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By B.L. Davenport · Posted
When Bo’s clock went off even though it was saturday he hit snooze even though he had to get up and go help with the farm chores. “Bo chores won’t do themselves,” BL mumbled only half awake. Bo didn’t reply, he hadn’t even flinched when the alarm went off. BALLADEER: That boy could sleep through a freight train running through the room. Across the hall, Luke cut his clock off before it went off. He had heard Bo's go off. He eased off the bed, stepped in his jeans, picked up his boots, socks and shirt as he eased to the door. As soon as his hand touched the door knob, Scrapie was out of the covers with a 'woof' as his feet hit the floor. Trixie was next. "Come on." Luke said as he headed out the door. He knocked on Bo's door, "Bo. Let's go." Luke said going to the bathroom to finish getting ready. He knew Bo wouldn't have moved yet even if he hadn't been up in the middle of the night with BL. “Coming,” Bo said, turning off his clock before the alarm went off again. As quietly as he could he stepped in his jeans, put on his shirt then picked up his boots and socks going to sit on the top step of the stairs to put them on while he waited for Luke to come out of the bathroom. Sadie came trotting out of the bedroom ready to go or play with Scrapie and Trixie. “C’mon I’ll let ya’ll out while I wait for Luke. The trio ran down the stairs to the backdoor and waited for Bo. Zooming out the door and around the yard. Once the bedroom was quiet again, Dixie curled up, hugged Luke's pillow and was out for the count before the guys left the driveway. A while later Bo, Luke and the pups come home, Bo saying, “I’ll take the dogs in, I want to see how BL is feeling.” "Alright, but remember, half this yard is yours." Luke said as he headed to the shed to get out the lawn mower. The yard was small compared to the farm yard, but it was a matter of principle. Dixie heard Bo come upstairs, then heard the lawn mower start up. She figured she'd get up and go make coffee and maybe a jar of sun tea while the guys mowed the yard. It was a good thought with good intentions as Dixie figured just another minute or two of snuggling the pillow wouldn't hurt as she listened to the sound of the lawn mower it lulled her right back to sleep. Bo tried to be quiet as he came into the bedroom, so he wouldn’t wake BL if she was sleeping but Sadie had other ideas. BL was on her side and Sadie couldn’t get to her face, undeterred she jumped on the bed and proceeded to snuffle BL’s head then licked BL right in the ear. “Sadie” BL said, wiping at her ear. “Sorry she was on the bed before I knew it,” Bo said, shooing Sadie off the bed, “get down Sadie.” Bo asked once Sadie was down and had gone looking for Scrapie and Trixie, “How do you feel darlin?” “Better but I don’t want no more of the Dixie diner’s Friday night special, atleast for a while,” BL replied. Bo kissed the side of BL’s head saying, “I gotta go help Luke mow.” BL replied, “ok,” dozing back off, when Bo was gone. Dixie still heard the mower but also heard Luke in the dresser, "What are you doing?" She asked without ever opening her eyes. Luke was holding a clean t-shirt, underwear and socks, “heading to the shower. Want to come?” “I’m sure I’ll be along as soon as the shower turns on and I hear the water running,” Dixie said, content to lay right where she was even if it wasn’t for much longer. BL heard the lawnmower through her state of dozing but she heard Luke come upstairs and go into his and Dixie’s room across the hall so Bo must be doing his share of the work. After a couple minutes BL heard Luke go into the bathroom and shut the door, a second later the shower kicked on. Followed by Dixie going into the bathroom. Down in the yard, Bo was working up a sweat, pushing the push lawn mower. So he took off his shirt and laid it over the porch railing. Gloria saw him through her kitchen window and shook her head….not only were those hooligans disturbing the peaceful morning but there was that blonde boy half dressed! A bit later Bo put the lawnmower back in the shed, grabbed his shirt off the porch railing, then went upstairs. Opening dresser drawers Bo got socks and underwear. ”What are you doing?” BL asked, propping her elbow on the bed and her head on her hand. Bo replied, “gathering my stuff for a shower when Luke comes out. “You probably won’t get one for a while, I heard Dixie join Luke a minute ago,” BL said. Bo replied, still hearing the shower running, "They are likely talking while Luke showers. Luke never takes long in the shower." He took his stuff and went to the bedroom door, figuring to hear