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Don't know what happened but it seems the last 2 pictures I posted in my previous post have become smaller.


The spare tyre can't be that big. I wonder what is behind the jeep. This must be a studio shoot.


I think the answer to the question is no.


I don't remember them both being on a horse on the show so this must be a photoshoot.


Cam in jail. ;)


I don't remember them both being on a horse on the show so this must be a photoshoot.

It's hard to get a good screengrab, but Bo and Luke share a horse in 'Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane'. After the bad guys cut the brake lines on the General, and Bo crashes it into a hay truck, they borrow Old Man Miller's horse to get back to the farm. (I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't been watching that episode earlier to get screengrabs for another thread :))



Thanks Hoss! There are so much episodes of the Dukes you can't remember everything.


After a few months I still want to watch it. :-?


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

A lot of Coy & Vance pictures have them pointing their fingers up. I wonder why they done that so much.


This one is not a moving picture, I guess it is because the car was moving. The General is pulling out of Cooter's btw.


I wonder from what magazine this is and from which episode. ;)

This must be from before the fight as he seems quite happy and not tired. I heard from the commentary on the episode Tom really had a big headache for days after filming of this.

Posted (edited)
It's hard to get a good screengrab, but Bo and Luke share a horse in 'Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane'. After the bad guys cut the brake lines on the General, and Bo crashes it into a hay truck, they borrow Old Man Miller's horse to get back to the farm. (I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't been watching that episode earlier to get screengrabs for another thread :))


You can see, here, Daisy wearing the white top with little hearts on it (the red spots). It's the same top she wears in the picture with the horse already posted by Roth. I guess that picture was taken from this episode, behind the scene.

This top, I mean, here her picture without the horse:


Edited by i1976

Wow, nice find Ila! I just saw the picture of her with a horse and it has the same colour of harness around its head. the screencap is not good enough to give more matches then that but I wouldn't be surprised if it is that horse with the picture probably been taken on the same day or another day filming the same episode.


This must be from 16 magazine.

I think this is taken inside a soundstage.


I don't know why but I have a feeling this is late season 5 and not season 6 or 7.


Always when there is a Dukes of Hazzard shoot not made for a Warner Brothers production Catherine seems to be wearing a cropped top.


I have posted this one before but in a different format. Now I notice Catherine is wearing the red and white top from 'The Big Heist' episode, sot it must be from filming that. It must have been cold that she is wearing something over it.



Cam in General Lee, what a lucky kid.


16 Magazine. I wish I could find the article from this issue.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I wasn't sure if I had or had not posted this before.

This looks like the episode Enos is 'promoted' to the basement but I'm not entirely sure.


There are 2 more pictures of this event which you find on the first page when searching for Catherine Bach on Google, but I never saw this one.

It looks like thiswas on some sort of podium but I got no clue which event it might be from.



After a Google search of PSA DNA I found out they try to find out if something is authentic. The only thing I could find which can be authentic here would be the autograph.

Clear from the episode 'And in this corner, Luke Duke'


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I don't know why, but in about every picture of John and Tom together John seems to have a bigger smile.

I think this is taken at Disney's Golden Oaks as Tom wears the jacket, but I'm not sure.


I'm pretty sure I once posted this before but in a different size.

He you can see they cut the roof of the General Lee's after they've been totaled.

I don;t remember seeing four white and light blue police cars from that model on the show, so I guess those are some of the cars they got from local police to be transformed into a Hazzard cop car.


I think in a few episodes time Cletus drove through the back of the boars nest covered up as a sawmill and a paint shop. This is probably from the latter, But I don't remember in which episode that was.


I think in a few episodes time Cletus drove through the back of the boars nest covered up as a sawmill and a paint shop. This is probably from the latter, But I don't remember in which episode that was.

That stunt appeared in 'The Law and Jesse Duke' (S04E26).



original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I don't know why, but in about every picture of john and tom together john seems to have a bigger smile.

I think this is taken at disney's golden oaks as tom wears the jacket, but i'm not sure.

beautiful picture.

Posted (edited)

I don't know why my post from yesterday didn't come through so i'll re-post it.

Thanks for the added info Hoss.


Back in the day when they didn't have photoshop. I think this was not shot for Warner Brothers.


