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The Jubil Aire was the air horn used for the General Lee in the tv show The Dukes of Hazzard If you have a Jubil Aire musical air horn and would like a copy of the 12 note Dixie tune disc I am taking orders The copy will be made of aluminum and the price for each disc will be based on how many orders I get the more orders the lower the price will be Thanks


They are also called Jubilee air horns and yes I have 2 sets of these horns one plays Dixie and the other plays Raindrops keep fallin on my head. I could use another Dixie disk as mine works but is slightly damaged due to wear and tear.However Aluminum? I would think that would be too abrasive.I mean metal to metal as the top is metal where it would spin against and it's slightly spring loaded.The original material is like carbon fiber type of material best way I can describe it. I would think a tough plastic would be better.If you've used an aluminum one with no ill effects I would be interested.


Well I was the same way But before I got my Jubil Aire I had a WoLo and a Stebel air horn I took the tops off of both horns and they had metal tune disc Aluminum is light weight and soft May have to oil more but the shop can make it out of some other stuff but the price will go up The shop told me it would cost 225.00 to make one disc This is why I need lots of orders to get the price down and then who ever wants a disc can have one at a fair price I wish I could make this out of wood


Is this Indygenerallee from CGLFC? Yeah 225 is too pricey just for a disk. I bet I can use my disk as a template and make one out of plastic.I'm a machinist/toolmaker originally but never got a journeymans card.


To add on to my previous reply.I don't think many LEE owners have these particular set of horns.The company no longer exists and finding a set is kinda rare even on ebay.I don't check there often but I've rarely seen a set of these on there.J.C.Whitney sold these back in the late 70's early 80's.That's when I got mine for Christmas 1982. Yes I had my car back then. LOL Getting a lot of orders to reduce the price isn't likely to happen unfortunately.There is very little demand to my knowledge.Most guys are using FIAMM or WOLO.These Jubilee/Jubil-Aire sets are indeed to my research the exact set used for the original sound bite or actual cars that had them.They are well built and designed and you could change the disks we have been discussing to a different tune.I think there were like 12-15 tunes to chose from. If anyone has a LEE these are the horns to get IF you can! 097.jpg


The Dixie tune disc that you put up I think that is the 2nd one that Jubil Aire made The 1st Dixie tune disc is what I am taking orders on and I talked with the shop and the price in 100.00 now plus the disc will be made closer to the factory stuff it was made out of I will not make it out of aluminum


Yeah I believe there were 2 versions and they sound just a tad different.I don't know what kind of material the original is or at least the correct name for it and I should know.LOL I appears the same material as integrated circuit boards are made of but maybe not quite. I would say Nylon would be a good substitute or a HDPE plastic something that can take a bit of abuse but be light and as non abrasive as possible.100$ is better I still may do my idea just to see how successful I can be and could do it for lots less than 100. My current one works but would like to have a new one and one for my spare set of horns.I'm going to hold on to my spare set just in case my compressor ever went kaflooey.I don't want to have to pay 800 for a new horn.LOL

  • 4 years later...


I  have a store display board for the Jubil aire 6 horn set complete with the horns and compressor ,

but I am confused on where these discs go ,

  Can anyone post a picture 

THANKs    for your help

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have just acquired a jubile-aire 6 horns and compressor , but no hoses or numbers on the horns anywhere only numbers are on the compressor ... Can anyone show me a side view of horns and numbers or give me measurements of horns w/numbers so i can hook these babbies up ... And anyone with a picture of how they should all set for best quality sound ? ? ?please and thank you so much ...

  • 1 year later...

My compressor/motor is blowing the 20amp fuse.

i took it apart cleaned and oiled. It works fine without the air compressor fins in but when put back together the fuses blow

  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, leedog said:

I have 5 Jubil Aire Dixie tune disc for sale 35.00 plus shipping if you want one let me know  This is the the first Dixie tune disc that was made  

I'm so low-tech.....I don't even know what that is....lol

  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, mooglide said:

I would like to buy a disc....please

Welcome to HNet, mooglide.

You will have to contact leedog directly through the messaging system, and they haven't logged in since December. Also, be aware that anything offered for sale by members is not endorsed or warrantied by HazzardNet.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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