the shower cut off as he reached the hall. It didn't. Instead, Bo heard Dixie giggle. The mental image that he pictured on the inside of the bathroom caused him to sit his clothes on the small table in the hallway and go back in his and BL’s room. BL had heard Dixie giggle too and grinned when Bo came back in the bedroom and flopped down in the chair in the corner, “still think they’re probably just talking?” ”Cute, I reckon I thought…I don’t know, Luke had grown boring, with Dixie in her condition,” Bo said. ”Booo, Dixie’s pregnant, neither one of them is dead. Talk to David Doolin, I bet him and Jeanne Ann still have a little fun even though she looks like she could pop,” BL chided. Bo was quiet for a whole minute. BL saw the wheels turning as he thought through whatever was bothering him. "Ya mean that won't hurt the baby?" Bo asked as he was still trying to remove the mental image of Luke and Dixie messing around in the shower, which would be perfectly normal if it were him and BL, but this was Luke, Bo thought. Sure Luke had a reputation when they were growing up, that still came up occasionally, but Bo just couldn't picture Luke and Dixie, ..... the mental image crossed his mind again, ..... no, no the problem was that he could see the mental image of it and, .... well, .... EWW!!! “I don’t know! You think just because I’m a woman I just know these things??” BL replied. ”Well yeah I reckon,” Bo answered.. “I don’t, maybe Dixie’s been talking to her doctor friend at work…Why don’t you come join me and rest awhile? You’ve had a busy morning and you were up with me half the night,” BL scooted over to make room. “My clothes have grass all over them,” Bo replied. “So shut the door and take them off. Didn’t you say being married meant we didn’t have to wear clothes if we didn’t want to,” BL parroted the gist of what Bo had told her, when she was showing him the matching robes and pj's she’d gotten at her bridal shower. “I did indeed,” Bo replied, shutting the bedroom door. Shedding his clothes in record time, he was in bed beside BL. A bit later, Luke and Dixie made their way to their bedroom. Once in the bedroom Dixie opened her dresser drawer for underwear and such to get dressed for one of her days off. Luke asked, "What are you doing?" "Getting my clothes to get dressed." Dixie replied. "What's your hurry?" Luke asked, as he reached around Dixie and placed his hands on Dixie’s now fuller breasts. From there, they moved their activities to their bed. Bo and BL were in the midst of a heavy petting session when they heard Luke and Dixie’s bedroom door shut. “Our turn,” Bo practically chirped as he got up, putting on the fluffy robe Dixie had monogrammed for the first time. BL did the same, Bo collecting his clothes off the hall table on the way to the bathroom. The shower cut on a couple minutes after. A bit later the shower cut off, the newlyweds got out and dried off, while BL was bent over drying her legs, Bo wound his towel then flicked her backside, BL squealed. Putting on her robe BL dashed back to her and Bo’s room. Bo wasn’t ready to get dressed so put his robe back on, grabbed his clean clothes and chased after his bride who was removing her robe as he came in the bedroom. Ditching his robe and tossing his clothes on the dresser, Bo scooped BL into his arms, getting another squeal, followed by a giggle as he tossed her gently on the bed, crawling over to where she lay, lowering his lips to hers. A bit later the couple lay entwined, the covers twisted around them. Luke was holding Dixie as he was propped up on pillows against the headboard while Dixie was curled up to him. Both were mostly awake but both had been napping. Luke had never been one to lay around and be lazy but doing this on an occasional Saturday couldn't hurt anything. Cooter was at the garage and had been struggling to get an engine block to go into the pickup that he was working on. Luther was gone out in the wrecker. Cooter looked around, scratched his head and came up with a plan. He put the out to lunch sign in the window, locked the garage and headed toward Bo and Luke’s figuring to get lunch and recruit some help with the engine. It was a nice day so Cooter had walked, whistling Camptown Races. Tipping his hat as he met Mrs. Palmer on the sidewalk. Bounding up the porch steps at Bo and Luke’s and letting himself in, he didn’t worry about anybody running around indecent. The minute Cooter opened the door the 12 legged ‘burglar alarm’ went off. “Hey now settle down, it's only me,” Cooter tried calming the trio of pups. Luke and Dixie came fully awake when all the barking started. “It’s probably just a squirrel in the yard, be