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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2017 in all areas

  1. RogerDuke

    NASCAR news

    It's ironic that the folks who can't figure out that we've progressed past the flag representing slavery call themselves "progressives". Maybe they've never seen a shirt that explains it's heritage not hate. Progressives have become bigger haters than the people they falsly claim are hateful. I'm not saying there aren't some who use the flag in a bad way. If I'll admit that then they should be honest enough to admit that the folks who use it in a bad way are a very tiny fraction. But progressivism never has been about truthfulness.
    1 point
  2. HossC

    A-Z Game

    "It don't matter none if there ain't been a call for a taxi in Hazzard since gas was 30 cents and Daisy was QUEEN of the prom." - Waylon in "The Hack of Hazzard"
    1 point
  3. I hope you like buttermilk.
    1 point
  4. Thanks Roger! Here's the chassis, suspension and exhaust, weathered with wear 'n' tear, and even some rust at appropriate places. Much of it will be covered/disguised by the road dust to be sprayed on last. Once installed, the edges received some orange overspray, indicating a home-done paint job. The wheel hubs are from the old MPC General Lee kit. Chrome removed with bleach, then heavily sanded on the rear until the five openings were actually opened as they should be. Then primed, sprayed flat black, and detailed with aluminum paint. Not chrome. Those bits are shiny, but not quite chrome, with the possible exception of the lug nuts.Tires sanded with fine sandpaper and fine steel wool to remove the shiny vinyl "toy" look. And, even the CB antenna; scratchbuilt styrene base, with a bit of High "E" metal guitar string.
    1 point
  5. And, y'all are gonna LOVE this one: totally scratchbuilt Dixie Horn! Not sure if anyone else has done this; if they have, I've never seen it. And here it is installed on the front of the radiator:
    1 point
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