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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Eyes twinkling with mischief B.L. grins as she asks "Wanna place a wager on how long it'll be this time? I give Luke 5 minutes and Bo 10 only because he's still asleep"
  2. B.L. grins over her shoulder at Luke seeing him going into the bathroom rubbing his side where Daisy popped him as she follows Daisy outside. As Luke closes the bathroom door he grumbles "That girl's got a mean streak a mile wide" Going out the backdoor B.L. snags the pail of chicken feed grinning as a thought crosses her mind she voices her question to Daisy "How long you think it'll take the boys before they get tired of being inside? And before Luke gets tired of taking it easy and doing the housework instead of the heavier chores."
  3. Follows Daisy back through the house to throw the towel in the wash with the others. "Will do, don't think they'll be up for a bit yet. I'll be out in a few minutes" B.L. goes back to the bathroom to take her shower. Ten minutes later as she's coming out of the bathroom with a towel covering her head hanging in her face she nearly collides with Luke,removing the towel looking up at him smiling "Morning sleepyhead,breakfast's in the oven if ya want it. Me 'n Daisy are doin the chores for ya so the dishes are yours" Tossing the towel in her hands at Luke's head as she continues on her way to help Daisy,only making it three steps before Luke winds up the towel popping her a crack resounding in the hall. Clamping a hand over her own mouth remembering just in time that Bo's still asleep B.L. turns back to glare at a smirking Luke.
  4. As Daisy makes her retreat for the shower B.L. gathers other dirty items of clothes and puts them in the wash while waiting her turn for the shower. Going into Daisy's room and making the bed after the laundry is started B.L. then picks out another outfit of jeans and a black tanktop from Daisy's closet. Checking on the boys as she passes their room going back to the livingroom. Luke rolls over as she cracks the door but doesn't wake,sighing contentedly in his sleep before going perfectly still again. Jesse is milking Bonnie May as he tries to forget the week's events simultaneously thanking the good lord for the fact his family is safe and sound inside the house.
  5. Uncle Jesse finishes his coffee standing and putting his own dishes in the sink. "Ok I'm gonna go get started on the chores then" B.L. finishing her own breakfast and putting the dishes in the sink,picks up the bag of dirty clothes from the hospital "Jesse why don't you just sit down in your chair,read your paper and drink some more coffee let us do all the chores." Uncle Jesse looks at her with a dangerous glint "Are you saying I'm too old ta sit up with the sick and still work a full day" B.L. gulps after seeing the encounter with Bo yesterday she's in no hurry to tangle with an angry Jesse Duke "No sir just thought it might be nice to rest a while is all" Uncle Jesse's expression softens "Thank ya kindly dear but I ain't one to sit around idle" With that said he picks up his red cap from the nail by the door and heads out into the yard to start the chores. B.L. turns back to Daisy smiling "I'll just get some laundry started while you shower before we get started helpin with the other chores."
  6. B.L. nods eagerly as she chews then swallows "Yeah Uncle Jesse couldn't me and Daisy take care 'o tha chores? Luke's not slept but a couple hours all week." Uncle Jesse seems to ponder Daisy's question with coffee cup poised halfway to his mouth for a couple of minutes. Sitting the cup down on the table "Alright but I want Luke up by lunch. I won't have him lazin in bed the whole day."
  7. Jesse takes a few bites of his meal relishing in the good homecooked food as opposed to the hospital cafeteria food what little of it they'd been eating. "Well let 'em sleep for a while longer but then Luke's gotta get up and help with the chores since there's his and Bo's to do." B.L. grins at Daisy's assessment of Bo "Are ya real sure he wasn't asleep 'afore they made it to their room? I ain't so sure Luke was awake anymore than Bo I think maybe they's both sleepwalkin' "
  8. B.L. sits down waiting for Uncle Jesse to say grace. "Boys stirred yet?" B.L. shakes her head no "Not a peep from 'em yet they was both pretty beat last night" Jesse nods then bows his head giving thanks for the food before them and the safety of his family and return of Bo's health.
  9. B.L. shrugs her shoulders as she follows Daisy's gaze with her own "Dunno if he's up I ain't seen hide nor hair of him yet" At that precise moment Jesse comes out of his room and into the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Mornin girls,smells good" B.L. takes the bacon out of the skillet before sitting the hot pan in the sink "Mornin Uncle Jesse,sleep well?" Jesse nods having just taken a long swallow of coffee.