right back,” Luke said, letting Dixie go and stepping into his jeans. Luke left the bedroom, appearing at the top of the stairs. Bo by now had been woken up by the ruckus downstairs. Untangling himself, first from BL and the covers Bo put on his underwear then pulled on his jeans. “Can’t Luke hear all that racket,” Bo grumbled. As Luke reached the top of the stairs and saw Cooter in the livingroom with the pups, he called down, "Turn them loose out back. I'll be right down." Luke stepped back in the bedroom where Dixie was getting dressed. "Figured I'd come back for my boots and shirt. It's Cooter. He's letting the pups out." Even though she was a grown, married woman, Dixie second guessed her outfit of joggers and big shirt, then quickly brushed her hair, "Crap. Do I look ok?" Luke replied, "You looked better ten minutes ago, but yes you're fine. What are you worried about?" "It's nearly noon. We've been in bed all morning." Dixie said. Luke replied, "So sue me." He said as he casually walked downstairs bare footed, with his shirt on, but unbuttoned and not tucked in. Cooter let the dogs out back and had just stepped back into the living room, when Bo was coming down the stairs shirtless, barefoot and his hair sticking out in all directions because it had been wet from the shower when he and BL had gone back to bed. ”Luke, what is the matter with them dogs? Bo asked. “Before Luke could say a word Cooter spoke up. “Sorry ya’ll I got ‘em stirred up bustin’ in here, must be nice to still be in bed at almost noon.” “BL was sick half the night and I was up with her and then I got up to go help with the farm chores,” Bo defended himself. Luke had gotten his socks and boots on by now and replied, "It was very nice." Dixie had been far enough down the steps to hear the exchange between the men, "Do ya’ll want coffee?" She asked as her feet hit the bottom step. Cooter as usual, not bashful in the least said, “I was hoping for lunch.” “You got it,” Dixie replied, heading for the kitchen, now that Cooter mentioned it, she could eat too.. “After lunch I need some help putting in an engine block,” Cooter said as he and Luke sat in the livingroom. Bo had gone back upstairs to finish getting dressed. “Sure no problem, me and Bo are happy to help,” Lke replied. BL sat up when Bo came back in the room. ‘Where’d you go? I was lonely.” “Cooter’s here,” Bo replied. “This early?” BL asked, having no idea how late it was. The latest she ever stayed in bed was 10am, Clyde had made it a rule when her and LB were teenagers, the only exception had been if they were sick. “It's nearly noon darlin,” Bo said on his way out the door. Dixie was glad to busy herself in the kitchen fixing a bite of lunch. She was looking for something quick, so she got out two packs of hotdogs that were frozen and put them in a pot of water to boil. Then, put on coffee, grabbed a can of chili and put it on to heat up while she grabbed the buns, mustard and an onion. Dixie was now chopping the onion as the coffee brewed and hotdogs boiled. BL had gotten up and put on leggings and a big t-shirt, still tired she didn’t feel like wearing anything that wasn’t super comfortable. Opening the bedroom door she realized she was a bit hungry but that changed as her feet hit the staircase halfway down and the smell of boiling hotdogs met her. BL capped a hand over her mouth, made an about face running back to the bathroom and slamming the door shut causing the 3 men in the livingroom to jump. “I better go check on her,” Bo said, heading for the stairs. BL knelt in the floor, gagging and retching but nothing was left after last night but each time she thought about that smell a new round of dry heaves hit. ”BL darlin, you ok?” Bo asked, coming in. “I thought it was food poisoning last night but maybe I caught something from somebody that came in the post office,” BL replied. Dixie came in the living room, "Lunch is on the table. Where is Bo and BL?" “BL’s sick again,” Luke answered Dixie. In the bathroom, BL sat back on her heels once her stomach was under control. Bo wet a washcloth and handed it to his wife,”feel better?” BL washed her face with the cool cloth, replying “yeah”. Dixie replied to Luke, "Ya'll go ahead and eat. I'll go see if she's alright." Upstairs, outside the bathroom door, Dixie called. "BL? Are you alright? Can I get ya anything?" BL opened the bathroom door answering, “I’m fine, do we have any sprite or 7up?” “Yeah I'll get you one,” Dixie replied, heading back downstairs. When Dixie came into the kitchen, Luke asked, "Is she alright?" "She said that she is. I'm gonna take a Sprite up." Dixie said. Luke wiped his mouth, "Sit and eat. I'll take it