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Everything posted by Canadian_Country_Cousin

  1. "Well it's about dang time!" Jesse shouted as he stepped out on to the porch. "Why, what's going on?" Luke asked as he took Des by the hand and walked towards the farm house. Kristy stepped out on to the porch, when she saw Bo she ran down the stairs to meet him. "Rosco's been hanging around all day, watching the farm!" The Dukes all stop, listening to the coming sounds of Rosco and Enos' sirens. "C'mon let's go Bo!" Luke moved towards the General Lee. "Hold on Luke, we haven't done anything, recently!"Bo called to his older cousin. "Bo's right, you boys haven't come within an Kentucky mile'o breaking yer probation! They can't arrest ya fer nothin'!" Cooter added walking up to the house to stand beside Jesse. "Yah, but there ain't nothin' Boss an' Rosco ain't willin' to try!" Daisy said. Bo shrugged, Luke nodded. The boys were off running faster than you can say possum on a gumbush! Luke slid into the passenger seat and started the engine while Bo slid across the hood of the General Lee. Bo jumped in, shifted into gear and stepped on the gas. The tires spun up dirt and rocks, sending all bystanders scattering for cover. Whan the dust had settled Jesse shook his head and mumbled, "Those boys are going need new a set of tires if'n they keep that up!" "Yah, but it sure is good fer my business Uncle Jesse!" Cooter looked over at Jesse with a greasy smile. "Cooter! I ain't yer Uncle Jesse!!" "Yes sir! Mr. Uncle Jesse sir," Cooter cringed, "I'll work on that!" Jesse just looked at the grease monkey standing beside him. Bo and Luke were well out of sight by the time Rosco and Enos made it to the farm. Daisy and Kristy were hanging clothes to dry, Cooter and Jesse were chopping wood, and Angie and Des were looking at a map. Nothing out of place, except for the absence of Bo and Luke. "Howdy Mister Uncle Jesse Sir!!!" Enos called as he shut the door to his patrol car. "Enos, hush! Just hush wiil ya!?" Rosco scolded Enos. "Whadaya want sheriff?" Jesse cried over the sound of Cooter splitting wood. Rosco walked over to Jesse and Cooter, he started, "Well Jes.." Chop. Chop. Chop. Rosco grabbed the axe out of Cooter's hands and tossed it ont he ground. It landed on Enos' foot, while he was hopping around in pain Rosco continued, "Well Jesse, this here is an official visit. Uh... where are Bo an'Luke? Gyuk, Gyuk, Gyuk! I need to speak with them!" "They ain't here!" Jesse replied causually. "Well where are they?" Rosco asked. Enos had now come to join them. "Haven't seen all day Sher-iff!" Cooter answered playfully. "Oh hush Cooter! I wasn't askin' you! Jesse, where are yer nephews?" "Cooter told ya, they ain't been around all day!" Jesse smiled. "Well this is regarding important police business involving their pro-bation!" Rosco said professionally, if it's possible. "Well I'm their Uncle, don't ya think I outta know what they's in trouble for?" "Oh they ain't in trouble fer notin Jesse, just wanna talk!" Roscs smiled back. "That's not true Sherrif! Boss Hogg said that we was to arrest the boys fer breaking probation, cause they ain't reported to the district probation officer, only the county of..." Enos chimed in, cut off by Rosco saying, "Hush you Dipstick, Hush! Well when ya see em next tell em I'm looking for em." Rosco turned around and walked away, he hit Enos withhis hat as he went. Dipsick, he thought. Enos followed his superior officer, waving goodbye to Daisy. The two lawmen got in their cars and drove off back towards Hazzard. (Tag you're it Des!)
  2. He ya'll!! Let's all get together this Saturday August 27th 2005! Tell everybody I wanna see you all at the boar's nest between 3 pm and 12 pm eastern time! Or for folks out west 12 noon and 9pm mountian time. I don't know any other time zones, sorry guys! Well I hope to see ya'll there!
