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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse nods approval of this decision while his heart aches to know that Bo's been so traumatized that he doesn't even trust himself to leave the farm. "That might not be such a bad idea Bo" Luke feels his own anger welling up to know those men have taken Bo's freedom in another way. Then idly wonders how long it'll be before Bo goes stir crazy from not leaving the farm and he just has to get away for a while.
  2. yeah tell me about it I'm Voting too! We will get it in the top Ten whether anyone likes it or not! Just top 10 c'mon where's that Duke competitive spirit we can be #1!!!!!!!! Yeeehaaaw
  3. Jesse frowns at Bo's words,it doesn't set well one bit that Bo's refusin to mind him no matter what but doing his best to keep his temper from rising and taking the boy to the woodshed Jesse takes a calming breath certain now that this is most likely going to end in a negative way. "I can understand how ya feel some Bo but ya can't just do whatever you's want no matter what there's laws ya hafta obey or spend time in jail if you break 'em you 'n Luke knows that as well as anybody. Ya got to remember that when we's tellin ya stuff it's not orders just ta keep ya under control it's out of love and what's best for ya." Luke had taken in a sharp breath and closed his eyes at Bo's words. Glad Bo didn't go into a rage instead feeling his cousin lean into the hand at his back,but beginning to worry that things aren't going to stay this calm. He always knew Jesse did his best to understand their problems but the man must be a saint after hearing all that and keeping hisself under control Luke decides.
  4. Jesse nods thoughtfully at least Bo's talking to him without flying off the handle. He really doesn't want to spend all their time fighting a battle of wills. Getting down to Bo's level to look him in the eye Jesse puts a caring hand on Bo's knee "Ok.....can you think of a way that we's can avoid ya feelin that way and me being angry cos ya defied me? I don't wanna have them kinda scenes like in the hospital all the time and I'm pretty sure you don't either so how can we stop them but I still expect ya to mind me like." Luke listenes carefully glad Uncle Jesse seems to be understanding that it's the trauma of everything that has Bo not being himself and triggering the defiance and anger. But at Jesse's statement that he expects Bo to mind him still Luke stretches out his arm behind Bo laying what he hopes is a calming hand on his back just to assure Bo that he's there to support him.
  5. Luke sits beside Bo mirroring his cousin's posture only he's looking at Uncle Jesse expectantly. Jesse draws in a deep breath letting it out slowly before speaking determined to keep his own temper in check. "Bo what I want to know is what got into you yesterday at the hospital. Just explain it to me ya ain't never defied me like that before in ya life."
  6. Luke sits beside Bo mirroring his cousin's posture only he's looking at Uncle Jesse expectantly. Jesse draws in a deep breath letting it out slowly before speaking determined to keep his own temper in check. "Bo what I want to know is what got into you yesterday at the hospital. Just explain it to me ya ain't never defied me like that before in ya life."
  7. "Well let's just set down here at the picnic table and say what we mean and mean what we say get everything settled." Jesse looks to Luke about to tell him he'd like to speak with Bo alone but seeing the look in the young man's eyes, he decides against it knowing things will probably go better anyway if Luke is there to keep them both calm and that Luke himself will feel better it's written all over his face everytime he looks at Bo that he's not ready to be too far from him yet for any length of time.
  8. Jesse smiles as he sends up a silent prayer of thanks for Bo's continued speedy recovery "That's good ta hear son......I think we'd best have us a talk about a few things." At Jesse's words B.L. goes in search of Daisy not wanting to be anywhere around for this. Luke closes his eyes hoping Bo will try as hard as he can to hold his temper.
  9. Luke and B.L. both scan the yard again just to make sure that Uncle Jesse was indeed nowhere to be seen. Just as Luke is about to try and persuade Bo to sit down for a spell at the picnic table Jesse comes from inside the corn crib seeing the three standing by the door he joins them not giving a hint as to what his current mood might be of the day before's happenings. "Mornin boys.....How ya feelin Bo?" Luke slowly releases the breath he'd been holding when he saw Jesse approaching them "Mornin Uncle Jesse"
  10. Seeing Bo's reaction the cheshire cat grin is replaced on B.L.'s face with an apologetic look. "Sorry Bo.....Ya best not let Uncle Jesse hear you takin the lord's name in vain like that or he'll wash your mouth out with soap and switch ya." Luke grimaces behind Bo knowing that she's right,looking around the yard not seeing the man mentioned asks "Uh where is Uncle Jesse anyway" B.L. takes a good look around the yard herself before shrugging "Not sure but he's around here somewhere."
