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Posted (edited)

I'm thinking since Fun World's hat cap was not in my original set from my baby brother in 2010 that it's not meant to be that I have their hat cap. If it was meant to be, it would have been in there.

Maybe I am not meant to have it.

Everyone says "Stop worrying about the Fun World one. It isn't real anyway and you already have a real one your Pakistan one."

I guess if I want navy just wear the Broner hats and the navy Lancaster police cop conversion?

What do y'all think? Give it up on it and continue enjoying the rest of the collection?

Edited by Skipper Duke
Y'all and think was to close together.

(Season 1 St. Gilligan and the Dragon)

 Mr. Howell:"Oh lovey dear!"(splash)Mrs. Howell, Ginger and Mary Ann throw water on him, and he goes back for more!) (splash) Mrs. Howell:"The idea….-"
Ginger:"Sneaking around like that."
Mary Ann:"Peeping Tom."
ALL:"PEEPING TOM!!!"(repeatedly)

Posted (edited)

(Season 2 Smile, You're On Mars Camera)

Skipper:“I don’t care if the feathers came from the goose that laid the golden egg!”
Gilligan:“What goose?”
Skipper:“That laid the golden egg, you know, from the fairy tale!”
Gilligan:“Laid a golden EGG!!??”
Skipper:“Yes Gilligan.  Once upon a time there was a goose.  This goose laid a golden egg.  Now the goose was very important at the time- OH NEVERMIND Gilligan!"


Edited by Skipper Duke

(Season 2 Smile, You're On Mars Camera)

Professor George Bancroft:"What's that big bird man doing to that little bird man?" Professor John Corwell:"Well, I can't be to sure, George. But it looks like he's trying to force him to lay an egg!"


A little late but...2/20/1965 Big Man on a Little Stick aired. Surfer/muscleman Duke Williams lands on the island via 5 days riding a tsunami wave. He vows to surf back ASAP. But when the girls eye him flexing his huge biceps in the Boy's Hut, and he gets a look at them everything changes. Hilarity ensues as Gilligan tries to build up his body, the Howell's think a regal Duke has landed on the island & the girls swoon over Duke. But when the surf stud gets too handsy all bets are off & the castaways must trick Duke into getting them rescued...The first of 2 guest appearances by the late, great Denny Miller


Some tell me about the Fun World hat. "Get over that one. It's just costume and you have a real hat anyway. You really don't need this Fun World one." But I'm the type fan I have to have more then 1 of the same thing in the collection. ;)

Friends tell me "You're making this harder then it needs to be. Just buy it and be done. This has gone on to long now. You'll feel better about all this." 1 friend says:"Yes your friends are right.  You are making this very hard and it's ridiculous.  This has become an obsession over a costume hat that you can easily buy yourself on E-Bay.  You keep asking me my opinion and I keep giving you the same answer.  Just buy the hat or the costume yourself on E-Bay.  I've been hearing about this for about 4 months now.  Please stop telling me and asking me about this hat.  Just buy it or don't.  It's your collection, I don't need to know."


(Season 3 Ring Around Gilligan)

Dr. Boris Balinkoff:"I have just discovered that you are building an escape raft! I do not want anyone to leave this island, until I have completed my experiment! Destroy the raft! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!" Skipper:"Aye aye Master! Roger Wilco! Over and out!"


(Season 2 Gilligan's Living Doll)

Gilligan:"I wonder what else they made it do?" Professor:"Gilligan! You just hit upon the key word! They! They sent it up, and they'll come looking for it, and when they do-" Skipper:"They'll rescue us! They'll rescue us! Robot, You're beautiful!" Robot:"You're beautiful!" Skipper:"Oh. Well, thank you!"


(Season 2 Will the Real Mr. Howell Please Stand Up?)

Mr. Howell:"Not my amalgamated!!"
Mr. Howell:"I'll kill him! Kill! Kill!"(Heads for the Lagoon) Mrs. Howell:"There he goes again!" (Later when Mr. Howell tries again.) Mrs. Howell:"Thurston, you'll shrink all your clothes!"


 (Season 1 Two on a Raft)

Gilligan:"I'm flippin' my lid I tell ya! Everywhere I look, it's water, water, water!" Skipper:"You stop that Gilligan! That's an order!" Gilligan:"Well I'm sick of orders, an' I'm sick of the sun, the wind, the spray an' the salt!" Skipper:"What are you talking about!? We've only been gone 20 minutes!" Gilligan:"Gee, is that all?" Skipper:"Oh Gilligan! Now start paddling! Dig in, FAST!"


(Season 1 Two on a Raft)

Gilligan:"I wish I had something to drink, like a hamburger or French fries. Hey, I wished for something to drink, and there's a bottle. Maybe it's soda. Skipper:"Maybe it's a bottle of beer!" Gilligan:"Yeah!"


(Season 1 Two on a Raft)

Gilligan:"Skipper I’m hungry, let’s have breakfast." Skipper:"We had breakfast." Gilligan:"Let’s have lunch." Skipper:"We had lunch." Gilligan:"Then let’s have dinner." Both together:"We had dinner too."

Skipper:"By the way, where are those tropical lei's the girls made for us?"

Gilligan:"I had a snack."

Skipper:"Gilligan! Will you stop talking about food!"


Gilligan's Fan Club Will shipped the Skipper Costume this past Mon with ETA of Sat(today). I have it. It is with me. See y'all it only takes 5 days NOT 5 months. Still waiting since Nov for that Theresa lady to ship it. Will's delivery:

1. Tue

2. Wed

3. Thurs

4. Fri

5. Sat


Just watched a Titanic documentary and guess what 1 of James Cameron's robot cameras name is? G I double L I G A N

I had to rewind to make sure I heard it right.

Maybe he's a series fan and it's his tribute.


Episode 2: HOME, SWEET HUT

Having been on the island for a few days, The Castaways are drenched by a sudden downpour, motivating them to build permanent shelter. The Howells loan their friends dry clothes, and somehow Thurston's polo outfit and smoking jacket are perfect fits for The Skipper and Professor, respectively.  The Skipper's name (Jonas Grumby) is overheard on the radio broadcast while construction is taking place, but The Professor's name (Roy Hinkley) is obscured by dialogue. This episode marks the first appearance of Thurston's teddy bear, and features the huts at their most primitive, especially the loosely-woven and flimsy hammocks for Gilligan and The Skipper. As the series progresses, the huts and contraptions gradually become more solid and well-constructed. The first mentions of cooking on The Island are made with The Skipper cooking powdered eggs at the episode's opening, then with Mary Ann making fudge when the two single girls move into their own hut. At this point, we can assume the galley on the Minnow held all of the necessary ingredients for these concoctions. 



Y'all... I'm breaking Fun World in. It was a lil tight. Now becoming a perfect looser fit. It didn't choke my head at all though. Probly was tight cuz new never worn? Very lightweight comfy to wear. Fans are saying "Nice hat. But not as nice as your actual Lancaster police Skipper conversion or your Bluenox though."

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