  3. You know what that's a really hard question, I don't think I can pick one favorite character I like em all!! But in order they are: 1 Bo 2 Flash 3 Luke 4 Daisy 5 Enos and Uncle Jesse tie 6 General Lee and Cooter tie 7 Rosco 8 Cale Yarbourogh (I know he wasn't really a character) 9 Boss 10 Mis Tizdale (she's so darn cute!!) And then whoever else I forgot ties for eleventh place! Ahh forget it I love em I love em all!!!
  4. Well thanks Ladies!!! I was just curious cause I'd heard a few different things! I think I like Jackson better anyways, so if I ever need to, that's what I'm gonna use!
  5. The next morning Des woke up early and walked to the kitchen to find....... a note lying on the kitchen table. "Mmmm, that's odd." she thought. Des glanced at the letter lying on the table, it was adressed to her. "That's really odd." Des shrugged and picked up the note. She carefully unfolded it and read it aloud. "Des meet me by the barn when you get up. Luke. Luke?? But.. I could have sworn Luke was still sound asleep upstairs. Maybe I'm just seeing things. Oh well I better chek it out!" Des put the letter back on the table as she snatched an apple out of the basket on the kitchen table. She took a look at her reflection in the Duke's chrome toaster, ahh, Luke won't care. She thought. Des, excited to find out what Luke was up to ran out of the front door without another thought. The balladeer says "Now wasn't she sure that Luke was still asleep, I haven't seen this morning, have you?" And sure as a flea on a hound dog Luke was still sleeping. Luke was laying on his back, eyes closed, hair ruffled. His sleep had been dreamless, for the most part, but now something gave him a unsure feeling. He opened his eyes and sat up. Something was wrong he could just feel it, but what he wasn't sure. Luke sighed and got out of bed. He walked down the hall towards the washroom. Bo was banging on the door to their room, where Des and Kristy were staying. "Kristy! Oh c'mon open the dang door! I didn't mean to upset ya darling!" Bo called to the closed door. Luke just shook his head. He kept walking, and smiled at Daisy as he passed her open door. Daisy walked into the kitchen stretching her arms above her head. "G'mornin' Uncle Jesse!" She smiled at Jesse, who was brewing the coffee. "Hey! Uncle Jesse what's this?" Daisy asked, " I just saw Luke upstairs!" "What's what?" Jesse whipped around, annoyed because he had spilled the sugar. "This letter, for Des!" "Well if it's for Des, then it's none of our business!" Jesse told his neice."But Uncle Jesse, I think yer gonna wanna read this!" Daisy handed the note to Jesse, who read it to himself. "And yer sure ya just saw Luke upstairs?" Jesse asked, staring out the window into the yard. "Yes! I'll go get 'im!" Daisy dashed off up the old stairs, calling Luke. "What is it Daisy?" Luke asked as he stepped into the hallway while buttoning up his favorite blue shirt. "Just come downstairs!" Daisy grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the stairs. Luke turned to look at Bo and Kristy through the now open door, they were engaged in a heated disscussion. Luke didn't even notice Des' abesnce. "Luke? Luke...Duke, where are ya...at?" Des shouted as she ran towards the barn. "Luke?" She stopped to catch her breath, she put her hands on her knees as she continued to gasp for air. "Where..is.. he?" she asked her self. "He ain't here an' you are! That's all that matters sweetheart!" A voice said from behind her. Des stood straight up, a look of confusion and fear came to her face. "I didn't write this!" "Now Luke, you know you can tell me if'n ya did!" Jesse replied to his vexxed nephew. "Unca Jesse I swear I didn't write this! Besides I been sleeping all mornin'!" "Then I think we have a problem..." Jesse stated as he looked at the note in Luke's hands, "Has anyone seen Des the smornin'? Kristy?" Jesse turned his glance towards the young woman seated at the table. "I don't really remember much Mr. Duke. She got up early an' left the room." Kristy said holding onto Bo's hand tightly. "It's ok." Bo whispered and squeased her hand gently. Kristy and the Dukes froze when the heard the sound of an engine barrelling across the farm towards the road. Bo and Luke raced out the front door to see what was happening. A green mustang took off through the yard, leaves, hay, dirt, and feathers flew through the air as the vehicle sped by. Luke froze, his heart felt tight in his chest. Des was pounding on the back window looking back at them as the car drove by. Without stopping to think, as he usually would, Luke jumped off the porch and ran to the General Lee. He started the engine and took off after the mustang. Bo was still standing on the porch, everyone else was still on their way outside. "He didn't even wait for me!" Bo mumbled as he watched Luke race down the road. (Cue Mom's Lil Daisy! I'm tagging ya back!!)
