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Things have been pretty quiet here so I was thinking about starting a facebook account. I've never had one but would only use it for Dukes stuff. I see HazzardNet is connected to facebook somehow but is it as easy to navigate as HN for a low tech guy like me?

Posted (edited)

I don't know. I made a Facebook once for my gaming console so I could have a custom picture. That all I've ever used it for.

However I do have twitter. On Dukes related stuff I sometimes use it to communicate a bit with Dukescollector.

Edited by Roth Potter

Just be careful, there's a lot of scammers on Facebook. Only friend people you know. Be sure to go thru you're settings if you wish to be more of a private person. 

Posted (edited)

Should I use the name HazzardNet's RogerDuke? Nobody would recognize me by my real last name since I've never used it. What are the best Dukes facebook groups to join? Are there a lot of them? Do I have to request and accept friends if all I want is public group discussions?

Edited by RogerDuke

You can sign up with any name you want but Facebook will eventually force your hand to "Prove" you are who you are and make you use your real name. They did that to me 6 months after I joined.


Wow Spike I didn't know that. If I can't use the name "RogerDuke" or "HazzardNet's Roger Duke" on a permanent basis I'm not even going to bother signing up. I don't mind if facebook knows my real name but I'm too used to RogerDuke to give it up.


Yeah I was using Spike for my Facebook as I only use facebook to chat with online gaming buddies. 6 months after I joined I tried logging in one day and they locked me out of messaging buddies or posting anything on my page till I gave them my real name. 


I've talked to a few people and that doesn't sound right but I might misunderstand you.

Are you saying that you are no longer permitted to use Spike as your screen name? Or are you saying that you are still permitted to use Spike as a screen name but must give them your real name for their records after 6 months?.....assuming that your real name will not be displayed?

Facebook is kinda creepy. I've heard they'll ask you to confirm things to post stuff on your profile (like your workplace) and people can't figure out how they knew that.

Posted (edited)

Had to change my displayed name. My login name stayed the same I signed up with but all my friends see my real name instead of my gamertag/nickname, and Facebook doesn't want me to change it back and I've tried a few times. 

If you're a private type of person, Facebook isn't for you lol. I never posted my location but somehow in my facebook profile it's listed, guessing they used my isp address. 

Edited by Spike

I've stayed out of this debate because I'm one of those private type of persons that Spike was talking about, so I've never had a Facebook account. Facebook is so big and powerful that they can pretty much do what they like with the stuff you post and the information you give them, and that's why they want you to join.


Regarding the real name policy, you can read Facebook's own page on the subject here. You can use nicknames, but, as I understand it, your profile would be headed "Your Real Name (RogerDuke)". Facebook's real name policy is unpopular with a lot of people. Besides those who want to use nicknames and screen names, the policy also creates huge problems for Native Americans, and they don't want the Irish population using the Irish version of their names. A couple of years ago Facebook also blocked residents of a townland called Effin in Co Limerick, Ireland from using their own address. In that case, Facebook eventually gave in - see here. The Wikipedia article about the real name controversy is here.


In the end, I always come back to this cartoon:




Okay I have to disagree with you guys here, because I've never had the problem you've been having. When you go to facebook.com it'll ask you for a first and last name, an email or phone number, then a password, birthday, and then male/female. If you just used the name Roger Duke as your first and last it shouldn't be a problem. I have two accounts one under my real name and the other under Lizzy Jackson. My Lizzy Jackson account has never pressed me for a town, workplace, different name, or school or anything like that. Sure it asks me to update my information but all you do is click the close button on the notification window and it goes away.

  • 2 months later...

I'm here too! As far as Face Book, I decided not to get on it because I learned the CIA uses it to track  people. They said FB does a better job than they do! I DO have an alias on there and nobody knows it's me...not even people I know in real time!  :)

  • 9 months later...

I've still avoided the temptation to join facebook but I still think about it since It's usually so slow here. Does anybody have anything to add to this thread from last year? The whole facebook thing still seems too creepy and invasive to me. 

14 minutes ago, RogerDuke said:

I've still avoided the temptation to join facebook but I still think about it since It's usually so slow here. Does anybody have anything to add to this thread from last year? The whole facebook thing still seems too creepy and invasive to me. 

I think its only as invasive as you allow it to be.  If the CIA is monitoring people, there are many more ways to do it than just social media.  In my opinion, the benefits of being able to communicate with folks of similar interests far outweigh the possibility of the government reading your Dukes of Hazzard posts.

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

I've still avoided the temptation to join facebook but I still think about it since It's usually so slow here. Does anybody have anything to add to this thread from last year? The whole facebook thing still seems too creepy and invasive to me. 

Roger, I feel as you do and would rather remain private.  However I recently joined Facebook with my real name.  As Mark B said, it's only as invasive as you allow it to be.  I didn't put in any personal information.  I did put in my birthday, mostly besasue you have to, but in my settings I am the only one who can see that.  I used a picture of NHRA Pro Stock driver, Bo Butner's car for the avatar so no one will know who I am.  I never post any personal information.  I use Facebook for connecting with other model builders.  I build models so Facebook can be helpful.

Edited by Boss JD Hogg
On 6/28/2016 at 2:48 PM, Spike said:

Had to change my displayed name. My login name stayed the same I signed up with but all my friends see my real name instead of my gamertag/nickname, and Facebook doesn't want me to change it back and I've tried a few times. 

If you're a private type of person, Facebook isn't for you lol. I never posted my location but somehow in my facebook profile it's listed, guessing they used my isp address. 

Things like this are what creeps me out. I'm surprised that its even legal to give out any private info and make it public but I bet you agree to it when you sign on......not that anybody ever reads fine print. 


You can setup your account to be really private as to who can see your posts and search for you. That's what I've done, I only friend people I know and only they can see my posts, not their friends or friends of their friends. 

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