I think this is taken at Western street, but there is no real reference point.


Peggy Rea in one of her dresses from the Dukes. Is it just me or did it seem like the later season the more we see of Lulu?


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I am fairly certain this is the building from Western street which you can see from Midwest street. Idon;t remember the lady and Ican;t read the sign so I got no clue from which episode this could be, though the Dukes looks quite old here so this is

Edited by Roth Potter
small spelling mistakes


Original from ImageCollect.com

This is from one of her most known photo shoots, but this is the first picture of that shoot on which I don't see her smile.


I don't think I posted an advertisement for the cartoon series before.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

Abe and Lee both in the same room. ;)

This must be from the episode 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'.


This must have been great for Dukes fans.



I never seen Catherine stand in that pose in this shoot nor have I seen that picture of the Double Zero before.


From filming of reunion 1 at Midwest street. It looks like they are filming something from before the start of the race.


I didn't cut the left side off as I've never seen that picture of John and Cathy together.

I think the advertising fro the Dukes is of 'Southern Comfurts'.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

The Dukes in front of the bank on Midwest street.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I am fairly certain this is the building from Western street which you can see from Midwest street. Idon;t remember the lady and Ican;t read the sign so I got no clue from which episode this could be, though the Dukes looks quite old here so this is

I knew I'd covered this building in the Hazzard Square thread, but I didn't have time to look for it the other night. It's the 'Tri-County Truck Sales & Rentals' building from 'Cooter's Confession'. My DVDs list it as episode 22 of season 6, but IMDb says it was episode 21. I agree with your location.



Thanks Hoss. :D


Original from ImageCollect.com

There are lots of angels for this shoot but all look like they are from behind the scenes.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

Jamie Lee Hogg and Daisy Duke. from the episode 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg'.


This must be for 'Carnival of thrills'.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

This is from the episode 'Happy Birthday, General Lee'. I don't think that engine ever sat in a screen used General Lee.



Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

This must have been taken inside a soundstage.


I'm almost 100% sure Waylon wore these clothes on the show.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

Beside the flag it doesn't really look Like a General Lee. But this is the wheelie car, you can see part of the engine in the back.


They are moonshiners her again and at a 9 pm slot, that must mean this is an advertisement for 'High Octane'.



Original from the Everything dukes of Hazzard Related Tribute Page.

I see Black Tilly on the right so this must be from 'High Octane'.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

At first I thought this must be from before season one when I see the jewelry, but it looks like Tom is a bit older.


I think this is during Season 2. Obviously it was a cold day that they wore jackets.


The Car thief with a beautiful women.

Explanation for how we found out the episode is in post #797



It looks like this was taken in front of the Duke Farm. I don't think this is in a soundstage looking at the lighting.


Not the best colour levels but this is a very nice picture of Christopher from 16 magazine.


I know,this is not from the original series nor the reunion but it just looks nice.

I wonder when this was taken as it looks like Sonny is taken straight from 1985 while James Best looks way older then on the show. I think this is was taken somewhere between the shows end and the first reunion movie. I take a guess and say that this is taken between 1990 and 1995.


This one is obvious, it is of course from 'The Great Santa Claus Chase'.



At first I thought this is the same picture as one from a very known shoot, but I can't find another picture of it to compare it.


This seems to be a screencap from a TV channel I can't deciper, though it's clearly from the 1996 Reunion.


Can't miss. this is from 'The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style'.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

It looks like the hat is way too big when seeing this picture,but we know from watching the episode 'Baa, Baa White Sheep' it ain't.

Isn't this the only time we see this file room? All other times I can remember they changed Boss his office into the file room.


This seems to be a screencap from a TV channel I can't deciper, though it's clearly from the 1996 Reunion.

The TV channel is 'E! Entertainment Television'.


I've never heard of it before. Thanks Hoss!


This must be from Dukes as John wears his Dukes clothing with an added jacket.

Looking at the colours and paneling used in the background I think this is in a part of Laramie street which we never saw on the show.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I remember I used to skip this episode when I was young. That is how much I hated the guy.

I forgot which episode this was from.


The lettering on the General looks like the first ones and Tom looks like he is wearing a racing suit. I don't know which episodes Tom has a racing suit and that lettering on General Leebut I'm sure it is not from 'Luke's love story'.


