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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. B.L. watches Bo as he wraps his arm around Luke's waist and puts his head on Luke's chest before drifting back off to sleep peacefully,thinking to herself wondering what sort of hell those men put Bo through that he couldn't stand the thought of Luke even being on the other side of the room. Grabbing an ice pack she sits on the floor indian style holding it between Bo's shoulders to try and keep his fever from coming up anymore again. Doc shakes his head smiling slightly at the bond between the two cousins and how just being able to touch Luke had settled him right down again. "We'll really have to watch his fever now so that it doesn't go up again...Luke's own body heat is bound to raise it again." B.L. nods not taking her eyes off Bo "I know Doc and if the circumstances was different I might not have been so willing to give in but he's been through so much and I just can't stand the scared look he gets or the crying."
  2. Not being able to stand to see Bo so upset B.L. turns her own pleading eyes to the doctor remembering how much better Bo had been able to come with things while Luke was by his side. Doc sighs not wanting Bo to get upset but he doesn't need to be so close to someone else either it's likely to make the fever rise again but Bo's distress wins at this point. "Alright Bo just calm down...I'll help you get to Luke's bed" B.L. turns to Luke's bed huffing and puffing as she rolls him slightly to make room for Bo muttering "Ya been eatin too many pancakes Lucas" Turning back to Bo's bed B.L. helps Bo sit up slowly then carefully move over to Luke's bed and lay down again. Smoothing back the hair that's fell onto his forehead B.L. gives Bo a trademark Bo kiss. "Better? *smiles* Now you rest and get well so we can go have that night of jukin out at the Boar's Nest....I'm buyin that night."
  3. Doc Appleby starts to try and force Bo gently back on the bed but see's that B.L. is prepared to handle it and figures Bo will get less upset than if he were to try. B.L. bites her lip at Bo's whimpers but steals herself to be a bit tough gently pushes on Bo's shoulders laying him back on the bed "You just stay put buster...Luke's out for the count and besides you need to stay on these icepacks till your fever is down and ya wouldn't want to get Luke's bed wet now would ya?" Smiling she runs her hand down the side of Bo's face trying to keep him calm. "Will ya settle for me just for a little while I promise if you let me and Doc Appleby get your fever down so it's not so dangerously high you can move to Luke's bed for a while." She looks up at the doctor after making the promise expecting him to protest but he doesnt and she is relieved.
  4. The doctor smiles at B.L. as she smiles back at him. "Well welcome back young man.....how do you feel?" B.L. leans closer to Bo whispering as she turns his head slightly reaching over him pointing in the direction of Luke's bed grinning still slightly amused at everyone's sabatoge on him. "Luke's here sweety he's just asleep....gonna be cranky as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers in the mornin Doc gave him somethin ta help him sleep and I put a few sips of shine in his hot chocolate"
  5. B.L. quietly answers with the expected yes sir before Uncle Jesse leaves the room. Feeling of Bo's forehead B.L. is disconcerted at the heat still radiating there even with the icepacks. Doc reads the thermometer still not happy with the reading but relieved to see that the fever is decreasing somewhat but not nearly enough. He just prays Bo's got enough fight left in him to overcome this latest setback,he'd sent the syringe off after Luke,Daisy and B.L. had left his office earlier that evening. "We got us a long night ahead B.L. it's only down two degrees." B.L. nods worriedly,Bo is as white as the sheets now far paler than he'd been at supper. "I know but I'll do everything I can ta get Bo well. How you gonna send that syringe Luke brought in off tomorrow if you're here?" The doctor smiles "I did that before Jesse called me out here the more I thought about it the more urgent it sounded so I sent it right away then called a med school colleage to tell him to be expecting it and to ask when we should know something.....he said he'd put a rush on things and we should know something by day after tomorrow." A relieved look crosses B.L.'s face "That sounds good Doc"
  6. B.L. nods sincerely knowing nothing else would be acceptable "Yes sir I promise....." Quietly reminds him of all of them she's rested and therefore least likely to get sick. but I've had more sleep in the last week than any of the rest of you."
  7. B.L. looks up at Jesse then back over to Luke before looking up again. "The idea was for you and Luke ta get as much sleep as possible that's why he had first watch and you last.....but seein as he's out for the count and Daisy's sleepin too I'll take double duty." Doc Appleby nods approvingly as he hears the plan,thinking he'd have arranged it the same way. "Sounds like a good schedule to me Jesse,I'll sit with ya a while honey then catch me a couple of hours after Bo's fever is down but I want ta keep a close check in case it goes up again." B.L. smiles her thanks "Sounds good Doc."