up. I need to put on some work pants while I'm there." "Thanks." Dixie replied and she began putting her hotdog together. “Here’s your sprite BL,” Luke said, poking his head in the bedroom, holding it out. “Thanks Luke,” BL replied, accepting the soda, opening the can and taking a sip. “Does Cooter need something or is he just looking for free food,” Bo asked. “He needs our help putting in an engine block after lunch,” Luke answered.”I said we’d help,” Luke added. “I don’t know if I should leave BL,” Bo said, worry in his voice, BL still looked a mite green. “I’ll be fine, Dixie will be here,” BL replied. “Great it's settled,” Luke said over his shoulder, going into his and Dixie’s bedroom. Bo wasn't happy, but at BL's insistence he changed clothes and met Luke and Cooter downstairs. After straightening up the kitchen, Dixie went to check on BL. "Are you feeling better?" BL replied, "I didn't feel bad. I just started down the steps and something hit me." She remembered the smell and reached at just the thought. "What did you fix for lunch?" "You can't be ready to eat yet? But, it was hotdogs." Dixie said. "No. No, I'm not. But are you sure they weren't spoiled?" BL said. "Yeah. We all ate them. They were fine." Dixie said. BL couldn't explain it but felt the smell had been why she was sick. "Let's try something. Want to go to the garage?" "Well, I'd been planning on it before you got sick." Dixie said. BL said, "OK. Let's go. Just once the door is open I'm heading straight outside." Dixie replied, "Go. I'll grab leashes and get the pups and meet you on the porch after I open windows to air the house out." A few minutes later, pups on leashes, the two headed around the square to the garage. At the garage the men were working hard when BL, Dixie and the dogs arrived. “Hey, how’s it going,” Dixie asked. “It’s going,” Cooter replied. “Thought you were gonna rest a while, darlin?” Bo asked. “I feel fine. We’re trying something, the second the bedroom door opened I went straight downstairs and right on outside while Dixie opened windows to air out the house, got pups and leashes. It had to be the smell of the hotdogs that made me sick. I just don’t know why,” BL replied. For the rest of the afternoon, the guys worked on putting the motor back in the pickup, while Dixie and BL manned the gas pumps and the telephone. Luther was happy to take all the wrecker calls and leave the hard labor, putting in the motor to the younger men. “Ya’ll coming out to the Boar’s Nest tonight?” Cooter asked. Luke replied, "This is becoming an awful thirsty job so we might just have to come out awhile. Bo?" The fun loving part of Bo wanted to say yes but the part of him that was trying to show that he was a responsible married man, wasn’t sure. BL watched uncertainty cross Bo’s face as they all waited for his answer. “We’ll be there,” BL answered for Bo. Luke looked at Cooter, who was looking at him. Luke cracked a smile, Cooter gave him a bigger grin, Luke chuckled, Cooter laughed. Before anyone knew why Luke and Cooter were enjoying gut busting laughter and were nearly in tears they were laughing so hard. Dixie was also controlling her own amusement. ”What’s so funny,” Bo asked, confused. It was at that moment that Luther walked in and thought his garage had been turned into a hyena refuge, "What in the world is the matter with those fools?" Dixie was grinning but replied, "Let them tell you." Cooter tried to explain while also trying to breath and not start laughing again, said, "Bo! Bo and ... BL ...." Luke added, "Ain't been married two months yet...." Cooter took back over, "And Bo is henpecked!" Luke really wouldn't have put it that way but Cooter did. “I am not henpecked!” Bo defended himself. BL hadn’t realized that she made it sound that way, she just hadn’t wanted to be the reason Bo missed out on a fun night. Two matching pink spots of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks, was she really becoming one of those wives. Cooter egged it on, "Did he or did he not look to BL for permission to go out tonight?" Luke looked at Bo, "Well, he did, but I'll give him that BL was sick last night and then just a bit ago." Luther had started to be amused somewhat, having been a young man with a new bride once, he could understand where Bo was coming from. Amusement turned to concern with Luke’s words about BL being sick. Not only was he concerned for his niece but Dixie was carrying his grandchild. “BL, honey are you ok, shouldn’t you be in bed or something? Luther asked. “I’m fine now Uncle Luther, it was probably something I ate. Getting out in the fresh air has me feeling alot better,” BL replied. Cooter said as he wiped