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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Gasping shocked at the light slaps,Luke's faster than she thought today,B.L. shrieks and giggles as he tickles her then plopping down on the bench next to Luke when he lets go she's still smiling but there's a serious look in her eyes now patting Luke on the knee "well the only way to find out what's going on before Bo gets the chance to tell or not tell is to snoop around and find out. SOoo let's round up a posse and see what we can find out. If need be Uncle Jesse can handle things here at the hospital for a few hours but if you'd still rather stay here me 'n Cooter will poke around town in Hazzard see what we can come up with and let ya know." "Speakin of that cousin of yours I think I'll go check on him,you comin' or do ya need a few minutes alone to come up with a plan of action,to uncover Bo's secret?"
  2. B.L. reguards Luke with the impish grin still on her face and the twinkle in her eye trying her best to get Luke to calm down enough to relax and even be playful all the stress and worry isn't going to solve anything. "I knew ya wouldn't hit me,for two reasons;one Uncle Jesse'd wear you out and two; you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your hat today." Stepping back a little B.L. gently pushes Luke down on the bench then going around behind him she starts to massage the kinks from his stiff muscles. "I know you and Bo are close and tell each other everything,shoot everybody around does;there has to be a reason he didn't tell ya and probably a dang good one it just might be he was protecting YOU this time." Leaning over Luke's head to present him with a comical upside down view of her face B.L. smiling innocently but the mischief still written clearly there "Try yelling at Bo when this is all over and he's home again, HE'S the one didn't tell you his problems not the rest of us." winks "or you could yell at him now he can't walk away he's hooked to the bed by wires and tubes,he can't yell at ya to leave him alone cos he ain't 'llowed to talk."
  3. B.L. just looks at Luke for a minute after he pushes her away before standing toe to toe with him her eyes flashing with determination Luke has to see sense he's slowly driving himself crazy and it's not his fault that any of this happened if only B.L. could get him to see that. Gently she wipes at the tears "Luke NONE of this is your fault we all get wrapped up in ourselves at times. Bo doesn't blame you he's a big boy now if he went this long without telling you then nothing you could have said or done would have made him tell anyway. You may be his 'big brother' but that doesn't mean he's always going to tell you all his problems I sure as heck don't tell L.B. all mine not because I don't trust him or whatever but because I'm not a kid anymore and I try to work things out first and it's the same with Bo I'm betting. You've got to stop blaming yourself you aren't superman your human just like everybody else." Wrapping her arms around his waist chin resting on his chest B.L. looks up at Luke with a sympathetic look Your killing yourself trying to be strong and take care of Bo and Uncle Jesse and Daisy well news flash Lucas you can't do it all alone and keep things bottled up inside of you like this if you could then we wouldnt be standing here like this now so just let it out yell whatever I don't care I can take it." winks with an impish grin trying to lighten the mood just a little "But if you hit me I'm hitting back"
  4. B.L. doesn't even flinch at Luke's glare just contiues giving one of her own but the minute he drops his head into his hands not even willing to fight she knows he's truly worried and scared to death,still not giving up though on winning this battle for Luke's health as well as the rest of the family's she puts a comforting hand on the back of his neck massaging the tense muscles there and in his shoulders and says quietly but still very determined "Luke you HAVE to,it's not going to help Bo one iota and besides the ventilator is gone now so he won't be choking on it anymore. There going to move Bo right? When they get him settled why don't you take the time to rest then Daisy,Uncle Jesse and me will watch out for Bo. You have my word I won't move an inch from his side till you rested."
  5. Uncle Jesse sighs again staring out the window taking Daisy's hand in his,he just doesn't know what to do he knows exactly what the boys deserve and that's a good switching but on the other side he guesses he can see their reasoning for their actions. He just wishes he knew all the details but it's going to be days before Bo will even be able to talk so they're still playing the waiting game. B.L. looks between Daisy and Uncle Jesse and the exit where Luke disappeared trying to decide who needs her more finally deciding on Luke she quickly leaves the hospital spotting Luke she quickly catches up with him and steers him to a nearby bench sitting down the two of them facing each other as B.L. gives him a penetrating stare that is almost like she's looking into his soul. "Ok Lucas I can be just as stubborn as you now you can either you talk to me and tell me what's wrong then get yourself some sleep when they have Bo moved or so help me I'm going to hogtie you and have the doctors drug you again. You look worse than death warmed over right now and that's not helping Uncle Jesse and Daisy worrying about you getting sick too and it's not going to help Bo get better."