You would think this is from 'And in This Corner, Luke Duke'. But that wasn't a season premiere.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I remember I used to skip this episode when I was young. That is how much I hated the guy.

I forgot which episode this was from.

The guy you don't like is Billie Joe Coogan (played by Michael Alldredge), and the episode is 'The Ransom of Hazzard County' near the end fof season 6.


You would think this is from 'And in This Corner, Luke Duke'. But that wasn't a season premiere.

I posed the same question when I posted a smaller version of this advert back on page 45.


This is a VERY rough guide, but here are a few notes to go by to narrow down when a photo was taken.



In the first season, Luke wears a blue and white plaid shirt with a denim jacket over it, and has longer hair. For much of the second season, he wears a plain mid-blue shirt, and has somewhat shorter hair; in the latter half of the second season, he returns to his first season shirt and jacket.

In the third season, he returns to wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, but of lighter tones than his other versions; his hair is slightly longer. In the fourth season his hair is longer, closely resembling it's first season length, and his plaid shirt is of a bolder blue, with whites and blacks, and different versions of this shirt would be worn for the rest of his run. When Luke and Bo return after leaving for most of the fifth season, his hair is generally mid-length.

In very early publicity shots, Luke wears a plain blue shirt similar to his second season one, a blue plaid one as he is seen wearing in the third season, and another plaid shirt with more red colouring (though this is not overly evident to the more casual eye). In many of these early publicity shots, the character wears a grey cowboy hat.



For the first three seasons, Bo wears a blue t-shirt under his shirt, until it is phased out later in the third season. (In the pilot, "One Armed Bandits", his t-shirt is brown). In the first and second season, his shirt is a strong yellow colour (although the hue varies in different episodes). In the first couple of Georgia episodes, Bo hair is much longer, before being cut slightly shorter.

Second season Bo is distinguishable for his increasingly long sideburns!

For the third and fourth season, his shirt is lighter, varying from pale yellow to cream in various episodes. In many fourth season episodes (and a few third), although still blonde, Bo's hair has a slightly more brown-y tint to it.

When Bo and Luke return from their absence in the fifth season, the character's shirt is of a more sandy tone, and later variants of this shirt until the end of the series continue this, being more yellowy on some occasions, and almost a grey hue at other times.

Bo famously breaks his usual costume tradition for much of the second filmed/broadcast episode, "Daisy's Song", where he wears a red shirt. For a couple of scenes in the fifth episode, "High Octane", he wears a light blue shirt.

In very early publicity shots, many of the images show Bo to be wearing a dark blue shirt, which he never wore on-screen, and a brown / black cowboy hat; other shots show him to be wearing his standard yellow shirt. In both of these shirts, complete with cowboy hat, the character also wears jewellery around his neck and on his wrist.



Daisy wore the most variety of clothing in the series, and due to the sheer amount of costumes she wore, dating photos of her is often a tricky task (I'll leave others who have researched for various outfits in more detail to expand on this). In the first season, her hair is dark and straighter, and this generally continues into the second season. By the third season, it is more styled and buoyant. Over the third and into the fourth season, it has more blonde tones and highlights.

Uncle Jesse


In the first season, his top under his shirt is white (also possibly in the first one or two produced episodes of the second season, "The Rustlers" and "The Meeting", I'll have to check on this). Thereafter, this "undertop" was either salmon or red, depending on the episode. In the Georgia episodes, he did not wear his red cap, instead often wearing a trilby when he went into town (note that this hat also appeared in s7's 'flashback' episode, "Happy Birthday, General Lee"). Additionally, in the fourth episode produced (third broadcast), "Mary Kaye's Baby", he wore a red and black checked overshirt.

His dungarees were originally of a strong denim blue colour, which gradually lightened over the seasons. By the fourth season or so, it was a mid-blue, lightening further in the fifth season, and by the final two seasons, the dungarees were much lighter, pale blue, almost white on occasion.

Jesse's hair and beard at the start of the series are shorter, and in the very first couple of Georgia episodes, have the last traces of colour in. As the seasons pass, particularly through the third and fourth season, his hair and beard (by now white) get noticably longer.



