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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Satisfied for the moment that Bo's heart has restarted the doctor and nurses watch the monitor that is now monitoring his heartbeat. Slowly the numbers on the monitor climb to a faster more normal heartrate. As of yet the nurses or doctor haven't thought about the distraught family out in the hall. Uncle Jesse has guided Luke over to stand closer to the Daisy and B.L. and is now standing with his other arm wrapped around Daisy murmuring soft words to both her and Luke. Luke though is too upset to even listen all he can think about is the fact that Bo had died,not knowing whether or not they were able to revive him. B.L. not knowing anything else to do stands before Uncle Jesse one hand holding onto Luke's hand while the other grasps Daisy's as her own tears slip down her soft cheeks shoulders shaking with the silent sobs she refuses to allow to escape. The painful memories of the loss of her own father still assaulting her but looking at the three people now in that position she tenderly recalls how each of them and the one in the room behind the door helped her cope. Silently vowing to help Luke hunt down and get the people who did this to Bo,despite not pulling a trigger or stabbing him it is their fault he died just as if they had murdered him in cold blood. Some of that anger is directed at Boss Hogg he's went too far this time.
  2. As Bo ceases to move or breath the doctor barks out orders to the nurses "Get a crash cart in here stat" Rushing from the room a nurse hurries down the hall bringing back the crash cart and going back into the room closing the door behind her as Luke and Uncle Jesse step forward. The doctor takes the paddles putting them to Bo's now exposed chest shouting "Clear" as a volt of electricity causes Bo's body to jerk up from the bed. Listening to Bo's chest the docotor orders the machine turned up as another shock is sent through Bo's body to restart his heart. This process is repeated 3 more times before a faint beat is heard. "He's with us but barely" As Luke spots the crashcart his own heart stops beating briefly, Bo's gone this being the final straw Luke leans heavily on Uncle Jesse weeping and sobbing like a child. Begging Bo not to leave them. All Uncle Jesse can do is wrap strong arms around the distraught young man as tears stream down his own face. B.L. gives a violent shudder as the machine rolls by, taking Daisy's hand in her own.
  3. B.L. pats Daisy on the arm reassuringly letting her friend know she's ok. whispering "I'm ok just some bad memories I haven't thought about in a long time. Bo's going to be ok though it isn't going to turn out bad this time,we've got to believe that." The doctors and nurses work steadily on Bo trying to keep him alive. They had been working with him for a full 20 minutes now and no improvement then suddenly his breathing got a little stronger but just barely nothing really significant to indicate he's pulling through. Putting his stethascope in his ears once again the doctor listens to Bo's chest hopeful by the somewhat stronger beat he hears there although like the young man's breathing it's still a long way from indicating anything truly positive. Luke stood with Uncle Jesse a few more minutes after the girls had moved to sit against the wall but was now pacing the hall like a caged animal as Uncle Jesse leans against the wall head bowed praying for the sick young man behind the closed door that the doctor's and nurses are trying so hard to save.
  4. B.L. turns her head as Daisy runs from the room her own legs feeling like cement and too heavy to give chase right now as she stands there grieving for her friend as he slips further away. The doctor turns to Daisy gripping her shoulders for a moment "Just calm down Miss Duke, we'll do all we can for him" then following Daisy back to Bo's room snagging a couple of nurses along the way the doctor quickly goes to the bed looking at Uncle Jesse and Luke "I'm sorry you'll have to move away from the bed,it might be best if you all wait in the hall so we have more room to work." Jesse and Luke move away from the bed their eyes never leaving Bo's form in the bed as a nurse ushers the four people from the room. Uncle Jesse wrapping Daisy and Luke in a tight hug as they stand in the hall praying for Bo not to give up. B.L. decides it best to leave the family to grieve alone for a bit so standing a respectable distance away she slides to the floor back braced against the wall as the old memories of her own father's death after the mine cave in resurfaces,drawing her knees to her chest she shutters at the horrifying pictures in her mind. The doctor watches the blood pressure monitor steadily going lower as Bo gets weaker. Listening to Bo's heart the doctor then turns to one of the nurses taking the mechanism from her placing the mouth piece over Bo's mouth and nose then squeezing the bulb like bag to force air into the young man's lungs. Doing all they can to keep the young blonde alive the doctor wonders why he isn't fighting to stay alive it's obvious the family is very close and in 30 years of being a doctor he's never seen a patient give up so easily when they had a family that was fighting alongside them like this one has been.
