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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Some of the tension leaves as Daisy strokes the hair on the nape of his neck but at Daisy's request Luke shakes his head he's not telling anyone anything until B.L. tells him whether or not Bo went to see Doc Appleby this week. "It won't help...I jus'......I'll tell ya later ok" he turns to look at her again his eyes pleading for understanding that she just has to wait. Jesse reaches over from his chair laying his arm around both his kids and resting his hand on Luke's shoulder as he watches the clock tick by slowly creeping toward the next visiting time.
  2. Luke tenderly runs a hand down Daisy's cheek she still looks tired and worn despite the little rest she'd gotten earlier waiting for word. "I know Dais I just can't rest,my mind ain't settled enough to rest it just keeps replayin old memories of us together as a family and of me n' Bo doing things together or me takin care o' him when he was sick growin up." Rubbing his tired eyes Luke is determined he won't rest until Bo wakes up and they know for sure he's going to be ok.
  3. Luke shook his head in reply at the expectant looks on Jesse and Daisy's faces as he sat down heavily in a chair next to Daisy. Leaning forward bracing his elbows on his knees Luke scrubbed his hands over his face. It was going to be a long wait till the next round of visiting hours and an even longer night. Cooter had dropped B.L. off at the Duke farm to get her car,reminding her to call if she heard anything or there was anyway he could help their friends. Reassuring that she would they agreed to meet back there the next morning and do the bare necessity of chores before B.L. headed out to spend the day at the hospital and Cooter reluctantly the garage but planning to go to the hospital as soon as he closed up shop. Getting in her car B.L. drove to town and straight to Doc Appleby's office to talk with him about Bo's supposed visit earlier. Reaching the waiting room relieved to not see any others waiting she asked. "Doc can I talk to ya for a sec it's about Bo Duke" Doc replies "Well sure Brandy Lou but honey I cain't give out patient information it's against the oath I took as a doctor." Nodding understanding "I know Doc see Bo's real sick in Tri County but nobody really knows why he got sick so suddenly. He told Luke he'd been to see you this week somethin about bumpin his head doing a jump." Doc frowns "No I ain't seen Bo nor Luke as patients in quite a spell now,got any idea why Bo'd tell Luke such a thing when he hadn't really been here?" B.L. shakes her head she's pretty sure Luke doesn't want the whole bug thing to get out she says "No idea Doc Bo ain't the easiest puzzle in the world to figure out. Thanks for the info Doc I'll be seein ya." Doc nods returning the friendly wave of the young girl wondering how Jesse hasn't gone bald all these years raising those nephews and niece and their antics. B.L. gets in her car heading home hoping what she has to tell Luke will help solve this mystery in some way but knowing the only true way to solve it is get Bo well and talk to him.
  4. B.L. finds the payphone and calls Cooter to come get her quickly explaining as best she can how ill Bo is. Waiting about 25 minutes,Cooter pulls up in front of the hospital and they are headed back for the Duke farm as B.L. explains in greater detail about Bo's condition as much as she knows leaving out the information about the bug being on Bo's belt not sure if Luke would want her to tell even Cooter. Luke takes an unsteady breath and walks into the tiny room with all it's machines humming and whirring despite his trying to prepare himself for what he'd see the sight is still another bad shock and Luke's resolve not to cry crumbles as silent tears streak his face. Sitting next to the bed Luke takes one of Bo's hands in his own. "Beaureguard Duke you wake up you hear me. C'mon Bo wakeup please Bo." Trying the sharp tone that pulled Bo from the clutches of unconscienceness at the lake. "Bo if you don't wake up and git your chores done Uncle Jesse's gonna whup ya good." When this fails to arouse Bo, Luke remembers what B.L. said before they parted company. Chuckles humorlessly "Bo B.L. told me to tell ya if you didn't wakeup she was gonna kick your butt all over Hazzard County and you know she'll do it too." When nothing works Luke just sits and talks quietly to Bo for a while before a nurse comes and tells him his visiting time is up for now. Nodding he gives Bo's hand one final squeeze before joining Uncle Jesse and Daisy in the small waitingroom.
  5. "Sure thing Luke, I'll just call Cooter to pick me up here and drop me off back at the farm to get 'red fury' then I'll get right on it and see you tomorrow when I come to check on Bo." Kissing Luke on the cheek and giving him one final hug. grinning "Now you go tell Bo I said wakeup or I am gonna kick his butt all over Hazzard County." Then walking back to Daisy and Uncle Jesse she hugs Jesse and kisses his cheek as well and he does the same. "I'm gonna just call Cooter to come pick me up Uncle Jesse, I'll see ya'll tomorrow when I come to check on Bo." Jesse nods "Alright dear and thankyou for all you've done today" stepping away Jesse gets ready to go find his youngest nephew. Then taking Daisy in a fierce hug patting her friend's back. "Try not to worry ok and call me if there's anything I can do for ya'll or if you just need a shoulder to cry on I'll be here quicker'n you can say Possum on a gumbush."