  6. The Duke boys were standing together on the side of the road examining what they had found. "It looks like one of yer shirts Bo." Luke pointed out. "It is. Kristy had it. Maybe she left it as a marker for me." A puzzled lookk came over Bo's face, which happens more often then you'd think. "Maybe we should look around for some other clue!" Des suggested as she poked her head out of the window on the General. "Ya, that's a good idea. Bo why don't you get back on the road Des an I will keep lookin' here." Luke replied as he walked Bo back the Dixie. Bo pulled away and raced down the road in search of Kristy. Des watched as he speed off, poor Bo, she thought. "Luke come here! I think I found something!!" Des cried as she bent over to pick something up. Luke jogged over to Des and looked down into her hands. "Hey isn't that...!?" Des smiled at the dark haired Duke, "Yer a quick one Luke!" Luke smiled an laughed. He grabbed Des by the hand and raced back to the General.
  7. ~Fifteen Minutes earlier~ "I... well Gosh Kristy I don't know what to say," Bo mumbled, "I mean, I... well we just met, but.. I well... I really like ya, I don't know ya well enough ya love ya yet. But maybe I could." He smiled. "You better not think about loving her!" A voice shouted form across the creek. Bo and Kristy jumped to their feet. "Who are ya an what are ya doin' on my property?" Bo called back. "That's none of yer business boy!" The voice returned. "Bo look out!" Kristy screamed. Bo never saw it coming. Smoeone struck Bo and grabbed Kristy before she could run away. "Bo... Bo! Wake up! Help m.......!" Kristy cried, but a hand covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence. Tears were streaming down Her face, muffled screams could be heard as she struggled to get back to Bo. "Hush! Or the next time you see him it'll be his funeral!" Kristy tried to fight off her capture one last time before she reluctantly gave up. A man stepped out fom the bushes he tossed a note onto Bo's muscular chest and said in a low voice, "You better watch yer back pretty boy!" The man hopped across the small creek, he stepped over Bo's still body and followed Kristy and the other man. Kristy took a quick look over her shoulder at Bo, but her head was forcefully turned away. Bo shook his head as he sat up, he felt like he'd just been hit by a truck. A piece of paper fell into his lap, "What's this?" He murmered. He remembered nothing else when he reached the farm house and burst through the doors huffing , trying to catch his breath. "Where in the world do you think you've been up to Bo Duke!?" Jesse shouted with concern in his voice. "And where is Kristy?" He boomed. Bo collapsed into a chair, he tossed the note onto the table. Bo made an effort to answer, but was still out of breath. Luke picked up the note, he carefully unfolded it and read it to himself, he had to read to note again. "I have kristy. if you attempt to find her, I will come after pretty boy. BJD." Everyone looked at Bo, he was slumped over in his chair, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
  8. "Yeah It's me an Des Uncle Jesse!" Daisy called to her uncle. "Well get yourselfs in here!" Daisy looked at Des and shrugged her shoulders. Thw two ran up the steps to the front porch of the old farm house. "Uncle Jesse? What's the matter Luke?" Daisy asked when she saw Luke sitting at the table with a long face. "Do you wanna tell em or should I Unca Jesse?" "Tell us what Luke? OMIGOSH! Des I'm so sorry, I didn't introduce you to our Uncle Jesse!" "Let me do the honors,"Luke said standing,"Deserie, Meet our uncle, Jesse Duke." Luke stood proudly beside his uncle. Des stuck out her hand , Jesse shook it. "It's very nice to meet you sir!" "It's my pleasure!" Jesse replied. "Okay enough with the pleasentries, what's going on? Where are Bo and Kristy?" Daisy asked impatiently. "Well that's what's going on. We don't know where they are." Luke replied. "You mean they haven't come back yet?" "No. I even went looking for them. An Daisy you know it ain't unussual for Bo to be gone a while with a girl, but he always tells me where he's going."Luke sighed "That ain't like Kristy neither, she would never stay out alone with someone she just met. And I don't think that Bo would try nothing, he seems like an honest fella." "Too honest." Jesse replied. "We oughts go looking for em." Luke said moving over to the window, he hoped he would see them walking back in the distance, he didn't.