  5. Luke takes the mask from Daisy in a trembling hand placing it over Bo's nose and mouth to get the much needed air into him, thinking grimly he'll be damned if he let's Bo take the easy way out and die in his (luke's) arms. As Bo gives him a Bo kiss Luke nearly looses what little grip he has on his sanity shaking his head no at Bo. Seeing the look in Bo's eyes Luke instantly knows Bo is saying goodbye. A heart wrenching sob escapes as Luke pleads again "Don't Bo,please you can't give up just like that so don't you dare be telling me goodbye" Uncle Jesse seeing the gesture grips Bo's other hand holding it tightly willing his own strength into Bo's weak body and praying to the good lord above not to take his baby not yet. In a gruff emotion laden voice Uncle Jesse adds his own plea "Bo it ain't your time ya still got lots to live for,girls to chase. Ya might even make it back to the Nascar circuit professional." B.L. keeping her arm around Daisy's waist chokes on her own strangled sob it's like watching her Daddy die when she was 16 all over again.
  6. B.L. wraps an arm around Daisy's waist she looks as if she might topple over any minute and if B.L. were honest with herself she needed the support of Daisy's body to stay on her own feet. "Bo you can't give up Dukes don't give up!, yeah,Rosco came in for Flash's checkup and was saying something about a shipment of rare and expensive guns coming into Hazzard for an exhibit on Tuesday. Th....that's tomorrow, we gotta stop 'em" Uncle Jesse taps Bo's face gently to keep him from totally slipping into oblivion,the tender tone replaced by the tone all of them know as trouble if you don't respond to it immediately. "Beaureguard James Duke you listen ta me and you listen good. You's aint givin up like this now you get hold of yourself and tell us what ya know and don't try and ignore me or lie sayin ya don't know cos ya do otherwise ya wouldnt be lettin it eat at ya so." Luke lets a couple tears slip down his face to splash onto Bo's cheek that is now turned toward him since Bo slipped more into a laying position. His spirit broken at the sight before him and the limp weight in his arms, Luke unable to control his emotions,due to lack of sleep cries as he pleads in a shaking voice. "Damn, Bo ya can't leave me;don't do this to me BO I can't go on if ya give up. I shoulda known it was somethin ta do with Boss Hogg. God help him if you don't pull through."
  7. Luke felt Bo's body growing limp and it isn't just relaxing into sleep this time but Luke can sense that Bo's fading on him;giving up ,giving Bo's shoulder's a slight shake he tells Bo in his best Uncle Jesse tone. "Bo don't you dare do this ya ain't gonna give up you ain't , ya wake up ya hear me?" Just then B.L. and Daisy come skidding through the door causing Uncle Jesse who had begun to doze off jump startled "What in tarnation?" B.L. give Uncle Jesse an apologetic look, then noticing Bo's weakened state freezes not able to move or say another word just looking worriedly at Luke who's eyes clearly says he can't explain it,eyes silently asking the two young women if they have information that could snap Bo out of this. "sorry Uncle Jesse"
  8. Luke nearly jumps out of his skin when Bo jerks up in his arms,turning the terror filled eyes on him. Luke silently wished Bo could talk whatever he knows is going to kill him if he doesn't tell somebody and Luke is afraid it will be soon and there isn't a dang thing he can do about it. Pulling Bo back against his chest, Luke tightens his hold on Bo giving what comfort he can. "Bo I don't know what's put that look of terror in your eyes buddy but I promise whatever it is you'll be ok noone is going to hurt you. I'm not leaving your side" As Luke is trying to comfort Bo a red dodge demon is pulling into the parking lot with two girls with emotions warring between worry,excitement and confusion at the news they have. Again sliding out of the window B.L. waits for Daisy to emerge from the passenger side grabbing her wrist as they practically run to the hospital building foregoing the wait for the elevator and taking the stairs,walking as quickly as possible down the hall without actually running.
  9. B.L. nods agreement with Daisy,concentrating on the road ahead as the miles go by and they get closer to the hospital which seems to be taking longer than normal. Luke began to really wonder what really is going on as Bo drew within himself but knowing until the girls got there most likely the next day he wouldn't know anything so had to be content with just holding Bo for now; rocking slowly back and forth having sat on the bed leaning Bo against his chest holding him tight. Asking himself quietly qne vowing "Dear Lord Bo who's scared the hell out of you this bad? Whoever it is will answer to me if I get my hands on them."