  6. B.L. nods understanding of Luke's reasons for not leaving the room. "Your welcome....Yeah well you just keep yourself healthy so he doesn't have anything else to worry about." B.L. jumps as Luke jerks when the door opens quickly following him to where Daisy and Uncle Jesse are still sleeping but soon awakened by the nurse voice and Luke's shake. Jesse listens to the nurse his heart nearly missing a beat at the news that Bo is so ill and unresponsive still. "Thank you kindly ma'am" The nurse nods acknowledgement of the thanks. Uncle Jesse steps in front of his remaining kids and wraps them both in a hug feeling Daisy shake in his arms. Stepping up to her friends B.L. hugs them all willing herself not to cry there's time for that later when she's at home or something. "Ya'll go on your family, I'll hang here and maybe call Cooter let him know what's up."
  7. She nods agreement readily. "sorry....I promise not a word. I wished they'd come give us some news on Bo." Uncle Jesse shifts slightly in his chair but the worry has exhausted him so til he doesn't wake up. "How about we take a walk or something maybe get some fresh air." She isn't hopeful that Luke will go for the suggestion not wanting to get too far in case there's news on Bo and she can defenitely understand this.
  8. Nodding at Luke's statement about eating,B.L. herself isn't sure eating is a good idea. Snapping her head up at Luke's next statement she pushes away from the wall to throw herself at Luke excitedly wrapping her arms around his neck. Saying a little too loudly "That has to have something to do with all this Luke it just has too" Covering her mouth B.L. blushes as she glances toward Uncle Jesse to see if she woke them.
  9. Sighing "I wish it was somethin he hadn't told ya'll but me I'd tell in a hearbeat right now if I knew." B.L. slides down the wall slightly stretching her legs more out in front of her and crossing her arms hugging herself. "You don't have even so much as a hint as to what this could be about?" Stomach rumbling L.B. remembers she hasn't ate since breakfast,she and Daisy were going to eat lunch out. "Hey when's the last time you ate? You must be getting hungry"
  10. Leaning her head against Luke's shoulder as much for his comfort as her own. "He'll tell ya when he's ready Luke you know Bo if he don't want to tell something right away he don't no matter what kind of pleads or threats his family might make. I just wish he'd wake up and tell ya what's going on."
  11. Smiling B.L. squeezes Luke's arm, "I know your worried and scared so's Uncle Jesse and Daisy. But Luke be sensible it's not going to do anybody least of all Bo if you make yourself sick worrying about him." Sighing when Luke doesn't show any inclination of resting she leans against the wall beside Luke. "Well if you won't rest how about some company in worrying, we can lean on each other for support I can't ever recall seeing Bo so pale or still and even if I ain't blood kin I'm just as scared for him as ya'll are. Whatever or whoever has done this to Bo I want to help you teach em a lesson." B.L. falls silent realizing she's just chattering due to nerves.
  12. Hearing Luke pace around the room B.L. raises her head looking over at Daisy and Uncle Jesse sleeping soundly in their chairs. Rising to join Luke B.L. quickly crosses the room to his side laying a hand on his arm. "Luke your gonna wear a hole in the floor." smiling trying to lighten the mood. "C'mon lets take a short walk outside you need a break and some sleep wouldn't hurt neither you're drained."
  13. Uncle Jesse hugs Daisy and pats Luke on the back as they turn to find seats. "Bo'll be ok now baby,he can get the help he needs." he tells Daisy as they sit waiting for word,putting an arm around her shoulders. Praying silently that he's right,not at all sure this time with Bo being so sick and having been out so long. B.L. hugs Uncle Jesse from behind as she passes going over close to where Luke is sitting in the window. Not wanting to intrude on Luke's private thoughts at least not at the moment figuring he needs some time to himself. Folding her hands,elbows on knees B.L. sits in silent prayer,eyes closed the effort to breath getting hard through her clogged nose and worry. "Please God let Bo come through this,his friends and family need him." This being B.L.'s silent prayer over and over.