  6. Uncle Jesse sighs again staring out the window taking Daisy's hand in his,he just doesn't know what to do he knows exactly what the boys deserve and that's a good switching but on the other side he guesses he can see their reasoning for their actions. He just wishes he knew all the details but it's going to be days before Bo will even be able to talk so they're still playing the waiting game. B.L. looks between Daisy and Uncle Jesse and the exit where Luke disappeared trying to decide who needs her more finally deciding on Luke she quickly leaves the hospital spotting Luke she quickly catches up with him and steers him to a nearby bench sitting down the two of them facing each other as B.L. gives him a penetrating stare that is almost like she's looking into his soul. "Ok Lucas I can be just as stubborn as you now you can either you talk to me and tell me what's wrong then get yourself some sleep when they have Bo moved or so help me I'm going to hogtie you and have the doctors drug you again. You look worse than death warmed over right now and that's not helping Uncle Jesse and Daisy worrying about you getting sick too and it's not going to help Bo get better."
  7. Luke tilts Daisy's face up with a finger under her chin then wiping away her tears he tries to think of a way to make her understand why he hasn't slept it wouldn't do any good to even try. sighing "Daisy I can't sleep even if I tried it wouldn't do no good, I promise as soon as things get a little more settled down I'll try and get some sleep but that's all I can do is promise to try AFTER things settle down with Bo." B.L. shakes her head at Luke's stubborness as she hears Uncle Jesse sigh Luke isn't listening to any of them.
  8. B.L. puts an arm around Uncle Jesse and he around her as they watch the two cousins trying to comfort and protect each other. Luke gives a soft chuckle as he holds Daisy smoothing her hair "S'alright Dais what are cousin's for if ya can't yell at 'em once in a while just cos ya feel like it,besides I ain't been no prince charming to be around the last day or so myself."
  9. Luke's nerves are frayed badly from the lack of sleep and all the worrying but he manages to control his temper realizing Daisy is only letting out her own frustrations and he's the target at the moment. Trying to hug her she pulls away briefly but then allows him to wrap her in a tight embrace "Daisy I'm sorry believe me this is not something I wanted to keep to myself but before Bo passed out he was so upset and I still didn't know what was going on completely and I just thought it was better to keep it to myself till I found out a few things first." Looking really ashamed of himself he glances at Uncle Jesses his eyes asking for forgiveness "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse I swear I ain't never kept nothin like this from ya before and I ain't never gonna do it again." Uncle Jesse is still too upset to forgive and forget just yet but reaches over squeezing Luke's knee comfortingly "I believe ya Luke BUT that don't mean I aint still mad at ya." Luke nods he can't blame them one bit for being upset with him.
  10. Luke's nerves are frayed badly from the lack of sleep and all the worrying but he manages to control his temper realizing Daisy is only letting out her own frustrations and he's the target at the moment. Trying to hug her she pulls away briefly but then allows him to wrap her in a tight embrace "Daisy I'm sorry believe me this is not something I wanted to keep to myself but before Bo passed out he was so upset and I still didn't know what was going on completely and I just thought it was better to keep it to myself till I found out a few things first." Looking really ashamed of himself he glances at Uncle Jesses his eyes asking for forgiveness "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse I swear I ain't never kept nothin like this from ya before and I ain't never gonna do it again." Uncle Jesse is still too upset to forgive and forget just yet but reaches over squeezing Luke's knee comfortingly "I believe ya Luke BUT that don't mean I aint still mad at ya." Luke nods he can't blame them one bit for being upset with him.
  11. Luke scoots to the edge of his seat Daisy's making him sleepier if that's possible and he's afraid to give in to the exhaustion. Sighing as he rubs his hands down his face he looks at B.L. and asks "Did you find out what I asked ya to?' B.L. nods "Bo ain't been to see Doc Appleby in a long while now not even for a cold." Luke nods that's just what he thought,the news would be sighing again he prepares to tell the rest of them what he knows and has already shared with B.L. But before Luke can say a word Uncle Jesse gives him a stern look "Lukas ya best not have been keeping something about Bo being so sick from me." Clearing his throat glad to have both Daisy and B.L. close by just in case Uncle Jesse decides to make good on his normal threat of a tanning. "Uh well when I got to the lake and found Bo he got sick and when I scooted around behind him I noticed a bug,those electronic listening devices on his belt and figured that had to be part of the reason Bo's been actin so strange. I wrote on a piece of paper to tell him to make up a story till I got it off and he passed out before I could find out what was really goin' on, but it sounded so convincin' I had B.L. check it out for me before she came back here." Uncle Jesse doesn't know just what to do with Luke for keeping this sort of thing from him. So giving Luke a withering look he scolds heatedly "I oughta whup ya good for not tellin me sooner and I may still but ya had better not ever keep somethin like this from me again understand?" Luke looks at the toes of his boots answering quietly "Yes sir" Jesse nods satisfied for now but plans to get to the bottom of this as soon as Bo's able. B.L. squeezes Luke's arm supportively getting a small smile from him as he peeks over his shoulder at her. Once again seeing the dark circles and haggard look in his face she decides to try and get him to rest once Bo's in a room and if he won't cooperate she is ready to do battle and win this argument one way or another.