  10. B.L. snaps her fingers,accelerating the car a little faster "That explains Rosco's babbling today when he brought Flash in for her checkup. He said somethin about some expensive rare guns or something coming into Hazzard for an exhibit. I think your right but why would Bo be worried about Boss scheming to collect ill gotten insurance money? It just doesn't make sense for him to be so worried about it but it's the only thing that would explain it." Luke mouths to Uncle Jesse to rest for a while he'll take care of Bo, this only gets him a look that clearly says not on your life as Jesse remains next to the bed. Still holding Bo in his arms tightly feeling the trembling that is shaking his weak frame. Luke prepares for a long wait intending to hold Bo the whole night if that's what he wants. "It's ok Bo just rest if ya can I'll be right here with ya."
  11. B.L. lurches as Daisy pulls her out the door quickly gaining her balance and dashing for the car sliding through the window in Bo and Luke fashion from the way Daisy's actin there's no time for door opening and closing. Speeding out of the parking lot B.L. heads for the Tri County Hospital as fast as the Red Fury can go "You want to tell me what all the rush is before we get there?" Luke holds the limp form in his arms as Bo's breathing is still coming in ragged gasps. Moving the pan to the bedside table Luke is nearly sick himself at the sight of blood "Oh Lord,Uncle Jesse his throat's bleedin now." Uncle Jesse jumps to action practically running out the door "I'll be back in a minute." Soon Uncle Jesse is back with a nurse as they get Bo to swish and rinse his mouth with ice water to stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped the nurse also gives him a mild painkiller then returns to her work telling them not to hesitate if they need someone. After the nurse is gone Luke just sits still holding Bo,looking like death warmed over even worse than before.
  12. Luke can hear the bile as it moves up Bo's insides grabbing the pan from before he sits it next to Bo on the bed pulling him into a half sitting position letting all Bo's weight be supported in his strong arms. "It's alright Bo go ahead and get it out maybe you'll feel better" As Luke sits Bo up Uncle Jesse slips behind him on the bed helping Luke to support him, rubbing Bo's back in soothing circles still murmuring softly. B.L. listens to Rosco babbly for ten minutes about somethin or other and she can't help but believe this has something to do with all that's been going on lately. Finally the last person leaves with their pet and she can turn the closed sign and go pick up Daisy hoping she can clear up some of Rosco's babble. Getting in 'Red Fury' B.L. gets to the Boars Nest about 10 minutes after closing time going in she hopes it doesn't startle Daisy who has her back to the door too bad as she speaks "Hey need some help,and we can go home sooner?"
  13. Luke can hear the bile as it moves up Bo's insides grabbing the pan from before he sits it next to Bo on the bed pulling him into a half sitting position letting all Bo's weight be supported in his strong arms. "It's alright Bo go ahead and get it out maybe you'll feel better" As Luke sits Bo up Uncle Jesse slips behind him on the bed helping Luke to support him, rubbing Bo's back in soothing circles still murmuring softly. B.L. listens to Rosco babbly for ten minutes about somethin or other and she can't help but believe this has something to do with all that's been going on lately. Finally the last person leaves with their pet and she can turn the closed sign and go pick up Daisy hoping she can clear up some of Rosco's babble. Getting in 'Red Fury' B.L. gets to the Boars Nest about 10 minutes after closing time going in she hopes it doesn't startle Daisy who has her back to the door too bad as she speaks "Hey need some help,and we can go home sooner?"
  14. Uncle Jesse goes to Bo's side and sponges his face again, murmuring softly "Just stay calm Bo easy does it. Yur alright just breathe slow and as deep as ya can" Luke's heart twists painfully as Bo's breathing starts to be labored but he'd seen the suspicion in Bo's eyes that he was only there to find out what was bugging him and that hurt Luke about as deep as anything ever had. But unable to sit still for another second Luke jumps to his feet taking Bo's hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly and brushing the hair from Bo's forehead.
  15. Luke sighs frustrated he'll just have to wait till Daisy and B.L. hopefully bring some information to confront Bo with. Leaning back in his chair he gives Uncle Jesse a pained look only to see it mirrored in Uncle Jesse's eyes. Leaning his head back against the back of the chair,staring at the ceiling the room falls completely silent.
