Brian Coltrane Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Ya know, it's just been way too long since we had anybody in the Hazzard Hoosegow. So I cleaned the place up, changed the linens, put in a fresh vase o' flowers, and set out a nice platter of cookies. Then, I hung up a sign above the cell that read "Executive Office. No admittance." I baited the cell with a big box of old fanfics that needed sorting out. Usually, ploys this obvious don't work, but I'm feelin' lucky.
Meadowmufn Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Oooh... Executive Office? I'm an executive, but I didn't give no permission or budget to put this together. Hmmm...*spies something in the corner* Is that a box of old fan fics that need sorting? *Leans in to get a closer look.* Man, I did enough of that today. Maybe I should leave those for MaryAnne...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 28, 2011 Author Posted February 28, 2011 *shoves Meadowmufn in, slams the door, and turns the key in the lock* Gotcha! I mean, enjoy your new dee-luxe executive office! Your executive deputy will stop by tomorrow to see to your needs.
Meadowmufn Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 *turns and glares at Brian. Shakes fist at the black clad Coltrane* Brian! I'm gonna get you for this! I won't be in here long, mark my words. And when I'm out, you better.... Oooh, cookies! *grabs a cookie, continues with mouth full* "You bettah wftch out, Bwian! Cz awe troh ou in dis pwace and fwoh away da key! Fo'ewah!" *munch munch* Got any milk?
Brian Coltrane Posted February 28, 2011 Author Posted February 28, 2011 *retrieves a fresh, cold pint of milk and hands it through the bars* Of course. This ain't the dark ages heah. *with this done, makes hasty, and strategic, exit for the night*
Meadowmufn Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 *chugs a few mouthfuls of milk and then shoves another cookie in* Yeah, dat's it! Fwee like the cowodd you awe!
MaryAnne Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 *walks into the booking room with a HSCD duffle bag slung over shoulder. Notices the new occupant of the jail* Well well well and well! Lookie who we got here! Another jail victim---er, I mean our Supreme Superior Commander Chief Executive heah! *looks in the cell, sees the cookie plate is empty* Oops! Looks like we need more cookies. How's sortin' the fanfics going? *puts duffle bag down and retrieves a fresh box of cookies. Refills the plate* Need more milk?
RogerDuke Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 *Walks into jail to report fender bender between Ira Murtchinson and Amos Petersdorf over by the Busy Bee Cafe. Sees what's going on and slips out of the jail without being noticed. Walks over to Cooter's to use his CB and inform the good folks on the HazzardNet what's going on at the jail*
Meadowmufn Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 Need more milk?What I NEED is to be let outta heah! Ya do remember who pays ya to basically run amuck all ya please in this place each month, don't ya?*mutters under breath* Geez, you'd think they'd be a little more grateful...*grabs tin plate the cookies were on and bangs it back and forth against the bars* Let me out! Let me out!
Jami Lee Hogg Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 *walks into the jail. frowning when she heard all the noise. looks around the room and laughs when she saw meadowmufn.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 *hears a commotion while passing the court house, peeks in the window seeing Meadowmufn behind bars *gasps* and keeps walking in no particular hurry to stay in the iron bar hotel again.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 2, 2011 Author Posted March 2, 2011 *stops by to check on Meadowmufn* Kheeheheheh! You look mighty natural behind bars. Comfortable, too. *stands outside the cell a moment, smiling* Oh, don't worry, we'll let you outta heah sooner or later. Just as soon as we agree on the terms of your bail.
RogerDuke Posted March 2, 2011 Posted March 2, 2011 *a crowd starts to gather on the street outside the courthouse as word spreads on the CB*
DaneyDuke Posted March 2, 2011 Posted March 2, 2011 *Not having seen anyone outside the building or heard the cb message, strolls into the Sheriff's Department. Notices Mufn in a jail cell. "Why is Mufn behind bars?" *muses out loud*
RogerDuke Posted March 2, 2011 Posted March 2, 2011 *In the meantime, some of the folks in the crowd start to get a little bit uneasy and a might grumpy*
MaryAnne Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 *cringes at the sound of the tin plate against the bars...and then looks at the cookies now spilled on the floor since said plate had JUST been filled*Well. No more cookies fer you! *looks at Brian* Looks like she's gonna be a fiesty one. Whatchya got in mind for bail?
Garrett Duke Posted March 4, 2011 Posted March 4, 2011 *Garrett pulls his Harley to a halt at the curb and climbs off while lighting a cigarette. Eyeing the crowd around the jail with caution, he slowly walks up to Roger and asks, "What's goin' on?"
RogerDuke Posted March 4, 2011 Posted March 4, 2011 "I got a little glance inside. Don't ask me why but Meadowmufn's locked up. There's a lot of folks around here that ain't too happy about it. I'm not sure how long this crowd's gonna stay calm. Somebody better git out here and do some explainin' or this could get ugly.By the way, I thought you were going to paint an 01 on your gas tank. What's taking so long?"