  12. B.L. grins shaking her head "It's ok I was just messing with ya I know it's been rough." Frowning at the news Luke has missed another night's sleep and seeing the two next to her haven't fared much better. B.L. wipes the frown from her face then giving Daisy a conspirital wink says giggling "Guess we'll just have to use that rope on him." In the tiny room in ICU the doctor is making rounds,upon entering Bo's room he see's Luke awake and looking worse for wear but Bo is still sleeping under the influence of the powerful drugs from last night. Checking Bo over the doctor turns to Luke "There hasn't been any change in his system after last night's episode so we'll be moving him to a regular room in just a bit. Why don't you go get something to eat and we'll let you and your family know when he's set up in the new room. Luke starts to protest but the doctor cuts him off "He won't even know your gone,besides you could use a little time away." Nodding defeated Luke pats Bo's hand and brushing the hair from his forehead goes out to the waitingroom where the others are waiting. Uncle Jesse is the first to see him standing and steering Luke to a chair "How's Bo this morning" Luke sits down wearily stretching aching muscles "He's still asleep from the drugs last night but the doctor says he's about the same as yesterday and they'll have him in a room in a little while."
  13. The three of them sit down to wait for visiting hours "Oh no poor Bo a nightmare and he couldn't even tell what it was about with that tube down his throat." B.L.'s face fills with sympathy for the emotions that must have been running through Bo at the time and unable to express them to anyone. Then smiling at the better news That's good that at least they could take the tube out now." Uncle Jesse nods at this and tells the girls in his gentle way "Every dark cloud has a silver lining, they's supposed to put him in a room sometime today too." B.L. looks at Daisy with a slightly mock accusitory glare hoping wipe away some of the worry on her friends face with the banter. "You didn't tell me they was putting Bo in a regular room today"
  14. The next morning B.L. was up with the chickens literally,hurrying to make herself some breakfast and eat it,then after cleaning things up she could meet Cooter over at the Duke farm to do what few chores had to be done daily. After about 2 hours she was ready to head over and help with the chores. Arriving at the same time as Cooter, B.L. got out of Red Fury and greeted happily "Good morning Cooter" Cooter looked at her curiously something was defenitely going on he could tell from the impish sparkle in her eyes "Good morning to you too bright eyes,what's got you so chipper this early in the day." Grinning B.L. decides to mess with Cooter a little as they get to work on the chores. Pursing her lips and biting back a grin she answers "Nothing special just that Daisy called last night and said Bo was awake." Cooter stops in his tracks stunned "Come again" B.L. laughs at him as she repeats "Bo's awake is all" Cooter's eyebrows shoot up almost into his hairline "Oh that's what I thought you said." throwing his hat in the air he lets out an excited yell that could wake the dead scaring the chickens that are milling around the yard causing them to squawk and flap their wings in protest to the loud noise. Then unexpectedly Cooter picks B.L. up swinging her around then placing her back down says "That's great,you tell ol' Bo he'd better hurry up and get well or the single female population of this town's gonna think he flew the coop." B.L. giggles at the thought of how the afore mentioned ladies would react if they thought Bo'd flown the coop especially with another girl. Finishing the chores hurriedly B.L. and Cooter go their seperate ways,him to the Garage and her toward Tri County hospital. Not more than 10 minutes down the road,B.L. hears a siren and looking in her review mirror sees none other than Sheriff Rosco Coltrane on her tail. Soon the CB crackles to life "Brandy Lou I order you to pull over you was goin' 67 in a 25 and I'm gonna give ya a ticket." Picking up her own CB mic B.L. tells him "Noway Rosco there weren't no sign back there and besides I'm on my way to the hospital to visit Bo so I ain't got time to play." With that said it isn't long before B.L. has lost the police car when Rosco swerved off the road to miss being hit by a fertilizer truck. Arriving at the hopsital B.L. goes in search of the Dukes in the ICU waiting room. Once getting to her destination she spots Daisy and Uncle Jesse sitting waiting for visiting hours. Hugging Uncle Jesse first and then Daisy "Hey, I don't guess you know how Bo is yet this morning." almost forgetting she hands Uncle Jesse a bag "OH I almost forgot I stopped and got ya'll some breakfast on my way." Uncle Jesse accepts the bag giving her a kiss on the cheek "Thank ya hun that was mighty thoughtful, no we don't know how Bo is this morning but he had a bad spell last night." Instantly worried B.L.'s jaw drops then clamps shut again "But I thought he was doing some better"
  15. Patting Daisy's hand and giving it a light squeeze Jesse gives a deep sigh "Everything's alright now baby, Bo got hiself all in a frenzy and was choking on the ventilator again. Luke couldn't get him calmed down so come and got me to see what I could do. I got Bo to settle a little but not enough so's the doc could take the tube out they gave him somthin' to knock him out then removed it. He's sleeping now and will be for a while the Doc says. He'll need to wear an oxygen mask for a while too but other than that things are just fine go back to sleep." Jesse hugs Daisy then settles himself comfortably pulling her head on his chest stroking her hair like when she was a little girl and would listen to his heartbeat as she fell asleep.
