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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke nods " me or Uncle Jesse'll take care of it Bo don't want ya'll to know yet so don't let on like I tole ya ok?" B.L. nods she really whishes now she hadn't riled Bo. Uncle Jesse takes on last deep breath gathering his nerve before going in the back door looking at Luke and the two girls it's obvious Luke told them what happened. "How's Bo?" B.L. gulps at the saddened look on the older man's face before pointing toward the back of the house "He's asleep I think"
  2. Luke nods taking Daisy's hand "I didn't think he'd do it either but Bo kept pushin his luck and just went too far......Yeah I've seen it,ain't bad Uncle Jesse didn't give him but the one lick after seein what he did Bo said he kept apoligizin' over and over then he helped Bo get settled up in the loft before leavin. I found him sittin at Hazzard swamp." The pickup is heard pulling into the driveway before a door is heard closing. Uncle Jesse stops by the hood taking a deep breath before even thinking of going inside,intending to apoligize again and praying Bo can forgive him.
  3. Luke wraps his arms around Daisy resting his cheek on the top of her head. Sighing Luke licks his lips before saying "Uncle Jesse did take a switch too him but after so much movin around today Bo's legs gave out from under him and Uncle Jesse accidentally hit his back. That's why I had to go find Uncle Jesse he's real upset over it hisself." B.L. gasps more than a little shocked. Understanding now most likely why Bo wouldn't tell her and Daisy what happened. B.L. mentally kicks herself for pushing Bo now wishing she'd just let him be when he asked her to.
  4. Luke can't help the grin that escapes as he takes in B.L.s ready to pounce look. He does manage to stop the laugh however. Turning to look at Daisy's worried expression as she joins them in the kitchen he takes each one by the hand leading them back to the livingroom. Sitting on the couch a girl on each side of him he sighs looking at each in turn. "Relax things are ok...Uncle Jesse's right behind me"
  5. "Yeah guess so" B.L. hugs Daisy but then cocks her head as she hears a noise. Grinning as she starts back down the hall toward the livingroom. "Speak of the devil....let's see we can get some answers out of him!" Luke slides out of the stock car whistling as he crosses the yard,opening the door to be met by B.L. standing there with both eyebrows raised in a question of what's going on.
  6. "No I guess not" B.L. sighs shaking her head sadly she just wanted to know what was going on with Bo. "See ya there" Luke follows Jesse stopping himself just before climbing up on the hood of the General Lee to walk across again,instead walking around the car. Climbing in and starting the powerful engine pulling out and around the pickup doing a U turn to head back to the farm. Leaving Jesse in a cloud of dust as he guns the accelerator letting the car eat up the miles,arriving back at the farm in record time.
  7. B.L. glares at Bo for another second before turning on her heel and practically stomping out of the room. Once out in the hall she leans against the wall with a frustrated growl. Luke tosses away the grass he'd been playing with before climbing to his feet and glad to see Uncle Jesse at least seemed to be in a better frame of mind now. "You about ready to go home? I promised Bo I'd be back as soon as possible...*chuckles* I left two vultures babysitting and they probably started hounding him to death with questions the minute I left. B.L. especially I could see it in her eyes and when she takes a notion to find out something she's like a dog with a bone just won't let it go till she knows."
  8. B.L. stands abruptly crossing her arms giving Bo a look that could kill "Ok fine take a nap but this ain't over!" Luke looks up into Jesse's face grinning with a twinkle in his eye laughing "If Bo's drivin ain't done it yet then I don't figure nothin else will"
  9. B.L. gave Daisy a brief squeeze she didn't like interrogating Bo either but feeling she and Daisy had been kept in the dark long enough B.L. is determined to get answers. "Bo stop being so childish with the silent treatment." Luke looks up into Jesse's worried care worn face smiling "Bo's not himself Uncle Jesse you and me both know he ain't pushed this far in a long time. I had a long talk with him, those guys did something to Bo that only asserting his independence can change or so he thinks. I ain't sayin let him have his own way just cos he wants to do things his way no matter what. Just try and think of it as raisin three teenagers again. I know we was mostly good kids but I can remember more than a few times we drove ya to distraction."
  10. B.L. glares at Bo even though he's not looking at her anymore. Getting frustrated herself getting things out of Bo he really didn't want to talk about could be like pulling teeth. "Bo I won't go away just cos ya ignore me you know that. Uncle Jesse left here without sayin a word to me 'n Daisy that ain't like him and we're worried about him and you." Luke chuckles nodding "I suppose it is..... but if I needed tellin off you wouldn't hesitate to do it."
  11. B.L. snorts disbelievingly "No I won't leave you alone till you stop hiding things you know I'm persistant if anything when I wanna know what's going on in that head of yours......nothing to talk about my eye. Bo your a grown man and ya Uncle was threatnin to switch ya all the way to the point of hauling your tail to the barn and you say there's nothin to talk about? I'll believe that when pigs fly!" Luke nods then throwing out a thought hoping to make Jesse feel better. "True ya shouldn't but then ya shouldn't hafta be tellin me not to walk across the hood of the General neither like ya just did, I'm older than Bo."
  12. B.L. knows something is very wrong so giving Daisy a fearless look not the least bit daunted by the boy's anger most of the time. Leaning forward elbows resting on her knees and arms folded as she leans over to better look at Bo with a determined stubborn look. "Bo I ain't leavin till ya tell me what's wrong? And don't you go tellin me it's nothin I ain't buyin it!" Luke sighs "I know that.....suppose you tell me why you's so upset if Bo ain't?"