  14. Uncle Jesse is keeping to himself lost in his own thoughts. He was remembering the times Bo had colds or the flu. It had been Luke that gave most of the care despite how much he Jesse tried to convince Luke he needed to carry on as normal it wasn't his job to take on the sole responsibility for Bo's care but it never worked so he just let Luke do as much as he wanted watching to make sure he didn't fall sick too. Wiping away a tear unnoticed Jesse remembered another time when Bo was deathly sick. He had been delerious with a high fever during a bout of pneumonia and wanted Luke who was away in the Marines desperately. He didn't recall the drive to tricounty being this long but put it upto the situation making the trip seem longer. These thoughts inevetibly making Jesse think of other times when Luke and Daisy had been sick as well and some of their worse cases; smiling he recalled the time all three had the chickenpox at the same time,they had been the worst three patients he'd ever experienced.
  15. B.L. wraps her arms briefly around Luke's neck a sing sob escaping "Oh Luke..."then sniffing hard B.L. settles herself next to Daisy the two of them clinging to each other's hand. Uncle Jesse gets in the driver's seat after one last look at Bo and seeing that Luke is settled beside his youngest cousin. Starting the pickup Uncle Jesse pulls out of the yard and onto the road headed for Tri County hospital. "We'll be there before ya know it" said as he reaches over to pat Daisy's hand gently.
  16. B.L. returns to the spare room to help Daisy with the pillows,blankets and sheets while Luke positions the matress. Seeing Daisy sitting in the floor crying as she clutches the pillows and things makes B.L. lose the battle with her own tears sliding to the floor herself. Clinging to Daisy as they cry and pray together. "He'll be ok Daisy as soon as we get him to the hospital and they treat him I just know he will. Bo's a Duke and Dukes don't give up and we can't give up on Bo we gotta make him fight back to us." Luke comes back after getting the matress settled taking all the things from Daisy wishing himself he had the time to cry but there's no time for his own emotions to get in the way Bo needs help and soon. So taking the bedding to the truck Luke works quickly to ready the matress and then goes back to the room he shares with Bo. "Uncle Jesse you ready to move him?" Jesse looks at Luke and nods,between the two of them they carry Bo to the truck getting him settled.
  17. I read alot of great quotes on here one of my favorites which I think can be heard in more than one episode. Rosco: Judas priest on a pony
  18. There hasn't been an update on either of these stories in forever it seems. Please please update soon. (formerly miz_smarteepantz)
  19. Uncle Jesse looks solemnly at the three young people in the livingroom with anxious expressions. "Thar ain't no change,Daisy you was right all along what Bo needs is a dctor's care." Visibly pulling himself together a bit of the Uncle Jesse the wall of strength his neice and nephews are used to seeing sparks. "Luke I want you to get a matress of one of the beds so's we can put Bo in the back of the pickup laying down. Daisy I want you to get some pillows and blankets, we's got to make Bo as comfortable as possible. I know we's should call an ambulance but takin him ourselves will be quicker." Luke nods acceptance he just thought Bo was exhausted but they hadn't been able to wake him since he brought his cousin home. Not thrilled with the form of chosen transport Luke sees Uncle Jesse's reasoning behind it and heads off to get the matress as Daisy goes for the pillows and blankets. "Yes sir" they respond in unison. B.L. looks to Uncle Jesse waiting for directions for herself in helping. But there is none forthcoming as Jesse stares out the window seemingly lost in thought as Luke and Daisy go about their tasks. "Uncle Jesse is there somethin I can do to help" B.L. touches his arm lightly as she speaks. Snapping back to reality Jesse smiles at her "Could you be a dear and pull the pickup around to the front porch so's Bo can be loaded." Relieved to be doing something besides worrying about her friends B.L. bounds toward the kitchen to get Uncle Jesse's pickup keys "Yes sir". Going out the door she lets the closed tailgate down then slides into the driver's seat and pulls the old pickup around front as far over the steps as possible making the trip from door to pickup bed shorter. After putting the pickup in park B.L. jumps out running back inside to help gather the other things needed. Seeing Luke's shadow in the doorway of the spare room B.L. quickly goes down the hall and to the top of the bed lifting that end of the matress. Luke smiles a greatful smile "Thanks" Returning the smile B.L. shrugs slightly "No problem" and they carry the matress out to the truck loading it and then as Luke returns to help move Bo, B.L., goes to help Daisy with the pillows and blankets.