  11. Luke laughs opening the door waving Bo out first "I figured you'd feel that way" As the Luke is closing the door behind himself and Bo, B.L. comes around the corner of the house neither of the boys noticing her. "Staging a jailbreak already Luke?" Luke jumps at the sound of the feminine voice turning to glare at B.L. who is grinning like a cheshire cat. "No just gettin some fresh air"
  12. Luke watches Bo from the corner of his eye as he puts away the skillets and various other pots and pans. Once Bo's finished Luke looks over with an almost jittery anticipation he's already tired of being cooped up inside and is wondering if Bo feels the same. "Wanna go see what the girls is upto I can't stand it another minute in here."
  13. Luke smiled as Bo stood to put the plate away then sat back down again. He hopes to be able to curb Bo's desires to fight back at every order gently without starting any fights the last thing he wanted to do was fight with Bo anymore. Continuing to wash the dishes the kitchen so silent you could hear a pin drop. Finishing the last dish Luke decides to relent a little moving about will keep Bo from getting stiff. Starting to tell Bo to put the dishes away Luke stops reforming his words into a request instead of them seeming like an order in hopes that doing so will lessen Bo's temptations to argue and fight back. "Alright Bo help me put the dishes away before ya bust from havin to sit still please."
  14. #27 c'mon ya'll we can make #1 by the end of the week if we rally round the flag then we just gotta hold it till the 1st of June. And start all over again for August!
  15. B.L. returns the smile easing off the porch and heading back to work on the rest of the chores. Luke pats Bo's shoulder before gently pushing him back down in the chair giving him a no nonsense look knowing Bo will most likely protest but if he doesn't issue an order once in a while he starts to feel out of control of things. "Oh yes you'll help alright but your gonna do it here at the table I wash you dry" Handing Bo a dishtowel before turning back to the sink and washing a plate then handing it to Bo.
  16. Luke stands back up the dishes aren't going to do themselves but before stepping back over to the sink he lays a hand on Bo's shoulder "Don't worry Bo I'll be there and do my best to keep ya from goin too far. Maybe Uncle Jesse was just overly tired yesterday and he'll be more willin to listen today. I promise ya I won't let Jesse toss ya out although I doubt he'd do it anyway." B.L. looks back at Daisy reassuringly at Luke's promise to Bo to stand by him and face Uncle Jesse. She herself doesn't think he'd actually throw Bo out but the switching is a whole different matter. Without saying anything she hopes Daisy can see her own willingness to stand by Bo with Luke against Uncle Jesse he can't fight them all she hopes anyway.
  17. B.L. peeps in the door then makes herself comfortable next to Daisy returning the smile. Luke sighs he wishes he had the answers to all these questions and that he could just take away all that had happened and everything would be normal again. "Bo ya just gonna hafta try really hard not to resist at least not Uncle Jesse. Me n Daisy can cope with it but ya just askin for trouble if ya cross Uncle Jesse and deep down you's know that. Whaddya mean throw ya out? Like kickin ya outta the house to find somewhere else ta live...that won't happen Uncle Jesse wouldn't do that" at least Luke hopes not "Now he might drag ya out to the barn if ya tell him no but if you's got one ounce of brains you won't do that."
  18. B.L. walks from the barn seeing Daisy hunched on the porch she quickly crossed the yard coming up behind Daisy whispering in her ear. "What are you doin?" Luke drys his hands then sits back down at the table looking Bo square in the eye. "They ain't nothin happenin to ya and they ain't nothin gonna happen if I can help it. You's just out of sorts is all *winking* try and remember to curb that Duke temper before ya blow up at somebody though *turning serious again* Bo we ain't the enemy we's tellin you not to do things for your own good just try and remember that before ya start resistin we ain't them guys that was tryin to keep ya quiet. They can't hurt nobody nomore so ya don't hafta worry ya keep sayin ya wanna get back to normal well then do it I ain't sayin let people run over ya but don't push those that love ya and want what's best away."