  9. LB stood in the window, staring out at the glow of the rising sun. He knew Garrett was in trouble, something had to be wrong. He was wrestling with what he should do. He wanted to find Garrett, determine what was going on. But he also felt it was more imortant to stay with Kristy and the kids. LB turned to look at Kristy, who was in a restless sleep. He knew how worried she was. I'll stay here, she needs that more than me galivanting all over the county looking for her brother. I'll leave that in the Dukes hands, he thought. If they need my help, they'll ask for it. LB turned back to the window to watch the sun rise, he knew sleep would not come to him now. Bo Duke sat at the roadside diner, staring out a window into the dawn. He wanted to go home, lay in bed, hug Beth. Anything but be here, he wanted to forget everything. Maybe I do hate Garrett, he thought. Why else would I feel this way? I could care less about what happens to him. Bo's painful thoughts sent a tear rolling down his soft cheek. What if it were me, would anyone care? Maybe before Garrett came, but not now. "Bo, we should get rolling." Luke interupted his thoughts. "Yeah, gimme a minute." Bo mumbled. He stood up from his seat and walked to the rest room. Bo slammed the door behind him, made at his own thoughts, and Luke for interupting them. He looked into the mirror, his image hurt to look at. He may as well have been looking at Garrett's reflection instead of his own. (Tag you're it! )
  10. "Daisy? Kristy? What's wrong? Are ya gonna tell me or to I just have to guess?" Bo asked getting frustrated. "Kristy I really think you should tell Bo yourself!" said Daisy as she put a box of tissue in Kristy's hands. Bo looked at Kristy with concern, what is going on? he thought. Luke was utterly and totaly confused by the entire scene unfolding in front of him, he was thinking the same thing as Bo. Kristy stood up taking the box of tissues with her, she would most likely need them. Kristy looked up into Bo blues and told herself she could do what she was about to do. Kristy reached out and took Bo's hand, "I need to talk to you Bo." They walked out of the farm house, still holding hands. Maybe, Kristy thought if we walk forever I won't have to say anything. She knew in her heart that this was not possible. Bo and Kristy walked a little farther, untill they came to the creek. Kristy let go of his hand and sat down beside to creek. Bo watched her for a minute, still unsure of what was and what was about to happen. He sighed as he lowered himself to the ground. Kristy once again looked into his eyes, hoping she find the answers to all her questions. "Bo.." she started. "Kristy, I want you to be honest with me, tell me everything. Is that an engagment ring?" Bo cut her off. "No," she said, "it's a friendship ring. But I don't want to talk about that right this instant, there's something else I need to tell you." "Well, "Bo started, "you can tell me anything." After he had said it he wished he could take it back. There were somethings he did not want to hear. "Bo... I guess I just have to say this now, before I can't. I think.... I think I love you Bo." She looked at him trying to read his emotionless face. Now he hates me, she thought, I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut, he really must hate me. She continued to look at him imagining what was running through his head. Bo didn't know what to think, no woman had ever been this upset or distruaght about telling him she loved him. He also couldn't remember a time when he had been so moved by the words. He didn't know what to say. He did the only thing he could think of. He wrapped his arms around Kristy and held her tight. "Don't cry." He whispered. (Tag you're it! )
  11. Daisy pulled into the farm just as Kristy and the Dukes were finishing Jesse's lunch. "I hear Dixie, Daisy is back!" said Bo as he stood from the table. "Daisy'll hafta eat cold grits thanks to you Bo. You'd of eaten the plates if you were hungry enough!" Luke teased his cousin. "Cute!" Daisy pushed the door open and smilled at her cousins. uncle and friend. "It sure smells good in here, what's for lunch?" Daisy asked. "Well, whatever you make for yourself! Bo cleaned his plate along with everyone else's!" Jesse said with a smile. "Bo!" Bo glanced around with a confused look on his face. "I'll find something, I'm not really hungry anyways. Not after watching Boss eat his lunch!" Daisy said. Everyone laughed, except Kristy, she didn't know who Boss was. After