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Everything posted by Canadian_Country_Cousin

  1. The third one is like I said a waste of film! I love the snowman and Fred, it just ain't the same without them! I think they either shounldn't have bothered filming it or waited til Burt was back. But I love the first one! I'm I going crazy or did I here somewhere that they were gonna remake Smokey and the Bandit as well? I know the Road Hammers are making a new vid to go with their version of East Bound and Down, I can't wait to see that! And If ya don't know who the Road Hammers are, well you can ask me! Well I', gone!
  2. The third one is like I said a waste of film! I love the snowman and Fred, it just ain't the same without them! I think they either shounldn't have bothered filming it or waited til Burt was back. But I love the first one! I'm I going crazy or did I here somewhere that they were gonna remake Smokey and the Bandit as well? I know the Road Hammers are making a new vid to go with their version of East Bound and Down, I can't wait to see that! And If ya don't know who the Road Hammers are, well you can ask me! Well I', gone!
  3. Tee Hee! That's a good one! I giggled when I read it too! Hey what ep. is that Cletus bein' a dipstick one from. Well Cletus is always a dipstick but I mean the under the hood one!? And ya you're right it's all in how he says too, that's reminds me of a great scene from the big heist. *Kid "Stick em up and don't move!" *Rosco "Will you go away little boy, I gotta get some gas in this car here1" *Kid "I'll shoot if you don't put up your hands!" *Luke "Atta boy partner. Keep im covered! You got that money hid in a safe place?" *Kid "Ya I put it where nobody'll find it!" *Luke "Don't turn around Rosco! He means it" *Rosco "You mean to tell me that little brat's gotta pistol? *Luke "Now don't rile im Rosco! He means business!" *Rosco "That's just like you Duke boys leadin a little boy into a life of crime! Does your Uncle Jesse know about this?" *Bo "He ain't a little boy Rosco!" *Rocso "He ain't?" *Bo "No, he's a midget!" *Rosco "Midget?" *Bo "And boy is he ever mean!" *Rosco "Mean?" *Bo "Mean!" It's just perfectly done, and the silly grin on Bo's face is worth watching. And just before Bo says and boy is he ever mean, the boys got a great smile on his face too. His smile dissappers when Bo says "Mean!" I love that one! Oh ya and after the Dukes escape and make their getaway, the kid's dad comes out and says something like" I told you not to shoot customer's with that water pistol. Did he get ya Sheriff?" And Rocso says" Water pistol!?" Then the kid squirts him in the face!!! I love it I love it!
  4. Tee Hee! That's a good one! I giggled when I read it too! Hey what ep. is that Cletus bein' a dipstick one from. Well Cletus is always a dipstick but I mean the under the hood one!? And ya you're right it's all in how he says too, that's reminds me of a great scene from the big heist. *Kid "Stick em up and don't move!" *Rosco "Will you go away little boy, I gotta get some gas in this car here1" *Kid "I'll shoot if you don't put up your hands!" *Luke "Atta boy partner. Keep im covered! You got that money hid in a safe place?" *Kid "Ya I put it where nobody'll find it!" *Luke "Don't turn around Rosco! He means it" *Rosco "You mean to tell me that little brat's gotta pistol? *Luke "Now don't rile im Rosco! He means business!" *Rosco "That's just like you Duke boys leadin a little boy into a life of crime! Does your Uncle Jesse know about this?" *Bo "He ain't a little boy Rosco!" *Rocso "He ain't?" *Bo "No, he's a midget!" *Rosco "Midget?" *Bo "And boy is he ever mean!" *Rosco "Mean?" *Bo "Mean!" It's just perfectly done, and the silly grin on Bo's face is worth watching. And just before Bo says and boy is he ever mean, the boys got a great smile on his face too. His smile dissappers when Bo says "Mean!" I love that one! Oh ya and after the Dukes escape and make their getaway, the kid's dad comes out and says something like" I told you not to shoot customer's with that water pistol. Did he get ya Sheriff?" And Rocso says" Water pistol!?" Then the kid squirts him in the face!!! I love it I love it!