his hands, "Well, since that is all settled, how about we get cleaned up and head out for a beer. I'll even buy ya'll the first round. I have put in more engines alone than I care to count, but that one just wouldn't line up long enough for me to work with it." They all agreed and the Dukes headed home. At the house BL said, “ya’ll go in first see if it’s free of that smell, then holler and I’ll come in.” Dixie went in and walked through to the kitchen taking deep breaths, not even a hint of hotdog smell was left. ‘It’s clear, you can come in BL,” Dixie called. BL went straight to the kitchen, her stomach starting to growl, “I’m gonna fix me a baked potato and one of those leftover pork chops, Bo grilled Wednesday, anybody else want one or are ya’ll gonna get something at the Boar’s Nest?” “I’ll eat there so you nor Dixie has to cook,” Bo replied. Dixie replied, "If you are going to cook anyway, I'll help and throw us all something in. They can have theirs later, or eat with us. I'll throw the chops in the oven to heat up and go change, if you put the potatoes on?" Luke was heading toward the shower as he called back, "If ya’ll cook, I'll eat." “I’ll eat too then,” Bo said. Dixie got the pork chops in the oven heating then ran upstairs to change. BL scrubbed 4 potatoes, poked holes with a fork then put the potatoes in the microwave. “I’m sorry about jumping in at the garage and making it look like you are henpecked and need my permission to do stuff. I just saw the indecision in your eyes because you were worried I wasn’t up to a night out,” BL said, when she and Bo were alone. “It’s ok darlin, I’m a big boy I can take Cooter’s teasing,” Bo replied. After they all got ready and had eaten, the 2 young couples headed to the Boar’s Nest. Luke and Dixie were in Luke’s truck and Bo and BL in General Lee. By the time they pulled into the parking lot, anyone could see the place was filling up fast. Luke saw the wrecker, "I hope Cooter got us a table. Cooter was watching and when he saw Bo and Luke along with Dixie and BL come in, he waved them over. “Is it a holiday? The only time this place gets a big crowd is when it’s payday for the mill and the factory,” Bo said. Daisy came over to get their drink orders and heard Bo, “no Whey Jennings is performing.” “You mean Whey Jennings the grandson of Waylon Jennings?” BL said. “Yes! Ain’t that exciting? Ya’ll want 4 beers and a tea for you Dixie?” Luke replied, "You better go ahead and bring us two rounds of everything before Boss marks up the prices!" Dixie laughed, "Tea is fine." “Be right back,” Daisy said and headed back to the bar. Daisy brought the drinks back to the table and headed back to the bar. LB walked in. He had hoped that it was quiet and that Lori Mae would get off early. So much for that thought. He pulled up a chair, "What in the world?" "Whey Jennings is performing," BL answered her brother, handing him one of the extra beers, Daisy or Lori Mae could bring another later. Rosco got on the stage, stepped up to the microphone saying, “alright settle down we got a special guest. We got a visit from his Granddaddy several years ago. Ladies and Gentlemen I present Mr. Whey Jennings the grandson of the great Waylon Jennings.” Rosco stepped off the stage as the band began to play the first notes and Whey sang I’m A Ramblin’ Man, sounding very much like his grandfather. Luke motioned to Daisy, who was really enjoying watching, as well as listening to Whey. He handed her some money, "Take Whey and his band a beer when they get done." Daisy was now not so annoyed at Luke's interruption, "I would love to!" Daisy grabbed a tray of beers fresh out of the tap, hopefully before Boss could water it down. She went over to where the band would have to come off the stage and waited. After the song, Whey said, "Would you believe me when I tell ya'll that I told our driver not to come this way? Ya see I remember my grandfather telling me about this place and even as a kid I thought he must have been kidding. That is, right until we pulled into the lot and I saw this orange stock car setting out front." Whey paused for a moment, "Would the fellas that own that car be the same ones he knew?" The crowd all answered that they were and pointed to Bo and Luke, which brought a lot of attention to their table. Jesse was at the bar elbowing Luther and Clyde. Daisy was even close enough to be heard when she said, "They sure are Sugar and they have something cold over here when you get done." "Well, now, thank you guys! That was another thing I was told is how hospitable ya'll are. Well, most of ya’ll." He motioned to Rosco and Boss to point out that they were the exception. “As