  16. Luke goes from pleading to anger at himself for not stopping this before things got this bad unable to control it he spits out in a biting tone "Bo throwing a tantrum isn't going to solve anything either, just look at me we can settle this. I don't know what to do to make it alright again between us if you don't tell me. We've had our share of arguments but I've always known why but I won't know till ya tell me what's going on in that head of yours. Please Bo just tell me? Lord knows I've took out my frustrations on others the past couple of days so ya might as well get things off your chest too."
  17. As Bo jerks his chin out of Luke's grasp then closing his eyes before turning his head away again, Luke sits in the chair beside the bed shoulders slumped with elbows resting on his knees with chin in hands dejectedly practically pleading all his resistance about spent "Bo don't do this cousin DON'T shut me out that's not going to help either of us. Please Bo."
  18. As Daisy gets out of the car B.L. calls out "You gotta work till closin? I'll be back when the clinic closes and then we'll go back to my place then to the hospital in the mornin." Luke sighs taking Bo's chin in between his fingers forcing Bo to look at him as he tries to explain without loosing his temper. "You listen to me Beaureguard James Duke, my refusal to sleep ain't on accounta you Got It? So don't go blaming yaself,cos it wouldn't matter if it was Daisy or Uncle Jesse in the spot your in I still wouldn't be sleepin." Stressing again while still holding Bo's chin "It's not your fault Bo none of this you can't help being ill. It's my own stubborness that's all understand?"
  19. Giving Bo a few more pieces of ice Uncle Jesse sits the cup back on the table beside the bed "You better take it easy so's ya don't irritate your throat anymore but you can have some more in a bit if ya want." Luke is now confused along with being exhausted, Bo won't even look at him. Tapping the notepad with his index finger giving Bo a dejected look. "Alright Bo you got just 10 seconds to tell me what's wrong,we's jokin around and all the sudden you won't even look at me." Uncle Jesse sighs he hopes the girls find out something to settle all this mess. B.L. pulls into the Boar's Nest parking lot to drop Daisy off for work "Good luck hope ya find somethin out, I gotta get back and open the vet clinic for my afternoon appointments. Rosco's sposed to bring Flash in for her checkup so hopefully he'll go babblin about stuff like usual and give me some clues"
  20. Luke satisfied he's won this battle for now lets the silence hang around them. Uncle Jesse takes the note from Bo reading it "How about lettin some ice melt in ya mouth that should moisten your throat but shouldn't be as painful as trying to swallow somethin." Pouring some of the chipped ice the nurse had brought earlier into a cup Uncle Jesse feeds Bo a few pieces watching with breath held hoping that it doesn't cause Bo too much pain.
  21. Luke gives Bo a mock glare "Yeah so what, there was also a threat of gettin the doctor to drug me again but as you can see that's all it was were threats!"
  22. Luke just rolls his eyes at Bo's obvious amusement then sticking his tounge out at Bo "Gee thanks alot,ya know how embarassin it is to be bawled out by a girl especially one so much smaller than me?"
  23. Grinding the palms of his hands into weary eyes Luke looks back at Bo shaking his head "Nothin Bo I'm just a little cranky is all, I'm sorry I didn't have no call to yell at ya. Seems to be all I'm doing today though is yelling at everybody. I even yelled at sweet lil B.L. earlier." chuckles "It didn't faze her none she just looked me in the eye and gave me what for."
  24. Luke folds his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face "nag nag nag that's all everybody's done the past couple days at me, I'll sleep but just not right now. And just so ya know I can go alot longer than you can without sleep,there were times in the Marines we had to go days without for fear we'd get ambushed while we slept or wake up to find one of our buddies dead next to us. " Uncle Jesse looks up at Luke's tone and admonishes gently he knows that all their nerves are frayed "Luke don't take it out on Bo just cos your too stubborn to listen to the rest of us. Hanging his head Luke answers quietly "Yes sir, sorry Bo I'll try to get some sleep soon I promise."
  25. Luke ruffles Bo's blonde curls "S'alright I been readin your chicken scratch for years there'll just be a few more bumps in it." Uncle Jesse sits down by the window watching the activity goin on outside of it and watching his nephews,giving thanks to the Lord above that although Bo isn't completely well he's at least able to write as a form of communication.
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