  5. I go to dukesoline.com cootersplace.com I go to differant one all the time, gotta learn all I can!
  6. I go to dukesoline.com cootersplace.com I go to differant one all the time, gotta learn all I can!
  7. When, not if, but when I make MY Dukes film I am going to cast it right. First of all, Willie Nelson would be the Balladeer, not Uncle Jesse. Him and Waylon were buddies, who better for the part. And I would cast Dierks Bently, the musician as Bo Duke. He already has that sort of "Bo" persona. Just listen to his best songs and watch the vids. Heck he even makes a referrence to Bo in "What Was I Thinking" he"ran outside hood-slidin like Bo Duke" And just picture him with straighter hair, BO! And for Luke Duke I would cast Evan Farmer, the host of While You Were Out, on TLC. Wicked show, check it out on Wednesdays. Anyway he perfect, he outgoing, adventerous, and he has those perfect dark blue eyes. And did you know he was in the latset Austin Powers flick? Anyhoo I think I would keep Jessica Simpson as Daisy, but that Blonde hair has to go, and same with that cheesy fake accent, just speak normally. I'd send em all to the Georgia for a while, they'd pick it up. Have you ever found that? You'll be watching the Dukes and afterwards you sort sound like em, maybe I just watcj too much Dukes, but heck you can't watch too much! Oh ya I would also film it entirely in Georgia, and use some original locations!! So how about you? Who would you cast in your Duke Movie?
  8. When, not if, but when I make MY Dukes film I am going to cast it right. First of all, Willie Nelson would be the Balladeer, not Uncle Jesse. Him and Waylon were buddies, who better for the part. And I would cast Dierks Bently, the musician as Bo Duke. He already has that sort of "Bo" persona. Just listen to his best songs and watch the vids. Heck he even makes a referrence to Bo in "What Was I Thinking" he"ran outside hood-slidin like Bo Duke" And just picture him with straighter hair, BO! And for Luke Duke I would cast Evan Farmer, the host of While You Were Out, on TLC. Wicked show, check it out on Wednesdays. Anyway he perfect, he outgoing, adventerous, and he has those perfect dark blue eyes. And did you know he was in the latset Austin Powers flick? Anyhoo I think I would keep Jessica Simpson as Daisy, but that Blonde hair has to go, and same with that cheesy fake accent, just speak normally. I'd send em all to the Georgia for a while, they'd pick it up. Have you ever found that? You'll be watching the Dukes and afterwards you sort sound like em, maybe I just watcj too much Dukes, but heck you can't watch too much! Oh ya I would also film it entirely in Georgia, and use some original locations!! So how about you? Who would you cast in your Duke Movie?
  9. I love this vid. It's hillarious. Moe Dooke and Jean-Luc Dooke are the Dookes of Danger!!! It's just fun, I like watchin' the General! And I love Aaron Prittchet's Bo/Moe wig!
  10. I love this vid. It's hillarious. Moe Dooke and Jean-Luc Dooke are the Dookes of Danger!!! It's just fun, I like watchin' the General! And I love Aaron Prittchet's Bo/Moe wig!
  11. Smokey and the Bandit ROCKS! It's definetly my new favorite. The first one is by far the best of the three. The third one just sucks big time, it was a waste of film. And I love the Cars Vs. Trucks scene in the second one. When all of the "county mounties, and mountie mounties" cars get trashed by the convoy of trucks! It's just fun fun fun!!!!
  12. Smokey and the Bandit ROCKS! It's definetly my new favorite. The first one is by far the best of the three. The third one just sucks big time, it was a waste of film. And I love the Cars Vs. Trucks scene in the second one. When all of the "county mounties, and mountie mounties" cars get trashed by the convoy of trucks! It's just fun fun fun!!!!
  13. I think I prefer Bo drivin', it's just the way it should be. As Uncle Jesse would say, "It's like goin' to church without yer shirt on, it just don't feel right!" I mean Luke is a wicked driver too, there's no denying that. I just think it's a little bit more fun when Bo drives. And as for Bo always landing front end first, I think that (whether on purpose or not) it reflects on his character, he goes all out and always dives in head first, Luke is a little more cautious, and tends to think things through, more than Bo. Now if I were driving the General, I'd be behind that wheel pullin' 180's and flying! The only way I'd be the passenger would be if Bo was driving. AAAWWWWWW Bo! Well that's what I think!
  14. I think I prefer Bo drivin', it's just the way it should be. As Uncle Jesse would say, "It's like goin' to church without yer shirt on, it just don't feel right!" I mean Luke is a wicked driver too, there's no denying that. I just think it's a little bit more fun when Bo drives. And as for Bo always landing front end first, I think that (whether on purpose or not) it reflects on his character, he goes all out and always dives in head first, Luke is a little more cautious, and tends to think things through, more than Bo. Now if I were driving the General, I'd be behind that wheel pullin' 180's and flying! The only way I'd be the passenger would be if Bo was driving. AAAWWWWWW Bo! Well that's what I think!
  15. Hey ya'll I was just curious as to what everybody's favorite show was! Mine is a tie-up between one-armed Bandits and My Son, Bo Hogg The best lines in Bandits are Luke:Ya Cooter where is my car Cooter:Oh I used it to run the sheriff off the road and steal is car Bo: Well why did ya do that? Cooter: He impounded mine, I figured it was only fair! The best lines in My son are Rosco: Bo! Bo! You alright? Boss:Oh he's alright Rosco: I wish he'd say that Thanks all!!