a matter of fact, we were together with some Ole boys and Walyon was telling them about this place and this Ole boy by the name of Johnny Cash was listening to him talk and by the end of the story he had a song scribbled down. Let me see if I still know it." He broke out into the song, General Lee! Whey finished the song and as he and his band came off stage Daisy handed them a beer and they joined the young Dukes and Davenports at their table. Dixie and BL had vacated their chairs because there were no empty extras around, perching on their husbands knee instead. “Whey this is my wife Dixie and the guy in the CAT hat is my brother in law Cooter Davenport and the man over at the bar on the right of the man in the red cap is my father in law Luther Davenport, he owns the garage in town and Cooter helps run it,” Luke said. Whey shook hands with Cooter and touched the brim of his hat, giving a little tip to Dixie. “Nice to meet you Dixie, what do you do? You’re too pretty to be a grease monkey,” Whey replied. “She’s a correctional officer, over to the Tri-Counties jail,” LB volunteered helpfully. Dixie just happened to be close enough to elbow LB had she not been afraid of getting Luke instead because she was sitting on his knee, so she rolled her eyes and gave LB a dirty look saying “you don't have to tell everything you know with this place packed out like it is.” Luke said, “Mr. helpful there is LB Davenport, the man on the left of the red cap at the bar is his father Clyde Davenport.” That’s my father in law, he owns the cabinet shop. This is my wife BL and LB is her brother,” Bo took over the introductions. Again Whey gave his hat a little dip to BL and shook hands with LB. Daisy took a minute to make sure she checked on the band, "Can I get ya'll anything else, maybe another round?" Luke added before anyone replied to Daisy, "And this is our cousin Daisy. Our Uncle Jesse over there in the red cap pretty much raised us all, mostly by himself." Dixie cut in, "That's the reason for all that grey hair." “Yeah Daisy, bring us another round,” Bo said, answering Daisy’s question before Luke had cut in. “Make one of those a tea for me and baby Duke," Dixie said. “Ok so that’s 9 beers and 1 tea, be right back,” Daisy replied, heading back toward the bar. “Congratulations Luke,” Whey said, having immediately figured out why Dixie ordered tea, when everyone else was having beer. Over at the bar Jesse said, “I’m gonna go over to the kids table and introduce myself to that young man, why don’t you two come along.” That’s just what they did. “You sound just like your Granddaddy, I’m Jesse Duke,” Jesse said, shaking Whey’s hand. “Nice to meet you Mr. Duke,” Whey replied. “Where are my manners? Whey this is Luther and Clyde Davenport, Dixie and BL’s Daddies,” Jesse said. Whey shook hands with both Davenport men, “nIce to meet you both. Now can anybody tell me what the deal with the sheriff is, he said we could pay a $200 fine or perform here for disturbing a bird habitat or something.” “You’ll have to overlook Rosco, he used to be a good and fair lawman then when his pension got beat in an election he became crookeder than a dog’s hind leg,” Jesse replied. Just as Jesse finished Daisy and Lori Mae came to the table each with a tray of drinks. Noone at the table was paying much attention to anyone around them but if they had been, the Dukes and Davenports might have noticed the looks of envy they were getting while they talked and drank with Whey and his band. Luke replied, "You see Boss Hogg over there has Rosco always on the lookout for the fancy buses. If he gets you to stop and agree to play here, Rosco calls back to Boss on the CB. Boss lets the cat out of the bag that there's a big name playing here and then he raises the prices." “Ain’t that price gouging or something illegal?” Whey asked. “It’s Boss’s county as long as no big outside companies are involved he can charge whatever,” BL replied. “One time not only did he raise popcorn and beer prices, he charged 10 bucks to get out!” Jesse said. The band was finishing their beers. Whey said, "Other than meeting the Sheriff over there, it was nice to get to meet ya'll, but we better be heading out or we will be late." Daisy gave a million dollar smile and asked, "Don't you have time for just one more song? Please?" "Whey tipped his hat, "Just for you, we'll make the time. Harry there will just have to drive a little faster." Bo offered, "Luke here, and me, can run a little interference for ya until ya'll cross the County line and we can show ya just what General Lee can do." “That’s mighty nice of ya Bo but neither me nor Harry want to be the cause of anybody getting