  19. Luke jumps slightly as Bo slams his hand on the table not expecting it. As Bo stops talking Luke runs the words over and over in his head finally nodding understanding and acceptance. Bo's been in the hospital for a week and Luke figures it's past time to put aside the worry and just let Bo return to as normal as he can be while he heals completely. Sighing Luke looks at Bo "Ok Bo I getcha so I'm lettin it go just keep a low profile till ya well." *grins* "No leapin off the barn or nothin." Luke stands gathering their dishes adding them to the sink with the others and filling it before starting to wash the dishes. Not having seen Uncle Jesse since he woke up Luke hopes he's in the frame of mind to listen this morning knowing Bo still needs to talk to their Uncle and he himself promised to be there and support his cousin.
  20. Luke is completely stunned at how fast the plea turned into an attack. Not about to back down from this he's got to make Bo understand. Doing his best to stay calm and not yell as he tells Bo what's in his heart. " Ya died Bo for a breif few minutes ya died. Do you know how we felt as we seen that crash cart coming down the hall? No ya don't cos ya ain't never been in that situation my insides tied up in knots and my legs felt like jelly I'd lost ya my best friend my brother and you were gone in the blink of an eye. When I saw ya leap outta that window and land on that truck I thought for sure the impact woulda killed ya only this time there was no doctor,no nurses no nothin to bring ya back. Look I know them guys controlin by threatnin the family's lives scared ya good but Bo ya can't keep doing crazy things and blowin up just ta prove ya got control of your life again."
  21. Luke folds his arms across his chest not at all pleased with the explanation. Blue eyes piercing Bo with an angry stare everytime he thinks of Bo's actions it scares him all over again. In a barely controlled harsh voice he repeats some of Bo's explanation still ranting. "It just sorta happened....you didn't think dang right you didn't think or ya wouldna done such a fool thing just a few hours out of the hospital....Sorry...sorry doesn't cut it Bo ya coulda been killed then what? huh? What would I do without ya by my side Bo?"
  22. Luke was getting Bo's breakfast out of the oven as his cousin asked the question. Sitting the plate and a glass of milk down in front of Bo,Luke reguards him with a frown before answering. "Well I don't know why I ain't doin our regular chores unless it's cos the girls took pity on me and decided to do 'em so's I could sleep in." Poking Bo's shoulder with a finger as he sits back down now's as good a time as any to tell Bo his thoughts from last night. "YOU on the other hand are still sick is why you's is gettin off of chores. While we're on the subject of being sick just what in the sam hill was you thinking last night when ya jumped? Ya coulda been killed or least of all hurt seriously,ain't you been hurtin enough? Ain't this family worried enough in the last week? That was by far the dumbest thing ya've ever done. If Uncle Jesse wasn't already after a piece of your hide I'd be sorely tempted to switch you myself after that fool stunt, ya dang near scared me into heart failure." Luke pauses to catch his breath waiting for Bo's explanation
  23. "You got it cuz.....from the looks of this sink after breakfast we's got some dishes to do. You's can dry and I'll wash." Luke hopes the mention of chores will make the day seem more like a normal day even if it is something as simple as doing the dishes which Luke knows Bo can do the drying from a chair conserving his strength."
  24. Luke watches as Bo gets closer and closer determined not to rush to Bo's side but also at the same time unable to turn and go back into the kichen until Bo had reached him safely. The readiness for something to eat is further evidence Bo is on the mend. "Ya want milk or coffee?"
  25. B.L. lets out a sigh of her own shaking her head as she concentrates on the chores just not knowing what the morning will bring. Luke hears a faint noise his first thought being it's Bo trying to get his attention. Springing up from his chair as he rounds the corner spotting Bo coming down the hall. Luke's first thought is to rush and help Bo but stills himself knowing how important it is to let Bo be the one to ask for help if he really needs it. So instead calls down the hall "Ya hungry? Daisy and B.L. left breakfast in the oven for us."
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