  16. Hey ya'll I was just curious as to what everybody's favorite show was! Mine is a tie-up between one-armed Bandits and My Son, Bo Hogg The best lines in Bandits are Luke:Ya Cooter where is my car Cooter:Oh I used it to run the sheriff off the road and steal is car Bo: Well why did ya do that? Cooter: He impounded mine, I figured it was only fair! The best lines in My son are Rosco: Bo! Bo! You alright? Boss:Oh he's alright Rosco: I wish he'd say that Thanks all!!
  17. Yeah! I can't wait for season 4 to come out! Does anybody know if it will be realesed at the same time in Canada? I think the others were! Did seaon three come out in the end of May in USA???
  18. Yeah! I can't wait for season 4 to come out! Does anybody know if it will be realesed at the same time in Canada? I think the others were! Did seaon three come out in the end of May in USA???
  19. YEEEE-HAW! The return of general Lee rocks! I love it, it feels like your sitting in the general right alongside Bo and Luke! I'm stuck though. I think I'm at 88% but I have beaten the game, won the race saved the orphanage, does anyone know how to get to the High road Track Jump?
  20. YEEEE-HAW! The return of general Lee rocks! I love it, it feels like your sitting in the general right alongside Bo and Luke! I'm stuck though. I think I'm at 88% but I have beaten the game, won the race saved the orphanage, does anyone know how to get to the High road Track Jump?
  21. It took me 8 or 10 .... or 20 tries but I did beat it! First of all you have to get ahead of Enos and Uncle Jesse, but beware cause they try to run you off the road! Don't use the turbo in the corners, you spin out to easily, and you have to be gentle with the handbrake! Use the turbo on the striaght aways. Try to get to daisy before Cooter crashes his truck and Before you get to the nasty double S-Curve going downhill Practice driving that section of road in free roam When you catch up to Daisy run her into a wall or the cliff on the left Bumping into her is too slow Good Luck and happy drivin! Hope this helps!
  22. It took me 8 or 10 .... or 20 tries but I did beat it! First of all you have to get ahead of Enos and Uncle Jesse, but beware cause they try to run you off the road! Don't use the turbo in the corners, you spin out to easily, and you have to be gentle with the handbrake! Use the turbo on the striaght aways. Try to get to daisy before Cooter crashes his truck and Before you get to the nasty double S-Curve going downhill Practice driving that section of road in free roam When you catch up to Daisy run her into a wall or the cliff on the left Bumping into her is too slow Good Luck and happy drivin! Hope this helps!
  23. I think you're right Bo the Character never said it but John did! I love it I love it anyways! Here's some more good one's from Daisy's song >Bo:What are we gonna do? >Luke:Uh...Run! "I hate to go home with my tail tucked" >Luke:What's the charge? >Rosco: Consorting with known criminals >Bo: Sheriff, the only known criminals we consort with is you! >Rosco: You got a nasty mouth on ya Duke boy Jessie Colters Manager says: It's sort of a disneyland for the weird Bo: We oughta fit right in! From one armed Bandidts Bo: Hey Luke ain't it great what hormones can do!? Luke: uh hah
  24. I think you're right Bo the Character never said it but John did! I love it I love it anyways! Here's some more good one's from Daisy's song >Bo:What are we gonna do? >Luke:Uh...Run! "I hate to go home with my tail tucked" >Luke:What's the charge? >Rosco: Consorting with known criminals >Bo: Sheriff, the only known criminals we consort with is you! >Rosco: You got a nasty mouth on ya Duke boy Jessie Colters Manager says: It's sort of a disneyland for the weird Bo: We oughta fit right in! From one armed Bandidts Bo: Hey Luke ain't it great what hormones can do!? Luke: uh hah
  25. Hey ya'll! Ya know just about everything Bo Duke says is qoutable, but here's some more! From One Armed Bandidts: >Bo: Me an' Luke id be glad to help out , now wouldn't we Luke? >Luke: Nope > Bo:Whaddya mean no? It' s our civic duty. Besides a least two of them kids in that orphanage could be yours! >Bo: Grab that sign >Luke: You grab it >Bo: Well I can't I'm driving >Luke: Is that what ya call it? From Mary-Kay's Baby >Bo "We ain't done nothing, have we?" >Bo "I'd give a whole nickel to find out why they're chasing us >Bo:You figured out if it's us he's chasin >Luke: Yep got it all figured out. See anybody in front of us? >Bo: No > Luke: Then it's us! And I don't know where this one's from but I like it Bo" It's slicker than a bald-tired semi an a mile of red asphalt YEEEEEE-HAW! Keep it between the ditches ya'll!
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