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(The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion 1997) Cooter has taken Bo & Luke to find the General Lee. The car has Romeo the rooster in it, and filled with feathers, abd has rooster poop all over it, inside and out.

Luke:"I had actually forgotten how great looking this car really is." Bo:"The General just added to his legend: to pretty to die."


(Season 1 Repo Men) Bo & Luke are outside Ace Parker's Clean Used Cars. They are discussing the wrecked Richard Petty racecar #71(aka Lee 1 repainted.)

Luke:"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
Bo:"It's gonna mean dealin' with Ace."
Luke:"It means winnin' Saturday. Look, if we strip the parts off this Richard Petty engine fer the General, why he'd charge like Lee at Manassas." The boys still at the Petty wreck, hear Lulu scream.
Lulu:"Ace! You better make this right! Or somebody's gonna answer to me!"
Bo:"Sounds like another satisfied customer." It might be "Sounds like another unsatisfied customer" but sounds like "Another satisfied customer" to me. Either way it was sarcasm to mean Lulu was not satisfied.

18 minutes ago, HossC said:


You missed Lulu's first line in that scene, "Ace, this is gonna ruin my birthday."

Bo's line is definitely "Sounds like another satisfied customer."

Cousin HossC yep. But I am doing better with context of explaining things? :)

  • 2 weeks later...

(Season 3 The Great Hazzard Hijack)

In the Boars Nest. Roy Orbison has just finished singing "Oh Pretty Woman". Bo Duke offers him a beer. Roy Orbison: Graciously declines "Thanks. But I really must get out of Hazzard as soon as I can." Boss Hogg threatens to tack on more charges. Roy Orbison:"Well, it looks like we're gonna have time for that beer after all." Bo Duke:"Uh not quite. Least ways, not until you finish the next song."


(Season 3 Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane) Cletus has just told Rosco about his girlfriend SueAnn Bliss waiting for him in his office. Rosco:"Cletus, how many times have I told you that nobody goes into that office, except Boss, the dog, or me when I'm not here huh?"

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

(Season 3 Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane) Cletus has just told Rosco about his girlfriend SueAnn Bliss waiting for him in his office. Rosco:"Cletus, how many times have I told you that nobody goes into that office, except Boss, the dog, or me when I'm not here huh?"

one of my favorite! THAT was typical Jimmy Best  comedy! ...or me when I'm not here....I love it! :) 

Edited by Hobie Hartkins
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

(Season 4 The Law and Jesse Duke) Boss Hogg is sitting down to lunch or dinner in his office at the courthouse. He has prepared a giant sub type sandwich. It is stacked with all sorts of meats and cheeses etc. Waylon Jennings:"Now, I don't know about y'all. But I believe I would shoot that thing, to be sure it was dead first."

  • 3 weeks later...

(Season 4 Pin the Tail on the Dukes)

Boss Hogg is sitting at his desk in his courthouse office, eating breakfast. A giant tray piled sky high with donuts. Rosco walks in.

Rosco:"Bad news, bad news! Look what them Duke Boys did to that radar gun!" Boss Hogg(Looks up from the donuts for a split second to see the radar gun.)"Oh. It's a mess, ain't it?" Rosco:"It's a mess. I bet yer mad too, aren't ya?" Boss Hogg:"No. No, I ain't mad." Rosco:"Then you must be sick." Boss Hogg:"No, I ain't sick neither." Rosco:"I thought you was, from eatin' all these donuts." Boss Hogg:"I'm happy as a clam. An' you wanna know why?" Rosco:"Why?" Boss Hogg:"Well, there are 2 reasons-" Rosco:"You lost 20 pounds?" Boss Hogg:"I may get angry. No. The 1st one is, we got rid of Hector Farley." Rosco:"Yeah. He's afraid of me!" Boss Hogg:"Turned out to be a mouse in sheep's clothing. A wreck less scaredy cat. Reason number 2, thanks to you, we can lay the blame fer destroyin' that there so-called radar equipment on them Duke Boys! Hehehe!"

  • 3 weeks later...

