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  2. I love this Sanford and Son scene when Redd Foxx (Fred Sanford) went to Las Vegas. He lost all his money. He said "Stupid crap table! Dumb roulette wheel!"
  3. Today
  4. Warning: Potential Scam Alert! I recently came across a listing for the Benford Yacht Hat, named after Jeannie Benford Jordan, being sold by RJ Keller Militaria on eBay at a suspiciously low price ($214.98 free shipping). The official price from the Benford family is $262.05. The Benford family only sells directly from their eBay store, headquarters in Inverness, Florida, and their official website. Unless RJ Keller Militaria purchased from them and is reselling, this could be a scam. The price discrepancy and potential use of fake photos (similar to a previous experience I had with Bluenox) raise red flags. As the saying goes, "Something smells rotten in the Hogg pen." Has anyone else encountered this seller or had a similar experience? Share your thoughts and help me spread the word! #BenfordYachtHat #ScamAlert #AuthenticityMatters"
  5. I've never heard of Tom, but I enjoyed that. Thanks. The title reminded me that friends have recommended that I watch the British spy thriller series Slow Horses starring Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas amongst others, but I don't have Apple TV, so far I haven't seen it. I see her full name was Iris Dixie Dean. Over here, "Dixie" Dean was probably the most famous football (soccer) player of the 1920s.
  6. It's often pronounced like that in Ireland, as this short clip from 'Father Ted' shows:
  7. I like Cale but Days of Shine and Roses is on my favorite list!
  8. Yep, I knew his wife's name was Dixie. That's neat you had a personal connection to him.
  9. Good Bye General Lee hands down! Carnival of thrills is one of, if not my most hated episodes....goofiest one they did!
  10. Ben Wilhoite was his best friend and I knew this because I used to go to church with Ben. Tom died sometimes in the .....90's?....hang on and I'll check......no! He died in Aug. 20 2021,,,,I got him confused with when BEN died! He lived on South Berry's Chapel Road across from one of our elders from Berry's Chapel Church of Christ!
  11. He was. He used to buy clothes for underprivileged children for school etc. AND his wife's name was....get this.....Dixie!!
  12. Awesome. Seemed like a cool guy.
  13. Tom T Hall used to live in Franklin Tn. not far from me ( my home town) and I'd see him and talk to him every now and then.
  14. It's been a while since someone posted in this topic so... I'm currently listening to Tom T. Hall. Faster Horses (The Cowboy and the Poet) Faster horses Younger women Older whisky ...and more moneyyyy...
  15. I think it's funny how Boss pronounces the word film.....Fillum...LOL! " When I show this Fillum to JJ Carver...."
  16. NOW I'm watching Undercover Dukes pt. 2.....Lydia Cornell's ( Mary Beth Carver) great, great, great grandmother was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin! The things you never knew! ....WOW!!
  17. HEY!! I just noticed something!! When the guards at Carver's were searching Bo and Luke, they said, " no cameras, recorders or weapons allowed"....Bo still had his Barlow lock back knife on his side.....that's a weapon!!
  18. OK...I'm watching Undercover Dukes pt.1 .....love that line...Boss will let them have all the free popcorn they want at half price! LOL! Classic line!
  19. I think maybe it seemed weak because Coy and Vance couldn't act! LOL!
  20. I was wondering how our supreme leader is doing? have you heard anything?
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