in trouble with the Sheriff,” Whey replied. “We won’t get in no trouble, Rosco’d have to catch us first and he ain’t too good at that most days,” Bo said with a cocky grin. “Too bad the General Lee don’t have a red light, then Rosco couldn’t do nothing,” Luke said thoughtfully. “Let me think about it while we do this song,” Whey said before he and his band got back on stage and Whey said “This song is for Luke Duke and his wife Dixie,”. The band played and Whey sang Only Daddy that’ll walk the Line. Everyone was enjoying Whey's song, though there were many envious of the attention the Dukes and Davenports were getting. Only a few people there understood the true meaning behind why Whey chose that song. Once the song was over, Whey and the band bid their goodbyes as they gathered their equipment and headed to the door. True to his word, Bo stood up. Luke finished his beer as he too stood up to head outside. "Give me the truck keys and we'll meet ya’ll at home if ya ain't back shortly. Dixie suggested. "Alright. Yell at us on the CB if ya leave." Luke gave Dixie a quick kiss and the boys headed out to play Rosco games if he tried to stop the bus again. Bo and Luke drove just ahead of the bus but didn’t get above 55 MPH. “Keep your eyes sharp, Cletus gotta be hiding somewhere, I didn’t see him at the Boar’s Nest,” Bo said. Back at the Boar’s Nest a few folks that just came for the show, were leaving but the bar was still packed more than a normal Friday at this hour. Rosco had left when he saw Bo and Luke leaving without their wives. “They gotta be up to something and I wanna know what,” Rosco said to Flash. As Bo came up on Stix River that was the county line between Hazzard County and Placid County, Bo shifted gears and left the road going cross country about 100 feet from the bridge, hitting a slightly elevated spot becoming airborne, the notes of the General’s horn playing dixie, getting the attention of everyone on the bus. “YEEHAA!” The occupants of the bus let out cheers of excitement and surprise at seeing the General Lee going airborne across the Stix River. Harry stopped the bus just over the Placid County line. Bo swung a U turn and headed back to the bus. Whey and the band were off the bus giving the boys back slaps and high fives just as Rosco pulled up beside them, "Alright! I got you now! All of you! You are under arrest!" Luke frowned, "For what?" Rosco stuttered and mumbled unintelligently. Bo reminded, "You can't arrest any of us, Rosco." Luke added, "The County line is way back over there." Rosco huffed as he turned to see that they were correct. "I'll arrest you and you and all of you... for, .... for, ..... You just keep moving out of Hazzard!! Jut, ... jut, .. jut, ... next time we're just gonna cuff you and stuff you, that's what we are gonna do! Ain't that right, Flash?!!" Rosco got in his patrol car and headed back to Hazzard. Whey asked, "Does he have those fits often?" “Yeah he does, he’s gonna give hisself a vapor lock one of these days,” Bo answered Whey’s question. They all had a good laugh then Harry said,”we better get going Whey, if we’re gonna make that show on time.” After saying their goodbyes and loading the bus, Whey and his band were on their way. Once the bus was out of sight, Bo and Luke headed back to the Boar’s Nest, crossing the Stix river by bridge this time. “Might want to go cross country, avoid Rosco. He was madder than a wet hen, he’ll be watching for us on the road,” Luke advised. “10-4 cousin,” Bo replied, heading back. Without any hindrance from Rosco, Bo and Luke made record time. Dixie was just finishing her tea and about to suggest to BL that they head back to town when Bo and Luke came back in the door and joined Dixie, BL and the rest of the crew at the table. ”Is it just me or is it a mite warm in here?” BL asked then added “think I’ll go out and get some air. Dixie want to come with me?” "Sure. We can go to the bathroom on the way back in." Dixie replied. Luke was motioning Daisy over. Daisy knew what they wanted, so she grabbed two beers on her way over. "Get me a lemonade or something this time please." Dixie said to Luke as she stood up to go out with BL. Across the room, two blondes were looking to find a date for the night, one motioned to the Duke table, "You know that last song, Whey played for Luke and his wife?" The other replied, "Yeah." "Look at her. She's not had a beer all evening." The first stated. "So?" The second asked. "Wonder if there's a reason? Loose top. Stretchy pants??? How long was it they got married?" She asked. “You think anybody connected the dots after Whey’s song to you and Luke? BL asked. "I don't know." Dixie said as