(Season 3 Carnival of Thrills)

Uncle Jesse Duke:"Bo! Now Luke wants to tell you somethin', an' I want you to stand there, an' listen to him, an' I don't wanna hear one peep outta you! Understand!?"


(Season 3 Carnival of Thrills)

Daisy Duke:"Uncle Jesse? Isn't that beautiful?" Uncle Jesse Duke:"Yeah. It's stupid. But it's beautiful." Luke Duke:"Well, I guess it's catchin' then Uncle Jesse." (To crowd on microphone)"Folks this here's Luke Duke! You just sit tight, 'cause Bo's gonna do that jump just like he promised."(To Uncle Jesse and Daisy)"See. If I copilot he can keep his eyes on the road." Daisy Duke:"Luke! I don't know whether to kiss you, or kill you. So I guess I'm gonna kiss you!"

Posted (edited)
On 11/18/2022 at 4:54 PM, Skipper Duke said:

(Season 3 Carnival of Thrills)

Luke Duke:"Come on Bo! We need 10 more miles an hour! We need 65!" Bo Duke:"I'm gettin' it! Hang on!"

That was also one of the stupidest things I saw on the show. They had Luke in there so he could keep an eye on the speedometer...BS! Also, what about the added weight that would have to be overcome, by Luke's body?  This was the goofiest one of all 147! I've only seen it a few times because of this!

Edited by Hobie Hartkins
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

(Season 2 Gold Fever) Rosco shows up at the Duke Farm on Boss Hogg's orders to arrest Bo & Luke Duke. He is outside on his bullhorn screaming about knowing about them gonna do a heist and for them to come out so he can arrest them.Uncle Jesse Duke:"I'll betcha potatoes to turnips that J. D. Hogg put 'im up to this, an' they're settin' you fellas up fer somethin' bad."

Edited by Skipper Duke
Forgot a word
  • 3 months later...

(Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's)Boss Hogg & Rosco find Bo & Luke and confront 'em about the fur coats. Boss Hogg:"Alright you crooks, what'd you do with them furs!?" Luke Duke:"We reupholstered the General with 'em!" Bo Duke:"Teh. They put 'em in that blue car. They're gettin' away." Luke Duke:"Yeah. If you give us a chance, we'll help you catch 'em." Boss Hogg:"Oh sure you will! An' you believe in the words of a Duke!? Go on lock 'em up!" Luke Duke:"It's time to go!" Rosco:"Alright boys, I'm sorry, but this time yer gonna-"


(Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's)

Waylon Jennings:"That was old Rhuebottom's General Store. Boss Hogg foreclosed on Rhuebottom's to use his store room to warehouse his stolen merchandise. Boss eased his conscience by sending Rhuebottom a turkey. And it was spoiled."


(Season 4 Goodbye, General Lee)Waylon Jennings:(About Bo & Luke's temporary yellow car he called "Old Yeller"."Friends, she's got the might. But I don't think she's got the moves."(Car makes jump successfully.):"Well, I reckon it's all in who's in the driver's seat."

Posted (edited)

How about one of my favorites? It's from Hazzard Horror , when somebody stole Boss' silver and Rosco looked at the door and said, " There's no sign of forced entry. That may mean it's an inside job."  Then boss says


 " You mean somebody's wheedled their way into my confidence, by pretending to be loyal, trustworthy and honest and now they've dropped the mask and done me dirt??!!

Ha! Ha! I LOVE it!!  :) 

p.s.  I'm watching it now and eating pizza! It's not Friday night but nothing to do tomorrow so.....3 out of 4*  ain't bad! :) 


1. DOH

2. pizza

3. nothing to do tomorrow

4. Friday night! 

Edited by Hobie Hartkins
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

(Season 6 How to Succeed in Hazzard) Boss Hogg is eating breakfast a plate of giant glazed donuts and a cup of coffee. He is also exercising on an exercise bike. The doorbell rings. He is interrupted from his activities. He goes to answer the door.
Boss Hogg:(Getting off exercise bike.)"Who the devil is that? Well, whoever it is, I sure hope they're bringin' money." (Opens door, sees no good nephew Dewey Hogg there.) "No! Dewey Hogg!"

Edited by Skipper Duke

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