  13. B.L. hearing a slight angered edge creep into Bo's voice that he's trying to calm looks at Daisy expression asking do they back down for now or risk the wrath of Bo's anger. Luke sits down next to Jesse's feet plucking a blade of grass,twirling it in his hands not exactly sure how to proceed so just plunges in. "You wanna talk about it? He ain't upset he was just layin in the loft seemed to be thinkin alot of things over."
  14. B.L. looks at Daisy to see her reaction to Bo's evasiveness. Finally shaking her head and looking back at Bo. He's hiding something or maybe more than one something she isn't sure but aimed to find out. "Bo, that dog don't hunt what are you hidin'?" Luke doesn't let the reprimand about walking on the hood bother him it's not the first time and it won't be the last. Looking out over the swamp for a few silent minutes Luke plunges on into things with both feet no use putting it off. He promised Bo he'd be back as soon as possible and if his suspicions are right the girls are playing 20 questions with him by now. "Dandy huh? horsefeathers Uncle Jesse I talked to Bo."
  15. B.L. takes a seat on Luke's bed shaking her head giving Bo a knowing look "You may be tired but your also hiding something.......Nope he's out looking for Uncle Jesse....." Luke arrives at Hazzard Swamp sliding the General Lee to a stop behind the pickup before climbing out the window and walking across the hood,hopping to the ground before coming to stand next to Jesse with a hand on the older man's shoulder. "You ok Uncle Jesse?"
  16. B.L. reached down and gently shook Bo's foot "C'mon Bo you ain't never been good at playin possum" A relieved sigh escapes Luke as Jesse answers keying the cb mic button once again "Just to talk, I'm on my way" Luke does a 180 going back toward the swamp wondering why Jesse would be there.
  17. B.L. nods and opens the door as quietly as possible it giving a soft squeak as they slip inside. Luke picks up the cb mic as he's leaving town headed to look on the backroads not having found Jesse anywhere in town. "Lost Sheep one to Shepard you out there? Come back" When Uncle Jesse doesn't answer Luke tries again "Uncle Jesse it's Luke where you at?"
  18. B.L. crosses an X over her heart before heading down the hall toward the boys room,waitng at the door for Daisy." "Cross my heart I'll be as gentle as a lamb"
  19. B.L. bounds to her feet in an instant grinning impishly "you bet"
  20. Luke lays a hand on Bo's head sliding it down to his cheet "I'll be as fast as a can" Patting Bo's cheek gently Luke winks before standing and going to the door his hand on the knob chuckling "Don't let the vultures pick you apart too bad" Back in the livingroom Luke pulls in a deep breath rubbing a hand down his face before squaring his shoulders to look at the questioning faces of Daisy and B.L. "I'm goin to look for Uncle Jesse I'll be back in a little while" B.L. looks worriedly up at Luke from her chair "Luke what's going on?" Patting B.L.'s shoulder reassuringly "I'll explain later B.L."
  21. B.L. knows something isn't right and is determined to find out what just as soon as she can. She and Bo have told each other most things going on with them growing up. "Sure Bo" Luke helps Bo down the hall and to get settled in the bed on his stomach then bending over to look Bo in the eye with the hint of a smile "Those two are gonna be in here on you like a duck on a junebug the minute I leave. Your best bet is to play opossum for as long as you can."
  22. Luke follows Bo down the ladder releaved that Bo didn't give him any trouble about staying with the girls at the house. Joining Bo, Luke takes Bo by the arm not wanting to cause him any pain or make Bo feel he's being motherhened too much. Walking slowly back toward the house. Once inside Luke puts the empty glass in the sink and the bottle of antibiotics on the table,helping Bo into the livingroom and onto the couch. B.L. turns slightly to watch as the two make it across the yard. Smiling as they come in B.L. jovially "The lost sheep return,you fellas afraid we was gonna find more dishes or somethin that needed doing?"
  23. Luke smiles a slightly embarassed smile turning a light shade of pink "I was in the house havin a fit for being too afraid ta speak up when Jesse was talkin to ya in the yard." Looks to where the pickup is usually parked thinking that Jesse must be kickin himself pretty hard right now "Listen Bo I need ta go find Jesse but I need you to go inside and keep Daisy from worryin." Luke doesn't want Bo thinking he wants him inside so the girls can keep an eye and ear open for anything he might need. Jesse is driving around the back roads feeling like a heel why couldn't he just let it go with a lecture. Never in the years since the cousins had come to live with him had he hurt them like he had Bo even though it was an accident that doesn't excuse it. Finding himself at Hazzard swamp Jesse stops the pickup getting out and walking to the water's edge examining his own reactions to things lately real close.
  24. B.L. blows out a deep breath whispering on a sigh "Yeah...." Luke rolls to his knees quick as lightening his jaw dropping to the floor almost just sitting there in disbelieving silence not knowing what to say for a few minutes. "Holy smoke......... is that why Jesse lit out just sayin he would be back by supper?"
  25. Luke looked at Bo as he rolled over and caught the wince finally his curiosity getting the better of him. "So you gonna tell me what happened after Jesse and you came in here or not?" B.L. smiles at Daisy as she stretches out her legs slouching in the chair "Nothing really just can't get Bo and Uncle Jesse off my mind I'm dyin to know what happened that Uncle Jesse just up and left without even comin in the house to tell us."
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