  8. B.L. leans forward her elbows on her knees watching the gentle rise and fall of Bo's chest but that's the only movement to prove that he's still alive. Getting up from Luke's bed she sits in the floor by the bed at Uncle Jesse's knee leaving the other side of the bed for the doctor to work. Trying to stay strong for Uncle Jesse,B.L. makes an offer that any other time would flabbergast Bo and Luke both but doubts Bo can even hear them. "C'mon Bo you can lick this thing and then we'll go to the Boar's Nest and I'll buy you all the beer you can drink." Idly thinks if Bo can hear her she'd better be saving her tips so she can make good on her offer never before having enough money for more than a couple drinks. B.L. giggles but it's not her usual infectious giggle but rather a sad imitation "well maybe not all you can drink cos if ya pass out without Luke I'm not big enough ta put ya in my car and if ya puke in my car ya walkin home!"
  9. B.L. nods with a sigh as they leave the kitchen "Ok just don't wear yourself out." She goes down the hall ahead of Uncle Jesse opening the door for him and crossing the room to sit on the edge of Luke's bed gently,running a hand through his hair getting a soft sigh from him. Doc takes the dishpan from Jesse as he enters the room,placing it on the nighttable before taking the icepacks out one at a time and placing one under each arm. Spreading the ice out inside the last one so that it's not as bulky as the other two places it under Bo's neck. "Now we just wait till the ice melts,keeping his fever checked and continuing with the icepacks as needed."
  10. B.L. puts the ice pack she just finished wrapping down going around the table and wrapping her arms around Jesse's waist when he sighs "Luke's probably gonna be madder than a wet hen in tha mornin' at being sedated again but he'll get over it, 'sides it's what's best for him. Bo'll be ok too" She supresses a sigh of her own at her last remark praying that it would indeed be true that Bo would be ok but right now she just didn't know and didn't really believe it. Making the last icepack she puts it in the dishpan with the others before looking up in Jesse's blue eyes with a soft smile,not really expecting him to comply with her request but it's true she isn't sleepy rather she's got nervous energy to burn at the moment. "Why don't you try and rest Uncle Jesse I'll help Doc take of Bo I ain't sleepy yet." Doc Appleby cringes at Bo's every wince,not feeling much if any change at all in the level of heat radiating from the young man's body. Trying Bo's fever again Doc is alarmed to see that it's went up rather than down and the thermometer now reads 104 degrees.
  11. B.L. wraps her arm around Uncle Jesse's wasit as they head back down the hall into the kitchen. "Sure.....Daisy's asleep so I thought I'd see what I could do to help." In the kitchen she gets out a dishpan sitting it on the table to make the icepacks in,turning to the sink she pulls out a stack of dishtowels from the drawer to wrap the packs in. "How's Luke he looked scared to death when Bo moaned" While waiting for Jesse Doc finds a small bowl in the bathroom filling it with cool water and starts sponging Bo off while he waits for the ice.
  12. Doc returns the smile he can already see how much his just being there has taken some of the burden from Jesse's shoulders "Happy to be help Jesse you know them boys and Daisy mean almost as much to the rest of us as they do too you. I assume you've been sponging Bo off to try and bring down the fever. Will you get me some ice I think icepacks will have a better result in getting the fever down." B.L. smiles as Daisy drifts off to sleep before slipping from the room heading down the hall to check on Bo and see if there's anything she can do to help.
  13. Luke can't stay awake against the humming it's just too great an effort and soon is sleeping soundly totally relaxed the worried crease from his brow gone for the time being as he slumbers dreamlessly. Doc grips Jesse's shoulder supportively knowing his worry for Bo was hard on him but he'd cope with that but holding Luke down to be drugged was probably the hardest thing he's ever done. "They'll be Ok Jesse let's get Bo's fever down, Luke'll sleep till sometime late in the morning most likely cos I gave him a good sized dose. You might say he's practically unconscience but he's not I assure you he's only sleeping,he'll probably sleep until late in the morning. Is the spare room available? I'd like to stay and keep an eye on Bo over night the fever and delirium has me worried quite a bit." B.L. glances over at Daisy watching the other girl as her eyes begin to droop closed. Stopping the swing B.L. pulls Daisy to her feet "C'mon I think you need to go to bed before you fall asleep here" Guiding Daisy inside to her own room,the two getting ready for bed although B.L. isn't planning to sleep until she's sure everyone in the family is settled for the night.