clearing the washing the dishes, it was time to get to work. Bo and Luke set off to mend fences, something they did about once a week. Jesse took Maudine the Mule to plow the back forty. That left the girls at the farm to do the wash. Daisy carefully hung one of Bo's yellow shirts and the line while Kristy folded Luke's clean, dry jeans. Kristy stopped. "Daisy?" sah asked, "can I talk to you?" Daisy put Jesse's overall back into the basket and walked over to the picnic table where Kristy was sitting. Daisy joined her friend saying, "You can talk to me about anything you want Darling!" "It's....well it's about Bo!" Kristy sputtered. "Oh no! What did he do this time?" Daisy inquired. " Well nothing really," Kristy answered, "it's just that I... I think I'm in love with him!" Kristy burst into tears, overcome by emotions. She buried her head in the clothes in front of her, which made things worse. As she took a deep breath Bo's clean shirt reminded her of him, she cried harder. Daisy put her arm on Kristy's shoulders and said, "Go ahead, cry if you need to. Do you want a hug?" Kristy nodded and hugged Daisy. "Daisy, that ain't even the worst of it." Kristy held out her hand revealing a ring. She looked at Daisy as aother tear rolled down her cheek. "OMIGOSH! is that... an engagement ring?" Daisy gasped. "No! Oh no, it's nothing like that Daisy!" Kristy smiled through her tears. Daisy stares at her friend, giving Kristy an are you sure? look. "It's a friendship ring. My old boyfriend gave it to me. I don't love him any more, I think I love Bo. But I don't want to make my old boyfriend mad, he's not always long on understanding!" The dixie horn blew from in the distance, the boys were headed home. "That's Bo and Luke let's go get you cleaned up!" Daisy took her friend by the hand and pulled her up. The two women made their way back to the farm house. Kristy didn't realize it but she had taken Bo's shirt with her. As much as it upset her to think about Bo, she found comfort taking it with her. (Tag you're it!!! )
  12. Every girl knows what Bo's like "I've kissed every girl in Hazzard County..." But it don't matter. He's always getting himself in trouble. But he really is a good ol boy! And yep! Nobody can drive like Bo! He ain't perfect just pretty, I like that, ain' t it the truth! I love Bo!
  13. "Trust me Mister, we're sorry too." Bo snarked back. "You better watch yer mouth Duke boy!" Harvey said slamming his hands down on the table. Bo's blue eyes were filled with a firey passion as he stared at Harvey, who was staring back at him with an equally intense look. "Bo, let's not rile em hey!?" Luke whispered to his cousin. Bo held his stare for another second before he relaxed. he took a long sip from his mug and placed it loudly on the table. He never took his eyes off Harvey. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to chat with the butterball of a commissioner in the other room." Harvey said as he pushed the young lady off his lap, "Cover them!" he shouted pushing a gun into her hands. He stood watching Bo carefully. He left for Boss's office. "Now what?" Bo asked as he slumped in his chair. "Yer gonna get the hell outta here, that's what!" Cassidy whispered. She put the gun down on the table and moved to Daisy's chair. She began to unite Daisy. "Why are you helpin' us?" Luke asked. "Luke, don't ask questions let's just get Daisy and get outta here!" Bo replied before Cassidy could. Bo, Luke, and Daisy stood in the doorway looking back in at Cassidy. "Come with us!" Daisy pleaded, she knew Cassie had to be in trouble if she was wrapped up in this mess. "No you just go!" She whispered. The doorknob on Boss's office door began to turn, the door opened. Quiker than a long-tailed cat in a room full'o rocking chairs Bo had grabbed Cassie by the hand and was pulling her out the door with him. "Get in!" he shouted and pointed at the General Lee. Cassie reached for the door handle, but Bo had picked her up and was sliding her legs in through the window. On the other side of the General Luke and Daisy were climbing in. The door to the Boar's Nest flew open Harvey Conrad ran at them. Bo slid in, started the engine, and shidted in to drive. Luke had to dive into the window, so he wouldn't get left behind. "You coulda waited a sec!" Luke shouted as he squirmed to find a upright position. "Ya and there woulda been one less cousin in the Duke family tree!" Bo shot back. "OK! That's enough outta you two. "Daisy said attempting to calm her cousins.