  16. The doctor looked over to the nurse and instructed "Give him something to knock him out he's going to choke to death if we don't get that ventilator out and soon." "Yes doctor" and with that the nurse left the room returning a minute later with a syringe and injected it directly into the line stll feeding the patient fluids. Within two minutes Bo was knocked out cold. The doctor looked up at the family "If you'll all step outside I'll call you when we're done here" Nodding Jesse takes a reluctant Luke by the arm half steering and half dragging him from the room as Luke keeps looking over his shoulder back at Bo. "C'mon Luke let's let the doctor do his job" Waiting outside in the hall both Uncle Jesse and Luke are pacing,awaiting permission to go back into the room with Bo. After about ten minutes the doctor exits Bo's room seeing both men pacing in the hall. "Ok you can go back in now,he's still asleep but when he wakes up don't let him talk although I imagine he'd soon find out it's a bad idea. His throat is going to be extremely painful for a few days at least he no doubt irritated it even more than is normal with just the tubing when he was struggling against it." Uncle Jesse and Luke both nod shaking the doctor's hand but not staying around to hear more Luke hurries to be back with Bo taking his limp hand. It still takes his breath everytime he sees the pale figure with the black circles under his eyes. Sitting down beside Bo Luke vows not to sleep the rest of the night in case Bo needs him. Uncle Jesse and the doctor discuss Bo's condition and where things will go now. "He's still very weak Mr. Duke but I have confidence he'll bounce back before you know it. Beaureguard's a strong otherwise healthly young man he's just let himself get run down is all so he should be fine as soon as his strength is built back up." Jesse nods solemnly still very worried about Bo "Thanks doc,your right Bo is a strong young man he'll be ok with the good lord's help and his family with him." With that Jesse goes to join his nephews as the doctor goes to another patient. "Everything ok in here Luke?" "Yeah he'll probably sleep the rest of the night why don't you go back to the waitingroom and get some more rest we can talk about what happened tomorrow" "Alright,you come get me if anything else happens ya hear" "Yes sir" kissing both boys on the forehead Uncle Jesse leaves goes back to the waiting room
  17. Luke is near ready to panic himself nothing is getting through to Bo he just seems to be getting more and more aggitated. Looking at the Dr Luke's fearful eyes ask silently what to do. The doctor isn't sure what will bring Bo from his panic but tells Luke "Get your Uncle in here maybe he can get through to him,he's got to calm down before the ventilator can be removed or we'll have to knock him out completely to do it without causing any damage." Luke nods and practically runs from the room to get Uncle Jesse. Startled as Luke shakes him awake Jesse sits up more afraid than he's been in a long time when he see's the look in Luke's eyes. "Luke what's wrong is Bo ok" Luke shakes his head trying to get his breathing under control "No....he had a....nightmare...and panicked the doctor's going to remove the ventilator if we can get Bo calm so it doesn't cause any damage or he'll have to knock him out to do it." Jesse nods following Luke back to Bo's room going straight to him and murmuring softly in Bo's ear "Shhh Uncle Jesse's here Bo, it's alright your in the hospital just take it easy,now you got to let the doctor here take this thing out so's you quit choking but he can't do that till ya calm down."