  10. B.L. doesn't sit down just scoots over making more room at the stove as she giggles "Daisy I been comin here so long I ain't a guest not expected to do anything nomore. I can go visit somebody else if I wanna be a guest when I'm here I like to think I'm one of tha family and I want to pull my weight. Besides all that you and the rest of the family should be the one's taking it easy I've had a full week's sleep that ya'll aint" Pouring them each a cup of coffee sitting one by Daisy's elbow on the counter as she sips her own.
  11. B.L. catches the nightgown easily,slipping it on saying her own quick before sleep overtakes her almost immdeiately. After a goodnight's rest B.L. wakes up looking over to see Daisy still sound asleep. Creeping quietly from the bed B.L. slips on an extra bathrobe of Daisy's slipping silently from the room, easing open the boys door just a crack to see them both still sleeping soundly. Pulling the door closed once more she pads softly to the kitchen starting a pot of coffee and some breakfast deciding after the week's events it's the least she can do while her friends get a little extra sleep.
  12. Uncle Jesse smiles at the two sleepy faces before him "That's more than alright you both know that you're welcome anytime B.L." B.L. kisses Uncle Jesse on the cheek smiling greatfully at Daisy "Thanks Uncle Jesse thanks Daisy I just don't think I could make it home it's been a long day." Jesse hugs them each again bidding them goodnight before heading to his own bed sleeping soundly just seconds after getting into bed.
  13. As they walk in the house Bo leans heavier and heavier on Luke as he's about to be asleep on his feet literally. Calling to the others " 'night ya'll " getting the same bidding from the group as the two pass. Readjusting his grip on Bo answers back to the almost sleeping form "love ya too Bo" Once in the bedroom Luke gently lets Bo fall to the bed before taking off his boots,shirt and pants then covering the young man up and underssing himself before climbing into bed for the first good night's sleep either of them has had in sometime. Cooter shakes Uncle Jesse's hand and hugs Daisy then giving B.L. a hug and kiss on the forehead "You're more than welcome Daisy I'll see ya'll around holler if ya need me. See ya later B.L. drive home careful" with that said Cooter walks out the door and the tow truck engine can be heard pulling away from the house. B.L. nods at Cooter that she'll be careful. Hugging Uncle Jesse and Daisy,a mighty yawn escaping,shaking her head to clear away the cobwebs of approaching sleep.
  14. Pulling himself out of the General Luke stops to sit on the window ledge for a few moments breathing deeply the scents of the farm and listening to the sounds of the night creatures before swinging his legs out and going around to where Bo stands. Placing an arm around Bo as they walk toward the house "c'mon lets get you to bed before ya fall over,ya've had enough excitement for one day"
  15. Jesse puts a comforting hand on Daisy's hand before pulling the pickup into gear and heading home with B.L. close behind. Luke pulled out behind B.L. driving toward home listening to the rumble of the engine. Flexing his shoulders as they drive trying to release the knot of tension that is sitting right between them causing a dull ach to start in the center of his back between the shoulders and creep up his neck. Sighing with relief with the thought that things can get back to normal. Thinking on the week's events as the road stretches before him Luke purses his lips as he recalls Bo's leap from the moving General onto the truck below them,promising himself to get answers from Bo tomorrow as they pull into the yard as the others are just stepping up onto the porch.
  16. Luke returns the smile nodding,scrubbing an arm across his eyes and nose to remove the remaining tears before turning the General on to go home. "Sounds good" B.L. lets go of Daisy and Uncle Jesse walking behind the general and getting in red fury turning the ignition and pulling out from behind the other car so the boys can get out. Uncle Jesse looks worriedly in the window as the car's motor purrs "You sure you's ok to drive home?" Luke nods and tries to stifle a yawn "Yes sir we'll be there right behind ya'll" With that reassurance Jesse heads for his pickup waiting for Daisy to follow and either get in the pickup with him or in B.L.'s car. For the first time in days realizing how tired he himself is as he climbs in the driver's seat.
  17. Luke wraps his own arms around Bo's waist unable to stop the audible but muffled sobs as he presses his face to Bo's shoulder. Gently rocking them both back and forth as best he can in the confines of the car. As Uncle Jesse moves away at Daisy's signal B.L. hops off the hood to go stand next to them suddenly finding herself encompassed in a bear hug from Jesse along with Daisy. Wrapping her own arms around Jesse and Daisy.
  18. Luke couldn't take it as Bo started to sob. Squeezing his eyes shut to stop the burning tears from escaping. Whispering as he holds Bo tightly "It's ok Bo, it's all over and I'm going to give the General and farm a good goin over just to be sure there's no more bugs first thing in tha mornin." B.L. wanders over to the General hoisting herself up on the hood waiting for the family to be ready to go home. She can tell they are all exhausted but Bo and Luke the most, Luke not having slept more than a few hours all week. Pecking on the windshield drawing the attention of the boys she blows them a kiss letting them know she's there if they need her.