  14. "Well it's mighty nice ta meet ya Kristy!" Jesse says as he extends a hand. Kristy takes his had and shakes it politly." It's nice to meet ya too Mr. Duke!" "Hey Kristy," Bo says, "why don't I show ya round the farm?" "now Bo, that can wait! First let's get some good ol' country cookin' in this Lady!" Jesse interjects. Bo sighs, then smiles and nods in agreement with his uncle." I hope yer hungry, I made crawdad bisk and Chitlen sandwiches!" Back at the garage, Cooter was trying not to stare. He is still shell shocked at what he is seeing in front of him. " I...uh...can I help ya Ma'am?" Cooter stutters. "Well fer starters I'm gonna need some gas in this here car." The woman replies, "Are you alright there good buddy?"
  15. Amanda Paige Robson Date of birth: August 28 1984 Age: 21 Height:5 feet 3inches Weight:110 pounds Hair: Blonde Eyes:Green Vehicle: Red 1974 Plymouth GTX CB handle: Little Red Riding Hood Amanda Paige Robson was born to Linda Mae Robson and Thomas Lee Robson an August 28 of 1984. Amanda, or Mandy was born and raised in Hazzard County. She learned farm life and how to drive young. She has been know to get her self in trouble once in a while. Mandy is ussually aided by the Dukes. Particularily her boyfriend Chet Duke, son of Bo and Gabby Duke. Mandy moved to Atlanta when she was 16 to pursue studies in Political Sciences and Botany. She Graduated at the age of 19, in the year 2002. After graduation she retuned to Hazzard and ran into trouble on the way. Which is how she meet Chet.
  16. Roaming Hazzard in the General Lee is fun. But I agree it's too easy to lose the smokies, but the balladeers comments are great."Better make like a dog and shake that tail!" I wish you could go back to certian missions and play them again. Has anyone gotten 100% in this game yet?
  17. What if anything is Bo's middle name? I've heard a few different things, like Jackson and James. Does anybody know? I'm just curious!
  18. I think my favorite scene is from the Ghost of General Lee. Rosco and Enos are at the pond and they think Bo and Luke are dead, they are crying! I also liked The scene were Bo and Luke are fighting in Carnival of Thrills, and I liked what Jesse said to Bo afterwards. I like just like that whole episode, I think Bo started to grow up after that. In fact I think Waylon even says that at the end.
  19. I hate Hewey Hogg! Bu tI gitta give credit to that actor, cause he does his job well! The bad guy in Luke's Love story was good, er bad? He was a real jerk. But I loved to fight scene in the boar's nest with him and Luke. I liked whan Ba said something like "Why don't you sue some of that stuff they taught you in the Marines" An Luke says "That's what he just used on me!" Gknee Gknee, I love it! I love it!!
  20. Hey ya'll! Come and add on to "Good Luck Dukes" in The round robin section! Everyone's talent, ideas, imput, and creativity are more than welcome, infact they are encouraged! if ya wanna know more about the story behind the story, well feel free to ask!!
  21. I've seen it! And I'm going again! But maybe the doors are not welded shut because the are int o the big time thrill and danger and not having the doors welded shut on your racing car is more exciting or something. They're THRILLBILLIES remember!? Ahh watever it is it's dumb, the doors an the General Lee should be welded shut!
