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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke follows as Bo pushes open the door part of him scared to death at what's inside this hut. But anger again at the men who'd nearly destroyed Bo was battling it out with the fear inside of him. Keeping a hand on Bo's shoulder and staying close to him, Luke wills the tremors he can feel shaking his knees not to make it to his hand. Gulping "Bo, you ok?"
  2. Luke slides out of the driver's side window and quickly walks across the hood jumping down behind Bo landing with a soft thud. Following on Bo's heels nearly bumping into him. As Bo reaches up to touch the back of his head, and Luke too sees the dried blood from over Bo's shoulder he it hits him that this is the place where Bo had been kept prisoner. Gulping slightly Luke places a hand on Bo's shoulder as much for his cousin's reassurance as his own a sudden chill running down his spine as he gazes at the small pool of dried blood,Bo's blood!
  3. Luke looked over at Bo's outstretched hand following the shaking hand pointing to the hut that Bo was looking at. Not liking the sudden change in Bo,Luke hesitates before slowly making his way in that direction. Inhaling deeply then blowing it out slowly, Luke tries to calm his own nerves. "What's wrong Bo?
  4. Luke laughs then turns to look at Bo still grinning, it was great to be doing the things together they hadn't been able to do in a while. Watching Bo as he leans up to slightly rub his back but satisfied he hasn't suffered any great amount of pain just a minor ache. "Me too cousin me too"
  5. Luke nods those eyes get him everytime and truth be told he wanted to feel the rush just as much as Bo. So with a last warning "Don't say I didn't warn you" he hits the ramp at top speed flying through the air whooping. Grinning widely as the General makes contact again with a sound thud jostling them both.
  6. I just got this link from a friend and thought I'd share it with the rest of you. It's pretty cute lol although if there's a point to it I'm not sure I've figured it out yet oh well enjoy! http://www.topeuro.co.uk/blagger/the_duel.html
  7. Luke nearly lost control of the car at Bo's request, looking over at his younger cousin concernedly not sure it'd be a good idea. It'd just been earlier in the day Bo didn't want anyone touching his back. "Ya sure that's a good idea cousin? I don't wanna do nothin that's gonna cause ya pain"
  8. "He's still got'em I'm sure of it,ya know Cooter'd never let somebody else have the General's parts unless he had no other choice." Luke drives on to Mud Flatts keeping their speed down to 55mph just in case Rosco or Enos comes along. At Mud Flatts though he revs up the powerful motor,stepping hard on the General Lee's accelarator as they race across the land.
  9. Luke grins as Bo whoops, nodding at Bo's feeling's of being just as safe in the General as at home he himself feels the same way. Turning the big stock car toward Mud Flatts. "Well how about some racin' up at Mud Flatts? Rosco can't ticket us there it's private property." Continues to go that direction,it's been a long week and nothing has ever made Bo happier than racing around in the General Lee.
  10. Luke takes Bo by the arm,going the 10 or so feet to the passenger side of the General Lee. Assissting Bo inside as little as possible to allow him to have his independence. Once Bo is situated in the passenger seat Luke goes around climbing under the steering wheel and pulling out of the yard. Once turning onto the dirt road Luke looks over to Bo with a questioning look as he asks the two most upper questions in his mind. "Why the sudden change of mind about leaving the farm? Where to?"
  11. Luke recalls asking Bo if he'd wanted to go for a ride in the General,only to have Bo tell him he wasn't ready. Luke had then promised all Bo had to do was say the word if he changed his mind so readily agreeing he gets up off the step looking back at Uncle Jesse "Sure Bo, we'll be back directly Uncle Jesse" Jesse nods not sure this is a good idea but not saying so it's apparently important to Bo. "Alright ya'll drive careful. And stay out of trouble!" Luke is quick to respond afraid Jesse will tell them no but doubts it. "Yes sir"
  12. Uncle Jesse just looked back sympathetically at Bo. Luke had always been protective over his younger cousins but it got more so if they were hurt or sick. Luke rested his chin back on the top of Bo's head chuckling "Ya gonna get spoiled to all this waitin on ya hand and foot that I'm doin" Truth be told right now he wouldn't mind one bit if Bo did get spoiled to it. He couldn't help Bo when he needed it most because of the men controlling Bo with fear. Now he could though and he'd do everything he could to help Bo get back to normal so they could go out racing in the General or to the Boar's Nest for a beer.
