best news I've got in days ceptin when the doc said ya wasn't dead."
  14. B.L. takes Daisy's hand squeezing it reassuringly smiling confidently "I understand......he'll be the same ol Bo before we know it. Running around pushin Rosco's buttons gettin thrown in jail on some trumped up charge you'll see there won't even Be a reminder when we look at him that he was so sick." Uncle Jesse and Luke return the smile as Uncle Jesse asks the one question on both their minds "How d'ya feel Bo? And don't tell me fine I want the truth!"
  15. B.L. hangs around the room just long enough to see Bo get shakily to his feet but decides that Luke and Uncle Jesse can take care of Bo as she turns running from the room after Daisy finding her sitting in the waiting room. Sitting next to Daisy B.L. flips a piece of Daisy's hair from her shoulder tenderly "You ok Daisy?" Luke notices that Bo is conscienceously trying to control his breathing and stay calm without the aid of the tent. Gives Uncle Jesse a worried look but Uncle Jesse tries not to show his own worries just support it's obvious Bo is determined to do this.
  16. Uncle Jesse sees something in Bo's eyes as he looks back up not sure what to call it but slowly,hesitantly he nods yes but points a finger in Bo's direction "Ya can ask the Doc about lettin ya go BUT if he says ya ain't well enough then that's the way its gonna be understand!" Luke looks at Bo still seeing the dark circles and paleness but he's fought tooth and nail with Bo and almost lost him on accounta these men and he's just to tired to fight it anymore so is agreeing only because he can watch Bo closely. "Hey Bo the doc said ya could start gettin out from under than thing but ya had to go back as soon as ya breathin was startin to be hampered." Looks at Uncle Jesse now as he says the next part "Why don't we see just how Bo can handle it without the tent or any other oxygen ceptin what's in tha air and if he can't the tent will be right here close." Uncle Jesse sighs looking at the two girls with their shocked faces that he'd even agree to such foolishness "Alright boys we'll see how it goes here BUT if you don't do good Bo ya ain't leavin' till ya are!" B.L. swears she's hearing things ubelieving that Uncle Jesse would even consider agreeing and more perplexed that Luke would agree after all the fight he's put up avoiding their efforts to get him to sleep while the doctor's and nurses took care of Bo.
  17. Uncle Jesse takes the note reading it then looks back at Bo with a still not happy expression on his face but before he can say anything Luke interrupts with a quiet earning a glare from Uncle Jesse too. "He's right" Reading the note again then looking back to Bo "I did say that and the good Lord can produce miracles when he sees fit to do so. As for not needin special permission from the doc to be discharged you may be right there but ya do need it from ME!" B.L. watches Bo,Luke and Uncle Jesse to see who's going to win this argument although her money's on Uncle Jesse if she were a bettin girl. Mumbling "He may have some good points but I still say his brain's been too long without suffecient oxygen and he's talkin crazy"
  18. B.L. stood there jaw dropped when Bo pointed to himself snpping her mouth shut shaking her head they should have known Bo would try something like this. "Bo you never cease to amaze me but Daisy's right you ain't well enough for this Luke, Uncle Jesse tell 'im he's crazy. One question how the heck you gonna get in the general the door's are welded shut in case you forgot. Ya so weak still ya probably can't walk across the floor without slididng your feet instead of pickin em up so how ya gonna climb through a car window?" Uncle Jesse frowns in Bo's direction eyes flashing as he lays down the law "Bo you's aint doin' nothin' 'cept what the doc gives ya permission to do! Ya certainly ain't goin after these guys not as sick as ya've been." Luke hides a grin from Uncle Jesse at Bo's stubborness on helping to catch the goons, he wants what's best for Bo and going on recent events it's staying in the hospital but he's not about to say that because it just won't be the same without Bo by his side. Thinking on it Bo's right he won't be doing anything to exert energy just ridding shotgun in the general.
  19. Everyone is huddled around the bed as Bo sketches the map and labels where everyone will be. Both Jesse and Luke nod as he points things. "Looks good cuz."
  20. Luke smiles upon hearing the plan it doesn't sound half bad,having seen the briefest look that only Luke would notice from years of reading Bo tells him that Bo is determined to help with the plan. "Sounds like a good plan to me Bo, I couldna come up with one much better myself." Thinking a few moments an idea comes to him that might placate Bo if he still needs to be in the hospital. "Since ya thought of the plan it's upto you to tell everybody involved what to do."
  21. Luke waves a hand dismisally "No rush we got time to come up with somethin yet" B.L. always the impatient one especially when something needed doing reaches out taking the alchohol pad from Bo's right hand and keeping it in place on his left where the needle had been. Asks somewhat exhasperated but trying hard not to show it "Now can we please think of something to do before somebody gets hurt" Luke gives her an annoyed look for being so impatient "B.L. there's not that big of a hurry really, it's only" *Luke looks at his pocket watch* "8pm so we still got almost 24 hours"
  22. Once finished the doctor bids them all goodnight saying he'll be back in the morning and leaves the room. Luke now asks after they are all alone again "So what's this plan of yours?"
  23. "Sure I can remove the one IV now" Walking over to a cabinet on the wall the doctor returns to the bed with some alchohol swabs and examination gloves. Taking Bo's left hand and placing it on the bed railing the doctor places one of the alchohol pads over the needle then slowly removes it still holding the alchohol pad in place "Now just hold this on there till the bleeding stops, as for talking you can give it a try whenever you like but I don't want you straining your throat so if it hurts too much" *taps the notepad* "This is the best form of communication till it's well enough you can stand the pain without irritating it further."
  24. Luke shoots a look of his own back at Bo clearly stating don't start. The doctor reads all Bo's questions thinking for a few minutes "Well I can't say when you can come out from under the tent completely until I see how your infection goes. You can however come out for brief periods as long as you get back under as soon as your breathing starts to be aggrevated. The fluid's IV can be removed now but the one administering antibiotics for the infection stays until the infection is cleared up. As for walking around I have no objections to roaming around the room and as you improve up and down the hall,I believe you'll find that you aren't quite upto the hall yet though. Anymore questions?"
  25. Luke nods "Ok Bo shoot" Before Bo can start to write anything about his plan the doctor comes in seeing Bo in a sitting position paper and pencil in hand. Smiles "Well looks like someone is feeling alot better. Let's just see how well your doing shall we" The doctor listens to Bo's chest,checking his reflexes and looking in his throat stands straight and announces "I'm happy to say that it appears the chest infection is clearing up and the flu is gone although your throat is still red it's not looking any worse than if you just had a cold with a really sore throat." Wagging a finger in Bo's direction and then Luke's "I'll let you get back to visiting but I still want you to get plenty of rest. And you could do with some yourself I'd rather not have another Duke for a patient one's enough." Nod's goodbye to the other occupants of the room,not recieving a response from Luke he leaves trusting the others will handle things on that end. Uncle Jesse gives Luke a pointed look Luke however doesn't look any of them directly in the eye knowing at least one of them will eventually utter the words 'we told you so' even though he couldn't rest till Bo started to recover and still isn't sure he can until the theives are caught.
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