they started toward the door, "After all, it is one of his regular songs." BL and Dixie went outside and were leaning against the building, suddenly BL went very pale. “I think I better sit down,” BL said, making just a few steps away from the cinder block wall before crumpling to the ground, out cold. Dixie saw BL going down and moved to make sure her head didn't hit the ground. "BL?" Dixie said, trying to get BL to respond to her. BL was out for the count. Dixie was behind BL's back with BL’s head in her lap. She couldn't very well leave BL to get the guys and certainly couldn't pick her up herself. Just about then, Dixie heard the Boar's Nest door open. She looked up to see Brodie coming out the door, "Can you go get Bo and Luke to come out here? Preferably without the entire crowd?" "Sure thing, Dixie." Brodie said as he turned around and headed back inside. At the back table Brodie went to Luke and pulled Luke away from the table. "Miss Dixie sent me for you and Bo. She said not to bring a crowd." Luke frowned. Something in that message didn't set right but he said, "Thanks." He turned to Bo and motioned Bo to follow him. He didn't waste any time following Brodie back through the crowd and outside. Luke spotted BL almost as soon as they got outside, “Oh Lord,” Luke said. Behind him Bo asked “what,” then he saw his wife on the ground out cold, Dixie holding BL’s head in her lap, Bo rushed forward picking up BL’s hand, “I knew we should have stayed home. BL darlin are you alright, can you hear me?” “Brodie give Bo your hat to fan her and get a damp towel from Charlie but don’t tell Daisy what happened, she’ll just get Clyde worked up,” Luke said, fanning BL. “Be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail,” Brodie replied, going inside. “Why’d she fain't?”Bo asked Dixie. Dixie replied, "I have no idea. We walked out for fresh air and was talking. She got real pale and said she needed to sit down. This is as far as we got." Luke had checked BLs pulse and respirations. They were normal. Brodie came back with a cold wet towel that Luke put behind BLs neck. BL was starting to respond to them. Bo saw BLs eyes trying to open. “There she is” Bo said when BL finally got her eyes open. “What happened?” BL asked. “You tell us,” Bo replied. “I don’t rightly know, one minute me and Dixie was talking and I all the sudden felt like if I didn’t sit down, I was gonna fall down and well you know the rest,” BL said, sitting up. “I’m taking you to the hospital, you were sick as a dog friday night. Got sick again earlier today and this is twice in a week’s time you fainted,” Bo said. “No, no they’ll charge an arm and a leg, just take me home, I’ll be alright,” BL replied. Dixie offered, "Bo, I'm off Monday. We can maybe go see Doc then if she needs to." "First things, first, ya'll. Let's get her up and to the car. Just take it real slow and don't stand up too quickly." Luke helped Bo get BL up to her feet and to the car. He turned to Brodie, "Hey, thanks for your help. I don't think I paid Daisy for those last beers. Settle up with her for me and get you a beer with what's left." "Thanks, Luke. Anytime. The only reason I'm taking that beer for helping ya’ll is cause you need me to settle up with Daisy and besides I was out of money for another beer, but I'll get you next time." Brodie said. “Monday? Thanks Dixie but Monday’s an awful long wait, what if she faints again?” Bo said, worried. “Monday is fine, I just will have to make sure not to get too hot. Thanks Dixie,” BL said, giving Bo a stubborn look, she absolutely was not going to the hospital. “Anybody ever tell you, you are a stubborn woman?” Bo asked as he helped BL in the car. “Maybe once or twice,” BL replied. Dixie and Luke got in Luke’s truck and they all headed back to town. Luke asked Dixie once they were alone? "Is she alright?" Dixie shrugged her shoulders, "You know as much as I do." Letting him know that her and BL hadn't talked about anything he didn't know about. When Bo and BL pulled into the driveway and parked, Bo helped BL out of General Lee and kept a steadying arm around her in case she fainted again, “are you sure you’re alright? It’s after hours but I’m sure Doc Applby would see you at the clinic or come here,” Bo said. “I’m ok, feeling much better,” BL replied, smiling to look more convincing. It was a rather low key Saturday night at the Duke household, they popped popcorn and watched a couple of movies before going to bed earlier than usual for a Saturday night. -
Good to have you back Justin. How have you been? It's always nice to have another Dukes super-fan hanging around here.
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