  14. Luke shakes his head vehmently struggling against Jesse's hold to sit up again. "No Uncle Jesse let go I can't not till Bo's ok....... *tears welling in his eyes as he's unable to break the hold*....please Uncle Jesse don't I gotta make sure Bo's ok I'll follow B.L.'s plan for sittin in shifts I promise." Doc crosses to the other bed laying a comforting hand briefly on Jesse's shoulder knowing how much this is hurting him but it's for Luke's own good. Pushing Luke's sleeve up past his elbow Doc eases the needle in his bicep pushing the plunger and administering the medication,watching pleased as Luke starts to calm immediately. "You can let go Jesse he'll be out in just a few more minutes" Luke glares at them his eyes still shining with tears as he struggles to stay awake. "s'not fair ya fight dirty Uncle Jesse......"
  15. Is there more to the clip? I have a clip with my destop theme that says "Them Duke boys is gotta be upto somethin lowdown and I'm gonna find out what." If anyone knows where I can get a clip of rosco saying he feels like a cowchip in a windtunnel I'd like that one to go with my theme...had it but somehow I lost it. B.L.
  16. Luke is startled as Jesse pulls him over to his own bed then takes hold of his wrists and he starts to shake uncontrollably with fear at what's coming next. A knot of dread forms in his stomach knowing he's going to be told something terrible. Shaking his head to dispel the first thought in his head he refuses to believe that Bo is dying,gulping several times trying to wet his suddenly dry mouth which is leaving him unable to speak. Finally he looks into Jesse's eyes asking with a shaky voice preparing himself as best he can for the worst but praying for better. "What is it Uncle Jesse?.....what's wrong?" Doc Appleby is purposely keeping his back to them as he pretends to be checking on Bo but is really drawing another dosage of valium for Luke.
  17. Luke sits watching Bo much calmer now but still trembling. B.L. pulls Daisy to her feet and they head out the door not giving Daisy a chance to protest "let's get some air it's kinda stuffy in here" On the porch B.L. gently pushes Daisy down onto the swing before sitting next to her in the cool night breeze. Once the girls are out of the house the Doc Appleby turns to Jesse with a worried frown before plunging into his tale of what's happening the best he knows. "Jesse I wish I had more answers but I don't right now,all I know for sure is Bo's got a high fever and I believe his aggitation is an effect of delirium as a result of that fever. The valium I gave him will keep him, hopefully he'll rest and that will improve his condition but I can't guarantee it." Giving Jesse a few minutes to absorb all he's been told the doctor then continues. "I'm worried about Luke also,I've known him since he was a small boy and that frightened,worried emotional young man in there is not Luke. He's exhausted himself but knowing Luke as I do he'll refuse rest as long as he thinks Bo needs him. But Jesse he's got to rest or he's going to be sick himself and of no help whatsoever to Bo,I'd like to sedate him just for tonight I believe that's the only way he'll rest but I know he's not going to allow that,he's in no frame of mind to make such decisions in my professional opinion." The doctor studies Jesse as he take in everything he's been told thinking how he too could use rest himself but knows that Jesse won't be as unsensible as Luke is being so he's not worried about having to resort to drugging his old friend.
  18. Luke turns to face Bo leaning against Jesse's chest exhausted from the emotions and the effects of the shine he didn't know B.L. had put in his hot chocolate. Shuttering as Bo continues to tremble. Doc Appleby checks Bo once more before looking across the bed at Jesse motioning toward the door. "Jesse can I talk to you privately out in the hall a minute." Luke gives the doctor a baleful look not liking that he's being excluded on the conversation about Bo's condition. "I want to know what's going on!" The doctor smiles kindly at Luke knowing his next request will placate the young man "Luke I need you to stay with Bo I don't want him left by himself for now." Luke nods grudgingly but knows his place is with Bo.
  19. What a wonderful story . I think it could be an episode it's very well written and the reactions of the characters are so heartwarming. I hope we see more of little miss Betsy-rae Duke she's a character that's worth getting to know. B.L. Davenport
  20. Luke lays his head on Jesse's shoulder briefly reveling in the small comfort of the hold,before pushing away slightly to look at Jesse's tired,worried face anger,confusion,and just plain defeat creeping into his voice. "I don't get it Uncle Jesse.....why'd they hafta do this ta Bo? He ain't never hurt nobody in his entire life! He wouldna told what he knew with the threats they was makin on the family Bo'd give his life ta protect us just like we would him....only this time it looks like it may really cost his life. They didn't hafta give him drugs and god only knows what else he was too scared of everythin' bein' bugged and us gettin killed if he told."