  13. "Stay put I'll get 'em" Before Bo can protest or agree Luke is on his feet entering the screen door. Going directly to the kitchen retrieving the pill bottle from the table and filling a glass with water,returning in just a few moments to stand behind Bo holding the glass and pill down closer to Bo's reach before positioning himself back behind Bo on the porch steps. Not admitting it out loud but he'd been enjoying the quiet peacefulness of the farm with his younger cousin wrapped safely in his arms. Just being outside on the porch to Luke was yet another sign that Bo was on the mend.
  14. Luke draped his arms around Bo as the younger man settled against him, seeing the trust shining in the blue eyes staring up at him. Starting to truly believe his own words that everything would be ok. Bo'd always been the most demonstrative of the two when it came to showing his feelings. Bo'd always been the first one to seek out a hug when he needed and cried more freely than he himself (Luke) had. The recent events though had made those characteristics more prominant but that was ok with Luke he was more than willing to give Bo that extra tight hold or a hug if it made his youngest cousin feel more secure. Jesse looked lovingly at his two nephews as they sat together on the porch steps. Luke the protector holding onto Bo as he leaned against his older cousin totally trusting as he'd always done.
  15. B.L. nods she knows that the boys only mean well in worrying,that's part of their charm is their protectiveness. Luke feels Bo's shoulders tense under his hands,tilting Bo's head back to look up. "Bo look at me" Luke gives Bo a reassuring smile his eyes saying trust me. "She'll be fine as Daisy pointed out quite frankly B.L.'s a big girl."
  16. B.L. shakes her head grinning in wonder as she wipes the bar and then starts wiping water spots off the beer mugs readying them for use. "Those two are a coupla mother hens sometimes" Luke props his hands on Bo's shoulders wondering if he should give them anymore information or not. He told Daisy that they'd have to be the ones to tell Bo about the job offer. Sighing he decides he might as well at least let Bo and Uncle Jesse know that B.L. is helping out. "B.L.'s not just sittin down tha Boars Nest drinkin soda...she's uh workin behind the bar pourin drinks. It's real crowded everbody's glad ta have Daisy back I guess." Jesse watches seeing something in Luke that says there's more he isn't prepared to tell. He'd been worried when Daisy'd first went to work there but the boys had went to watch out for her and somehow it'd become their routine to do so. Jesse can't help but smile as he thinks of what Rose Davenport would have to say about her daughter working in a bar even if it was just for one night. She'd always been a little stricter about some things than he had with Daisy despite them both being god fearing people.
  17. Luke grins at Daisy "Yeah I know, I'm sure she'll be fine just like you after we gave you some 'confidence'. I think ya right about Bo too he'll forget about it all in time I think and be back to normal." Waves at B.L. as he passes the bar calling "Don't take any wooden nickles." B.L. grins waving back as Luke exits the bar. Turning to Daisy she asks worriedly "Somethin wrong? I didn't think Luke'd be more'n 3 feet away from Bo for a while." Luke climbs back into the General Lee,heading for home,pulling into the yard smiling as he sees Uncle Jesse and Bo on the porch swing. Climbing out of the car,making his way over to the porch Luke drops down on the top step his back against the porch post. Uncle Jesse watches him cross the yard then sit down before asking "Everything ok?" Nodding Luke looks up at Uncle Jesse and Bo "Yeah just fine"
  18. Luke shakes his head "No ain't nobody controllin him, he's just worryin too much for Bo. It's always him tellin me that I worry too much." Luke hears the burst of noise as Daisy looks through the door smiling at whatever she sees. Standing he prepares to go back inside. "I gotta get back ta the farm before starts to climb the walls cos I've been gone so long. You 'n B.L. don't work to hard ya hear and don't let her get into any trouble."