Dating photos of Enos can be tricky as he was seldom seen out of uniform. If he is seen wearing his black Police jacket, this is very likely from the first two seasons, as both himself and Rosco very seldom wore them after that (though this can also cause confusion as he wore virtually identical jacket in spin-off "Enos").



Like Enos, the character didn't often appear out of uniform. After his first two small appearances, in s1's "Money to Burn" (in bank driver's uniform) and s2's "The Rustlers" (in casual dress), the character was temporary Deputy in s2's "The Meeting" and "Road Pirates" (where he wore the black Police jacket), chances are most images of the character are, obviously, from the third or fourth season.



After Daisy, Cooter wore the most number of different costumes on the show. The best way to narrow down dating a photo with him in, his by his beard and hair length. At the start of the series, he was unshaven, but over the course of the first season and into the second season, he grew a full beard (which was the reason for him briefly leaving during the second season, over how unshaven the character was to be). From the third season onwards, the character was clean shaven (though in the first episode produced for the third season, "Baa, Baa White Sheep", the character spots a full beard, the thickest it is ever seen in the series).

In the first season and occasionally in the second season, the character wore a blue denim jacket. Very occasionally in later season episodes he would also wear such a jacket In several early episodes, he also wears a jacket with signatures over it (cast, and I think also some racing drivers). This jacket was reportedly stolen from set shortly after the move to California, which is why the jacket was no longer seen. From his longer, shaggy hair in seasons one and two, the character still has longish hair in seasons three and four, or though more well kept. For seasons 5-7, his hair is shorter and more well kept.



Although usually seen in Police uniform, there are various tell-tale signs of the season. In the original Georgia episodes, the peak on the characters hat was slightly smaller. After the "standard" version after that until the end of season four, a slightly different shaped peak was used in season five, in seasons six and seven it had a slightly more "triangular" peak, coming to more of a soft "point" at the front.

His shirt also goes from mid-blue at the start of the series, to much lighter from the fifth season onwards.

(Rosco is the one character that I'll have to double-check in more depth and clarify with pictures).

Boss Hogg


Boss is arguably the hardest character to date in photos, as he generally appeared in the same costume, with little obvious variation to his standard outfit.

The biggest pointer is the character's hair. At the start of the series, it was grey. By the third and into the fourth season, it was much longer, and slightly lighter. In the last couple of seasons, his hair was much lighter, almost white (both as Boss lost his hair colour, and maybe also in keeping with his white outfit).

Coy and Vance


Obviously, due to them only appearing for seventeen episodes, it's much easier when identifying the details of Coy and Vance photos. However, to note is that in the original publicity shoot to promote the new Duke characters, Coy wears a cream shirt as does blonde counterpart Bo, while Vance wears a blue plaid shirt a la Luke. On-screen, the characters actually only wore these costumes in the first episode they filmed - "Dukes Strike it Rich" (and for most of that one, the Dukes wore 'rich' clothing). In all others, their shirt colours were swapped over - Vance wore a Bo-style cream shirt, and Coy wore a light blue shirt, similar to the one that Luke wore for much of the second season (I always laughed to myself that this lame ploy was to convince viewers that these Bo and Luke clones were actully "different"!!)

Hope these notes are of vague use to fellow Dukes photo fans.


That's a pretty comprehensive list, PJ. I only have a couple of small additions:

Cletus wore a red and white plaid shirt with jeans in 'Enos Strate to the Top' in season 3.

Cooter changed his cap regularly e.g. DOG, Red Rose Animal Feeds etc., so you can also narrow the time frame by checking his headgear.

That's a pretty comprehensive list, PJ. I only have a couple of small additions:

Cletus wore a red and white plaid shirt with jeans in 'Enos Strate to the Top' in season 3.

Cooter changed his cap regularly e.g. DOG, Red Rose Animal Feeds etc., so you can also narrow the time frame by checking his headgear.

Very true about Cletus, Hoss, I forgot to include that one :)

Cooter did indeed get through the caps (and tshirts); as with Rosco's hats this is one I'll have to go into in more detail in some point

One key thing I meant to include in my list, but somehow forgot, was Bo's hair. In the final season, John Schneider had a slightly different hairstyle - less bushy at the sides, and with his parting on the other side of his head, making it pretty easy to tell if a shot of Bo is from season 7,

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