  19. Luke noticed the dejected look Bo had too and when Daisy leant in the window hugging Bo and signaling him to get rid of the device he didn't need to be told a second time. Climbing from the General he held up the bug for Uncle Jesse and B.L. to see. Uncle Jesse's eyes cloud with anger and frustration against the men once again seeing his youngest wrapped in Daisy's protective arms. Covering his face with his hands he mutters "Dear Lord......" B.L.'s eyes flare with the same anger that's in Uncle Jesse's as she kicks a nearby try in frustration swearing once again not even caring that she's swore more in the last week than in her whole life. "Damn it" Luke takes the offending electronic device laying it on a flat rock and picking up another large one begins to hit the device over and over smashing it to pieces letting his rage and frustration pour out through the rock. As the adrenaline slows and Luke's arms seem like lead with the rock in his hands he stops hitting the bug that is nothing more than sand now. Standing and throwing the rock down at his feet he returns to the General Lee sliding in the window shaking with rage still as he wraps Bo in his own protective arms from behind encompassing Daisy in the hold as well best he can with her outside the car. Uncle Jesse then steps up to the car wrapping his arms around Daisy barely able to reach Bo but just able to touch him.
  20. Luke having just stood up from under the car,joins Bo inside the car. Leaning down in the seat feeling under the dash and around the cb. Luke feels something out of place on the cb it's like an extra knob on the side,giving the object a pull then holding it up for Bo to see and gesturing for him to be quiet. Looking at the others out the windsheild watching them Luke puts his finger to his lips once again shushing the others. Uncle Jesse catches on to what they are looking for as Luke tells them to be quiet. It all makes sense now why the crooks knew what was happening when and where. B.L. at first thought they'd both lost their minds scrambling around the car like they were but as Bo waved his arm and pointed at the CB she realized they were obviously looking for something and Bo thought he'd found it most likely.
  21. Luke is so busy with his search he forgets his anger at Bo and answers as he crawls under the car after checking the grill "I'm lookin for bugs how else did they know what we was planning" As Bo clambors up the embankment B.L. looks over at Daisy with a questioning look before dragging her up after Bo "Somethin's up" Jesse pushes away from the tree and follows them up stopping next to Bo. "What's he doing?"
  22. Luke takes one more calming breath as the adrenaline begins to subside. With his mind clearing, thoughts of why there was a decoy truck and how the guys knew they were going to set a trap for them. It just doesn't make sense as to how they were discovered unless there was someone giving them inside information or maybe another bug somewhere. Jumping to his feet suddenly running back up the embankment to the General Lee. Leaning in the passenger side window Luke opens the glove compartment pulling out the flashlight,proceeding to check every inch of the orange stock car for another bug.
  23. B.L. holds onto Daisy just a little bit tighter as Daisy starts to cry knowing it's tears of relief this time instead of worry and fear. B.L. gives Bo a wink of approval as he looks over at her and Daisy although she too wasn't happy with Bo's actions. Luke has stepped away from the rest of the group a few paces and sat down on the ground his legs having felt like they were going to collapse from under him. Trying to get his pounding heart and hard angry breathing under control. Jesse takes a few moments of his own to lean against a nearby tree and collect his ownself.
  24. Jesse eyes Bo with a critical eye checking for obvious injuries that Bo may be hiding but when nothing catches his eye an it seems the only thing wrong besides the arm is Bo's ragged breathing Jesse sighs relieved. By this time the troopers have the two henchmen cuffed and are escorting them up the hill back to the patrol cars. Alan shakes Jesse's hand in farewell as he prepares to follow his men. "Thanks Alan for all your help. Maybe we can get together sometime on a happier note." Cooter gives B.L. another brief hug as he turns going back up the hill to get the tow truck so he can tow the truck back to hazzard. B.L. steps over to Daisy wrapping an arm around her friend's waist. Luke hasn't said anything since just before Bo jumped. He's trying to get his warring emotions under control before speaking to Bo. He was worried Bo would get hurt seriously when he jumped now seeing there was no real damage Luke's worry has turned to anger at Bo for scaring him so badly after Bo made Luke promise he wouldn't beat the guys up on his word as a Duke only to do something as stupid as jumping on the moving truck when not fully recovered from the hospital stay and brief death experience.
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