  22. Bo sat at the table in the kitchen of the old Duke farm house. He let out a low sigh, "What am I gonna do?" "What are you gonna do bout' what?" Jesse Duke interuppted his nephew's thoughts. "Huh? Wha... oh nothing Uncle Jesse, I was just thinkin'" Bo replied with another sigh. "By the looks of you I'd say it's some pretty heavy thinkin'" Jesse said. The two men were interuppted by a sudden crash from the second floor. "What was that?"Jesse shouted. But Bo was already on his way up the stairs before he could reply. Bo shoved the door to the bedroom he shared with Luke open. Luke was laying on the floor, twisting and turning in agony. "Luke! What happened?" Bo asked as he knelt on the floor next to Luke, attempting to hold him still. Luke did not reply, he began to cry out in pain. "You stay here with him, try to calm him down. I'll go call Doc Pettycore!" Jesse yelled over Luke's cries as he turned out of the room and headed downstairs to the phone. A bright light shone in Luke's eyes as he opened them. "Luke? Luke? Are you all right?" a familiar voice asked. "Daisy? I don't know. I feel like I just got hit by a truck." Luke was doing surprisingly well considering what had just occured. Luke had been attacked, which is never a good thing. Someone had broken in to the farmhouse and hit Luke on the head and knocked him to the floor. Jesse was so mad that he vowed to catch the person who hurt his nephew, no one was going to get away with hurting the Dukes, not while Jesse was around. "Uncle Jesse, I know your upset, we all are but you should stay here with Luke, he needs you here."said Daisy. "No I don't need to be here I can go home, I fine guys." Luke said as he tried to stand up, Bo caught him by the shoulders and laid him back down. "The Doctor said you should stay here a few days. Daisy's right, I should stay with you." Jesse replied. "Hey Ya'll, if I don't leave now, I'll be late for work,and Boss Hogg'll fire me then we'll have no way to pay for Luke's hospital bills. I'll be back after my shift at the Boar's Nest. Bye Luke get some rest!" said Daisy as she leaned over and kissed her cousin on the cheek. Daisy made her way to the door, and turned with a smile and a wave. Toshia was pacing the waiting room at the Tri-Counties hospital. Was Luke gonna be alright. She wondered. The doctor's had not allowed her in to see him, she was not family. Toshia paused to gaze out the window, she was worried about her friend.
  23. "Bo, you... Why'd ya leave the keys in the dang General Lee!" Luke shouted, which was slightly uncharacteristic for Luke. "Hey! I'm not the only one who leaves the keys in the car! What do you do when your drivin'?" Bo yelled back. The noise the Duke boys were making was more than enough to bring the entire occupancy of the Boar's Nest outside, including ol' Cooter. "Now Luke don't do anything yer gonna regret, cause I'm just as mad as you are!" "Cousin," grinned Luke, "I ain't got no regrets about nothin'!" "Bo! Luke! Now what on earth do you two think you're doing? If Uncle Jesse could hear you talkin' to each other like that he'd put you over his knee!" Dasiy shouted as she made her way over to her cousins. Daisy glanced up into Luke deep blue eyes with a compassionite look of protest. She turned to Bo with a similar expression. "Now folks Daisy Duke is the only person I know who could get away with that look!" said the Balladeer. "Daisy you're right. I'm sorry Luke, I know it was stupid of me to leave the keys in the dang General Lee!" Bo said. "I'm sorry you're stupid and left the keys in the General." Luke laughed. "Luke!" protested Daisy. Cooter had woken up enough to recognise that someone was calling for the Dukes on the CB radio in his tow truck. "Mr. Bo Duke I believe your son is callin' on line one!" Cooter said playfully. "My who!?" Bo sat staight up in bed, sweating and shivering. His eyes struggled to adjust to the dark of his room in the old farm house. "Oh, it was only a dream." he whispered. "Did you say something Bo?" Luke asked, his senses kicking in like when he was back in the marines. "No, I, uh, had a bad dream that's all. Go back to sleep Luke." Bo swung his long legs around to the side of the bed. He slid his worn slippers on his tired feet. They look a little ratty, but they still do the job. He thought to himself. As Bo stood the floor boards creeked beneath his weight. Bo defenitly could not sleep another wink.
  24. Why isn't John the voice of home Depot anymore? I miss hearing him when those comercials come on!? Does anyone know? Has he been to busy with Smallville?
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