  18. Bo's sudden movement and panic scares the life out of Luke,but keeping his head he takes Bo by the shoulders shaking him just a bit to get his full attention. "Bo listen to me calm down you have got to relax or this thing's gonna choke ya to death just lay back and relax and I'll get somebody in here. Pushing the call button above the bed calling frantically for a nurse and soon one rushes in seeing Bo's distress goes to give him a sedative stopped by Luke who has a ferocious look that means he isn't messing with them he wants action now. "No get the doctor I want this thing out of my cousin now" The nurse exits the room glad that the doctor is on call for the night so it isn't hard to get hold of him and he's soon at the ICU in Bo's room a worried frown appears on his face as he see's Bo so distressed afraid he'll hurt himself the doctor tells the nurse to give him something to relax him enough that the ventilator can be removed it's obvious Bo doesn't need it now. "Beaureguard if you'll just calm down we'll remove the ventilator but you've got to relax. This is going to hurt but only for a while." The nurse gives Bo the sedetive and they watch as the sedative slowly takes affect. Luke asks worriedly "Don't he need that to breathe?" The doctor shakes his head no "I think he can make it just fine with an oxygen mask now Mr. Duke" Luke nods trusting the doctor knows what he's doing as they watch Bo
  19. Luke having dozed off jerks awake at the sound of Bo's choking and thrashing seeing Bo is asleep and apparently in the middle of a nightmare Luke shakes his shoulders "Bo wakeup Bo c'mon it's just a dream wakeup" When Bo doesn't wake up Luke lightly taps his cheeks to wake him,mentally berating himself for falling asleep and determined it won't happen again,no matter what anyone says he won't sleep until he gets to the bottom of all this. "Bo,hey it's Luke c'mon buddy open your eyes"
  20. B.L. frowns,worried about Luke now too it just isn't like him to let something like being drugged pass by without more of a indignant complaint. Saying as much to Daisy "Boy that sure don't sound like the Luke I know" B.L. hangs up the phone with a giggle as she pictures her suggestion for getting Luke to get some sleep,knowing if they even tried it he'd throw a fit. Looking at the discarded book then the clock she decides to just go on to bed there's no way she could concentrate on what she was reading anyway,even with knowing Bo is on the mend. So heading to bed so that she can meet Cooter as planned early to do the Duke chores then head onto the hospital B.L. says a quick prayer for Bo and the rest of the Dukes then crawling into bed drifts off almost as soon as her head hits the pillow the worry lessened enough to get some real rest tonight. Uncle Jesse nods as Daisy tells him of B.L.'s plans to visit,then after their prayer for Bo wraps his arm protectively around Daisy saying another silent prayer for Luke to be able to relax his worries and fears enough to rest soon before he ends up in the hospital alongside Bo. Then settling in the uncomfortable chair as best he can Jesse too is soon sleeping.
  21. true true, maybe he's hiding behind bushes and they are taking pitstops when Rosco isn't too close on their tail?
  22. This thread is supposed to be defending the Dukes and explaining these bloopers so my answer to the miraculously repaired car is what they say alot of times when introducing Cooter he's a mechanical genius B.L.
  23. B.L. is so relieved Bo is going to be ok but concerned with Luke's stubborness asks half playfully and half seroiusly also concerned to still hear the worry not just for one cousin but both now in Daisy's voice "Want me to bring a rope tomorrow and help ya hog tie Luke?" continues still in the same tone but with a little thougtfullness now giggling "he won't have no choice but to sleep then." For all her silliness at the moment B.L. too is worried Luke will only make himself sick and that will worry his family even more. She just doesn't know how to solve things. Then what Daisy said about having the Dr. drug him she comments bemused knowing the Duke temper and Luke no doubt wasn't a happy about it when he realized what they had done. "you had him drugged? Bet he was real happy over that when he woke up." Looking at the clock B.L. tells Daisy "You go get some sleep hun and I'll see ya tomorrow,between the two of us we'll get Luke to take a nap for a few hours. Tell Uncle Jesse I said see him tomorrow too and that I'll keep prayin for Bo. Bye now"
  24. At the news that Bo has woken up B.L. gives a shrill squeal of excitement but then bringing herself back under control does her best to sound encouraging after hearing all the other problems plauging Bo at the moment "It'll be ok Daisy, Bo's tough he's a Duke remember and Duke's don't give up he proved that by just waking up again." Wanting badly to see Bo but figuring there's no way knowing visiting hours are probably over B.L. asks "Do ya want me to come back to the hospital now so we can talk or would morning be better? I was planning on coming first thing tomorrow anyway."
  25. B.L. was sitting trying to read but not hearing anything about Bo in almost 24 hours wasn't helping her concentration any. When the phone rang she jumped slightly tossing the book in her chair as she leaped across the room to grab the phone on the second ring. "Hello, Daisy how's Bo?" the question was out of her mouth before Daisy got much chance to even say hello.
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