  21. Luke nods wiping his eyes and sniffing,looking over his shoulder at a calming Bo still unable to turn completely in Jesse's firm but gentle grasp. "I know Uncle Jesse but if you'd seen his face back in that cabin.....I just want all this over and Bo to be Bo again he's had enough... I'm beginning to believe him that he can't take nomore."
  22. The doctor nods quickly fixing the correct dosage when Jesse turns Luke away injecting the drug into Bo. Luke scowls Uncle Jesse isn't playing fair he knows how much Luke wants Bo to get well. Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes looking as if he's preparing himself for the injection. Luke does his best to rid his brain of the images Jesse has put in his head of a dead Bo tears slipping from beneath his lashes to run down his cheeks leaving a track behind. "Uncle Jesse ya know I want Bo ta get every possible advantage so's he can get well. But I don't want Bo hurt anymore he's always been afraid of needles but now he's terrified." This statement is said in a low pitiful broken voice.
  23. B.L. returns to the couch wrapping her arms around Daisy once again holding her close,thankful for the doctor's arrival. She knows the doctor will do all he can for Bo. She shudders everytime she thinks about what is going on down the hall it's scarey to have seen Bo so well just hours before for him to be so sick now. Luke leans into the comfort of Uncle Jesse's warm embrace he doesn't care that the doctor is there and can see him he's too worried and scared to care about showing public affection. Luke turns his head into Jesse's shoulder as Bo stiffened and arched on the bed. He felt like crying but there was no tears there not this time he was too scared to even cry. Doc Appleby pulls the thermometer out of Bo's mouth reading it before looking up at Jesse with a frown. Checking Bo's pulse and blood pressure reading gets a deeper frown from him at the intensity of the racing pulse and the reading of the blood pressure. "His fever's 103,pulse is way too fast even if he'd been exerting himself. I don't like his blood pressure reading either. I'm going to give him something to bring down the fever and a shot of valium to calm him he does not need to get anymore upset." Luke looks up mortified at the mention of valium knowing it has to be injected he shakes his head fiercley "No Doc ya can't give him valium they......they injected him with somethin while he was tied to a bed......he's been reliving that I could tell by the way he was actin....he was relivin that time you can't give him anythin with a needle I won't let ya." Doc Appleby gave the distraught cousin a kind look knowing that he was only trying to protect Bo. "Luke I really don't think he knows what's going on at this point if he's already been imagining being injected he's not likely to know it's really happening." Luke continues to shake his head stubbornly.
  24. Luke wishes the docotor would get there Bo's getting worse and doesn't even know any of them are there. A knock on the door makes B.L. jump slightly before letting go of Daisy. "The doc's here he'll do all he can to help Bo" Getting up off the couch B.L. goes to the front door letting the doctor in with a relieved smile. "Hi Doc,Luke and Uncle Jese's in the boys room with Bo" The doctor returns the smile with a warm one of his own glancing at a desolate Daisy on the couch thinking more than one person might need his medical assistance. Asking as he heads toward the hall "Is Daisy ok?" B.L. looks back over her shoulder responding "Yeah just a little upset nothing some shine won't fix" The doctor continues down the hall knocking briefly before entering,hearing Jesse's and Luke's soft voices. Taking in the situation he crosses quickly to the bed getting Luke to lay him down again before having him move to sit next to Jesse realizing the young man will still want to be close enough to touch his cousin but he needs room to work. "How long has he been like this?" Luke answers before Jesse gets a chance to say a word "About 45 minutes I guess and he keeps getting worse. He was sayin somethin a few minutes ago tellin somebody he didn't hear nothin and ta please don't. I think he might be so feverish he thinks he's being held captive again by them dudes cos he was thrashin around like he was tied or somethin can ya help him doc?" The doctor pat's Luke's shoulder "I'm going to try Luke"
  25. B.L. didn't know lord only knew she wished she did but she didn't "I don't know Dais I just don't know" Uncle Jesse pushes the hair back from Bo's forehead murmuring softly "What didn't you hear Bo?....shhhh......it's ok" Luke watches Bo worriedly as he struggles to get away from something imaginary. Unable to watch anymore he pulls Bo into a sitting position placing his arm behind Bo. Hoping the action will register to Bo that he's not being held captive. "Bo it's ok ain't nobody gonna hurtcha your safe here in our room,me 'n Uncle Jesse are here with ya and Daisy is in the livin'room with B.L."
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