  19. Heehee glad to know I'm not the only to have a bedtime story at night... I never thought of myself as much of a writer although I have an overactive imagination. It makes me feel really good to know that others are enjoying what I'm writting. Thank ya'll kindly for the great reviews
  20. Heehee glad to know I'm not the only to have a bedtime story at night... I never thought of myself as much of a writer although I have an overactive imagination. It makes me feel really good to know that others are enjoying what I'm writting. Thank ya'll kindly for the great reviews
  21. Uncle Jesse leaned his head over to rest his cheek on the top of Bo's head,supressing a shudder as he thinks once again how close he came to loosing Bo. He doesn't know what he'd do if he ever lost any of his kids. They were the one thing that kept him going when he lost his wife Lavinia. The thought of loosing one of them scares him more than anything else ever could. Sighing his own sigh of contentment. Luke looks skeptical but then Daisy doesn't know how worried he and Bo were when she first started either. Sitting on a barrel with a sigh of resignation he knows when he's licked. "Alright if you say so I trust ya judgement. I don't doubt one bit that B.L. can handle herself." B.L. gathers her courage and slips out from behind the bar to wait on a table while Daisy is talking to Luke. The redhaired guy had left so she wasn't afraid of another encounter with him. Filling the order and quickly cleaning off a few other tables though she returns to behind the bar. Luke shakes his head at Daisy's question he can't figure it out himself. "I don't know why B.L. workin here would bother Bo so much but right now I ain't questionin' his thinkin cos it ain't exactly Bo thoughts."
  22. Jesse glances over as Bo sighs and tilts his head back seemingly at peace somewhat. Letting him be for a while Jesse keeps the swing gently rocking as he looks out over his land,listening to the gentle country noises around them in the comfortable silence between them. Luke is dumbfounded as he takes in Daisy's information finally asking "You asked her what?.... She said what?....I know it's nice to have someone to work with and I know B.L. needs something to do.....*chuckles* I also know she's a big girl, not in pigtails and braces anymore well she never wore braces either. Just don't let her wait tables till me and Bo get a chance to be here like we did when you first started ok?" Sighs "I don't know why Bo's so worried but it was bad enough he let me outta his sight to come here. He's gonna wanna know how things are here, I ain't tellin him B.L. was workin or thinkin of makin it permanant that's somethin you two are gonna hafta do."
  23. Jesse takes Bo's arm guiding him through the livingroom and grabbing a couple of cushions as they pass the couch tucking them under his arm. Once on the porch Jesse places the cushions on the swing so Bo will be more comfortable before helping him get seated without missing the wobbling swing. Luke shakes his head "I didn't but I needed to talk to ya and it couldn't wait till ya got home tonight." B.L. fills the orders listening with one ear to Luke and Daisys' conversation hearing urgency in Luke's voice wondering what's going on. "I can cover for a few minutes Daisy" Luke doesn't like the idea of B.L. handling things alone even for a few minutes but he doesn't want her to know his real reason for being there so grabs Daisy by the hand and practically drags her through the kitchen and out the back door of the Boar's Nest. Stopping once out and the door is closed. "I came to check up on B.L., Bo was worried when he found out she'd come to work with you without us or Cooter and couldn't get it off his mind so I told him I'd come check on her. I told him not ta worry she was porbably just sittin at the bar and drinking soda but low and behold I find her behind the bar pouring drinks."
  24. Uncle Jesse picks up the dirty dishes to put them in the sink hearing Bo's almost silent sigh. Hoping Bo's recovery continues to progress as it has so his youngest most rambuncious charge can get out into the world again and do the things that make him happiest. Sitting the dishes in the sink Jesse turns back to put a hand on Bo's shoulder smiling down at him. "Bo how 'bout we's go sit on the front porch till Luke gets back?" Luke screeches into the Boar's Nest parking lot quickly climing out of the general and walking to the door. Stopping just inside the door to let his eyes adjust to the dim lighting. Once Luke's vision starts to adjust he sees B.L. behind the bar pouring drinks and flirting a little too. Making his way to the bar he sits down on a stool. B.L. spots a new customer but hasn't recognized who it is yet as she smiles and chats amiably with another customer. Finishing the conversation she goes to the new person the smile faltering a little as she realizes it's Luke. "Hi Luke,what can I getcha?" Luke is still stunned at seeing B.L. working the bar a totally different picture of what he had when he'd read the note even reassuring Bo that she wasn't doing anything but keeping Daisy company. He stutters "Uh Soda" Pouring Luke his drink and sitting it before him B.L. can't imagine what has him so flustered.
  25. Luke isn't sure if it's just all that's happened lately that's making Bo worry or not but it doesn't matter despite his words of confidence he'd feel better himself checking. Standing and crossing to the door he turns back saying before exiting the house. "I'm gone, be back in a little while." Once in the general lee Luke chuckles B.L.'s going to have a fit that rivals any of Daisy's if she thinks he's checking up on her. Pulling out of the driveway he speeds toward the boars nest.
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