Garrett Duke Posted March 4, 2011 Posted March 4, 2011 *Raises an eye at Roger's last statement* Don't know where you got a crazy idea like that Roger. Ain't no way I'm going to paint 01 on my gas tank or any other part of my motorcycle or car. Why would I ruin such an awesome motorcycle and car by putting garbage like that on it? But no offense to The's a great car if you like that type of car. Just not mine or my idea of how to decorate a vehicle.*Motions towards the jail* Meadowmufn's locked up? That's not something you see every day. The idea is kind of amusing to think about it...guess it goes to show that no one is protected from falling victim of being arrested in this here town.*Eyes the crowd once more and back at Roger* Hey Rog, great idea! Let's start a riot! That may bring out some answers. ..
Brian Coltrane Posted March 4, 2011 Author Posted March 4, 2011 *cringes at the sound of the tin plate against the bars...and then looks at the cookies now spilled on the floor since said plate had JUST been filled*Well. No more cookies fer you! *looks at Brian* Looks like she's gonna be a fiesty one. Whatchya got in mind for bail?Oh, I got somethin' little in mind, for bail. Somethin' I'm sure we can all live with....*pulling out a folded document from inner jacket pocket* All MeadowMufn needs to do, is sign this Deed that transfers ownership of all county properties n' operations to me. *can't resist throwing in an evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Meadowmufn Posted March 4, 2011 Posted March 4, 2011 Oh, I got somethin' little in mind, for bail. Somethin' I'm sure we can all live with....*pulling out a folded document from inner jacket pocket* All MeadowMufn needs to do, is sign this Deed that transfers ownership of all county properties n' operations to me. *can't resist throwing in an evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!You do realize that even behind bars, this place is still under my control, don't you? One little sign from me and HazzardNet could make Brian Coltrane disappear... *indulges in own evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHA! *holds hand up, ready to snap fingers*Now, what was it you said again? You might want to think carefully before you respond...
Brian Coltrane Posted March 5, 2011 Author Posted March 5, 2011 You do realize that even behind bars, this place is still under my control, don't you? One little sign from me and HazzardNet could make Brian Coltrane disappear... *indulges in own evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHA! *holds hand up, ready to snap fingers*Now, what was it you said again? You might want to think carefully before you respond.....hahaha....uh....yeah. Well ya see, that's why I need you to sign this deed and transfer that power over to me. To prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings that could otherwise im-pede the performance of my duties around heah. *waves the deed* B'sides, it ain't like I'd evah abuse the power. *not counting years of altered posts, mysterious chatroom incidents, and accidently zapping Alex so badly once that it took two weeks and a system reinstall to bring him back*
RogerDuke Posted March 5, 2011 Posted March 5, 2011 *Eyes the crowd once more and back at Roger* Hey Rog, great idea! Let's start a riot! That may bring out some answers. ..*shakes head no with an uncertain look on face* "I ain't so sure that's a good idea. Someone could get hurt. We really don't know fer sure what's going on in there....and why" *face perks up* "Hey Garrett, since you're the sneakiest person I know this side of Hatchapee County, why don't you sneak in there and check things out. I mean, if this crowd sees were not doing anything they might overreact and stampede the jail. We gotta do something. These folks is gitting restless."
pendragon1980 Posted March 5, 2011 Posted March 5, 2011 (aright, I've been holding back and watching this, but its getting too good not to jump in)*the young blonde doctor steps out onto her front porch of the clinic with her cup of coffee, having a break between patients and paperworks. Notes with a raised eyebrow the crowd gathering in front of the courthouse, decided not to join the crowd but leans against the porch post and sips her coffee, knowing if the Coltranes are up to something, its going to be something worth watching*
Garrett Duke Posted March 6, 2011 Posted March 6, 2011 *shakes head no with an uncertain look on face* "I ain't so sure that's a good idea. Someone could get hurt. We really don't know fer sure what's going on in there....and why" *face perks up* "Hey Garrett, since you're the sneakiest person I know this side of Hatchapee County, why don't you sneak in there and check things out. I mean, if this crowd sees were not doing anything they might overreact and stampede the jail. We gotta do something. These folks is gitting restless."*Disappointed look momentarily at his idea being shot down so quickly before a thin cold smile crosses face and silently nods* Well if I can't start a riot, I'll be more than glad to be the one to sneak in there and have a look.*Eyes Roger before looking at the crowd while forming an plan. Nodding at Roger, he slowly walks away from him as he inhales from his cigarette before throwing it down and stepping it out with the heel of his boot. Hands in pocket, Garrett makes his way to the road and slowly makes his way around the court house to the back. Taking the long way around as to not gather any unwanted attention.*
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