  20. B.L. is shocked at Bo's condition and the haggard look on Luke's face thinking only the worst that Bo has done something stupid. Quickly hugging Daisy and Uncle Jesse she runs to help look with the doors. "Flyin' frogs Luke what happened Bo looks like death warmed over and consequently you don't look so great yourself." Luke doesn't even crack a smile which lets her know he is still very worried about whatever's going on. "He's got a high fever most likely from exhaustion and not eatin proper and he just collapsed unconscience at the lake where I found him. We'll have to wait till he's feeling better to find out what's really been going on though." Wrapping an arm around her after getting Bo in bed they head back to where Daisy and Uncle Jesse are. Luke dreading the explanations he knows he'll have to give Uncle Jesse. The minute Uncle Jesse spy's Luke and B.L. he lets go of Daisy and pounces. "Alright Luke I've had just about enough of all this I wanna know what in tarnation is going on and why ya was carrying an Bo and why was he unconscience.?" Luke for the second time that day holds up his hands in surrender. "Uncle Jesse all I can tell ya is Bo's got a high fever and passed out on me after I found him at the lake. We'll all find out more when he wakes up and is able to tell us right now he's exhausted and sick." B.L. hugs Daisy both of them very worried for the young blonde who's always so full of life.
  21. Luke falls to his knees beside Bo more scared than he can remember being in a long time. Tapping Bo's cheeck gently Luke encourages "C'mon Bo wake up please wake up and I promise ya can go right to bed as soon as we get home." When there is no response from Bo this scares Luke even more. Brushing the soft blonde hair off Bo's forehead Luke feels the high fever. Sighing he wonders how on earth he's going to get Bo back to the farm. "Why'd ya have to pass out now Bo couldnt it have waited till we got home...ahh well don't you worry cousin I'll get ya home so's Uncle Jesse and Daisy can fuss over ya till your better." Sitting still pondering the best way to get Bo home he wishes he'd brought the pickup instead of Daisy's jeep, at least then he could have put Bo in the back laying down comfortably.
  22. Luke smacks Bo on the upper arm "Stay with me Bo don't go to sleep now. Tell me exactly what the Doc said in detail focus and try to remember." Luke's own hands are trembling as he frantically tries to remove the bug before Bo passes out on him from all the stress. Luke mentally kicks himself now for having been so irritable and snappish with Bo lately realizing that whatever the bug is about has been what's had him all out of sorts and not acting himself. Giving one final tug the bug comes loose from Bo's belt. Luke stands up moving back to face Bo showing him the bug with a smile of relief that he can finally find out what's going on. Mouthing the words stay here Luke goes to the lake throwing the tiny device as hard and as far as he can into the lake with a gentle plop and ring of ripples the only sign of any disturbance. Returning to Bo Luke doesn't say anything but waits for Bo to start explaining.
  23. Luke scoots behind Bo to better reach the bug as Bo talks "Sick.....Bo what did the doc say was wrong? You gotta tell me your family has a right to know." Pulling at the bug Luke is unable to remove it but isn't willing to give up. So continues to struggle with it deciding if necessary the whole belt will go and he'll buy Bo a new one. "Bo why didn't you tell us sooner ya had me thinking all kinds of things but never this. Heck I thought maybe it was like the time when we was kids and your broke aunt Lavinia's favorite cherub that Uncle Jesse'd kept put in a special place after she died." Luke kind of tries to sound amused at the memory hoping to get Bo to calm down more as they talk. "You thought for sure Uncle Jesse'd kill ya for it and by the time he noticed it was broke you'd come down with the worst case of guiltitis I'd ever seen anybody have."
  24. Luke feels Bo going limp in his arms "Bo we ain't done talkin don't you go to sleep on me." Luke speaks sharply in order to get Bo's attention through the emotions. Then spotting something over Bo's shoulder Luke pushes him away just enough to lean so that he can see around Bo. Jaw dropping at the sight of a bug on Bo's belt raising back up Luke takes a pencil and notepad out of his pocket. Laying the notepad one one knee he writes while keeping one comforting arm around Bo. The note he writes and hands to Bo reads There's a bug on your belt the electronic kind. We gotta shuck and jive whoever's been listening till I get it off and destroyed. Make up something anything to explain all they've heard." Luke hopes Bo isn't so controlled by his emotions that he can't read and comprehend the note because they really do need to talk and that can't happen until the bug is destroyed.
  25. Luke is totally taken off guard as Bo clings to him crying shaking himself,Luke wraps both arms around the distraught young man. "It's alright Bo whatever it is it's alright. You just let it out cry all you want I'm here with ya." Luke rubs Bo's back up and down as he cries. Luke can't imagine what would make Bo go from the strong confident young man to this almost weeping form. He sets his jaw angrily whoever did this to Bo is going to pay dearly. Luke begins to rock without realizing it his own silent tears of pain for his little cousin slip down his face splashing onto Bo's head.
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